Jun 12, 2022
Romance is hard to write. In fact, more often than not, romance is the worst aspect of a fiction. More often than not, romance will be so bad it will actively lower the quality of a piece. And this is the kind of manhwa undergoing this.
The writer isn't incompetent, be it in art or storytelling, if it wasn't for the romance, I'd have rated it an 8. The problem is that it has romance, and that the romance becomes the core of all of this.
So what is the problem with the romance ? Well, it is essentially blissfully unaware that it is writing an abusive
relationship. I have no problems reading romanticized toxic relationships, it can be very entertaining. On the condition that there is self-awareness by the creators that there is toxicity at play. And for every word spouted by a character to point out there's something wrong going on, thousands other words will be used to essentially make you understand that all of the abuse "is ok as long as there's love involved". Which is...you know...101 abuser/abusee at play. Now, I won't spoil what happens for me to say that, but just to give some documented behaviours about abuse victims that love interest presents:
-isolates you, or encourages to stay at home
-controls where you go, who you interact with
-reduce at maximum the time you spend with other people if the abuser isn't around
-emotional manipulation
-makes you feel guilty
-exploits past (real or not) traumas as the scapegoat for their bad behaviour
-removes your agency
-molds you into being dependent on them
-no is commonly an invalid answer
-uses money and gifts to 'make up' instead of actively changing
-apologizes yet doesn't change
-uses past trauma against you, for example, by turning a less extreme abuse as acceptable, or other minimizing the abuse tactics
-sabotages your platonic relationships
and of course:
-but I'm doing all of this because I love you :( (insert sad violins)
The saddest thing is that all I noted could have made this a great piece about abuse and how hard getting out of it can be, be it because you aren't able to pick on the red flags as there's so much emotional and psychological damage at play, and that, yes, an abusive relationship isn't exclusively made of abuse, there is, very commonly, moments of tenderness too, which also plays into why it's such a hard situation to be in...but it's not the case. This manhwa was just a frustration of missed opportunities.
Now a lot of romance readers won't particularly be disturbed by unaware toxic relationships, BL is hardly the sole sub-genre to suffer from it. So if you're one of them, you'll most probably really enjoy reading this. If you aren't however, your enjoyment of this will probably sour the more you read it.
To be honest, there are other aspects I could have brought up in this review, even on the topic of romance still, but they're so minors in comparison that it'd just make this unnecessarily longer. All I can hope for is for the writer to someday realize what they were writing and improve, even if the odds are slim.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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