Sep 9, 2020
This short 5 minute video is probably one of my favorite shorts ive seen. The sound design and music intertwine so well with the visuals giving you a sense of interest but also anxiety. Each time the character sips his coffee something changes. Anyone who has a few minutes to spare should watch this and admire how well done the art and sound is made.
story: 6/10
There isnt much of a story to follow. all the watcher knows is that someone takes 8 seconds tosip their coffee.Though it may not have a deep and interesting story its still so intriguing to watch because of the mundane
task being made so abstract and strange.
art: 10/10
The animation is beautiful. It threw me off at first how the character looked but the more i watched the more i realised how important the artstyle is in trying to invoke emotions from you.
sound: 10/10
The music in this animation is nothing short of amazing. The way it fits so well with the changes in the visuals is amazing. When music is well done you dont realise it until you focus on just the audio, and in this short i have no complaints with the sound design.
WARNING: This animation has quickly changing colors do not watch if prone to epileptic seizures. Some warning signs of possible seizures may include: Odd feelings, often indescribable. Unusual smells, tastes, or feelings. Unusual experiences – "out-of-body" sensations; feeling detached; body looks or feels different; situations or people look unexpectedly familiar or strange.
(ó﹏ò。) pls be careful
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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