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Viewing 7_3's Manga List
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Chapters: 1462, Volumes: 175, Days: 11.94, Mean Score: 6.7, Score Dev.: -0.79 More stats
#Image Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Type MAL Score
1 Aishiteru Game wo Owarasetai Publishing
51 / -
7 / -
Manga 8.02
2 Aku no Hana
Eh... the atmosphere is just completely gone, and the character designs don't really help with that. Seems actually quite comedic in atmosphere in contrast to the gritty, dark atmosphere the anime had.
6 / 58
1 / 11
Manga 8.20
3 Blame!
I'm loving this worldbuilding so far, as well as the striking art and minimal dialogue. Hard to not get a bit disoriented during reading, though.
12 / 66
3 / 10
Manga 8.29
4 Higurashi no Naku Koro ni: Tatarigoroshi-hen
The artstyle in this feels really inconsistent. Like, there's a few really good panels in there that are mixed with some really odd-looking ones.
I'm struggling to read even a chapter of this when I'm reading a whole twenty chapters of Minami-ke every day. That's about seven times as much. This is why I hate long chapters.
10 / 13
1 / 2
Manga 8.04
5 Minami-ke Publishing
I'm already having trouble comprehending each chaotic chapter, but now there's ANOTHER Minami family?? My brain is doing the whirly-whirlies tryna keep up...
OH MY GOD they made the art slightly better and it only took a mere TWO HUNDRED FREAKING CHAPTERS but at least I actually have a better understanding of what the hell goes on in each chapter :D
272 / -
15 / -
Manga 7.56
6 Monogatari Series: First Season
25 / 107
3 / 6
Light Novel 8.91
7 NullMeta Publishing
Pretty alright slice of life comedy stuff, but it's nothing more than just that.
37 / -
- / -
Manga -
8 Usuzumi no Hate Publishing
I don't get dragged into manga so easily, but upon stumbling across this one's entry, I immediately felt like I was gonna die if I didn't start it. The grim undertones and surprisingly heavy imagery in this manga is... a little startling at times, considering the rest of the beauty it holds, and is quite the unnerving wake-up reminder that everything isn't just the sheer beauty in peace and quiet, but it's unbothersome enough to feel right. Boasts a gorgeous artstyle that might kill me if I never see it again. I'm praying this mangaka does more manga and doesn't cut off my life support T_T
16 / -
3 / -
Manga 7.97
9 Another
Why is this actually crazier than the anime... it's freaking toned down to text format and it's STILL got that batshit spookiness to it.
Novel 7.84
10 Bokutachi ga Yarimashita
It's weird, it's wrong, it's fucked up, I feel like this should be illegal or something, yet everything is just... so real. A gritty human drama that takes you through a narrative with flawed but incredibly human characters, the harsh consequences they were never ready to face, and the changes they must endure as they seek to absolve themselves of their crime and guilt. They weren't lying when they said this was similar to Aku no Hana.
Manga 7.95
11 Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction
Holy shit, the earth is fucked! - VIZ Media, and their unpredictable translations
I love the characters; they're the best part of this manga for me. No real aim in being a productive member of society, rather they just want to be there. Though I have a bunch of aspirations right now—hell, I could start on them right now—I have zero intrinsic motivation to start whatsoever. Zero intrinsic motivation to do anything that requires any semblance of hard work. Yet I still want to be there. To exist.
Manga 8.20
12 Elfen Lied
The manga by all means surpasses the anime in every factor observed by the human mind. The discrimination is portrayed perfectly and actually makes sense, and not something my Elfen Lied-crazed 11-year-old-self would've cooked up in two minutes. And god are Kouta and Yuka less fucking retarded than before. This is everything Elfen Lied should be as a manga, and what it should've been as an anime.
Manga 7.79
13 Henshin
Oh, okay, it's "one of those unique h-manga you can actually read for the plot", but where the FUCK is the plot!? At it's very basic, fundamental core, it's seven entire chapters of this 15-year-old girl getting high on drugs and being raped by ugly bastards. Is that what people call "plot" nowadays?
Manga 7.09
14 Higurashi no Naku Koro ni: Onikakushi-hen
Suzuragi Karen-sensei epic mangaka
Manga 8.09
15 Higurashi no Naku Koro ni: Watanagashi-hen
Oh yeah btw I really like how they pulled together a massive collab of mangaka. Really cool idea, lol.
Manga 8.10
16 Jumyou wo Kaitotte Moratta. Ichinen ni Tsuki, Ichimanen de.
So usually Japan is super strange with stuff like Mai-chan no Nichijou and Jigokuhen, but sometimes we get to see a graceful light descend upon us. Nah, this manga's WAY more that just that.
Manga 8.77
17 Kimi wa Tsukiyo ni Hikarikagayaku
After reading messy Mai-chan, I favor something multifold lighter lol
Manga 7.87
18 Mai-chan no Nichijou
I was actually gonna rate this a 7... (yeah, I may be fucked up) then came the parts which included Kizuna...oh, and the final chapter, too. Eugh, no thanks. (By the way, if you were curious about the live-action movie, please don't waste an hour of your life watching it. It has some of the worst production quality I've seen. It's not even remotely disgusting, just laughable).
Manga 4.67
19 Niji to Kuro
Chapter 18 was an entire literature class lmfao
Manga 6.99
20 Pandora Hearts
As of 54 chapters in, Pandora Hearts has so many ideas it can toy around with to make something, but I feel like it's not doing or answering much and instead is just moving on, piling on more exposition and ideas to an already perplexing plot without development. Characters and their motives are largely unexplained as well. It's not very intriguing when I don't know why the hell anything is happening. I don't know—maybe I just need to read to the end for some epic final denouement.
Manga 8.56
21 Sabishisugite Lesbian Fuuzoku ni Ikimashita Report
I don't get how people just up and go "Hey, what's up, let's become friends and talk abt things immediately within 3 seconds of meeting eachother!!!" to you and you're just supposed to accept that. Maybe that's just me, though.
I realized how I've now contradicted myself by doing the same thing in an online space. Go, hypocrite me!
Manga 8.12
22 Sachi-iro no One Room
Would Sachi be classified as a yandere? If so, she's the best yandere to ever exist in any media in this world. Every other yandere is absolutely terribly written.
Manga 7.96
23 Saihate no Tomodachi
Manga 7.33
24 Sakurai-san wa Kizuite Hoshii
You know, I was expecting to smack a 6/10 on this. Apparently it's pretty similar to other teasing manga like Nagatoro (which I really need to read soon) and I've seen a ton of negativity for that manga. Holy crap, I was not expecting to read something like this. This manga does it right. Sure, it has some classic/common romcom tropes, but those tropes are used so well!! Each page has you like, "Oooh what's gonna happen?? What funky stuff is Sakurai-san gonna do now??". Absolutely beautiful manga.
Manga 7.35
25 Sayonara Eri
One hell of a ride to go through, and it's only a one-shot!
Manga 8.64
26 Shiki
Not as good as the anime or the novel, but it's still Shiki-enough to warrant a 10. I simply preferred the novel's story, and the subtle switch-ups the anime made gave it a credibility in realism. Fujisaki-sensei's art is just awesome, and I thought it looked good in the anime already...
Manga 7.91
27 Shiki
Didn't expect this to deviate so far from the anime or manga. Guess what? It was still so freaking good! (Salem's Lot can go die) ALSO PLEASE SOMEONE FIND THE WEBSITE I READ THE ENTIRE TRANSLATED THING ON WHERE DID IT GOYU3REUDSUHJUH3RIDKSM,, (fuck it i'm going to buy the Japanese copy and read what little I can understand)
Novel -
28 Shin Gendai Ryoukiden
I don't know why I expected or even wanted something like Mai-chan again... Whatever, at least Mai-chan was somewhat of a fun black comedy, unlike this. This was actually a bit sickening, and it's not because of the eroguro, it's because of the weird ways people die...if there's a difference in those, anyway. Also because Uziga Waita is basically spitting on Furuta Junko's grave. I don't mind eroguro, you could even call me a fan, but that bit crossed the line. I still don't understand why I gave this a 4/10 after reading.
Manga 4.81
29 Swing Out Sisters
you don't get to tell me what to read bitch
Manga 7.05
30 Tayu Tayu
First manga of 2024 bros (i make great decisions :D)
Wish this artist did non-H-manga, because I don't want to have to keep coming back to tits and The Lost Excalibur of Emnity hammering the Grand Canyon of a woman just to fawn over this dude's godly art. I literally don't even care about the hentai. Seriously... why the hell are H-manga artists the best artists in the industry??
Manga 7.46
31 Tiny Evil Publishing
The guy in the third chapter knew EXACTLY what he was doing when he brought the two girls home.
Doujinshi 7.40
32 Uzumaki
Classic 90s-esque horror fun, but it's not scary whatsoever and loses enjoyability very quickly. I hope Itou's other works are better than this...
Manga 8.16
33 Watashitachi no Shiawase na Jikan
The main part of the story (two people who slowly come to like eachother) is a bit too boring and basic, but wow, the backstories they each have really saved this.
Manga 8.50
34 Witchcraft
HAHAHA that one panel turning the dude into DICK WARRIOR (i would put an image but no)
Manga 7.37
35 Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
YKK carries such heavy emotions in each chapter, it's impossible not to be filled with a bittersweet feeling. I need this life, if only as an escapism, but I know it'll never come.
Manga 8.65
36 Chainsaw Man Publishing
2 / -
- / -
Manga 8.70
37 Oyasumi Punpun
3 / 147
1 / 13
Manga 8.99
38 Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry
I was steaming my way through this, shooting through like a bullet, like an atom inside the Large Hadron Collider, but then I missed a few days of reading. Then I missed more. Looks like I'm heading towards missing infinite now.
21 / 47
6 / 11
Manga 7.41
39 Tasogare Otome x Amnesia
2 / 54
1 / 10
Manga 8.20
40 Teekyuu
1 / 143
1 / 15
Manga 6.92
41 Akame ga Kill!
hehe comically large scissors
27 / 80
5 / 15
Manga 7.81
42 Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan
Manga form = bad
2 / 19
- / 3
Manga 6.71
43 Bukiyou na Senpai. Publishing
VERY bland.
4 / -
- / -
Manga 7.06
44 Jigokuhen: Aru Jigoku Eshi no Kokuhaku
1 / 7
- / 1
Manga 6.82
45 Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu.
And this is why OLM did more than justice to the manga.
16 / 500
- / 37
Manga 8.05
46 Parallel Paradise Publishing
Lynn Okamoto, where did we go wrong?????? Where did your actually really good creativity go??? HOW are you STILL getting ideas for this trash manga and HOW is it STILL publishing??? It's been FIVE FUCKING YEARS. HOW AND WHY ARE YOU STILL ON THIS WEIRD MANGA????
2 / -
- / -
Manga 6.19
47 Touhyou Game: Anata ni Kuroki Ippyou wo
Boring as fuck.
4 / 17
- / 3
Manga 6.45
48 Wild Strawberry Publishing
A premise like this just doesn't work well as a manga.
4 / -
- / -
Manga 6.81
49 Absolute Duo
Prequel: Absolute Loner

I apologize sincerely for the worst joke to ever be uttered unto humanity.
- / 24
- / 4
Manga 6.83
50 Ao no Hako Publishing
- / -
- / -
Manga 8.27
51 Aozora to Kumorizora Publishing
- / -
- / -
Manga 7.69
52 Ayako
- / 19
- / 2
Manga 7.68
53 Bocchi the Rock! Publishing
- / -
- / -
Manga 8.30
54 Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan
The manga died. Soz.
- / -
- / 10
Light Novel 6.86
55 Bullet x Fang Publishing
- / -
- / -
Manga -
56 Citrus
"the only reason ur wanting to read the manga instead of watching the anime is because of the eroti—!" no shut up
- / 50
- / 10
Manga 7.49
57 Clannad
- / 45
- / 8
Manga 7.88
58 D-Frag! Publishing
d frag grenade
- / -
- / -
Manga 7.97
59 Dark Gathering Publishing
- / -
- / -
Manga 7.92
60 Dokumushi
Honest want to see how far I can get 'til I start crying about how utterly garbage it is. Goal: Finish chapter 1 without complaining
- / -
- / 6
Manga 5.23
61 Dolly♥Kill Kill
wait why was i planning to read this again

oh well it's not like i want to anymore
- / 155
- / 11
Manga 6.98
62 Freesia
- / 84
- / 12
Manga 7.66
63 Gakusen Toshi Asterisk
- / 37
- / 5
Manga 7.01
64 Hakaijuu
- / 82
- / 21
Manga 6.64
65 Happiness
- / 50
- / 10
Manga 7.43
66 Hataraku Saibou
- / 30
- / 6
Manga 7.73
67 Jinrou Game
- / 18
- / 3
Manga 6.53
68 Kinou no Haru de, Kimi wo Matsu
- / 7
- / 1
Light Novel 8.17
69 Koukaku Kidoutai: The Ghost in the Shell
- / 11
- / 1
Manga 7.95
70 Land
- / 74
- / 11
Manga 7.06
71 Mahou Shoujo of the End
- / 64
- / 16
Manga 6.75
72 Naze Boku no Sekai wo Daremo Oboeteinai no ka? Publishing
Saw this on a YouTube video. Story sounds pretty cool.
- / -
- / -
Manga 7.05
73 Nazo no Kanojo X
Apparently this is about a boy who drinks his girlfriend's spit? And it's also one of my sister's favorite manga???? Help, I have a strange sister. Get me a replacement.
- / 96
- / 12
Manga 7.76
74 Nejimaki Kagyuu
- / 159
- / 16
Manga 7.13
75 NieA Under 7
- / 14
- / 2
Manga 6.81
76 Oroka na Tenshi wa Akuma to Odoru Publishing
- / -
- / -
Manga 7.50
77 Prison Lab
- / -
- / 10
Manga 6.30
78 Pupipo!
- / 29
- / 3
Manga 6.87
79 Rengoku no Toshi
- / 47
- / 5
Manga 6.50
80 Shimeji Simulation
- / 49
- / 5
Manga 8.47
81 Shinai naru Boku e Satsui wo Komete
- / 98
- / 11
Manga 8.18
82 Signal 100
Okay, just a random comment, but why did I want to read so many gory things when I created this list??? Like, gore is cool and all, but isn't this just too much????
- / 27
- / 4
Manga 6.45
83 Sister-sama no Oose no Mama ni Publishing
- / -
- / -
Manga 6.87
84 Sousou no Frieren Publishing
- / -
- / -
Manga 8.84
85 Totsukuni no Shoujo
- / 53
- / 11
Manga 8.32
86 Umibe no Onnanoko
- / 20
- / 2
Manga 7.19