Despite being a workplace comedy about young people this anime suffers from a writer that is either showing their age or relying on tired tropes and ideas. From rants against calling out harassment, the only female lead being obsessed with marriage, appalling LGBT misrepresentation, suggesting "some people won't understand unless you hit them", among many other tired tropes that feel like something your CEO would write and not your friends.
It's funny at times and I give it credit for otherwise good writing, if this was released in 1990 it'd probably be a big hit. 30 years later and it comes off as strongly out of
Dec 26, 2019
Beautiful story and beautiful animation.
Right from the start, the opening is an incredible stop-motion animation with a fantastic opening song. The characters are shown in-depth and you really get a feel for the struggles each of the main characters has. The story is, in a way, simple but presented with so much nuance. Bits of comedy, drama, and romance are all suitably represented to express the story to the fullest. I'm sure some people will be put off by the anthropomorphic characters or the 3D animation but this show is so much better than I ever expected. Definitely well worth watching, don't pass it up. |