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Can we beat this stigma of adult american animation vs anime?

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Sep 26, 2020 10:14 PM

Jul 2014
Tarotsu said:
mattao313 said:
Most American animation is for kids or are episodic slice of life comedy series which is fine and I watch those too but anime have more show with overarcing stories.

The dark humor, sex, and blood is a nonissue for me.

There's quite a number of American animated shows with an overarching plotline nowadays.

Oh yea I dont know them could you name some so I can try them out.
Sep 27, 2020 5:37 PM

Aug 2013
@cythraul So why can the first definition not be argued but the second one can? Waifu purism is a common thing, your waifu isn't meant to be fapped to. You just need a strong sentimental connection to a character for her to be your waifu.

I said she is not my waifu not that she is not a true waifu. She can be anyone's kawaii waifu.

Nijikons may or may not fap to their waifus.

Anyway there is rule 34 of Flame Princess so there are people who fap to her so by your strict definition she would be waifu material.
DrGeroCreationSep 27, 2020 6:39 PM
Sep 27, 2020 5:42 PM

Jul 2011
mattao313 said:
Tarotsu said:

There's quite a number of American animated shows with an overarching plotline nowadays.

Oh yea I dont know them could you name some so I can try them out.

Avatar The Last Airbender is one that come to mind. To be fair, while many modern American animated shows put more on an emphasis on a continuing narrative that builds towards a grand finale, plenty still contain episodic content in between.
SmordolaSep 27, 2020 5:45 PM
Sep 27, 2020 6:32 PM
Jul 2018
Tarotsu said:
mattao313 said:

Oh yea I dont know them could you name some so I can try them out.

Avatar The Last Airbender is one that come to mind. To be fair, while many modern American animated shows put more on an emphasis on a continuing narrative that builds towards a grand finale, plenty still contain episodic content in between.
I can name others, as well.
Green Eggs and Ham(Netflix Cartoon Verison), The new She-ra, Kipo and the age of the Wonderbeasts, Tron: Uprising(I believe, I haven't watched it in a while. I just know there was a main plot), Voltron Remake, Total Drama series, Over the Garden Wall, and Revolting Rhymes.

Though, it is true, as an overall, based on what I've seen that cartoons are more episodic. I would also say the tendency you pointed out is true as well. Since cartoons are starting to move to a binge-watching model on places such as Netflix and not on as many channels, since as far as I am aware, TV is dying out.
removed-userSep 27, 2020 6:44 PM
Sep 27, 2020 11:43 PM

Feb 2019
DrGeroCreation said:
@cythraul So why can the first definition not be argued but the second one can? Waifu purism is a common thing, your waifu isn't meant to be fapped to. You just need a strong sentimental connection to a character for her to be your waifu.
Because the first definition is more general and hence more representative. Waifu purism is not a common thing, it's a thing amongst otakus. Waifu is meant to be fapped to and she can't be a waifu if you don't have sexual attraction to her. The thing about waifu purism is it mainly revolves around moe anime and is an entirely different topic especially when a person attaches shitty before moeblobs. It just sounds similar and that's all.

I said she is not my waifu not that she is not a true waifu. She can be anyone's kawaii waifu.
Except she isn't. Bring the person in who has circle as his waifu. I mean even you know that circle isn't a true waifu.

Nijikons may or may not fap to their waifus.
Many nijikons are waifu purists.

Anyway there is rule 34 of Flame Princess so there are people who fap to her so by your strict definition she would be waifu material.
Like I said, there's even rule 34 of literal steel cars like toyota or nissan, not the car girls. Rule 34 can be applied to anything.
Sep 29, 2020 4:34 PM

Aug 2013
@cythraul Do you have any stats showing that waifu purism is not a common thing? If not then you can't claim that. I'm not an otaku and I don't fap to my anime waifu Belldandy but I have fapped to my cartoon waifu Vixen.

Well the title and description of this video is flame princess is my waifu so I believe that Flame Princess is the uploaders' waifu.

Also on Deviantart an artist has a picture entitled Flame Princess no. 1 waifu so I believe that Flame Princess is the artist
Alo1234alo's waifu .

Yeah but there are pictures on rule 34 of Flame Princess that are sexual which proves there are people who fap to her. People don't fap to plain old cars. No offense but you are just being discriminatory to Flame Princess because of the shape of her head. There is nothing stopping her from being a waifu.

Sep 29, 2020 4:40 PM

Apr 2019
Hentry said:
Who's "we" buddy? I don't know who is "we". I never knew who is "we".

You think you speak for the entire anime community? You think you have seen the entirety of anime community just by looking at a couple of forum replies?

This the dumbest post I've seen all week. Which American cartoon are you talking about? The only ones I can think of that uses sexual jokes are Family Guy, South Park and Rick & Morty. To my knowledge everyone likes Rick & Morty. But Family Guy shows way more than JUST sexual jokes, starting from black people jokes to muslim jokes to feminism jokes to abortion jokes to Asian jokes, and that is why people loved Family Guy because it transcends beyond anything anyone can ever think of, but recently Family Guy has not been doing well, it's shit now. South Park fucked themselves up after they left Netflix.

So yeah, which "We" are you talking about? What a bullshit. OP says he saw a couple of forum replies and he judges the entire anime community based on that and later tries to be overdramatic.

"If anime fans want anime to not be stigmatized by casuals and being treated as serious business"
Yeah no fuck that shit, I don't care what any non-anime watcher thinks about anime, you must be a really insecure person to care about that kind of stuff. Why don't you just... enjoy anime? Instead of thinking who likes it and who doesn't. Even if we disregard the sexual jokes in other country's animation, there is one big factor, the ugly and poor effort animation! Nothing's worse than that. Anime will always be #1 and that's a fact

A man of culture, this was absolutely based
Sep 29, 2020 4:54 PM

Aug 2014
I dislike adult american anime because as a whole it's really fugly and the jokes they have are all shit. The early simpsons, futurama, and the boondocks are probably the best comedic "adult" animation to come out of america. Most adult animation in america is still geared towards being somewhat acceptable for children, because it's a cartoon and adults don't watch cartoons. They've grown out of that phase, right? If they're still watching cartoons without a child around then they're losing some aspect of their ability to contribute to society. It's why Disney, Pixar, and Dreamworks are all so successful, because parents can use the excuse of seeing it with their kids, or watching it on their own to determine if they should bring the whole family out to see it. Because god forbid an adult enjoy a cartoon by themselves, for themselves. This is also why cartoons that could be great if they were given a little more room to work with on their rating could be so much better. There's a lot more cartoons these days for children that tackle difficult topics because they know that the parents are watching the show with their kids. But if they could break the stigma of story driven cartoons being made for adults then they could just tackle those problems head on instead of beating around the bush or cheapening the victory at the end of the day with "oh yeah, they just, like, changed their opinion after killing half the universe, nbd its cool these things happen and as long as you say you're sorry nobody will ever came back down on you".
Sep 30, 2020 12:28 PM

Feb 2019
DrGeroCreation said:
@cythraul Do you have any stats showing that waifu purism is not a common thing? If not then you can't claim that. I'm not an otaku and I don't fap to my anime waifu Belldandy but I have fapped to my cartoon waifu Vixen.
I don't think there is anyone willing to spend enough time and resources to solidify that waifu purism is a minority however it's a thing you come to know if you lurk around for long enough however there is still a way to prove it. Look I said that waifu purism is a thing about most of the hardcore otakus and I have mentioned otaku fragility before too. Now that if you look at the most popular waifus, you'd get that most of them(if not all) are from the shows that have male characters and most of them have canon feelings for some male character. Just take MAL's most popular waifus for example,
1. Kurisu Makise
2. Rem
3. Mikasa Ackerman
4. Hitagi Senjougahara
5. Megumin
6. Taiga Aisaka
7. Yuno Gasai
8. Saber
9. Shinobu Oshino
10. Asuna Yuuki

Now most of these characters have romantic feelings for a male character or are in a relationship with them which is plainly unacceptable for waifu purists since they don't want their waifu to be defiled and they even go as far to calling a normal person who has these characters as their waifu a cuck and that 'waifu' a slut. This is very rare hence you might not see it but you would if you lurked more. Waifu purists usually have their waifus from shows that have no male characters and most of which are CGDCT-moe anime. If you look at the stats, the most popular of such waifus are yui hirasawa who ranks straight up 117 and mio akiyama at 119 in most popular characters here and that doesn't mean that most people who favorited them are purists either since yui and mio has huge amount of lewd fanarts and doujins on the internet. Some of the highest to be precise. Use numbers on boorus for that. That's just tip of the iceberg since keions are literally the most popular moe characters out there and others don't even come close to them unless in japan, love live idols have similar popularity and for the same reason.

You said belldandy is your waifu and you haven't fapped to her. You see, she is simply your favorite character and that's all. Belldandy is from a romance show with a male MC and waifu purism doesn't exist around shows of this nature. You are again using waifu as a buzzword.

Vixen might be your true waifu and you said you have fapped to her which means you are not a purist.

Well the title and description of this video is flame princess is my waifu so I believe that Flame Princess is the uploaders' waifu.

Also on Deviantart an artist has a picture entitled Flame Princess no. 1 waifu so I believe that Flame Princess is the artist
Alo1234alo's waifu .
There are even videos that say speedwagon is best waifu just for memes but in any case, I will believe them and it just solidifies my belief that circle fappers exist unless even they pull out.

Yeah but there are pictures on rule 34 of Flame Princess that are sexual which proves there are people who fap to her. People don't fap to plain old cars. No offense but you are just being discriminatory to Flame Princess because of the shape of her head. There is nothing stopping her from being a waifu.
Like I said there is rule 34 of even the most absurd things, it doesn't prove anything. Here even pewds made a video about it:
Sep 30, 2020 7:53 PM

Aug 2013
@cythraul Sorry if you don't have stats then you can't prove anything.

Belldandy is not just a mere favorite character, she is my anime waifu. I greatly love her but do not fap to her because she is a pure, cute character. I have waifu purism towards her. Both Belldandy and Vixen for me are true waifus.

Okay so you haven't proved Flame Princess is not a true waifu since I showed you there are people that call her their waifu and there is rule 34 of her which is sexual. Cars being on rule 34 is irrelevant since they are not sexual.
Oct 1, 2020 12:39 AM

Feb 2019
DrGeroCreation said:
@cythraul Sorry if you don't have stats then you can't prove anything.
You do realize that I gave you MAL stats as reference, right? Now it's your choice to decide if you still want to argue since it would be hard to fetch seething otakus and their comments. This is the kind of thing which you get over time if you just lurk around and since this is so niche, there isn't any wikipedia article or poll to go around showing people. Maybe you just need to familiarize with otaku culture a bit.

Belldandy is not just a mere favorite character, she is my anime waifu. I greatly love her but do not fap to her because she is a pure, cute character. I have waifu purism towards her. Both Belldandy and Vixen for me are true waifus.
You just love her or adore her as a female character character then. Not every female character has to be a waifu to someone who loves her. You might have just liked her innocence, that's all. It's a common thing.

Okay so you haven't proved Flame Princess is not a true waifu since I showed you there are people that call her their waifu and there is rule 34 of her which is sexual. Cars being on rule 34 is irrelevant since they are not sexual.
Like you said cars being on rule 34 are irrelevant since they are asexual but one can say that about circles too. The princess is just a circle with shining dot eyes and bit of a blush to make her look female. Again, I did say that it's either you fap to her or she isn't a waifu so if there are circle fappers then let them be. A circle is a circle.

Rule 34 doesn't have anything to do with this tbh since it's mostly a meme.
Oct 1, 2020 12:57 AM
Feb 2020
Well I love both and I've never encountered someone who despises adult animation cause of raunchiness
The world is mine
Oct 1, 2020 1:14 AM

Jul 2007
Adult American animation is 99% satire. I don't know if that will ever change. The American mindset is somewhat like a bully mentality that likes to take the piss out of everything as a projection of their own insecurities and self hatred.
"There's a huge difference between one and infinity.
However, compared to the difference between
existence and non-existence, one and infinite are
nearly the same. I am the child destined to become
the best witch... no... The greatest Creator in the world...!"
-Maria Ushiromiya

Oct 2, 2020 4:20 PM

Aug 2013
@cythraul You didn't provide any stats at all. If you can't find any polls or anything like that then you have no proof.

No I don't, she is my anime waifu. I feel great love for her, I don't just adore her. She is my anime waifu and you can't stop me from having her as my waifu. Nowhere does it state that waifu purism has to only apply to moeblob characters. She is my anime waifu and that's that.

Flame Princess is not a circle, she has a body. The rule 34 of her is sexual not asexual like cars. Okay so do you admit then that she is a true waifu? She meets the criteria. Having a circular head does not stop her from being a waifu.
DrGeroCreationOct 2, 2020 9:09 PM
Oct 3, 2020 11:39 PM

Feb 2019
DrGeroCreation said:
@cythraul You didn't provide any stats at all. If you can't find any polls or anything like that then you have no proof.
Like I said the thing is so rare that people don't even know of its existence so for it to have polls means it would be something big which it isn't. I gave you MAL stats, if you can't believe then you are just in denial and like I said, lurk moar.

No I don't, she is my anime waifu. I feel great love for her, I don't just adore her. She is my anime waifu and you can't stop me from having her as my waifu. Nowhere does it state that waifu purism has to only apply to moeblob characters. She is my anime waifu and that's that.
Like I said, waifu is used as a buzzword nowadays. I get it, she is your vaifuu lmao.

Flame Princess is not a circle, she has a body. The rule 34 of her is sexual not asexual like cars. Okay so do you admit then that she is a true waifu? She meets the criteria. Having a circular head does not stop her from being a waifu.
It is a circle plus a bit basic geometry and circles are asexual but whatever, people can fap to circles, they can fap to anything they want.

Here some car for you to fap if circles aren't enough.
Oct 4, 2020 12:26 AM

Mar 2017
Adimus_prime said:
Like serious tell me with a straight face a shows like Family Guy, South Park, The Simpson, and any other western adult cartoon I could name looks better than literally any anime ecchi anime I could name you can't. Why? Because ecchi anime are designed to look appealing to the eye.

*looks you in the eye*

Unless that ecchi example you have is the Monogatari franchise or somehow you include the manga of Okito Endou, shows like Ducktales (2019) and Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal looks so much better than cookie cutter A1 Pictures anime face strapped to a body with ugly big balloon tits. Tell ecchi anime to start focusing on drawing a lovely face instead of wasting all their budget making oversized jugs sparkle rainbow and then we'll talk.


@cythraul @DrGeroCreation

Is this circles enough?

Artist: rossdraws, one of my favorite artist in artstation for drawing petite females.
EankiOct 4, 2020 1:03 AM
You gave up your freedom of speech when you clicked Agree to the User Agreement
This is not a public platform.
Oct 4, 2020 6:08 PM

Aug 2013
@cythraul It isn't rare or else it would not have been on Urbandictionary.

I'm using the second definition not as a buzzword.

She is NOT JUST A CIRCLE. So do you admit or not that she is a waifu if people are fapping to her and the fact that there are people who call her their waifu? She meets your criteria for being a waifu.

Sorry I don't fap to cars.
Oct 5, 2020 7:31 PM

Feb 2019
DrGeroCreation said:
@cythraul It isn't rare or else it would not have been on Urbandictionary.
I did mention that it came more off as a meme since memes about not fapping to waifus are popular as in for example how people say don't lewd this certain character but then the same character gets high number of doujins and daily sex threads on imageboards.

I'm using the second definition not as a buzzword.
Yeah so this further confirms that you are using it as a buzzword in this case especially when you first mention that you fap to vixen and this not fap to waifu thing is usually also used by people who just use waifu as a buzzword.

She is NOT JUST A CIRCLE. So do you admit or not that she is a waifu if people are fapping to her and the fact that there are people who call her their waifu? She meets your criteria for being a waifu.
People can fap to whatever they want. Even you pulled out of it by your "she is not my waifu" so even you know the truth but whatever people can have a circle as their wife. This is a free world and people have freedom to fap to circles or use buzzwords.

Sorry I don't fap to cars.
Maybe you should try it. Not far from fapping to circles if you ask me.
Oct 28, 2020 7:49 PM

Aug 2013
@cythraul Okay thanks for finally admitting Flame Princess is a waifu. This conversation was going around in circles way too much. Good day to you sir.

Oct 31, 2020 6:40 AM

Feb 2019
DrGeroCreation said:
@cythraul Okay thanks for finally admitting Flame Princess is a waifu. This conversation was going around in circles way too much. Good day to you sir.

Imagine replying after 23 days and still expecting to get taken seriously. I consider myself open minded so I don't mind if people go around fapping to circles.
Oct 31, 2020 11:10 AM

May 2016
Daria, BoJack Horseman, Rick & Morty, Bob's Burgers, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Tuca & Bertie are better than every anime ever made.


This glorious signature image was created by @Mayumi!

I am the Arbiter of Absolute Truth, and here is my wisdom:

"Anime was always influenced by the West. This is not news.
Shoujo is the superior genre primarily aimed at young people.
Harem/isekai are lazy genres that refuse any meaningful innovation.
There is no 'Golden Age.' There will always be top-shelf anime.
You should be watching Carole & Tuesday."
Oct 31, 2020 11:23 AM

Feb 2020
hmmm imo American Dad, Bojack Horseman, Archer, South Park, Big Mouth and Drawn Together are better as some animes.

but in a different way.

and my waifu is Roger.

Oct 31, 2020 6:07 PM

Aug 2013
cythraul said:
DrGeroCreation said:
@cythraul Okay thanks for finally admitting Flame Princess is a waifu. This conversation was going around in circles way too much. Good day to you sir.

Imagine replying after 23 days and still expecting to get taken seriously. I consider myself open minded so I don't mind if people go around fapping to circles.
LOL I forgot about you and didn't want to seem rude. I couldn't care less if you don't take me serious or not. The only important thing is that Flame Princess is a kawaii waifu.
DrGeroCreationOct 31, 2020 7:01 PM
Nov 3, 2020 6:06 AM

Feb 2019
DrGeroCreation said:
cythraul said:
Imagine replying after 23 days and still expecting to get taken seriously. I consider myself open minded so I don't mind if people go around fapping to circles.
LOL I forgot about you and didn't want to seem rude. I couldn't care less if you don't take me serious or not. The only important thing is that Flame Princess is a kawaii waifu.
Like I said, this is a free world. People are free to be delusional here. Either way, it's not worth it dragging this circular discussion anymore.
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