The story revolves around a girl named Harumi who'vs been in the hospital for almost all her life. She's living a dull life, not knowing anything about the outside world.
But all that changes one day when a new patient, Masato is taken in. He appears to be a bad boy, always smoking and breaking the rules. Harumi however, isn't in the least scared to approach him and quickly they find that their lives are more alike than they thought.
The art is ok; the anatomy isn't always correct, but the mangaka manages to convey feelings and the atmosphere decently.
It's a oneshot with four chapters and
Alternative TitlesJapanese: ヘブンズ ドア More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 1
Chapters: 4
Status: Finished
Published: Sep 23, 2008 to Sep 7, 2009
Sho-Comi Zoukan Authors:
Hongou, Ranko (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #30762 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #5775
Members: 3,661
Favorites: 23 | Reviews
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Your Feelings Categories Aug 3, 2013
I must give this manga some merit because of the characters, which aren´t the typical shoujo characters, especially the girl who has a strong personality.
The story isn’t the typical shoujo school love story either (which is good), but there are serious problems with the plot. To be true, there is one big problem, which ruined the whole story, it threw me out of the story completely. Harumi is expected to die of cancer in a few months. Having lived in a hospital since she was a little girl, she has experience little in life, until she meets Masato, a boy (a man, really, as ... |