Jā, diemžēl jo es labprāt paskatītos kā viņi vēl trennējas un kļūst tuvāki, bet laikam mangā ir pārāk daudz notikumu ka anime tik ātri ir jātin uz priekšu, vēl viens no iemesliem kāpēc vēlos lasīt mangu :D Labāk vēlu, nekā nekad :D
Vismaz pēd tā ending tajā vietā kur rāda nākamās epizodes klipus viņi jau bija ietērpti balles kostīmos o.o Un es arī vienu momentu gribēju sākt rakstīt latviski XD
I ship Mako with Tatara (>w<) But after ending credits I think that thoose scenes were from competition o.o Yeah that phone scene were soooo cute (>w<)/
Yes :3 And also I am looking forward to see next episode where will be competition (ノ≧∀≦)ノ I also I dont want Shizuku to replace Mako-chan Q.Q Did you also saw the last epizode? If yes what do you think about it? :3
And I on the other hand want to read manga just to know what will happen next :D Cuz I cant wait for the next ep. to come :D Buuuut.... for now I wont read irt :D
Kādam patiks, kādam nē, es visam dodu labas balles, ja lika mani izjust kaut kādu īpašu emociju.
Šijā gadijumā, anime ir ļoti psiholoģiska priekš galvenajiem varoņiem, tāpēc ir diezgan interesanta, diezgan daudz perv scēnas, bet tās ir kvalitativas.
Thanks for informing me that the invite did not send.
Here is a link to the club page - https://myanimelist.net/clubs.php?cid=63899
Well I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on the episode once you get around to it =).
Greetings Jurevich I recently gave you a invitation to a seasonal club.
I tend to like to start a conversation with everyone I invite instead of just giving you a random invite.
*If the invite doesn't go through just message me about it*
I see you only have yourself recorded as 2 episodes completed for Koi to Uso, episode 3 really changes the game.
All Comments (19) Comments
Šijā gadijumā, anime ir ļoti psiholoģiska priekš galvenajiem varoņiem, tāpēc ir diezgan interesanta, diezgan daudz perv scēnas, bet tās ir kvalitativas.
Here is a link to the club page - https://myanimelist.net/clubs.php?cid=63899
Well I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on the episode once you get around to it =).
I tend to like to start a conversation with everyone I invite instead of just giving you a random invite.
*If the invite doesn't go through just message me about it*
I see you only have yourself recorded as 2 episodes completed for Koi to Uso, episode 3 really changes the game.