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Jul 14, 2024
This manga is actually a cook book for a specific type of rice cooker produced in Japan. Each chapter contained a different unique recipe that could be cooked in a rice cooker. Even though that aspect of the manga had no bearing on my life due to allergies and such, I thought it was clever and it showed me what the author and editor(s) thought could be interesting recipes for young people starting to cook for themselves. The characters in the series were cute and the story kind of flat, but the fact they were accoutrements to the recipes worked well for the type of ...
Jun 29, 2024
This was an interesting anime. Not just because of the mythology influencing the story or the ayashi living alongside humans, but also what the anime chose to say about things like connection, grief, and anger. The characters were endearing and while some aspects of the story seemed abrupt, the ending fit what the story was trying to do and say, so I liked that about it a lot. I also liked how calm the vibe was for the most part with this series. It was very relaxing at times even when it was dramatic. The biggest downside to the anime was that I got some ...
Jun 29, 2024
Heart Gear (Manga) add
Heart Gear ended today. I started reading it five years ago and stuck with it through its hiatuses. I'm glad that I did that, but I did demote my rating from an 8 to a 7. The story, the world, and the characters are compelling. I looked forward to every chapter and for a long time the story never let me down. However, like a lot of Jump titles, the ending didn't measure up to the overall work, and that's the reason for me removing a star from my rating. It's not a bad ending but it just did not feel as tonally sound to ...
Jun 25, 2024
I have a lot to stay about this one because it falls into the category of it would have been an 8 - 10/10 from me had we not run into unfortunate circumstances, which is why I'm recommending it even though I have qualms with it. First off, the characters and the basic story are right up my alley. Tinasha and Oscar are easy to root for and the situation they find themselves in was an interesting collection of interactions and some twists. The ended was also tonally sound to the story, but it didn't have the impact it could have had if not for ...
Jun 24, 2024
Mixed Feelings
When I read fanfic, I always steer clear of the omegaverse ones mostly because it's just not my speed. So I waffled on if I would watch this series or not, but I didn't see anything off-putting in the promotional material or description, so I gave it a chance. It was cute and I could see how it used omegaverse as a metaphor for real world prejudice, which was part of why I ultimately continued to watch it and would watch more seasons if we get any.

If you like omegaverse stories, I don't know if you'd like this one or not. What I can ...
Jun 24, 2024
I really enjoyed this anime and looked forward to its next installment every week. The main cast seemed believable and grounded in reality, which added to the fantasy of every town they passed through on their journey. There was a lot of risk with a story like this that it could become convoluted, but the narrative never over-complicated itself unnecessarily, which was part of what made it such a strong story. My only real complaints would be that I wish there were more episodes but I'm glad that it was very strong and self contained nonetheless.

If you enjoy things like Alice in Wonderland, isekai ...
Jun 20, 2024
I really enjoyed this season. It's been a couple of decades since I read the manga so it was great to revisit everything because I'd forgotten the details of how things ended lol But that didn't matter because the story is a classic for good reason and really held up decades later even though at times it was clearly a product of the 70's and 80's. Everyone's still kind of an a-hole but at the same time endearing none the less. The ending was true the characters and a little bonkers like Takashashi likes to make her comedy endings. It was a great revival project ...
Jun 20, 2024
The nice thing about Yuru Camp is it really does live up to its name. You're going to always have a nice, pleasant time of things and even when there is drama it's nothing too heavy or super serious, and season 3 of course lived up to that promise. It was nice to check in with the girls again and finish off the school year. It was fun to see the depictions of the bridges and other landmarks and cultural items. It's also fun to watch the girls grow and change from where they were in season 1. I had a good time watching it. ...
Jun 13, 2024
Dungeon Meshi (Anime) add
Delicious in Dungeon lives up to the hype. The characters are all engaging and strange. Their situation is compelling. The narrative is always coming up with creative ways to cook classic dungeon mythical creatures. But what makes this anime as good as it is is the fact that it digs deeper than that. Each character is in the dungeon and persists due to solid, personal reasons. They come together as a team and thrive as a team as well. I don't have any complaints with the anime at all, but the reason that I rated it an 8 instead of a 10 is because while ...
Jun 6, 2024
I cannot recommend this story enough. The characters were relatable and funny. The premise was a bit goofy but the goofiness really lent well to the story. The conclusion was on point and tonally sound too. The story is only six chapters but each chapter has excellent pacing and doesn't wander away from the point. The only reason this wasn't a 10/10 for me is because when I give something a 10/10 I've made a personal connection to it, and I just didn't with this story. That said, I wouldn't consider it a detractor because I still enjoyed it immensely. Maybe we'll get lucky and ...

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