I'm an optimist by nature. I usually like most anime that i see. Though if you wanna make me drop an anime real quick, then make it have uninteresting characters. I don't give a damn how well written your story is, if i don't care about the characters, then i'm not gonna give a damn about your story. The exception to that is bad Isekai anime. Bad Isekai anime so fun to rip apart.
10 - A masterpiece. There's probably some minor flaws because nothing is ever truly a masterpiece but it comes close enough.
9 - Comes close to being a 10 but it just didn't get that tiny bit of push it needed to reach there.
8 - A great watch. That's it.
7 - A good watch but it could be better.
6 - It's alright. It's also the entry way into the bad anime territory.
5 - This is the bad anime territory. 5/10 anime are bad but it could get a lot worse.
4 - The danger zone.
3 - At this point, the anime starts to do things that make me wanna blow my brains out. Depending on what it is though, i might enjoy it ironically.
2 - It's REALLY bad.
1 - Honestly, if you get a 1/10 from me, it's an actually an accomplishment and you deserve a medal, a trophy, a Nobel Prize and a star at Hollywood's Hall of Fame. Because i'm too optimistic some times. You have to try REALLY hard to get a 1/10 from me.
Sometimes an anime manages to be bad yet ironically enjoyable. I'll label them as such. The higher the score, the deeper the trash.
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