- Last OnlineMar 4, 2:10 PM
- LocationThe Hyperbolic Time Chamber
- JoinedFeb 8, 2020
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*MASSIVE DRAGON BALL FAN - Trying to review everything I watch/read - Friendly*
I've been an anime watcher since childhood, growing up with 1997's Pokemon and Dinosaur King. It wasn't until the early 2010's where I began watching anime seriously, starting with Attack on titan, which had me hooked on the medium of anime *instantly*. A little later I found manga, ironically my first manga was an incest harem manga called Minamoto-kun monogatari. Somehow I wasn't turned off from manga after reading that, but actually came to love manga. Originally, I started off as a dub watcher. I didn't know at the time that Japanese was available until I found the sub versions and began watching those. After a few years of watching anime in my spare time, I came across Dragon Ball Super. It was currently airing at the time in early 2017, around episode 90 or so. I don't know why, I had never seen anything Dragon Ball related outside a few YouTube clips here and there, but I decided to start watching Dragon Ball Super's sub version from episode 1, not knowing anything about the franchise outside of something about the super saiyan being iconic or something in the anime industry. This turned out to be one of the single best decisions I've ever made. At the time, I didn't know enough about animation to realise that the episodes were bad, but Dragon Ball Super and it's community urged me to learn more about animation and the behind-the-scenes of anime. Regardless of the poor quality due to Toei rushing the studio to an insane degree, I still absolutely LOVED Dragon Ball, and promptly caught up to the show's latest episode, which was around the time the Preliminary Universal tournament arc starts. From then on, I began watching weekly, staying up past my usual bedtime *just* to watch the episode when it got released every night, constantly refreshing the page to see if the episode was available yet. That's when I understood that Dragon Ball was special to me, and that I was a part of a fandom for the first time in my life. I began watching Dragon Ball content creators like Geekdom101, AnimeAjay and TotallyNotMark, as well as AMV creators like LezbeEpic (RIP) who I began using their videos to work out to. I began firing Kamehameha's and spirit bombs on my co-workers randomly, especially with the one who also liked Dragon Ball. Dragon Ball became an irrefutable part of my life. Ironically enough, I had only ever seen Dragon Ball Super at this point, widely considered to be the worst Dragon Ball anime. But with the order I watched the franchise in, I couldn't GET disappointed with Dragon Ball super, because I had neither nostalgia or admittedly knowledge about the older Dragon Ball series. Although this wasn't a hindrance, as Dragon Ball can be enjoyed at any point due to it's simple story and characters. Though of course you should start from the beginning for maximum enjoyment. Nonetheless, I watched the Super anime weekly as it aired, glued to my screen with utter awe, especially when it came to Ultra Instinct's debut. This transformation from Goku LITERALLY SHOOK not only the anime industry, but the real world itself. With most anime sites crashing because of the insane amount of people flocking to see Goku's new transformation. This transformation was so powerful it literally broke the internet. Fangirling aside, I was blessed to be with the community as we watched each hyped filled episode every week, and witnessing the end of Dragon Ball Super in mid 2018. In early 2019, I watched the Super Broly movie for the first time, where I felt so vindicated with after many online trolls lambasted the anime for being rushed and poor quality, only to be countered with one of the greatest animated anime movies of all time. It's a movie I have seen multiple times over the years, In both sub and dub. Despite being a huge Dragon Ball fan, I didn't actually watch the rest of the franchise until years later though this was due to waiting for the fan-made Bruce faulconer Kai project that put the Old and superior american soundtrack into the remastered Kai episodes, making it the definitive way to watch the series. However delays and copyright strikes against the project made me give up on it, and In late 2020, I watched DBZ Kai dubbed for the first time. And I absolutely fell in LOVE with Dragon Ball. Figurines, posters, mugs, games, you name it, I have it. It became my "thing". After watching Dragon Ball Z kai in dub, where I absolutely fell in love with the INCREDIBLE voice actors, I rewatched the Battle of gods and Resurrection F movies in dub, and then watched 100 Episodes of the Dragon Ball Super anime in dubbed form. Further cementing my love for Dragon Ball. At this point, I'm watching Dragon Ball AMVs and clips every week, never shutting up about Dragon Ball. Time passes and for some reason, despite my love for it, I just didn't watch the rest of the Franchise I hadn't seen yet until late 2022. Though before that I was watching and reading other amazing things like Berserk, as well as the 13 Dragon Ball Z movies and keeping up with the DBS manga which had manga exclusive arcs with one of which being one of my favourites, the moro arc. But I did eventually get around to watching the original Dragon Ball anime, as well as Dragon Ball GT and absolutely every single OVA, special and filler episode in the entire franchise. Then later on watched the Super Hero movie which I loved. All in all, I am a Dragon Ball fan through and through. I still listen to the soundtrack, AMVs, watch clips and fan content like TotallyNotMark's analysis videos on the franchise or AnimeAjay's episodic animation reviews and analysis. Though I am not just limited to Dragon Ball. I've seen over 300 anime and anime movies and specials as of writing this (Sep 14th, 2023), as well as over 12,500 chapters of manga. >EDIT (June 30th 2024): 350 Anime content and 16.5K chapters.< I read a lot more manga than I watch anime. This is because manga is really easy to pick up and read which only takes a few minutes per chapter, whether as an anime episode always takes at least 20 minutes. I'd say I prefer manga overall. Which is funny, because my average score for manga is lower than my anime average score. However I have read a lot of bad manga and I haven't watched a lot of bad anime. I watch and read all sorts. When they are done right, I love romance and action. I do enjoy a great mystery and thriller. Sometimes Romance can be too dragged out and sometimes action can be boring though. But in general, I enjoy all genres. Some more than others. I'm trying to watch and read all the famous and influential media products ever made, regardless of their ratings and sentiment. I figured before I die, I should have seen, done, and had everything possible I could realistically. I don't know what lies after death, so I want to get everything done while I definitely can. I'm at a time in my life where I can only tackle the "Watch/Read list" portion of my bucket list, so that's why I'm watching and reading so much. I've even given up gaming. Because I want to reserve my gaming experiences for when I get a proper, expensive gaming PC setup (Low resolutions hurt my eyes, and most games suck with a controller. A PC allows emulating and mods too).That way I can enjoy them to the fullest, and by the time that happens, I'll be done with my watch/read list so I can just move on to my "To play" list! I've been video game free for 3 years and counting. Which is wild, considering I pretty much grew up with a controller in my hand, and my first words might as well have been gamer rage. I miss gaming, but I know saving it for when I can play them in the best way possible Is the right way to go. I've seen iconic classics and modern gems, and I enjoy every genre which I believe I convey in my favourites selection below. I primarily watch sub, But there are plenty of anime I've seen dubbed most of which have been on par of better than their sub counterparts. I don't care how old or new something is, if it's in black and white or colour, if it was made by a criminal or saint (I can separate art from artist), if it's controversial or not, if it has nudity galore or innocent as can be, as long as I can watch it in 1080p at least, when possible, (low quality hurts my eyes), I will watch it without issue, Provided it's entertaining or intriguing. I am an huge anime and manga fan, and I wish more people would join the growing anime and manga community, as it houses some of the greatest fiction of all time. But I am not limited to just those! I am a big fan of movies, TV shows, Gaming, Music, Books, Writing, Working out and Podcasts. I am learning Japanese, hoping to be able to watch anime and read manga in complete Japanese with no subtitles. It also looks good for employers. I am open to all friend requests, if you want to talk, don't be shy! I appreciate them all. I am currently working on my "watch/read list" of ALL media, so Books, TV shows, Movies, Anime, manga, comics, etc. You can see all I've watched so far on my IMBD and MAL accounts, I have reviews on my Disqus too. I much prefer binging things, it allows me to appreciate a product more and I will retain far more knowledge about it, plus it just flows better when watching back-to-back content uninterrupted by other stories and such. However depending on the content I binge, this could lead to me being "trapped" consuming one thing for a very long time, for example, I spent just over 2 months reading the "Sonic the Hedgehog" comic by Archie comics. It has over 500 issues of continuity content. For an manga comparison, that's like your typical monthly manga, like Dragon Ball Super, but with 500 chapters! One Piece with its just under 1100 chapters took me 45 days to binge (63 days with the anime-only content and movies and other spin-off manga), and Hajime no Ippo with its 1440 chapters (way less pages and dialogue per chapter than One Piece) took me 33 days. there's a danger of burnout by doing this, so If I watch a long TV show, like 8 seasons of Game of thrones that takes me two weeks, I will then watch a long anime or read a long manga to sort of Balance out the time spent between each piece of media. This prevents burnout of one piece of media, so when the cycle starts again and I return to it, It'll still be fresh rather than being bored of TV shows after binging 20 of them in a row, you know? I also try to watch things in chronological order/the best order. Because of this, I've developed a system of watching. It typically goes like this: 1. Watch an entire Anime/Anime franchise (If anime ends before adapting manga fully, read the remaining manga chapters that the anime didn't adapt. If there are spin-off manga without an anime, read them too. Does not count as reading manga for my cycle, so still watch Movies/TV show after .) 2. Watch Movies/TV show (I typically watch a full day of movies, but if I consumed a longer piece of content beforehand, and I don't wish to watch a TV show, then I'll watch a week or two of movies instead. I typically avoid watching the same genre twice in a row to keep things fresh, so If I watch a war movie, the second movie will be a romance, the third will be a sports movie, etc. This same mantra is used for other pieces of media too, like anime or manga.). 3. Read an entire manga/manga franchise/Comic (If there are multiple manga in a franchise, such as the "Baki" franchise, I will read them all back to back. If there is anime-only content, I will watch that too. Does not count as watching anime in my cycle. So still watch Movies/TV show after, as usual. For comics, because a lot don't maintain a single continuity, I will only watch one or two animated peripheral media to that comic, live-action adaptations is reserved for the Movies/TV show section.) 4. Watch Movies/TV show (Equally long TV/Movies for an equally long Manga/Anime, and vice versa) 5. ^ Repeat Cycle ^ This allows me to have constant stream of fresh content, where I'm not burned out on any single piece of media. I only read Books in the Summer, where the day is brightest since I don't like reading my books in a digital format. I do enjoy books, but since I think they are my least favourite form of entertainment, from a former bookworm, I only read them once a year, for a few weeks max or until however long it takes me to read the books I want to read, or how many books are in a franchise. For example, the "Hunger Games" Books have a 4 book franchise (5 books next year), so I'd read the 4 books that year. It took me 4 days to read each 4 books. The first hunger games book is my favourite book of all time, even if I prefer other worlds, like Harry Potter, which I think is a perfect book world, besides the author. I really love Harry Potter. It's in my top 5 favourite media of all time. I used to write fanfiction (yeah, I was one of those people, which isn't a bad thing, fanfiction literally saved my life and has some really great stories, I just don't do it anymore.) Writing is really fun and I have a Book I'm "writing", which at the pace I'm going at, will take at least 20 years to write. But I very rarely update it, a Mafia thriller called "Tux-Edo", so go check it out and give me some feedback! Link is on my profile. Since I've written pretty much everything already, I might as well write that I adore music. I am one of those people who listens to, no joke, EVERY genre. Some more than others though. My favourite genres are Electronic music (like Dubstep/EDM) and Instrumental music (like Two Steps from Hell, Zack Hemsey, etc.) with Game soundtracks (Dark Souls, Persona, NFS MW) and Rock (Skillet, Avenged seven fold, etc.) coming up behind them. My anime/manga list is NOT fake, I really *have* watched/read all those things, I don't care about internet points, I use MAL to track how much I've read and how much of my life I've TRULY spent on the things I'm passionate about. My reviews are also a way to fully close my experience on something and move on to something else, they also exist to hopefully help people. I know everyone has different opinions, I am absolutely not the be all and end all of anything in the world. Heck, I love things most people hate, and I hate things most people love. But I am steadfast in my opinions, though sometimes they change over time, I will not change it because some else tells me to. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion! Don't be afraid to say it or have one! I want people to be the way they want to be, what they feel most comfortable being or doing, and I want people to respect others and be kind to them. I am accepting and encouraging of all those who are "different", like Trans people or LGBT+. I myself am queer, but I want biological Kids. I have such a desire to help people and it kills me seeing the despair and suffering the world goes through every day, but I just CAN'T do anything about it. I feel so powerless. That's why I try to be as good of a person as possible, I don't want to help contribute to the badness of the world. If you are reading this, please try to do the same. Especially if you have the power to actually make a big difference. Here's a virtual hug! I don't use social media, besides Reddit (I don't comment, it's for random videos and a place for me to channel my creative outlets, I make concepts for games, Like Killers for Dead By Daylight, or Operators for Rainbow Six Siege), Disqus, and MAL (I rarely comment, but I do some reviews). I've been wanting to make AMVs for years, but I don't have a system that can run the editing software I want. But if I ever do get it, I'll post my YouTube links here! All my links are in my "also available at"!!! Despite being an huge anime/manga fan, I do not only consume weeb stuff. I enjoy all media, and try to balance everything equally as I have stated before. So while my stats may seem weak, keep in mind that I am someone who doesn't consume weeb stuff EXCLUSIVELY. I am also not a weeb as per it's original definition. While I love anime/manga and the industries that make it, I don't really have a love for Japanese culture or want to stay there for example as much as weebs do. Though I adore how clean, kind, and smart the country is. Seriously, every country should have people take their shoes off at the door to people's homes. I am fascinated by history though, but more as a whole. I say this while surrounded by anime merchandise on my walls, bed, clothes and shelves... But I'm not dedicated to anime/manga. I prefer to consume all the world has to offer, through all mediums. Plus I think most of the anime that has released in the past 10 years is garbage. So I'm glad I've been working on my backlog of classics. In general, I try to wait until a show, book series, or franchise is finished before I consume it. I prefer binging it all straight as to have the complete story, have that be a part of my life for a little while, then move on to the next thing. I don't always use this rule of thumb, I certainly will be watching Dragon Ball Daima as it comes out. And of course I have many manga series I read weekly/monthly as it releases. Plus If I consume something that's still ongoing, such as the all the Marvel MCU movies, I'll still have to watch as the release. Something I'm currently doing with Game of thrones and IT'S cinematic universe for example. Thank you sincerely for reading my little corner of the internet, It was just a place for me to gush about my passion for the many things I hold dear to me. I just want to make the world a better place. For more information about me, please check the comments on my profile. I appreciate ALL games gifted to my steam or Reddit account, I'm struggling so any help is appreciated!!! Thanks!!! 100 Days of manga: July 10th 2024 100 Days of Anime: -All my opinions are my own, I am NOT a contrarian and I am absolutely honest when reviewing- キリダ リュウジ |
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 106.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries513
- Reread0
- Chapters17,784
- Volumes1,283
All Favorites Favorites
Anime (10)
Initial D First Stage
Death Note
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
High School DxD
Shingeki no Kyojin
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3: Stardust Crusaders
Dragon Ball Kai
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
Manga (10)
Character (10)
Takasu, Ryuuji
Takamura, Mamoru
Hajime no Ippo
Kongo, Agon
Eyeshield 21
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic X
Kaiba, Seto
Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Duel Monsters
Son, Gokuu
Dragon Ball
Shiota, Nagisa
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: Jump Festa 2013 Special
Yeager, Eren
Shingeki no Kyojin
Yagami, Light
Death Note
Lamperouge, Lelouch
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch