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Chapters: 2019, Volumes: 322, Days: 18.89, Mean Score: 6.9, Score Dev.: -0.85 More stats
#Image Manga Title Chapters Volumes Type Genre Magazine Publish Start Publish End
1 "Kodomo wo Koroshite Kudasai" to Iu Oya-tachi Publishing
29 / -
6 / -
Manga Drama Comic@Bunch 21-02-17
2 &
11 / 45
2 / 8
Manga Romance Feel Young 08-04-10 08-02-14
3 10 Dance Publishing
5 / -
1 / -
Manga Boys Love, Drama Young Magazine the 3rd 09-12-11
4 3-gatsu no Lion Publishing
- / -
- / -
Manga Award Winning, Drama, Slice of Life Young Animal 13-07-07
5 7 Seeds
- / 178
- / 35
Manga Action, Adventure, Award Winning, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi, Suspense Flowers (Monthly) 13-10-01 27-05-17
6 Alice 19th
- / 40
- / 7
Manga Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural Sho-Comi 20-06-01 05-03-03
7 Angel Densetsu
- / 89
- / 15
Manga Action, Comedy, Romance Shounen Jump (Monthly) 07-05-92 05-02-00
8 Animeta! On Hiatus
5 / 28
1 / 5
Manga Slice of Life Morning Two 22-06-15 21-12-19
9 Annarasumanara
2 / 27
- / 3
Manhwa Drama, Mystery, Romance Naver Webtoon 02-07-10 31-12-10
10 Ao ni, Fureru.
5 / 43
1 / 7
Manga Drama, Romance Monthly Action 25-12-18 25-12-23
11 Ashi-Girl
14 / 120
2 / 16
Manga Comedy, Romance Cocohana 28-11-11 27-12-21
12 Asper Kanojo
31 / 100
4 / 12
Manga Drama Comic Days 06-03-18 26-01-21
13 Bakemono to Kedamono
10 / 25
1 / 4
Manga Boys Love, Fantasy 31-03-18 30-09-22
14 Ballroom e Youkoso Publishing
11 / -
3 / -
Manga Comedy, Drama, Romance, Sports Shounen Magazine (Monthly) 05-11-11
15 Barbarities
19 / 31
2 / 4
Manga Boys Love, Erotica Magazine Be x Boy 07-04-14 07-05-21
16 Basara
12 / 112
3 / 27
Manga Adventure, Award Winning, Drama, Fantasy, Romance Betsucomi 11-08-90 13-05-98
17 Berserk Publishing
- / -
- / -
Manga Action, Adventure, Award Winning, Drama, Fantasy, Horror Young Animal 25-08-89
18 Bidou Wakadanna, Koishitau wa Koushoku Otoko
3 / 7
- / 1
Manga Boys Love, Erotica Honey Milk 05-02-19 05-10-19
19 Blame!
- / 66
- / 10
Manga Action, Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi Afternoon 25-01-97 25-07-03
20 Bleach
- / 705
- / 74
Manga Action, Adventure, Award Winning, Supernatural Shounen Jump (Weekly) 07-08-01 22-08-16
21 Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu Publishing
57 / -
4 / -
Manga Comedy, Romance Manga Cross 08-03-18
22 Bouzu Kawai ya Kesa made Itoshi
4 / 31
1 / 4
Manga Boys Love Hanamaru 28-07-11 25-08-17
23 Butter!!!
5 / 34
1 / 6
Manga Romance Afternoon 25-12-09 25-02-13
24 Chi no Wadachi
15 / 153
2 / 17
Manga Drama, Suspense Big Comic Superior 24-02-17 08-09-23
25 Chirori
14 / 56
2 / 8
Manga Slice of Life Gessan 11-06-11 12-11-15
26 Chrno Crusade
6 / 59
1 / 8
Manga Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Sci-Fi, Supernatural Comic Dragon 09-12-98 08-05-04
27 D.N.Angel
67 / 108
15 / 20
Manga Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural Asuka 00-00-97 22-01-21
28 Denei Shoujo
72 / 131
8 / 15
Manga Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi, Supernatural, Ecchi Shounen Jump (Weekly) 21-11-89 00-09-92
29 Eikou no Napoleon
1 / -
1 / 14
Manga 00-00-86 00-00-95
30 Eroica yori Ai wo Komete On Hiatus
- / -
1 / 39
Manga Action, Boys Love, Comedy, Mystery Princess Gold 00-12-76 16-06-12
31 Faeries' Landing
4 / -
1 / 23
Manhwa Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural Young Champ 00-00-99
32 Feng Yu Jiu Tian On Hiatus
- / 13
- / 3
Manhua Adventure, Boys Love 00-00-10 00-00-16
33 Fragile: Byourii Kishi Keiichirou no Shoken Publishing
28 / -
7 / -
Manga Award Winning, Slice of Life Afternoon 25-06-14
34 Fumetsu no Anata e Publishing
4 / -
1 / -
Manga Adventure, Award Winning, Drama, Supernatural Shounen Magazine (Weekly) 09-11-16
35 Fushigi Yuugi
18 / 106
3 / 18
Manga Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Romance Sho-Comi 00-05-92 00-07-96
36 Gaku
25 / 159
3 / 18
Manga Award Winning, Drama Big Comic Original 20-09-03 05-06-12
37 Gantz
- / 383
- / 37
Manga Action, Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi, Supernatural Young Jump 13-07-00 20-06-13
38 Ghost Hunt: Akumu no Sumu Ie
- / 23
1 / 3
Manga Horror, Mystery, Supernatural ARIA 28-07-12 28-07-16
39 Girl Queen
9 / 35
2 / 8
Manhwa Fantasy, Romance Issue 00-00-02 00-00-06
40 God Child
- / 48
- / 8
Manga Boys Love, Horror, Mystery, Supernatural Hana to Yume 02-05-01 04-10-03
41 Golden Days
1 / 47
1 / 8
Manga Boys Love, Drama, Fantasy Hana to Yume 20-04-05 05-12-07
42 Gunslinger Girl
17 / 100
3 / 15
Manga Action, Award Winning, Drama, Sci-Fi Dengeki Daioh 21-05-02 27-09-12
43 Hakanaki Rakuen Publishing
6 / -
- / -
Manga Mystery, Supernatural Ganma! 26-02-18
44 Hakushaku Cain Series
- / 25
- / 5
Manga Horror, Mystery Hana to Yume 00-00-92 00-00-94
45 Hataraku Saibou
4 / 30
1 / 6
Manga Comedy Shounen Sirius 26-01-15 26-01-21
46 Hazureta Minna no Atama no Neji Publishing
93 / -
5 / -
Manga Comedy, Horror, Supernatural Ganma! 13-06-15
47 Hei no Naka no Biyoushitsu
1 / 5
- / 1
Manga Award Winning, Drama Big Comic 25-03-20 09-05-20
48 Hi ni Nagarete Hashi ni Iku Publishing
5 / -
1 / -
Manga Drama, Slice of Life YOU 14-01-17
49 Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu Publishing
31 / -
6 / -
Manga Horror, Mystery, Supernatural Young Ace UP 31-08-21
50 Hiru
- / 29
- / 5
Manga Drama, Romance Comic@Bunch 21-03-11 21-08-13
51 Honoo no Mirage
10 / -
1 / 40
Light Novel Action, Boys Love, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural 02-11-90 27-04-04
52 Horimiya
6 / 139
1 / 17
Manga Romance GFantasy 18-10-11 18-03-21
53 Hoshi Mamoru Inu
1 / 4
- / 1
Manga Slice of Life Manga Action 22-07-08 20-01-09
54 Hourou Musuko
- / 123
- / 15
Manga Drama, Romance Comic Beam 12-11-02 12-07-13
55 Houseki no Kuni
20 / 108
3 / 13
Manga Action, Drama, Fantasy Afternoon 25-10-12 25-04-24
56 Hua Hua You Long Publishing
6 / -
- / -
Manhua Boys Love, Erotica 00-00-11
57 Ichikei no Karasu
7 / 34
1 / 4
Manga Drama Morning 17-05-18 07-03-19
58 Ii ne! Hikaru Genji-kun
11 / 41
1 / 5
Manga Comedy, Romance, Supernatural Feel Young 07-11-15 08-04-21
59 Isekai no Sata wa Shachiku Shidai Publishing
14 / -
2 / -
Manga Boys Love, Fantasy 26-03-20
60 βl@ck★OUT
28 / 47
3 / 3
Manga Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi Manga Box 30-09-14 09-08-16
61 Joker Game
5 / 10
1 / 2
Manga Web Comic Gamma 00-08-13 26-06-14
62 Juuni Kokuki Publishing
19 / -
3 / -
Light Novel Fantasy 20-06-92
63 Kageki Shoujo!! Publishing
8 / -
2 / -
Manga Drama Melody 28-02-15
64 Kaiouki
3 / -
3 / 45
Manga Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi Shounen Magazine (Monthly) 00-00-98 00-00-10
65 Kakanai Mangaka
10 / 71
1 / 7
Manga Comedy, Slice of Life Young Animal 25-12-09 24-10-14
66 Kanata kara
16 / 57
4 / 14
Manga Adventure, Award Winning, Fantasy, Romance LaLa 24-09-91 24-01-03
67 Kango Joshu no Nana-chan Publishing
- / -
6 / -
Manga Slice of Life Big Comic Original Zoukan 11-04-09
68 Kanojo ga Suki na Mono wa Homo de Atte Boku dewa Nai
9 / 13
2 / 3
Manga Drama Comic Bridge 29-01-19 03-03-20
69 Kasai no Hito
29 / 136
3 / 15
Manga Drama, Slice of Life Big Comic Original 00-04-87 00-00-96
70 Kaze Hikaru
20 / 246
4 / 45
Manga Action, Award Winning, Romance Flowers (Monthly) 00-00-97 28-05-20
71 Kenkou de Bunkateki na Saiteigendo no Seikatsu Publishing
36 / -
4 / -
Manga Award Winning, Drama, Slice of Life Big Comic Spirits 31-03-14
72 Kieta Hatsukoi
32 / 39
8 / 9
Manga Award Winning, Boys Love, Comedy, Romance Bessatsu Margaret 13-06-19 13-06-22
73 Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World
9 / 53
2 / 8
Manga Adventure, Drama, Fantasy Shounen Magazine Edge 17-03-17 17-08-20
74 Kitai Fuku ga Aru
8 / 43
1 / 5
Manga Drama D Morning 30-08-18 11-07-19
75 Koukyuu Days
13 / 67
3 / 14
Manga Drama, Romance Princess 06-09-11 06-12-17
76 Kounodori
48 / 328
16 / 32
Manga Award Winning, Drama Morning 21-02-12 07-05-20
77 Kuronou Syndrome
48 / 77
- / 7
Manga Horror, Mystery, Supernatural LINE Manga 30-09-15 11-10-17
78 Kusuriya no Hitorigoto Publishing
32 / -
1 / -
Light Novel Drama, Mystery 29-08-14
79 Kusuriya no Hitorigoto Publishing
8 / -
2 / -
Manga Drama, Mystery Big Gangan 25-05-17
80 Limbo the King
18 / 37
3 / 6
Manga Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi Comic Days 07-06-16 09-08-19
- / 22
1 / 3
Manga Boys Love, Horror, Supernatural, Erotica Canna 28-08-17 30-06-22
82 Master Keaton
40 / 144
5 / 18
Manga Adventure, Drama, Mystery, Slice of Life Big Comic Original 00-11-88 00-08-94
83 Miageru to Kimi wa
8 / 33
1 / 4
Manga Romance Evening 08-05-18 08-10-19
84 Mo Dao Zu Shi
20 / 260
- / -
Manhua Action, Adventure, Boys Love, Mystery, Supernatural Kuaikan Manhua 08-12-17 26-10-22
85 Model
2 / 10
2 / 7
Manhwa Horror, Mystery, Romance, Supernatural 00-06-00 00-10-02
86 Momo to Manji Publishing
3 / -
1 / -
Manga Award Winning, Boys Love, Comedy, Drama, Erotica onBLUE 25-05-15
87 Nabari no Ou
- / 72
- / 14
Manga Action, Drama, Fantasy, Supernatural GFantasy 18-05-04 18-08-10
88 Navillera: Like a Butterfly
6 / 31
- / 5
Manhwa Drama Daum Webtoon 26-07-16 31-10-17
89 Neko ga Nishi Mukya
- / 18
- / 3
Manga Supernatural Afternoon 25-04-18 25-12-20
90 NHK ni Youkoso!
10 / 40
2 / 8
Manga Comedy, Drama, Romance Shounen Ace 26-12-03 26-04-07
91 Niehime to Kemono no Ou
5 / 89
1 / 15
Manga Fantasy, Romance Hana to Yume 05-08-15 20-10-20
92 Nomiya Keibuho wa Yurusanai Publishing
11 / -
2 / -
Manga Comedy, Drama, Slice of Life Web Comic Zenyon 08-10-18
93 Noragami
11 / 109
3 / 27
Manga Action, Fantasy Shounen Magazine (Monthly) 06-12-10 06-01-24
94 Nyx no Lantern
32 / 50
4 / 6
Manga Award Winning, Romance, Slice of Life, Supernatural Comic Ran 27-03-15 27-06-19
95 Online: The Comic Publishing
11 / -
1 / -
Manga Horror E★Everystar 23-08-13
96 Ookami to Koushinryou
6 / 108
1 / 16
Manga Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural Dengeki Maoh 27-09-07 27-12-17
97 Orpheus no Mado
20 / 126
3 / 18
Manga Drama, Romance Margaret 00-01-75 00-07-81
98 Orpheus no Mado Gaiden
3 / 6
- / 1
Manga Drama, Romance YOU 00-00-98 00-00-99
99 Otogimoyou Ayanishiki
4 / 21
1 / 5
Manga Fantasy, Romance Melody 00-00-05 00-00-09
100 Ou no Kemono: Enpei no Arcana Publishing
11 / -
3 / -
Manga Drama, Fantasy, Romance Cheese! 24-01-19
101 Oumi-sensei no Binetsu On Hiatus
2 / 8
1 / 1
Manga Boys Love, Slice of Life Big Comic Spirits 28-06-10 23-08-10
102 Ousama Game
3 / 25
1 / 5
Manga Drama, Horror, Mystery, Supernatural E★Everystar 00-00-10 00-00-12
103 Pandora Hearts
- / 107
- / 24
Manga Adventure, Fantasy, Mystery GFantasy 18-05-06 18-03-15
104 Persona 4
56 / 68
10 / 13
Manga Action, Drama, Supernatural Dengeki Maoh 19-09-08 27-03-19
105 Persona 4: The Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold
15 / 35
2 / 4
Manga Action, Mystery, Supernatural Dengeki Maoh 27-06-15 27-04-18
106 Play After Call Publishing
6 / -
1 / -
Manga Boys Love gateau 30-09-20
107 Poe no Ichizoku
3 / 15
1 / 5
Manga Award Winning, Boys Love, Supernatural Betsucomi 00-03-72 00-06-76
108 Raise wa Tanin ga Ii Publishing
17 / -
4 / -
Manga Romance Afternoon 25-08-17
109 Ranma ½
190 / 407
14 / 38
Manga Action, Comedy, Romance, Ecchi Shounen Sunday 05-08-87 21-02-96
110 Rasenjikake no Umi: Otokita Seitai Kigaku Kenkyuujo Publishing
9 / -
3 / -
Manga Drama Afternoon 24-03-14
111 Red Garden
6 / 30
1 / 4
Manga Drama, Mystery Comic Birz 24-02-07 00-03-09
112 Ryuusui no Tsubasa: Shiki Ryuukou Seika Iden
2 / 74
2 / 25
Manga Shounen Magazine (Monthly) 05-03-16 06-12-22
113 Saigo no Isha wa Sakura wo Miagete Kimi wo Omou
6 / 21
1 / 3
Manga Drama Comic Corona 21-05-18 20-01-20
114 Saka no Ue no Mahoutsukai Publishing
1 / -
1 / -
Manga Boys Love, Erotica HertZ 00-00-08
115 Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru
3 / -
1 / 17
Novel Mystery 23-02-13 24-03-21
116 Sayonara Miniskirt Publishing
1 / -
1 / -
Manga Drama, Mystery Ribon Magazine 03-08-18
117 Sennetsu
6 / 20
1 / 3
Manga Romance HiBaNa 07-11-15 15-08-18
118 Sensei, Atashi Dare ni mo Iimasen
4 / 12
1 / 3
Manga Drama, Romance Manga Cross 19-07-18 12-09-19
119 Sherlock Publishing
19 / -
3 / -
Manga Mystery Young Ace 04-10-12
120 Shinseiki Evangelion
6 / 97
1 / 14
Manga Action, Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Suspense Young Ace 26-12-94 04-06-13
121 Shiyakusho Publishing
35 / -
8 / -
Manga Slice of Life Comic@Bunch 21-09-13
122 Shoujo Pet
2 / 27
1 / 5
Manga Suspense, Ecchi Shounen Edgestar 02-08-13 25-12-15
123 Shoutoku Taishi
1 / -
1 / 4
124 Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
10 / 31
3 / 10
Manga Award Winning, Drama ITAN 25-03-10 07-06-16
125 Souten Kouro
10 / 409
1 / 36
Manga Action, Adventure, Award Winning, Supernatural Morning 27-10-94 10-11-05
126 Tajuu Jinkaku Tantei Psycho
- / 155
- / 24
Manga Mystery Young Ace 26-12-96 04-03-16
127 Tatsujinden: 9-manri wo Kaze ni Nori Publishing
30 / -
5 / -
Manga Action, Adventure Manga Action 08-01-13
128 Tempest
7 / 36
2 / 9
Manga Drama, Sci-Fi ITAN 25-03-10 07-02-17
129 Tenkuu no Gyokuza
11 / 56
2 / 11
Manga Mystery Bonita 06-02-13 06-11-18
130 Tensai Yanagisawa Kyouju no Seikatsu On Hiatus
31 / 238
3 / 34
Manga Award Winning, Slice of Life Morning 00-00-88 04-04-13
131 Tesso no Ori
4 / 20
1 / 5
Manga Horror, Mystery, Supernatural Shounen Magazine Edge 17-03-17 17-10-18
132 The Bride of the Water God
13 / 176
2 / 24
Manhwa Drama, Fantasy, Romance Wink 17-10-07 00-00-14
133 The Tarot Café
12 / 18
4 / 7
Manhwa Boys Love, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Supernatural 00-00-02
134 Theseus no Fune
43 / 89
5 / 10
Manga Drama, Mystery Morning 22-06-17 27-06-19
135 Totsukuni no Shoujo
15 / 53
3 / 11
Manga Fantasy Comic Garden 05-09-15 05-03-21
136 Toumei na Yurikago: Sanfujinkain Kangoshi Minarai Nikki
14 / 67
2 / 9
Manga Award Winning Hatsu Kiss 07-12-13 25-02-21
137 Trace: Kasouken Houi Kenkyuuin no Tsuisou
4 / 66
1 / 13
Manga Drama, Mystery Comic Zenon 25-01-16 25-02-23
138 Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet
12 / 85
2 / 14
Manga Drama, Romance Margaret 20-05-15 20-08-19
139 Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
- / 233
- / 28
Manga Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy Shounen Magazine (Weekly) 21-05-03 07-10-09
140 Unsung Cinderella: Byouin Yakuzaishi Aoi Midori Publishing
5 / -
1 / -
Manga Drama, Slice of Life Comic Zenon 25-05-18
141 Versailles no Bara
13 / 82
2 / 10
Manga Drama, Romance Margaret 06-05-72 08-12-73
142 Watashi no Shounen
33 / 43
7 / 9
Manga Drama Young Magazine (Weekly) 25-12-15 26-10-20
143 Wild Adapter On Hiatus
- / 52
- / 7
Manga Action, Boys Love, Comedy, Drama, Mystery Zero-Sum Online 00-00-01 04-03-16
144 Woman's Best Friend
- / 109
- / -
Manhwa Drama, Romance KakaoPage 13-09-14 08-01-17
145 Yotsuba to! Publishing
- / -
1 / -
Manga Award Winning, Comedy, Slice of Life Dengeki Daioh 21-03-03
146 Youkai Apartment no Yuuga na Nichijou Publishing
15 / -
3 / -
Manga Drama, Supernatural Shounen Sirius 26-05-11
147 Yuria-sensei no Akai Ito
6 / 66
1 / 11
Manga Award Winning, Slice of Life Be-Love 15-02-18 01-09-22
148 Zenryaku: Kumo no Ue yori
17 / 53
2 / 7
Manga Comedy Evening 27-06-17 28-01-20