How I rate my anime. Note that some make get higher scores than their intended bracket just because I personally liked the show.
10 - A show that resonates with me. Generally the quality has to be high, but the most important rule is just that the 10 comes from the heart.
9 - An insanely good show. Shows that are of the highest quality such that regardless of personal feelings I'd rate them highly. Generally gives me a lot to think about.
8 - A great show. Very enjoyable and most likely had some good ideas with very respectable implementation. A lot of random shows I liked personally that weren't good enough to be 9's end up here.
7 - Good show. Definitely liked some things about it, but maybe has some shortcomings that don't make it an 8 for me. Of average or above average quality and I'd maybe recommend to someone depending on their tastes.
6 - I kinda liked it. I thought it had some good ideas, but the quality was definitely a bit questionable. Probably would not recommend to someone unless I knew they would be really into it. But I liked it.
5 - Middle ground. Ambivalent about liking or disliking the show. Usually has some redeeming qualities for me and some very bad ones. Probably would not think to recommend to someone, but if they asked me about it I might not give an unfavorable response. The last score at which the show becomes watchable as something that is not a meme.
4 - Bad. This is generally where the show becomes more of a meme than a watchable form of media. But maybe the show has some redeemable quality that doesn't make it lower, such as it's animation. And it hasn't done anything egregious enough to merit a lower score. If the show was very boring but did not offend me, I would probably put it here. Would not recommend to anyone.
3 - Very bad. An advanced meme. This around the point where a show is bad enough to be really funny in all honesty. Does many things wrong, but in a way that is the show's most redeeming quality. Would not recommend to anyone.
2 - Darkness. This show has made an incredible amount of egregious decisions to the point where it surpasses being funny and starts looping back into inflicting pain. Generally, I did not fully pay attention while watching these shows, but anytime I look back on events in the show, I suddenly realize what a horrible mistake I've made. Would not recommend to anyone.
1 - Advanced darkness. A true abyss where all existence is reduced to void and nothing remains but my rage. This is a very difficult score to get, because it requires that a) the show be filled with enough offensive things to make me upset and b) that I actually tried to sit down and pay attention to the show as I was watching it. Generally, this has only happened in my earlier days of watching, when I thought it a duty to watch anything I started to the end. Ultimately, it was most likely a show like this that made me realize the errors of my ways. If you're not gonna like a show or are not gonna at least appreciate the irony of having it on in your room as you do other things, just fucking drop it. Would not recommend to anyone.
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