All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 70.9
Mean Score:
- Total Entries56
- Reread35
- Chapters4,896
- Volumes601
With a backlog of 99+ shows and growing (just too lazy to add them to plan to watch)
10: All time personal favorite. Strongly appeals to my personal tastes and sticks with me. 9: Nearly Perfect. Very enjoyable. Sticks with me. 8: A Great show with flaws that hold it back from a 9. 7: A solid good show. Enjoyable. May have issues 6: Decent, fine, average. I don't have any strong feelings for but kept me engaged to finish it. May even be seen as a good show but personally offends or disappoints me in some way. 5: Mediocre. No strong feelings one way or another. Slightly dislike it, forgettable, and or boring. 4. Bad. There are flaws and they are apparent. Frustrating. 3. Borderline waste of time. Almost few or no positive things to say about it. 2. Garbage. No redeeming qualities other than being super bad. 1. Personally offends me. Just b/c a show is riddled with flaws doesn't mean it can't still score a 7,8,9, or even a 10 if a show aligns with my personal interests. visit for more accurate scores |
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