Code Geass, is an action and drama anime that has a little mecha thrown in. You probably won't need to download it. I gave Dave the first season and I'll probably give him the second when its finished.
The thing about Shana is that I initially thought it would be my kinda thing. However, after watching a few episodes, it just didn't live up to the hype and ever since then, I've been refusing to watch hyped shows.
Well until recently that is, Code Geass is just amazing. I'm currently in a phase of recommending it to everyone.
Haha, so I saw, only 54.1%, but ah well, compatibility is compatibility. If you watch more series that I've watched our compatibility might go up depending on what you give them.
Sweet, glad you like Tenchi, I reckon the second OVA is just as good as the first but the 3rd isnt quite as good- you can tell there was a massive gap between the OVA 2 and 3. Either way you should enjoy OVA 3 if you have done 1 and 2. We finally have an anime compatibility now too! Looks like 12 was the magic number for shared series.
Hey, Cowboy Bebop sold on Amazon before you replied, sorry man. If you still wanna check out the series the box sets aren't that much more expensive than the one I was selling, maybe £5/£6 more
Fumoffu only an 8? Not a big fan of comedies then? And Shana a 9? Does it really get that good? I am awaiting Dave and your judgements of The Second Raid.
Hey, about Cowboy Bebop: are you 100% sure you wanna buy the first box set off of me? Cause if you do I'll take it off amazon when you message back, if not then it'll stay on there. If you want it then as I said before it's still sealed and is £25.
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So the one anime I would recommend to you is one different to your normal tastes. And that is Strawberry Panic. You can also get that from Dave.
Well until recently that is, Code Geass is just amazing. I'm currently in a phase of recommending it to everyone.