Aug 31, 2024
Gimai Seikatsu
When you first see the title you think here comes another trashy romance filled with your typical tropey elements that have already been shown in Domestic Girlfriend. However, to my surprise, the show is actually a slow-burn romance which becomes very apparent in the first few episodes. It's a very realistic slice-of-life anime that mimics a potential situation that could happen in real life and for this exact reason, some viewers might absolutely hate it. There are no supernatural elements, no panty shots or unlucky situations resulting in ecchi scenes and no overdone tropes like tsunderes or hypersexualized characters. They might think it's boring. That
Jul 23, 2024
I first heard about Vagabond from the Trash Taste Episode about masterpieces of manga that should be read. Garnt in particular had high praise for this and so I was excited and ready to read about it. As a seinen manga, the art doesn't restrict on topics it explores. This was crafted after the 1600s when the way of Bushido was very much alive and so was banditry, rape, debauchery, etc. It is a beautiful depiction of Takehiko Inoue's depiction of the great samurai and philosopher Musashi Miyamoto's life as he finds his purpose in life. If it were just the art and atmosphere of
Jul 7, 2024
As weird as the first season was I was able to dismiss it the same way I was able to dismiss all the horrible despicable plot points that happened to Guts very early in Berserk. However, this movie pushed it a little too far in my opinion. There was so much unnecessary uncomfortable nudity and references to penises that DID LITERALLY NOTHING to advance the plot point. Halfway through the movie at around the 55 min mark, Prushka asks Riko what a penis is and she draws it and explains it and Prushka exclaims "Oh a Papa Pole"... keep in mind this did nothing to