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Aug 6, 2014
Another (Anime) add
Oh the horror!
Another is a brilliant anime thats basically final destination but more death and less lives being saved. Whether it being suicide, murder or ,rather comically, being smashed by lightning this anime shows no remorse for the shocking amount of deaths in its short amount of episodes.
Mei is i have to admit, bloody adorable and i don't know why. She's an oitcast, no one acknoledges her except for the new kid, and only when they realise that they're little plan doesn't work the whole class starts to talk to her. Yay for making friends at the worst possible moment ^.^
But the thing that i ...
Aug 6, 2014
Full house best anime ever!
It has the perfect mix of blood, blood and violent blood splatters.
You may have guessed that i like this :P
The art, for what it is, is detailed and quite grotesque in how much detail has been added. The characters: Basically some of them are just plain stupid, i mean who goes crazy and starts taking pictures of peoples remains splattered rather artistically across a wall. I woild hate to be friends with him on facebook.
The sound adds dramacially to the show, creating a tension that you just wouldn't get withoit it, it would be like reading the worlds worst pop up ...
Aug 6, 2014
Summer Wars (Anime) add
This film is brilliant for so many reasons.
The message it puts out is simple and what so many people fail to do : stick by your family. Even if your brother is mental he's your brother and there isn't anything you can do about it.(that doesn't happen though ;P)
It's detailed and simple at the same time, with the typical romance and also the typical bad guy wants to destroy everything and one of the main characters accidently help him a bit too much. But they take how modern life is now to create a more agreeable future... Ain't no flying cars there, only smartphones ...
Aug 6, 2014
Now here is an anime that made me sad... And i mean sad.
It's got cute animation with a clear contrast between characters. But what gets you is the fact that they use the feeling that people get when they lose someone they were close to, to create characters that are believable and that you can easily sympathise with.

And memna is one of, in my opinion, the best characters in this whole anime. She was adorable and the only one that had not changed.
Its a complete rollercoaster in other words, one minute your happy and the next your in a corner poking mushrooms with a ...
Aug 5, 2014
Lucky☆Star (Anime) add
A typical 'slice of life' animes that has a main character that I can relate to way too much. its a fun and cute anime but the only problem is the lack of storyline. I mean I know that it was designed with no particular story added to it but it would have been nice to have the episodes a bit less random in terms of content.
but other then that its a good anime for people looking for complete randomness, I mean I still haven't worked out the meaning of the food conversation on the first episode but it still made me smile at how ...
Aug 5, 2014
Kämpfer (Anime) add
Ok, i'll admit that I think that this anime relies way to much on 'plot' and things like that but it's a brilliant anime that would make you constantly want to watch more.
All the characters likeable straight away and the use of the Entrail animals is a brilliant touch to tie everything in one of those bows which are really complicated(for me) to make.
The plot twist is surprising, but at the same time kind of easy to work out
Its a fun and enjoyable anime that although has the typical harem style, makes you want to watch and rewatch soooo many times
Aug 5, 2014
This, I've got to say is one of the most gripping animes that I had watched. It's one of those that make you want to be one of those people that constantly comment for a second season! The art is amazing and the characters have a brilliant backstory.
The plot is so different then the typical anime's nowadays, running as far away from a highschool as you possibly could(aka: a whole different goddamn world). It has a great mix of comedy and action, taking advantage of the different characters personalities.
So basically it's an anime that I would thoroughly recommend to anyone who likes No game No ...

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