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Elfen Lied: Tooriame nite Arui wa, Shoujo wa Ikani Shite Sono Shinjou ni Itatta ka? - Regenschauer
Dec 29, 2010 3:23 PM
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well, I don't have a favorite song..
But I'll show you something if you want me to point a specfic genre.
I'm more of a hard rock person.
I do love metal.
Well, Drumline cadences are usually just loud. But I don't think it's more of a concert.
It's more street based in my opinion.
But I do like rock. :D
Well, I can also play Mallet stuff. ;3
I do play the guitar as well.
I guess you don't enjoy loud noise? ;w;
Well, at least you don't really lose your monitor either way..
So I hope you get it soon. ^^
Mhm, I do.
I hate marching, trust me.
But I love how I get to play all the cool cadences and all..
The drumline is just something people look forward to besides the whole band.
Did you make sure to connect everything properly?
How come?
I couldn't assist, but our band did well.
We got first place.
I play snare drum.
I just came home from a huge marching band competition.. >.<
How are you?
Just wanting to say that. o-o