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Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan 2
Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan 2
Mar 9, 2008 3:49 PM
Completed 4/2 · Scored 8
Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan
Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan
Mar 9, 2008 1:14 PM
Completed 8/4 · Scored 9
Ookami to Koushinryou
Ookami to Koushinryou
Mar 5, 2008 3:59 PM
Watching 3/13 · Scored 8
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KawaiiObsessive Mar 12, 2008 3:52 PM
Ahh, I'm unfamiliar with Star Wars, so I'm not sure what that is. I'm going to make a penguin type thing, or more simply a blob with tiny arms and legs with huge eyes. Cute and friendly little creatures ^^ or maybe like Blue from Fosters hmmm, no Edwardo!

I think I had 3000, or maybe it was 2000 =/ the new simcity game looks good. More dynamic.

Ahh, you're obsessed with meeting.
KawaiiObsessive Mar 12, 2008 3:33 PM
ahh, well our scanners packed away so, I can't upload anything. I've discovered I'm pretty good at drawing eyes though o.0 my friend is getting drawings from me for his birthday. Since i'm skint and will have to buy proper presents later. So I need to get a move on them >_<

Celebratory starbucks? =/ there's no need for that, since I don't really like starbucks.. and moving for me isn't really 'celebratory' although I am looking forward to when my stuff can be unpacked. I don't even have a clock in my room.

Ahh Spore, a distant dream. I'm not really sure if I'm bothered about the multi-player aspect. I'm mostly looking forward to the creativity side of it. And it's a maxis game ^^ and i've played almost every game they've made. Will Wright is god to me *shiny eyes*
KawaiiObsessive Mar 12, 2008 2:58 PM
Haha, I get up around noon most days. Feel tired today though, so might end up being an early night. Midnight maybe. Although I usually start to wake up around that time -_-

Not been up to much really, I moved back into my old room since we're not moving this weekend like we thought. I've started drawing again too. But mostly just watching more anime. I'm actually starting to enjoy Bleach now, since it's not revolving just around Ichigo, but like the past twenty episodes have all ended with 'to be continued' so I've had to watch the next and the next and the next that's when I was uptil four =_=
KawaiiObsessive Mar 12, 2008 6:16 AM
Ahh, didn't see your comment there. I'm trying to think... I think I was uptil bout four that night or something. Insomnia T_T

Although waking up at noon is yayyys.
KawaiiObsessive Mar 8, 2008 5:39 AM
Not really, I only got up about an hour ago. Didn't even realize it was Saturday.
KawaiiObsessive Mar 7, 2008 7:09 PM
Dokura-chan? Nope, it's on my plan to watch list though. Ahh there's a second series too
KawaiiObsessive Mar 7, 2008 12:40 PM
i read manga on i only have a few books at home, they're too expensive T____T
KawaiiObsessive Mar 6, 2008 11:41 AM
Nopes, I saw 8 and 9 last week. I've been okay, tired, stressed same as usual.
KawaiiObsessive Mar 5, 2008 2:16 PM
Hmm, it's okay, I like Horo ^^ and her obsession for grooming her tail. There isn't an episode 7 though =/ it's meant to be an ova or just a dvd release or something. Confoosing.

It might be because we've added different stuff too, that the other hasn't watched? =/
KawaiiObsessive Mar 5, 2008 9:49 AM
Yeah, I deleted it the other day.
Umm, I went to sleep last night and didn't really try the flannel thing, today it's not as bad, I'm just trying to keep moving it though so it doesn't go stiff.
KawaiiObsessive Mar 4, 2008 3:22 PM
I used to have a futon about...six years ago, but it was one of them foldy-type ones? And I could never bother to unfold it so for about a year I slept sitting up o.0 Mattress though, I think it's because i'm constantly slouched, my neck's been killing today. I can't even move it forward T_T plus i think the medication i'm on is effecting my joints, i ache everytime i stand up/walk/move at all, knees and hips especially... ahh i sound so old.

Ah yes. Pokemon. Well, since theres over 500 episodes I guessed I might as well get through some. Since I can't find anymore subbed Gintama, and everything else I'm watching hasn't aired the next episode. And I don't want to spend my days watching Bleach >.< so Pokemon was the only real choice ^^ I'd fogotten how much I liked Team Rocket.
KawaiiObsessive Mar 4, 2008 3:09 PM
nahh, we haven't moved yet, it might be another two weeks now =[ i've just not been feeling well/talkative these past few days. everything's up in the air and things keep happening. and we might not have the net for up to two weeks when we eventually do move, if we actually do ¬_¬ but yeah. sleeping on just a mattress is killing me.
KawaiiObsessive Feb 28, 2008 3:35 AM
I use veoh for anime >_< I liked stage6 though because if you found a good channel you could watch a whole series, i was only using it for gintama and bleach though.

Mmm, not seen any of Hellsing.

And in response to what I was up to last night... probably on WoW Ithink ^^
KawaiiObsessive Feb 27, 2008 7:57 AM
Haha, nope. I'm an insanely deep sleeper. I've slept through earthquakes before >_<

I got a text about dinner-time and my friend was all "the walls were shaking" and he lives on the street next to mine... so I guess it was pretty bad here. No doubt I'll hear all about it when the parentals get home ¬_¬
KawaiiObsessive Feb 26, 2008 7:11 AM
Ahh. Msn. I just hate it. I think it's because there's alot of retards out there who somehow get their hands on my email and add me and after just saying about five words to me they start spamming me with webcam requests =[ so most of the time when I've been on msn I get into arguments with random guys etc etc, they invoke the feminist in me and I never back down from an argument... so it gets pretty bad. And believe it or not I'm not really a conversation type person. I like emails and messages like this because I can reply whenever sort of thing [and I can put more down - sort of like, if any of my friends would, I'd rather write letters]. But on msn it's like, if you don't reply within ten seconds people get irked and blah blah blah.

You know how your status goes 'away' if you're inactive for five mins? Well, once I'd gone to quickly wash my hair, so it would only take a few mins, and when i got back [I hadn't been gone long enough for it to set me as 'away'] there was this chat window up and there was like ten msgs from this random guy and he'd sent me about three webcam requests, sent me loads of those nudge things, and at the bottom he's put 'talk u bitch' so yeah... I can't be doing. I'm not that phone friendly either. I only really text one person often, like everyday sort of thing. So I want to get rid of my phone because I only use it for that and I'd rather have the pennies, but he won't let me >_<

Ahhh, I found out Stage6 is shutting down this week. I was so sad T_T
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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