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Mar 29, 2015
Oppai Life (Anime) add
Oppai Life is something you want to watch when you're just wanting a good fap. It doesn't have much to it, and the sex scenes do what they're supposed to do, make you horny and unzip your pants.

In this hentai we've got the main character, Naoto, running into his childhood friends Chika and Aya, and guessed it, he has sex with both of them. First he reunites with Aya and fucks her, and decides to go out with her, then Chika comes to town for school and fucks Naoto. This sort of causes a conflict since Aya and Naoto were dating or some shit, ...
Mar 11, 2015
This is just another glorious sex scene in the Bible Black saga, this time a short one featuring our main Heroine Imari being raped by a creepy weirdo in the afterhours of the school building.

All you'll find in this short hentai scene is some banging and and sucking and jerking and moaning, nothing more and noting less really.

Well, all I can say is that if you don't like seeing your hentai babes getting raped, then pass this one up, but the animation is still beautiful like all the other Bible Black episodes. Imari looks sexy and the sexual intercourse is quite good (hot as hell ...
Nov 2, 2014
HOTD is the anime that introduced me to the ecchi genre and one of the shows that really sparked by anime obsession. The colorful animation, simple yet interesting story, the blood and guts, and the hot anime babes are something that make this show very enjoyable.

I would like to say that HOTD gets hated on by the dumbest reasons. Many people who've seen this show simply give it crap because of the fanservice. I find this to be pointless because it's a damn ecchi anime, what are you expecting? If your not into anime with tits and ass then look elsewhere because that's what an ...
Aug 3, 2014
Resort Boin (Anime) add
Resort Boin is an amazing hentai if your looking for beautiful girls and great sex scenes.

The story isn't complex or that amazing since it's a hentai (but who cares about that). Basically we have this guy named Daisuke who goes on vacation to some island resort. Just like any other hentai he ends up meeting all kinds of girls and making love with them. The girls include his cousin, a surfer, a rich girl, and more characters.

The girls and sex are obviously the best part of this OVA. All the girls all feel different in design (except for boobs, most of them have oppai) and ...
May 13, 2014
Thanks to MAL I was able to discover this Youtube channel called Takena. Takena makes all these short claymation videos that are usually quite gory, including Maid of the Dead (don't watch it if you have a weak stomach)

This claymation short had some good animation and good looking blood/gore too. There's not much to say about it other then the story. A guy goes to a maid cafe, a maid gets bitten by a zombie, and it all goes downhill from there. Just watch it and you'll see what I mean.
Jan 22, 2014
Last Fantasy (Manga) add
I was looking for yet another manga to read while the library at my school. Behold, I had the first volume of Last Fantasy. After flipping through the pages I was intrested and soon read all 5 volumes.

In this story we have the two heros Drei and Tian, who are wondering adventurers that try to look for treasure or any other kind of valubles to get themselves gold. On their adventures they encounter a pissed off female dragon (they killed her father without knowing who he was), the lost prince of Ameria (who is really a female), a skilled theif with the power of magic ...
Jan 13, 2014
Bleach (Anime) add
Preliminary (310/366 eps)
Bleach is one of the most well known anime series in the world. Ever since I discovered Bleach and began watching it back in the summer of 2011, I was introduced not only to the world of Bleach, but I found the huge world of anime as well. Despite being a big Bleach fan, I understand the show has lots of flaws and I can understand why people would dislike it, though I don't think it deserves all the hate it gets.

The story for Bleach is intresting enough but indeed overdone. Ichigo Kurosaki is a highschool boy that can talk to spirts (known as plus). ...
Jan 12, 2014
Mixed Feelings
Oh boy, what I can say about the beloved Code Geass anime? Well, I can pretty much tell you that I was hoping for something really good, but then I ended up very dissapointed mid-way through the season (this review is for R1 only)

This anime kicked ass when it first started. It had a seemingly good plot with a good character. One that was hell bent on having revenge, going so far as to kill off his own half siblings. Not to mention the cool power of geass. I really wanted to see Lelouch slowly bring Britinia down to its knees and watch him acheive ...
Jan 4, 2014
I saw this movie on Netflix and for some reason I decided to check it out. Little did I know that I was not going to witness some epic anime adventure film.

The story is quite bland and has no real feeling. All we are told is that this great nation was full of powerfull warriors, but then the kingdom fell and the warriors died off. Except for one of course, named Munsu.

The movie has some fantasy elements in it which were kinda intresting, such as desert goblins and giants, but the movie became boring quick. First we had this lord of a city being ...
Jan 4, 2014
This is by far the worst animated Street Fighter adaptation out there. Please save yourself time and do NOT watch this pile of crap.

The story tries following the events of Akuma murdering his master Gotetsu. Later on, we see Ryu come back to the same dojo where Akuma's older brother Gouken trained him (and where Gotetsu and Gouken were killed). The Ryu in this movie is awful and does not feel like the Ryu all of us SF fans know. He acts sort of goofy and light hearted, which is far from the actual way Ryu acts.

Also, we have random characters in here that ...

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