An adaptation of the Hindu epic Ramayan. The story follows two brothers, Ram and Lakshaman, as they try and rescue Sita, the wife of Ram, after she is kidnapped by the king of Lanka Ravan. Along the way, many legendary figures come to aid Ram, such as the great Hanuman. The story is pretty accurate to the original story told by Hindu people.
The art is somewhat outdated but still very fluid and life like. The fight scenes are greatly choreographed and animated.
The characters are greatly adapted and complex. almost no main characters moral in this anime is truly black or white. The characters are
Aug 13, 2019
Gokudou-kun Manyuuki
An anti hero steals a magic rock from an old witch. Turns out that magic rock contains a genie, and Gokudou, the main character, has three wishes. But. The show isn't about wishes or genies. Its about adventure.
This anime became my instant favorite. It's really funny, and isn't afraid of taking itself not seriously and being just full on goofy, instead of trying to mix a bunch of genres to be original or whatever. The story is really fun. it feels like you're playing DND with your friends, really fun to follow and find out what happens next. It actually makes you wanna see the ... |