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Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai
Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai
Jun 15, 2013 4:46 PM
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Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai
Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai
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Kokoro Connect
May 25, 2013 9:55 PM
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Froppy Oct 17, 2013 6:31 PM
This is super late
Sorry Mikey :(
How are things?

Haha I know right but I guess there just slow readers I've always read fast.

Funny isn't it? I'm sure everyone starts off that way I don't even remember what got me into watching subs but I think the first series I started watching it in was Tokyo Mew Mew. I wouldn't mind learning japanese but I don't care about actually going however I wouldn't mind learning korean and visiting Korea I also watch a lot of Kdramas.

Don't sell yourself short Mike, If you would like to make games start small the internet has everything so learn about it and look up free gaming software and there's plenty of sites like the one I showed you teaching you about computers and webpages and stuff.

I kinda feel like I'm hoping to much as well it's a very scary thought and the field is so competitive I wouldn't know the first thing of how to improve and make myself standout, My family tells me I'm wasting my talent by not doing anything and could be making lots of money but at the same time I'm thinking they don't know anything about art. I know what good art is and what is expected so from my point of view I don't see myself as being remotely good enough. However I want to learn and become good enough and see the potential they see b/c the way I am now I just don't see it

It's best to try I guess since the time it takes is just going to pass by anyways you might as well invest that time into something useful so dream big right?

That's pretty messed up, does she hate you? D:
I'd be mad too! I'd say your much more deserving of a job as well as it helping you to continue your education...just how much are ged classes anyways? o.O

Your stuck sharing a room too huh? It sucks right! I miss the other house we lived in a year ago back then I didn't have to share so I'm stuck with them 24/7 so no privacy I feel like I've become a bit more of a angry person because of it since I'm stressed and upset a lot now. Only way to tune them out is with headphones and loud music :/

Like I said I haven't been back in over a year so I don't really consider myself being in college. Lol I'm pretty sure a lot of ppl assume that about me I've always assumed you of being younger then me. I finally did get them and started on it but I've finished the whole financial aid thing and been putting it off for a few weeks >.<;

In the time of waiting I would say I've gotten to comfortable I have to break free from that and push myself to do it.

Now to end this on a random note what to you think of My little Pony? xD I was watching videos ppl made and came across Smile HD which is just 80

Prepare for blood and lots of it. Many ppl find this video offensive whole I'm mostly amazed about how awesome the animation is and that it pretty much looks like the show as well as the few DBZ reference in it.
Froppy Sep 16, 2013 7:16 AM
Oh I know it's weird seeing there counterparts....hmm from what I remember I got annoyed when things just kept popping up wanting to fight so if I was able to I ran away I did but I really think it's b/c I didn't spend much time leveling Yuna so when it came time for her to be the main one to fight she sucked which made beating the boss she faced impossible.

My older brother thinks it's weird that I like anime while both my brothers thinks it's weird that I watch it in Japaneses along with foreign and rock music. What is with people and things not in their language? Even my brothers friends make comments about it but the most would be 'How I'm I even watching it if I'm reading subtitles?' or 'why are you watching that ching chang crap?'

I see, well if you like video games why not look into game design and help create video games or since you like the internet get into web design and learn how to create web pages. Heck you could teach yourself web design right now if you wanted to. I don't have a interest in web design as a career but I would still like to learn about it which is why I signed up on I haven't done much on it since I joined recently but it's pretty informative and easy but I haven't been on in a few days and I forgot a few of the codes and the ones I do remember I forgot what they did xD

No not very busy, I do however hope to get busy I want to get back in school but to do that I have to fix my financial aid. I haven't been back in over a year. I did like two semesters but for each I failed at least one class so my already low gpa dropped. I went to the college a week ago to find out what I need to do but I need my mom income tax papers for this thing with fasfa but she has yet to look for them -__-
Froppy Aug 16, 2013 12:25 AM
I'm not familiar with FF I did borrow a game from a friend but didn't finished since I quit I couldn't beat one of the boss. I was told from someone that from the beginning I should of been leveling up (insert characters name I no longer remember) from the beginning and that my friend should of told me that.

My PSP too my brother broke it somehow years ago and kinda denied it even though I let him borrow it. If you get the new Xbox one you'll be able to play Kingdom Hearts 3 since there coming out with a version for the new Xbox and PS also there making versions of KH1 and 2 for the PS3 so if you were to ever get a PS3 you could play the second one on it :)

I haven't looked for one since honestly, well I had put in more then one application and that was the only one I got called back for. Same here it comes off natural for my brothers their very different from me we don't even share any of the same interest so to them the things I like are weird . Do you having siblings?

I do hope you get it eventually, is there a career your interested in?

Lol thanks for the welcome xD I'll still get on just not every single day like I use to.
Froppy Aug 6, 2013 8:46 PM
Hi I read your tumblr msg but no the computer is still not fixed. My mom says she'd go get it fixed but it's not a top priority for her, I'm using her laptop to write this. I'll try to be on her more though I'll just use my ipod for the internet which is what I have been using for the past few months but I really don't like being on it for the internet. :/

Lol not many, I know the ones you pointed out has a lot of fillers in them that are pretty pointless.

Yes I am! I have a few games from the series and there's been rumors for Kingdom Hearts 3 for years so I'm glad it's finally been announced. Well I've finished the first two and I have Kingdom Hearts 386/days but I never got to complete it since I was using my brothers friends ninteno ds and he sold it before I was done :'(

YES! My mom always bought my brothers like sports games growing up and I remember always asked her to buy me games for likes rugrats and tarzan but she never did but when I first saw the commercial for KH I thought there's noway I'm not getting this O_O

I'm almost sure I saw somewhere there making versions of the first two games for ps3 I actually want that since I no longer have a ps2 and my ps3 doesn't play ps2 games

Ugh I need a job >.<
I actually had a job interview like two weeks ago I could tell I bombed it. I got pretty nervous and they interviewed us in groups ;A; I thought it would be individual but nope. I was pretty nervous T^T
Froppy Jun 24, 2013 10:35 PM
Eh...if you say so

Sorry I'm not quick to reply ^^;

I need to get started on my manga reading rather then keep adding on to it lol. I think it'll be pretty weird to see a movie before reading a book, I know ppl hate Twilight(after all sparkly vampires is the dumbest thing ever) but I sorta like it & have read the first 3 books. I didn't want to watch the last movie since I hadn't read(still haven't) the book but my friend convinced me to. She said I somehow got her obsessed with it by giving her the books to read and after reading she agreed the books were way better then the movie. I think the movies are boring now I guess you can say there one of those movies you see for the first time and enjoy but you know you have no interest in seeing it again.

Yes I can your love for her is very clear lol I'm surprise that name wasn't taken actually. That's exactly it, as for Asuna I kinda assumed that it would happen from the beginning. I'm pretty sure I haven't hit the romance part yet unless you count that girl the main guy helped to revive her pet thing. From what I remember Asuna and the main guy was investigating about this mysterious player who was somehow able to kill other players while in town.

That's to bad I wish they would of maybe then it could of become a pretty long interesting series. Many good things end to soon if ya ask me and as long as it's not so long like the Naruto series and didn't have to many fillers I think many ppl would of still enjoyed it.

Btw you like Kingdom Hearts right? What games have you played from it?
Froppy Jun 15, 2013 1:11 AM
Meaning to ask but why to you always spell "but" as "butt"? ^^;

Lol same here altho I may not log in I still sometimes view my page so when that happen I sorta just write down what I wanna say on it's also good for when I do begin to reply but somewhere in the middle I don't felt like responding to the rest of it so I save it for later until I do.

Right! you don't get that same feeling you did when you was first writing it. When you have to redo it usually doesn't seem to turn out as good as when you first wrote it out.

Well I actually find it a bit of a relief sometimes since there's no longer that strain. I only find it sad when I make the effort and for a while they reply but then they stop completely and they completely ignoring you whether here or tumblr.

Well ya can get a better more informed summary on wiki :3 but yes it's pretty good. Ugh now someone give me the book sequels before it gets turned into a move! As much as I sorta like books being turned into a movie but it's like when the movie comes out the books get more expensive. Disney owns the rights for the movie adaption although it's not confirmed on whether or not there really will be a movie according to wiki the movie is in talks and that Disney owns the right to all four of the books in the deal.

Lol you really like Sword Art Online huh? You know like those anime confession things on tumblr lazy to repeat here's the link:

I read that and thought aw that does sound better rather then giving him a harem, many complaints I've seen are about it turning into a love dovey shoujo or many female characters who are suppose to be strong are weak without Kirito's help. Although I can't say I have much of a opinion on this turn of events due to the fact that I haven't gotten past ep 6, I haven't dropped the series or anything it's just something I haven't been in a rush to continue and have it on hold. I've been thinking I might just switch to the manga instead since a friend ones told me I'd be better off and that I'll get a much better explanation as to what's going on.
Froppy Jun 3, 2013 11:31 AM
Do you ever read something someone writes you and think "Hey I'll reply to that later" but at the same time your already automatically thinking of a response to it but you just don't want to write it out in that moment so you put it off for lately and by the time you do decide to answer it your completely blank on what to say and unable to recall what it is you wanted to tell that person in the first place? >.<

After awhile I tend to not bother much and I just start responding like they do just to see how they would respond. iIt's simple me being "Hey see this is what you do to me! now lets see how you try to keep the conversation going" b/c it's pretty frustrating :(

It's not weird I mean even I've had a few words that kinda just stands out and sounds pretty cool to me I can't think of any atm but yeah...

Well it's about this girl who finds out she's been reincarnated quite a few times in the past before and with each past life she ends up falling in love with her boyfriend all over again who happens to be a angel. Now for some reason all these fallen angels are after her and are trying to kill her ( forgot the reason why). The girl learn if she dies she won't come back due to her parents being non region or something I think it might have been she wasn't baptized either way it throw the cycle off. Before she even knew all this she was drawn to the guy who tried to keep his distance and makes it clear he wants nothing to do with her (due to all the times she died in the past was a result of being with him) but the main girl just won't let it go and turns all stalker like to find out what it is his keeping a secret about.

They work so get to reading ( =①ω①=)
Froppy May 23, 2013 10:48 PM
Yeah it did feel pretty wrong not to mention I hate confrontations and I don't like to create unnecessary problems for myself so I hate being in difficult situations it also really bothers me when ppl are upset with me especially when it's due to a misunderstanding. Although the boy planned to pay her back that puts unnecessary stress on my part leaving me in a situation where I would have to lie on how I lost the money and someone being mad at me not to mention the girl telling me I'm the one who has to pay her back due to my carelessness while he gets off free. Who knows when he would of payed her back.

Lol yeah and soon enough it starts to feel one sided b/c it seems like your putting in all the effort and getting nothing in return. After all conversations are pretty much give and take(although many ppl don't seem to get that) if I can't gain nothing from what a person is telling me then how I'm I suppose to respond to it there's just no way.

Even if it's something simple as just saying just saying I've been at home all day I try to say something and maybe elaborate on that by saying what I've been doing such as "I'm alright just been watching *insert some type of anime or tv series name* on the computer for a bit and getting ready to blah blah blah" just from something as simple as that their still able to get something from it. They can choose to comment on the show I mention and ask me about it along with what other types of things I like to watch as well as finding away to talk about what ever else I mentioned. I may also leave question although some ppl may just answer the question and not comment on anything I've said which is fine I guess but when they just answer without saying anything else it like I said before it's sometimes difficult to respond and I may just ask something random as an attempt to keep the conversation going.

The Last book I read was Fallen by Lauren Kate I want the sequels ;u;

Also I noticed you plan to read Switch girl the main girl is pretty hilarious you might also like the manga Obaka-chan Koigatariki & the anime Skip Beat which are also pretty funny.
Froppy May 20, 2013 12:20 AM
Lol competition? Well then if there is your already far ahead of the other competition. I'm not going to start to ignore you or anything like that. ;)

I'm not I don't really like to lie about pointless things anyways. One time I was with my brothers friend at this place & he owed my brother girlfriend money & he was suppose to give it me to give to her but he didn't have it & wanted me to lie and say he did(something about buying himself time) but that I lost it & that he'd give me $20 later for doing so. $20 is nice and all but it didn't feel right to me maybe something to do with integrity or whatever lol. The guy next to me that I had begun talking with even agreed he wouldn't take the deal either.

They are quite boring lol and many ppl don't seem to put much effort into them, short answers like I'm fine. alright or nothing much doesn't really say much but are the main common answers & I do to sometimes do them as well but really I would rather a more lengthy response. It's not easy to go off what a person is saying if they don't say much & short answers hardly say anything at all.

Wow do you even remember the last book you read?
Froppy May 17, 2013 2:58 PM
So you like books? I wish I could read the novel for a few anime along with a few non anime related ones. I swear if I was rich I'd have my very own library in my house along with probably getting addicted to info commercials I'd buy w/e the hell I say on tv *sigh* so many interesting things on tv GIMMIE GIMMIE! xD

Oh my just when I thought that was it more ppl contact me it's almost a bit overwhelming I wasn't expecting such a huge response O_O I'm not really sure what to say to all of them especially when their all asking "what's up" how are you?" "how's it going" I don't like repeating myself & I"m not going to just make something up. Lol those are the awkward questions but necessary when meeting new ppl.
Froppy May 16, 2013 9:26 PM
Your about me is fine in fact I need to rewrite mine but I just don't feel like it to be honest lol.

I'm talkative but I'm also not (if that makes any sense) real time I might not have much to say b/c I think it might sound stupid or I may say to much & then I'm left thinking why did I say that while other times it's crap why didn't I say that. I usually think of a response to late & other times I'm just confused. With msg I tend to say a lot b/c it gives me more time to think about what I want to tell the person so that I can then easily get my point across and not be misinterpret.

It'll grow eventually you just gotta get started, I don't mind but what type exactly do you prefer to watch?

As for manga sites there's Mangafox,Mangahere or Mangareader.

You should definitely make a post in introduction I decided to make a post there since most of my old friends aren't really on & now I have a few new people to talk with.
Froppy May 16, 2013 2:02 PM
Hmm well to start you can begin adding to your list with anime you known you've completed, write a little about yourself on your page, or go to introductions and introduce yourself and maybe even join a few clubs .
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