Top 10 Anime- Click "Spoiler Button" for a small spoiler free review. It details what the show did well and why it's on my list without giving away spoilers:
Mawaru Penguindrum
The following contains my opinion, and reflects the way I watch anime, so keep that in mind. The most thought provoking, and in depth show I've ever seen. On the surface it's a show about struggling children trying to save their little sister from a death that keeps coming, but it's really about so much more. Ideas of love, compassion, life, fate, and family are all explored in depth. Probably not in the way that you think though. This is probably not a show you want to marathon in one sitting, but if that's how you roll go ahead. Every single moment in the show has a meaning, and it will probably take a rewatch or two to crack the show open. Trains, apples, curry, penguins, and every single item in the show will have some meaning and fit into the big picture. Most of the time, especially sitting in western english classes, real symbolism in novels has become more of a chore to find, but the unique and interesting way Penguindrum presents its content is where it shines. Even if you do not think you'll enjoy it, Penguindrum is worth the watch for the more analytic anime watcher, and can still be enjoyed casually.
Sound - 9/10 Amazing and fitting OST, as well as both openings. The show uses numerous endings which supplement the material represented in each episode.
Animation - 10/10 Apart from animation quality, the light-hearted yet serious way things are animated really tie together the whole anime, and is used as a plot device to separate thoughts, dreams, reality, and flashbacks. A lot of scenes are reused and recycled but still manages to retain its quality.
Story - 10/10 This is where it shines. The pacing is phenomenal, and plot points are introduced in a cyclical fashion, "mawaru".
Characters - 10/10 Amazing characters. Everyone has their motives, and develop with the story.
Overall - 10/10 Best anime I've seen so far. All of its key concepts are introduced so subtly, and get drilled into the back of your head throughout. A great watch, with high rewatch value.
What every romcom should be. It has everything from hilarious comedic moments, to sweet romance, to powerful drama. A suggested watch for any anime fan, especially fans of the romcom genre. The premise is rather ordinary. A hard working "housewife" like male protagonist who is shunned for his troublemaker looking face. He meets and befriends a slightly abusive tsundere to get closer to her female friend he is interested in. Each character is fully fleshed out and the show explores their motives as well as the harsh reality. It explores what can happen beyond high school, and breaks through the anime mould of stagnant high school life.
Dub or Sub?
I watched both, and they are both fine. If you are watching this for the first time, I would probably reccomend the sub, as it is slightly better, but if you prefer to watch dubs, then the dub is competely fine. If you plan on rewatching it, I'd suggest watching the opposite of what you watched the first time, for a new perspective. After watching the sub, watching the dub can be jarring, but after a couple episodes you'll get used to it, and it will be completely fine.
Sound - 9/10 Amazing OST, with great openings and endings. Lost my Pieces is simple and powerful, completely fitting of the show. The openings parallel the transition from a comedic and childlike first half to the mature and romantic second half.
Animation - 8/10 Animation is average, maybe slightly above average.
Story - 10/10 An incredibly interesting story, with various symbols and moving plot points.
Characters - 10/10 Where the show shines. There are five main characters, depicted in the opening sequence, and each one of them is explored fully. Rewatching the show can help decipher the characters, but all of their motives are completely explained and are expanded upon throughout the show.
Overall - 9.8/10 My favorite romcom, powerful and thought-provoking. Recommended to everyone.
The Monogatari series is a work of art by Shaft, thought-provoking, and deep. Though the subtle-ness is sometimes hidden behind a lot of fan-service. If you're thinking of watching this show, go watch the first minute of Bakemonogatari, you'll know if you're ready. There are times when I find myself too tired, or just not in the mood for Monogatari, so take care. It's a very dialogue heavy show, and entire episodes can even take place in the same scene, although with Shaft's animation, even the scenery becomes an active character. The show follows an interesting white knight character named Araragi, who is part vampire. He tries to protect the people around him from mystical aberations (ghosts/monsters) that are afflicting them. Every aberation represents the inner turmoil/qualities of each character, and through facing them, each character develops. Monogatari is what happens when you take fully-fleshed out, three-dimensional characters, and let them grow.
Watch Order
Order of release (recommended):
Shaft wants viewers to watch out of chronological order of the light novels, in an attempt to make events of the past cause revelations to the present, so it would be recommended to watch in this order.
Bake -> Nise -> Neko:Kuro -> Second Season -> Hana -> Tsuki -> Owari -> Kizu
Although after Kizu comes out this order may change, as it is one of the first arcs in the LN.
Chronological Order:
Kizu -> Neko:Kuro -> Bake -> Nise -> Second Season -> Tsuki -> Owari -> Hana
Sound - 10/10 The OST heavily complements the mood and theme of every arc, and is great. Every arc also has a different opening and ending, and are all great.
Animation - 10/10 Shaft strikes again. Shaft brings the scenery alive, and uses it to portray the interactions between characters.
Story - 9/10 The plot itself is not very complicated, hero boy saves girls from monsters and adds them to his haram. It can even be said that the plot is meaningless, but it works perfectly well with the characters.
Characters - 10/10 Where Monogatari truely shows its prowess. The characters are incredibly well-written, and dialogue is lively and forms the core of the show as a whole.
Overall - 9.5/10 The show is incredible, really well done. Based on the fourth season (Monogatari Second Season) the show would be closer to a 10/10, but the other seasons have their flaws.
Stein's;Gate is a favorite of MAL's, an anime many people love, and consider one of the best things to come out of Japan. It isn't. There are distinct flaws, but once you finish the show, it's a very emotional, gut-wrenching, and interesting experience. Stein's;Gate does time travel right, and is a very fun watch... after the first 12 episodes. I personally liked the first 12 episodes a lot, as they explored the various characters, in a way similar to the common route of a VN, but it definitely had serious pacing problems. This causes many people to drop the show. If you're reading this and decide to watch Stein's;Gate, stick with it through to the end, it's definitely worth it, even if it is just to understand all the references people make to it on internet culture.
Sound - 8/10 The sound is great, with openings and endings that perfectly capture the nature of the show. The OST also complemented the anime very well.
Animation - 7/10 The animation is fine, not fantastic, but definitely fine. It leans towards the darker side of the spectrum, which captures the show's tone well, but is lackluster at times.
Story - 9/10 The show is extremely plot-driven, and relies on the well-designed and interesting story to grow the characters.
Characters - 8/10 Though many people don't like the MC at first, you'll probably grow to like him. He's quirky and interesting. The characters are very lovable.
Overall - 8.8/10 It's a good and thought-provoking watch.
Madoka Magica
Golden Time
Nagi no Asukara
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
White Album 2
Things that used to be on Top 10. Same as above, reasons given for why it was good, and why it isn't in the top 10 anymore.
Angel Beats
Code Geass
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Don't really like that much action, prefer romance and comedy, up for any suggestions!
Also play League of Legends, currently ranked Diamond 4
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