There are no regrets. If one can be proud of one's life, one should not wish for another chance.
If there is something she could not do, she should not go back to the past to accomplish it, but rather, she must start to establish the wishes that never came true from this moment on.
That is the answer.
Just like him, that is the only answer she can be proud of.
The storyteller may fall silent, the music may cease, but the story will not end.
How I Rate
The more flaws a show has, the lower its rating will be. Starting from 10, if "X" has a poor character development and rushed narrative, it'll get an "8", for 10 - 1 (from "poor character development") -1 (from "rushed narrative") = 8. If said flaw isn't that relevant for the show (like a thriller with bland animations), then it'll count for less (-0.5).
For a show to be a favorite of mine, it needn't score a 10. There's nothing perfect in this world and even when I rate an anime as a 10, it's just a sign of my human nature failing to recognise any flaws with it rather than said anime actually having no flaws. For that, I favorite my anime based on how meaningful they are to me. These are the important ones of my list and I don't think there's any reliable metric to actually "rate" anime.
Looking back, I think most anime I watched were very generic/normie, but it at least helped me shape my tastes. Nowadays, drama, romance and somentimes fantasy are my favourite genres, and it became quite unusual for me to watch conservative; popular titles, favouring more the ones who really and genuinely cater to my particular interest, for which I often reserve some (cozy) time during my vacations.
♠ Plot
➝ Premise
➝ Plot holes
➝ Plot armor
➝ Deus ex machina
➝ Cliffhanger
➝ Narrative
➝ Dialogues
➝ Predictability
➝ Setting
➝ Season/episode usefulneess (beach eps are always useless for example)
♥ Characters
➝ Character background
➝ Character introduction
➝ Character development
➝ Characterisation
➝ Usefulness/uselessness
♦ Genre
➝ Theme
➝ Poor romance/comedy/drama/parody etc.
➝ Repetitiveness
➝ Incompability (like a drama with comedy)
➝ Fanservice
• Production
➝ Animation
➝ Coloring
➝ Art style
➝ Fight coreography
➝ Facial expressions
➝ Sound effects, dub and soundtrack
➝ Lip sync
➝ Adaptation
➝ Fillers and recaps (immediate score downgrade for me)
◘ Other
➝ Enjoyment
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