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Sep 14, 2017 10:30 AM

Sep 2013
mugen91 said:
MetallumOperatur said:

A favorite typo :-O

Ehm, all intended! Errr, Tish is into some crazy stuff. Yeah, that's it: crazy Tish! :-P

Damn I knew it. She only wants you for your brains!

Is it a coincidence that mind control was involved in this chapter? The clot thickens =p
Nov 12, 2017 7:30 PM

Jan 2015
I've realized I'm approaching the 40k word count mark, but story-wise this is still the introduction... I'm going to have to speed up the story progress.

Chapter 16 – Morning Dew

Another time, another place

Nahoko stood near the cliff edge and looked out over the small circular bay that housed her Ryugero. The cliffs were part of a ring-shaped island that was the only landmass in a wide area. It was for the most part covered in a dense forest, something her expected visitors would appreciate. A narrow, shallow gap in the North-Eastern side of the island connected the small bay with the ocean. She could not have wished for a better location as the island protected both the bay and her Ryugero from rough currents and strong winds*.

Nahoko did not often visit the only village on the island; the vast majority of her subjects lived below the water table. Usually life in the village was quiet, but today the streets were bustling with activity. They were expecting several hundred visitors that had to be housed in and around the village. With over half of them being human, this place was going to be the focus all attention for the foreseeable future, or at least till they were comfortable enough with the water breathing spell that they dared to sleep in the Ryugero.

”And?” she asked as her seneschal approached.

“Everyone has been informed that the island is off limits. As long as our guests are staying here only those with your permission are allowed to come onto the land. It has not stopped a large crowd from forming just off the coast, though. I’ve dispatched enforcers to make sure they don’t block the fairway or come ashore,” her seneschal answered.

”Good. Their presence should be enough to maintain order. How are the preparations here on the island progressing?”

“We have set up two-hundred-and-fifty tents around the village, as you requested. Also, we caught a dozen or so girls trying to sneak onto the island; they are digging the latrines right now. We decided that we will be housing the more vulnerable guests inside the town’s buildings, rather than tents. So far, the villagers have been compliant and offered to share their homes freely. That guarantees that the pregnant women will be having a solid roof above their heads. Whether there is enough room left to house the rest of their families there too, remains to be seen. Lastly, all the preparations for the welcoming dinner on the beach have been made. When the fleet arrives, we are ready to welcome them.”

”Excellent! Leaving a good first impression is half the work!” Nahoko said visibly pleased. ”You mentioned pregnant women, how many?” she inquired.

Her seneschal looked over her ledger. “19 in total. A grizzly, a mothman, an elf, 2 dryads, a papillon, and 13 humans.”

”I see. Would you arrange for at least two capable healers to be moved to the island? I do not like to take risks with those that carry a child. As for the others, how many are we expecting?”

Her seneschal looked over her ledger again. “142 Mamono, mostly typical forest dwellers like beastmen, bugs, dryads, and elves; 411 human men; 235 human women; and 73 children, 55 of them human. In total there will be 861 guests.” Nahoko’s seneschal fell silent, it seemed that what she had just summed up only now sank in. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen that many humans together outside of the Sunken City… They already have more human children alone than we have humans...” she uttered in a daze.

”Ah, yes… Xaviera’s unconventional policies have attracted quite a few humans to her county. Of course the more humans live together, the easier it becomes for them to start families,” Nahoko answered calmly.

”Unconventional policies?“ her seneschal asked.

”Except for her own household, the rest of her county is governed by humans. Mamono are only allowed to settle there if they are either part of Xaviera’s household, or they already have found themselves a husband,” Nahoko explained.

“Hmm, unconventional indeed... A daring concept to let humans govern themselves. What does she hope to gain from that?” her seneschal inquired.

”It’s literally in her name: “de Tarraco”. I’m neigh certain that she was born in a culture where it was custom to add the place of birth to a newborn’s name. Also, the name of her town being New Tarraco suggests that there was once an original Tarraco. Finally, when I casually dropped the name around Michiko once; I’ve rarely seen her mood change so quickly. Something must have happened there, but I’m afraid I have a better chance at prying her bedroom secrets from her.” Nahoko let out a deep frustrated sigh, clearly this was something that had been pestering her for ages.

“And Drana?”

”She knows as little as I do.”

“Well if the Unfathomable Library has no records of the place and Drana doesn’t know either, how can you be sure the place even exists?! I mean, their records are thorough,” her seneschal questioned.

”It’s literally in her name: “de Tarraco”. I’m neigh certain that she was born in a culture where it was custom to add the place of birth to a newborn’s name. Also, I casually dropped the name around Michiko once; I’ve rarely seen her mood change so quickly. Something must have happened there, but I’m afraid I have a better chance at prying her bedroom secrets from her.”

Nahoko fell silent for a second, pondering, before changing the subject. ”Well Tarraco has to wait, I have more pressing matters that need addressing. I need a message delivered to Michiko with great haste and discretion. I cannot risk using the Transmission Pearl†; it takes too long to recharge. If I remember correctly, one of our Sirens has a husband; she will have less need to flirt with our guests, so she will fly to the Sunken City and deliver the message for me. Go summon her discreetly and see to it that she is ready to leave immediately,” Nahoko ordered. Her seneschal knew better than to ask any further; Nahoko usually made requests, so the few times she actually gave an order, it had to be executed promptly and without question. She made a small bow and then left to find the Siren.


I woke up from being poked in the side. I was groggy and felt as if I had just fallen asleep. Disoriented I tried to place where I was. The room I was in was dimly lit and not too big, that ruled out the longhouse. Judging by its size I was probably in one of the log cabins. I noticed I was being embraced by four, rather than two, arms. To my right laid Tish who was already awake. Her face was less than five nose lengths away from mine. She was staring lovingly at me while she was playing with my hair. When she noticed I was awake, her face lit up and she smiled happily. I smiled back at her, not in the least part because of her most pleasant state of undress.

I gave Tish a quick peck and rolled over to see to whom the other pair of arms belonged. I was greeted by the beautiful sight of an equally clothes-starved Esme. I panicked, ”Shit! Have I accidentally married her too?!” I was half asleep, so the details of last night were still a little bit hazy. It took me a couple seconds before I remembered the deal we had made yesterday. Thankfully I had not opened my mouth yet, and the dim lights did not allow for many facial details to be discerned. It looked like she had not noticed my heart skipping a few beats.

Esme had removed the ribbons that kept her long violet hair bound together, leaving her hair draped over her as if it were a silken dress. Though the segmented ponytail suited her well, she also looked stunningly with loose hair. I let my eyes follow the flow of her hair downwards. Damn, this girl has curves! Many would murder to have such full, yet surprisingly perky breasts and round, wide hips.

It occurred to me that every Amazoness here was blessed with an impressive, gravity-defying rack. How come they were all stacked like Keely Hazell or Kate Upton? Had they all won the genetic lottery? Though implausible, the only other explanation I could think off was that being busty was part of the Amazoness genes. Whether it was luck or genes did not matter much to me, though. I loved them!

”Seems you two woke early. You slept well?”, I asked.

Tish’s replied with one of her familiar moans. Esme dramatically stretched herself, “accidentally” pushing one of her boobs in my face and cooed suggestively, ”I had a wonderful sleep, and a good reason to wake up early…” She bit on her lip and gave me one of those come hither looks, while lightly brushing my cheek, tracing my stubbly beard.

The her-boob-my-face was forthright enough that even I had figured out she was up to something. Nevertheless, I took her bait and asked, ”And what might that reason be?”

”Well… There is this…” Esme purred as she grabbed my hand and pressed it firmly between her legs. I knew she was not one to beat around the bush, but this… This was a whole other level of blatant directness. The girl must have woken up horny as fuck, for her sex was glowing and wet. Oddly enough, even now my mind found time to wonder about how the female equivalent of morning wood was called‡.

In an attempt to seal the deal Esme pulled me into her lustrous bosom, while whispering sultrily, ”I know you like these; you can barely keep your eyes off them. Go ahead, no need to hold back... Touch them, suck on them, fuck them, do whatever you like with them. Let's make this a wonderful morning!”

Well, she has got me figured out…

I wanted her so bad right now, but I had to show restraint one more time. I mustered what was left of my willpower and slowly withdrew my hand from between her loins. She had either thoroughly waxed, or had no hair growth down there to begin with, for her mons and lips were smooth and free of stubbles.

Judging by the fact that Tish had brought me here last night, nor did she protest Esme’s advances, I was almost certain she was cool with me banging them both. But, I had married her and not Esme, so “almost” would not do. Hence, I told Esme to wait a second and then turned to Tish. I had to be sure that we were on the same wavelength here. ”Are you fine with this, Tish?” I asked. She replied with a nod and a happy moan. It was going to be a wonderful morning indeed!

MetallumOperaturJul 13, 2019 11:50 AM
Nov 14, 2017 8:14 AM

Jan 2013
Nice chapter and so much quicker than the last :P

That is indeed a lot of humans. Even if they're protected by a local ruler, I imagine that's going to be very tempting for many a mamano.
Nov 14, 2017 7:20 PM

Jan 2015
mugen91 said:
That is indeed a lot of humans. Even if they're protected by a local ruler, I imagine that's going to be very tempting for many a mamano.

Well Nahoko is the governor of the entire bay between Elizabeth and Kaori, so she's not your average local ruler. Someone tries to forcefully snatch a human away, she's into serious trouble. The temptation will probably manifest itself in a giant flirting frenzy :-P
Nov 15, 2017 5:19 AM

May 2013
"Flirting frenzy" -- what happens when a human is in the water with a lot of mermaids. :)
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Nov 15, 2017 8:30 AM

Jan 2013
MetallumOperatur said:
mugen91 said:
That is indeed a lot of humans. Even if they're protected by a local ruler, I imagine that's going to be very tempting for many a mamano.

Well Nahoko is the governor of the entire bay between Elizabeth and Kaori, so she's not your average local ruler. Someone tries to forcefully snatch a human away, she's into serious trouble. The temptation will probably manifest itself in a giant flirting frenzy :-P

I actually meant this Xaviera, who, I understood, has the unconventional policy of letting the humans reign themselves.
Nov 15, 2017 2:13 PM

Jan 2015
mugen91 said:
I actually meant this Xaviera, who, I understood, has the unconventional policy of letting the humans reign themselves.

Ah. Though in practice the humans govern it, it is still Xaviera's county. Anyone messes with the humans living there, they mess with Xaviera. Though, arguably most cases are handled by Drana. The fact that so many humans have gathered there over time testifies that between Xaviera and Drana there is enough influence/power to discourage others from giving in to their temptation. At least until recently that was.

As for the details to the why, all I can say is: stay tuned :-P
Nov 16, 2017 3:56 PM

Sep 2013
MetallumOperatur said:
mugen91 said:
I actually meant this Xaviera, who, I understood, has the unconventional policy of letting the humans reign themselves.

Ah. Though in practice the humans govern it, it is still Xaviera's county. Anyone messes with the humans living there, they mess with Xaviera. Though, arguably most cases are handled by Drana. The fact that so many humans have gathered there over time testifies that between Xaviera and Drana there is enough influence/power to discourage others from giving in to their temptation. At least until recently that was.

As for the details to the why, all I can say is: stay tuned :-P

This sounds like interesting policy. Her and Ahmose should have a sit-down. (or since I feel like this has to be in the past...maybe some necromancy-assisted tea and cookies)
Nov 18, 2017 6:01 AM

Jan 2015
emeraldtryst said:
This sounds like interesting policy. Her and Ahmose should have a sit-down. (or since I feel like this has to be in the past...maybe some necromancy-assisted tea and cookies)

This is indeed quite some time in the past. What is now Elizabeth's territory has been referred to as Yara's territory, so the whole Dorothy period has yet come to pass.

As for whether Ahmose will need necromancy or not, all I can say is: stay tuned :-P
Jan 4, 2018 11:35 AM

Jan 2015

Chapter 17 – A Curse and a Blessing

”That Zombie, or should I say Wight, has torn too deep into her. I’ve discovered that she is slowly hemorrhaging demonic energy. Given how little she has left, she’ll be exsanguinated in less than a half-day. If we don’t figure out a way to save her, she won’t wake up again!” Lynn's voice broke. Large tears started to billow down her cheeks as she was failing to keep herself together. Frustrated and distressed she spat out, ”Why didn't you help her? Why did you have to get the Zombie involved!? Look at her! My little girl is dying!”

The fact that her choices had played a big part in Aisly’s current state was not lost on her, but Kayley still stood behind her decision. ”Don't fool yourself Lynn! You know damn well what the consequences would have been if I hadn't intervened. What kind of a chief would I be if I let a naïve mistake by our youngest member escalate into her banishment, or worse, her execution? This was the only way I could turn a blind eye to her crass mistake without dishonoring Elizabeth’s laws nor disrespecting our traditions! But, enough about that. Right now, Aisly needs your skills as our shaman more than she needs your feelings as a mother! So, get a grip on yourself and help us save her.”


It turned out that Tish and Esme had woken me just as early as it had felt. Tish had shown how devious a girl she was when she surprised the both of us when she revealed that she had saved a few drops of the Alraune nectar from last evening.

Invigorated by the nectar, I had been forced to gag Esme to keep her cries of pleasure from waking up the rest of the village. She did not mind being gagged, and, in fact, might have even liked it. Which, of course, begged the question what other kinks the purple haired Amazoness had.

Again, the nectar proved to be truly amazing; by the time someone finally knocked on our door to signal that breakfast was being served, I was still full on stamina. Even though I had came five times already.

Today's breakfast consisted of ryebread, smoked meat, cheese, honey, and of course another mug of creamy, fatty milk with two drops of Merrow’s blood in it. With all the exercise I had been getting, I was so hungry I could eat a horse. I helped myself to a second helping and two refills, which was met with approving nods and grunts. Having a good appetite clearly was looked upon favorably by the Amazonesses.

Oddly enough both Kayley and an elder whose name I could not remember were not present. A fact that did not went unnoticed with the others either. It did not seem to bother them too much, though, as they focused mainly on flirting with me. It was rather overwhelming, and frankly quite tiring as well, to be the recipient of so much attention. Relief from the suggestive remarks and the lingering stares only came when we left the longhouse for the morning briefing.

Kayley had still not shown up, so Frosya was the one who addressed the group. ”Rowena, Tish, and Erwin will stay here. Everyone else will be training with Aedelind today.” She then motioned for us to come over and stand beside her. As we walked over one Amazonesses detached herself from the group and excitedly joined us. The others threw jealous glances in her direction.

As soon as we were out of the way, Aedelind stepped forward and began shouting like a true drill instructor, ”STAND AT ATTENTION!”

Immediately the Amazonesses lined up, and… well… stood at attention. Their assumed posture was a familiar one: the famous "chin up, chest out, shoulders back, and stomach in". There was one notable addition to that posture, though. They used their tails to firmly anchor themselves, by forcefully ramming the tail-spades deep into the soil. Which was odd, because those same spades had seemed almost as sensitive as their clits last night.

”BULLSHITE! YE CALL THAT STANDING AT ATTENTION?! SHOW US WHAT YE HAVE, STICK THOSE TITS OUT!” Aedelind bellowed. She slowly paced around the girls while scrutinizing every detail of their posture.

The girls immediately straightened their backs even further, and, as per instruction, they pushed their voluminous chests out as far as they could. A sight I most definitely could appreciate. In fact, watching scantily clad, busty women standing at attention like that might have just become a new fetish of mine. I swallowed, and my pulse began to rise. I put my hands in the pockets of my long coat and tried to covertly obscure the view of my crotch where my member had begun to stir itself in my pants.

When Aedelind was finally content with the posture of the girls, she barked, ”ESME STEP FORWARD!” Esme immediately did as she was told.

”NOW TURN AROUND AND LOOK YER SISTERS IN THE EYES!” Esme was not someone that was easily embarrassed, but right now she was slowly turning bright red. I was sure her being singled out had to do with our “activities” this morning, but I did not know why.

”SINCE YE ALREADY HAD YER WARMIN’ UP, YE WILL BE CARRYIN’ EVERYONE’S WEAPONS!” Well, someone's getting punished for something. Maybe that even with the gag she had still been so loud that she had accidentally woken everyone up.

With no small amount of schadenfreude one by one the Amazonesses handed their weapons over to Esme. In the meantime, Aedelind had went into the longhouse and now came back out again, carrying a huge maul, a massive great-axe, a claymore that was taller than I was, and a large leather bag. She nonchelantly added those to the now substantial pile of weapons in Esme’s arms, while stating, ”YE DROP ONE, AND YE BE CARRYIN’ ITS OWNER TOO!” It seemed that Esme was in for a rough day.


I do not know why she made them first run a few laps around the square, but I was not complaining. Suffice to say that those leather bikinis were no sports bras, so there was a plenty of jiggly eye-candy for me to see.

When the group was about halfway through their laps, Aedelind suddenly asked offhandedly, ”Oi, laddie. You enjoying the view?”

Caught with my pants down, I instantly turned bright red and stammered, ”I… Ehhrr… Ehm… Yes?...

Aedelind burst out laughing, while Tish, Rowena, and Frosya did a much better job at hiding their amusement. Adelind clapped me on the back and said, ”Har! Caught ye oogling dinnae? Don’t feel bad laddie. Would be rather pointless for them to show off if ye weren’t watchin’, don’t ya think?” She threw me a mischievous wink and then continued her thunderous laughter.

When the group had finished their laps around the clearing, they headed off into the forest. Aelind gave us a jovial bow and then joined the rear of the group. Mere seconds later Frosya, Tish, Rowena, and I were the only ones left.

Rowena was easily the most modest of the Amazonesses, if you could speak of such a thing as a modest Amazoness, that is. She was a fair bit shorter than the others, and was only marginally taller than Tish. She had chin length bob style white hair that reminded me of the haircut worn by the sisters of battle in Warhammer 40k. Her other features were also more modest than her fellow Amazonesses’, though, again modest being a relative term here. She seemed somewhat nervous and was fidgeting with her hair while occasionally throwing glances in my direction.

Her hopes of being chosen to “entertain the guests” were quickly crushed, for Frosya send her to one of the cabins to go assist Lynn with something. Lynn had to be the elder whose name I could not remember at breakfast.

After Rowena had drooped off, Frosya addressed us and immediately cut to the chase, ”Aisly’s situation has grown more complicated than we first anticipated. She has a cut that is slowly hemorrhaging demonic energy.”

I had no idea what demonic energy was, but it did sound rather ominous. Even though I knew that the word “demon” most likely did not mean the same here as it did back on earth, and even there demons were originally considered to be mostly neutral or benevolent beings, until Christianity had redefined them as malevolent.

Since I was in the dark on the implications of what Frosya had just told us, I looked over to Tish to see how she reacted to this news. She seemed deeply worried and let out a couple distressed moans. It was probably something bad.

”My apologies Tish, but Kayley is the only one here who speaks zombie. But, judging from your tone, I can assure you that we know you did not wound her on purpose. However, we do have to ask for your assistance with the ritual to seal the cut.” Frosya replied.

”If I may ask, but what is demonic energy?” I interjected. What Tish had done to make Aisly bleed it, I could guess.

”In short you could say that it is our lifeforce. I am afraid that lacking answer will have to suffice for now, but feel free to ask Kayley to explain it in detail later today.” Frosya answered. If demonic energy was her lifeforce than Aisly was indeed in serious trouble.

Frosya must have noticed the concerned look on my face, because she was quick to add, ”I assure you there is no need to worry about Aisly. We know how to stop her bleeding. After the wound has been closed she won’t be in any danger anymore. At worst she might be a bit drowsy for one or two days.” Tish immediately nodded to support Frosya’s explanation.

I could not shake the feeling that something was fishy here, for Tish had been a little too fast to support Frosya's explanation. However, Aisly’s health was more important than my gut suspicions, so with a sigh I decided to refrain from inquiring further. ”I do not wish for Aisly to suffer, so please go help them patch her up Tish. I can keep myself entertained for a couple hours… Bah! What was the point of having this duel in the first place? It has only caused everyone trouble…”

”That is something we agree on… As for the ritual, I am afraid that we will have to borrow Tish for a bit longer than just a few hours.” Frosya hesitated for a second before she continued, ”The ritual has to be performed in a special place called the Purple Grove. It is about a day’s walk from here. Also, we cannot bring you with us, Erwin. Nothing personal, but not only would you slow us down, but also the grove is rather dangerous for humans.” Guess that was the fishy part.

Well that sure sucked. I had just married Tish and now she had to leave me for several days? ”So you are saying that I won’t be seeing Tish for two days?” I asked. There was no use in trying to dance around it.

”More like three to four days. The ritual will take the better part of a day, and depending on how fast Aisly recovers, the journey back might take a little longer than usual,” Frosya confessed. ”But, I swear on our tribes honor that the girls who stay behind here with you will take excellent care of you! They will make sure all your needs are met. Just pick the ones you want to keep you company during the nights.”

That she so blatantly offered me female company in front of Tish confused the hell out of me. What made it even stranger was that she seemed totally serious. ”Ouch, four days and I can’t come along? That is quite some effort just to close a wound… Can someone at least teach me a bit about this world in the meantime then?”

”Of course. Kayley will be teaching you herself. It is the least we can do in return for what you have done for us,” Frosya said.

”As for the offer of female companionship, I must politely decline that one. Now that I’m married to Tish I can’t just go and sleep with whoever I want. That would be cheating.”

Frosya raised an eyebrow and sighed, ”They still preach that nonsense? One would have hoped that your world had made some progress in the last two centuries…”

A woman who is still wearing furs criticizing us for our lack of progress? Talk about irony! Her remark had made me curious, though, so I inquired further, ”What do you mean, nonsense?”

”The idea that one can only be loyal to their partners if they completely abstain from intimacy with others. Why waste perfectly good nights by spending them alone, just because Tish is not there?” I was dumbfounded when Tish seconded what Frosya had just said. Also, did she just say partners, as in plural? Are they fucking serious?!

Perplexed by her reaction I turned to Tish and questioned, ”You know she’s offering me to fuck them, right?” Tish nodded. ”Wait, you are fine with that?” I asked baffled. Again she nodded. ”Is that because you are now a member of the tribe now?” This time she shaked her head. ”So, you are fine with me sleeping with other girls in general?” I questioned. For the third time she nodded with a baffling enthusiasm. ”WOW, that is… unexpected…” I uttered and then fell silent.

Both Frosya and Tish waited patiently until I had processed what I had just learned. Finally I asked Tish again, ”Are you really certain about this Tish? Because, I don’t know if I can be as tolerant as you when it comes to you sleeping with other men.” I did not want her to withdraw her blessing, but it would be selfish and unfair if she would have to abstain from intercourse with others while I could fuck whomever I wanted. But again, Tish nodded. Am I dreaming right now? Have I accidentally married a Goddess?

A small smile played on Frosya’s face as she explained, ”Like us, Zombies live in groups. We all know, accept, and expect that we will be sharing our men with other women. For us, there is great honor and joy to be had in sharing, especially when it comes to sharing men. Not only do you give a great gift to one who may perhaps never find a man herself, you also give your husband the pleasure of variation. Most men are happier and have higher libidos if they fornicate with more women than just their wives. Also, Tish laying with another man is not something you have to worry about, Erwin. But, how would you feel about her bedding a woman? With so few men around, many girls have developed a taste for both men and women.”

To me Tish enjoying the company of another woman was a whole different matter, and one I had not given much thought yet. Now that I did think about it, I quickly realized that it likely would not bother me at all. I mean, the experience of laying with a woman is not one that I can give her.

I was about to answer to Frosya when I realized that she had asked the question on Tish’s behalf. So, I faced Tish instead and said, ”Well, if it is with a woman, then that is fine with me. I do not mind that at all. On the contrary, the thought of you with another girl… is rather hot, you know…” Even though I had gotten the far better end of the deal here, it seemed that I had just made Tish a very happy girl. She looked as if I had just given her her Christmas present. Maybe she was indeed one of those girls who is bi.

”With that attitude, I don’t think you will have much trouble adjusting to our world, Erwin.”

”That gives me an idea…” Suddenly she got this twinkle in her eyes and her movements and expressions became more sensual. With a sultry voice she proposed, ”How about you let our girls take care of allll your carnal desires during her absence…” She then tenderly cupped Tish’s chin and looked her straight in the eyes. ”…and in return I will take care of hers?” To put weight behind her words she kissed Tish full on the lips.

Tish seemed as surprised as I was, but she quickly relaxed and returned the kiss. The enthusiasm with which she did so rapidly growing with every passing second. I could not do anything other than just stare in awe at the sexy scene that was unexpectedly unfolding in front of me. The steamy girl on girl action did not leave me unaffected, as something was rapidly stiffening in my pants.

Frosya broke off the kiss, and said, ”I’m sorry Tish, but we will have to continue this tonight. For Aisly’s sake we must leave for the grove as soon as possible.”

She looked over to me and immediately noticed the bulge in my pants. ”I take that as an yes.” I did not challenge that assumption. The edges of her lips curled up into another smile and she said, ”We leave in about a quarter of an hour. That should give you enough time for a quick one to say goodbye to Erwin.” With that she gave Tish a final peck on the cheek and took her leave. Hot as fuck!

”We should have a few minutes left till Frosya comes pick you up. How about we do the cuddling on the rugs, rather than sit here on the cold floor?” I proposed. Even though the sex had left me out of breath, I forced myself back onto my feet. The rugs were only a few steps away. I picked up Tish’s robe and then helped her to get to her feet as well. I handed her the robe, which she happily accepted, but she did not put it on just yet.

I turned around and immediately froze. Ow shit, fuck me!

*Alas Erwin’s dice rolls can’t always be glorious. This round goes to Tish.
†Oh no, guess who has failed his roll twice in a row?! Better get your act together Erwin, or she might stay with Frosya!
MetallumOperaturJan 4, 2018 1:50 PM
Jan 4, 2018 12:26 PM

Jan 2013
Is this the starting signal for Erwin's quest to reach the coveted status of man-slut? Tish's blessing and, indeed, enthusiasm for the project have been recognized :P

Always these cliffhangers, let's see how the speed up project comes along, so we clear that one soon :)
Jan 4, 2018 1:10 PM

Jan 2015
mugen91 said:
Is this the starting signal for Erwin's quest to reach the coveted status of man-slut? Tish's blessing and, indeed, enthusiasm for the project have been recognized :P

Always these cliffhangers, let's see how the speed up project comes along, so we clear that one soon :)

You're quick to read and comment... I was still ironing out the last wrinkles. I always up-load it first and then give it the last read-over, so I can actually see how it looks in the post. But rest assured, save for some re-wording, grammar, and BB-code fixes, nothing has changed.

And yes, Tish seems rather enthusiastic about sharing him. Must be mind rot, pesky side effect of being an undead :-P
MetallumOperaturJan 4, 2018 1:17 PM
Jan 4, 2018 8:49 PM

May 2013
I got Tish's number! She knows that she has free reign to tumble with Erwin's other conquests! A planner, that girl!
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Jan 6, 2018 7:58 PM

Jan 2015
tygertyger said:
I got Tish's number! She knows that she has free reign to tumble with Erwin's other conquests! A planner, that girl!

Maybe in the end she has even more conquests than Erwin. Who knows? ;-)
Jan 9, 2018 5:11 PM

Sep 2013
Looks like you'll be fine as long as you don't get involved with anything in the lamia family. Should be good times =P
Jan 9, 2018 6:06 PM

Jan 2015
emeraldtryst said:
Looks like you'll be fine as long as you don't get involved with anything in the lamia family. Should be good times =P
Maybe he's lucky and he finds the one exception that proves the rule. If not, well the pool of other species for him to fish in is big.
Jan 9, 2018 6:27 PM

Sep 2013
MetallumOperatur said:
emeraldtryst said:
Looks like you'll be fine as long as you don't get involved with anything in the lamia family. Should be good times =P
Maybe he's lucky and he finds the one exception that proves the rule. If not, well the pool of other species for him to fish in is big.

And getting bigger all the time! Really though, there are only a few I wouldn't consider messing with so I'm sure there's plenty of good times to be had out there =)
Oct 7, 2018 5:44 PM

Jan 2015

Chapter 18 – The Hunt is On

”Don’t mind me. I’m just having breakfast…” Kayley said nonchalantly. But, my morning tumble with Tish had obviously not gone unnoticed for she added with a big smirk, ”…while enjoying the entertainment.”

”What the… How the hell did you get in here?!” My reply could not have been more cliché, but I was too perplexed by the fact that she was here in the longhouse with us to come up with anything better.

”Well, through the door of course. How else would I get in here?“ She pointed out the obvious. Did she just drop a dad joke on me? Though technically correct, her answer was not at all what I had meant with the question, and she damn well knew it. So, I just kept leering at her without saying a word.

She let out a disappointed sigh. ”Oh, come on! Let me have some fun. It’s not every day that breakfast comes with such a treat. Besides, Tish saw me sitting here. Clearly she didn’t mind.“

Wait! Tish fucking knew?!!! I turned around to confront her. I hoped the expression on my face read something like “what the heck woman?!” If it did, however, then it had not impressed her even the slightest, as she only smiled sheepishly at me.

”Great! Now you’re both playing dumb!” Frustrated I threw my hands in the air and sarcastically asked, ”While we’re at it, you want me to do the measurements too?”

I should not have said that! I should not have said that! Obviously, Tish considered my suggestion to be brilliant and obviously she began enthusiastically rifling through my pockets in search of the measuring tape. I was left with the choice to either swallow my pride and back out or to double down on my improvident offer. Which was of course no choice at all. Not even a minute later I was taking Tish’s measurements right in front of a very, very amused Kayley.

Ignoring Kayley the best I could, I focussed on examining Tish. The cut to her side and her maimed breast aside, all Tish’s wounds were gone once again. Her breast had me worried though, for there was no sign of healing at all. If anything, the tears and cuts looked even deeper and more savage than before, though I suspected that might be because her breasts had gained some volume. Could it be that whatever healed those other “zombie wounds” did not heal the cuts from the duel after all? If so, how bad would that be? They did not seem to bother her even the slightest, and I had to admit that they were morbidly fascinating, mesmerizing even.

I was still busy writing down my findings, when Frosya entered the longhouse to let us know they were ready to leave. Tish donned her robe and we followed Frosya outside. There Lynn and Rowena were waiting for us with an unconscious Aisly.

Even though I was not the most emphatic of people, it was surprisingly difficult for me to look at Aisly. Nevertheless, I forced myself to not look away. They had carefully laid her down on a small blanket. Oddly enough, it did not appear there was anything visibly wrong with her; not a single cut, drop of blood, or even a bruise was to be seen. Sure, she was a bit pale, but other than that she looked as if she was merely asleep. And despite her current state she was still quite the stunner.

While looking at her I did not feel anger for what she had done, nor did I feel indifferent to her distress. No. I was only worried over whether she would be alright. Without addressing any of the Amazonesses in particular, I said, “Please, bring her back alive and well… The duel has caused enough suffering already.”

Oddly enough my words caused quite a few glances to be exchanged between the Amazonesses. It almost appeared as if there was a silent argument going on between them, even though I had no idea what that argument could be about. Eventually Lynn was the first one to look away with an audible “hmmpf”.

Frosya flashed me a warm smile and said, ”Thank you, Erwin. You do not realize how much your words mean to us. Rest assured that we will take good care of Aisly and do everything in our power to bring her back.”

Then we said our goodbyes while Frosya and Lynn tenderly coiled Aisly in their tails before leading the way. Amazingly they walked in perfect synchrony while keeping Aisly–who was no small woman–perfectly still and level. Awestruck by this extraordinary display of coordination, I mumbled to myself, ”Impressive tail work...”

Suddenly something was gently caressing my cheek and Kayley suggestively replied, ”Oh my... You have seen nothing yet! There is sooooo much more we can do with our tails…“ I noticed that it was her tail that did the soft stroking. She teased me a few seconds longer, before adding on a more serious tone, ”Also, it is about time I start teaching you about us Mamono and Arcadia. There are many things you need to learn before you are ready to leave for Westholm.“


I kept my end of the bargain I had made with Frosya. Every evening I chose two of the Amazonesses to spend the night with, and every night I did not get much sleep. During the days I got private lectures from Kayley about the lay of the land, the vagaries of its lords, and most importantly the desires of its women.

The things she told me during those lectures were quite some food for thought. For example, it was clear that demonic energy and spirit energy could not possibly adhere to the energy conservation laws. That pretty much confirmed that I was not even in the same universe anymore, as the laws of physics were supposed to be constant and, well, universal. Of course, this raised some most interesting questions. Had I somehow accidentally travelled to a parallel universe? And if so, would that mean I was now in another dimension? Could this world perhaps be evidence for the multiverse theory? Was there any way I could verify or debunk these ideas? Just to name a few.

Another thing that I learned from her lectures could pretty much be boiled down to travel advice for Arcadia and Atalantheis (how they named this island and the archipel this island belongs to respectively). Kaori’s domain had descended into chaos and anarchy after its lord had mysteriously disappeared, so that was a clear no go. Same for Charisse’s domain which was currently embroiled in a civil war. Besides neither heat nor sand really appealed to me. The other Lords' domains seemed fine to visit, though. However, it was Michiko’s underwater domain that really caught my attention. Not only was the thought of a civilization beneath the waves most intriguing, her domain was also the place most dedicated to knowledge preservation. I was told that Michiko’s capital was home to a huge library, so maybe that was the best place to pay a visit if I did not find the answers I was looking for in Westholm. Besides, now that I was here anyway, laying a Mermaid had definitely been added to the bucket list.

Talking about my bucket list, I could cross off banging Kayley. On the second evening the girls and I had a couple drinks while sharing stories around the campfire. Slightly tipsy I had joked that technically a blowjob was not the same as fucking, so technically speaking Kayley still owed me a good fuck. Not having learned from my experiences with Tish, I soon found myself in the sticky situation that the entire village, including Kayley herself, wholly agreed with me. Not leaving me any chance to back out, Kayley had offered to settle the debt right there and then. With a small crowd cheering me on and the view of an eager Kayley not at all being unpleasant, I had thought “fuck it”, and had treated the Amazonesses of Highleigh to a second public act of indecency.


“How much does this mean to you?” Kayley asked as she examined the horn in her hand.

“Everything of course! Please tell me that there is a way to put is back?!” Aisly almost begged. Though grateful to still be alive, Aisly had been devastated to learn that her horn had come off and had been replaced with long red manes during the ritual.

“I’m afraid that if you mother can’t help you, then neither can I.” Kayley handed Aisly back her horn. “You have a difficult decision to make, Aisly. There is no use in endlessly ruminating over what was lost or could have been. You must focus on your future and get rid of this horn. You should throw it into the fire.”

Aisly’s eyes grew wide with horror. Her knuckles grew white as she clenched tight the horn in her hands. Aghast she stammered, “You’re… you’re joking right?”

Kayley sighed. She knew this was going to be hard for the girl. “I am not joking, Aisly. I will not force you but know that you are not the same girl anymore that was carried out of here only a few days ago. Keeping the horn will only make it more difficult to let go of the past. You still have so much time ahead of you. Get rid of it. Start anew.”

“How can you say that?! The past is all I have left… I have shamed myself! I have shamed the tribe! I blew my only chance to claim a husband! I lost my horn! How am I ever going to get a husband now that I’m only half an Amazoness?! I have no future!” Aisly cried out in desperation. Though one might question who was she trying to convince here: Kayley or herself? The traces of doubt in her voice suggested the latter.

“Nonsense! Not having a horn does not make you any less an Amazoness! There is no shame in having lost that duel, especially not from someone as capable as Tish. There is only shame if you don’t learn from your mistakes. It is true you that should not have tried to claim Erwin like you did, but that does not mean you will never get a man. On the contrary, you might even get another opportunity to make Erwin your husband,” Kayley rebutted.

“What do you mean? I tried to claim him and have awfully wronged him by doing so. You can’t seriously be suggesting that I should try and claim him again! Tish would kill me and rightfully so!”

“No, of course I’m not suggesting you should try to claim him. Claiming a man is not the only way you can get a husband, Aisly. Sure, Tish will stop anyone from forcefully claiming him, but she is not at all averse to sharing him with those he chooses to be with. That is what you should be focussing on: making Erwin want to be with you. Not the duel. Not your horn. Not your past. What has been done has been done, nothing you can change about that. Put your effort into what you can change.”

Kayley watched Aisly go through a plethora of emotions. She knew that what she was asking of Aisly was not an easy thing to do. But, she also knew Aisly better than Aisly knew herself. She would eventually make the right choice. It took a while, but eventually Aisly started to cry as she threw her horn into the fire. Kayley put her arm around the young Amazoness and patiently waited for her to calm down.

Only when crying had turned into sobbing Kayley spoke up again, “You know, losing the horn might not be the worst that could have happened. Erwin is easy to read and rather talkative too, so I already got a pretty good idea as to what he finds attractive and what not. Our tails can keep him mesmerized for hours and the wing intrigues him. Our horn, however, is just not his thing. It might even be the reason why you lost your horn to begin with.”

“What? He is the reason I lost my horn!? I don’t understand,” Aisly asked confused between two sobs.

“I’ll let you in on a little secret of mine: when I was born I had brown hair. It only turned aquamarine after I had met Feng. Can you imagine how confused I was when I woke up one day having dreamt a wonderful dream about the man I desired only to discover that my hair had changed color? He, however, liked it a lot. It was then that I learned that sometimes demonic energy changes our bodies to make us more attractive to the man we fancy. As for you… The ritual could have caused all kinds of side effects, yet it turned out to be one that makes you more attractive to Erwin. I’m certain that what caused the loss of your horn is the result of the same energies that changed my hair color.”

“Brown hair…” Aisly murmured before asking, ”Do you really believe I still have a chance with him?” Grief over her lost horn slowly made way for hope.

“A chance? Yes. You will have to woo him the right way, though. What I have learned about him so far, I’d say that if you play your cards right the odds are in your favour. Besides, you will get plenty of time to work your charms on him. This morning he asked me if we could teach him some basic survival skills. I can think of no one better to teach him those skills than you,” Kayley stated confidently.

Aisly’s happiness and enthusiasm over being chosen to teach Erwin was somewhat tempered when she shyly admitted, “I don’t know anything about ‘wooing’ or ‘charming’ men, though.”

“That is why Frosya and I will be teaching you. This time you will do this our way, and this time you will succeed!” Kayley paused a moment and smiled as she recalled happy memories from when she had been young lass and madly in love. Back then her elders had taught her the art of wooing, and now it was up to her to pass on those skills to Aisly. A lewd ferocious grin appeared on her face. This was going to be fun! “You know, Aisly, wooing men and hunting deer have surprisingly much in common. Your hunting skills and a few tips and dirty tricks we will teach you, is all you will need. Erwin is one lucky guy, for he won’t stand a chance against your charms!”

MetallumOperaturOct 7, 2018 6:16 PM
Oct 7, 2018 9:47 PM

May 2013
A new chapter at last! Yay!

And Erwin's musings on multiverse theory are intriguing indeed. Tony would love to trade insights on that subject.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Oct 8, 2018 4:06 PM

Jan 2015
tygertyger said:
And Erwin's musings on multiverse theory are intriguing indeed. Tony would love to trade insights on that subject.
Maybe one day Erwin gets over his aversion of sand and blistering heat and come over for a visit ;-)
Oct 9, 2018 8:10 AM
Apr 2018
Right! Since you've posted another chapter in your on going story I figured I might as well try to catch up with yours too. XD
Oct 12, 2018 11:01 AM
Nov 2013
MetallumOperatur said:
Also @tterreb I finally decided to ditch the colored text. You're welcome ;-)

Thanks! I can finally enjoy your story without the added headaches!
Oct 13, 2018 4:46 AM
Apr 2018
And I'm caught up with your story too! I really liked it. XD Maybe I should really work on finishing my new chapters as well... It's been months since my story got an update.
Oct 13, 2018 9:14 AM

May 2013
Seconded -- keep those chapters coming!

While you're catching up on stories, I also recommend Emeraldtryst's first story (Corpse and Coin), YummyLunches's story, and Pantsman's story. All three are excellently written.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Oct 13, 2018 4:18 PM

Jan 2015
@tterreb look at me being all considerate for your well being :-P

Glad you liked my story so far @TsunamiSeeker

Oct 14, 2018 10:59 AM

Jan 2013
Good to finally see an update to the story, though I've obviously heard much of your woes on the path to finally posting it :P

Looking forward to see more, I feel that I have read about Westholm somewhere before... :P
Oct 16, 2018 6:31 PM

Jan 2015
mugen91 said:
I feel that I have read about Westholm somewhere before... :P

You must have been reading some insane scribblings then :-P
Jan 8, 2019 8:01 PM

Jan 2015

Chapter 19 – Caught

Another time, another place

There was a loud knock on the door of the throne room. “Come in,” Michiko answered as she waved for one of the guards to open the door.

The door had not been fully opened when one of her servants came bustling in. She made a small bow before speaking up, “Milord, a messenger has arrived with word from Nahoko. Oddly enough it is not one of Nahoko’s usual messengers. In fact, I have never seen this siren before. Given her demeanor and choice of words I’d say she is not a professional messenger. Nevertheless, she asked for an immediate audience with you. I wanted to dismiss her as an obvious fraud, but then she presented Nahoko’s signet ring…”

Michiko raised an eyebrow. “Hmm, an unusual messenger carrying Nahoko’s signet ring, you say? I would like to have a word with her. Send her in immediately.”

Not much later a haggard-looking siren entered Michiko’s throne room. It was clear the girl was exhausted; that she was still standing could only be the result of powerful magic. Michiko beckoned for her to come closer. “You do not look like a messenger. Please introduce yourself.”

“Of… Of course, my lady. Phimelle Nguyen… That is my name, Phimelle I mean… Nguyen is my husband’s name… His last name. I never had one … a last name I mean… so now it’s my last name as well… We live on the island. I’m a fisher… or, well, actually my husband is the fisher. I help him out on the boat.” The siren stuttered nervously.

“It is a pleasure to meet you Phimelle Nguyen. Please, just call me Lady Michiko or milady. I was told you have a message for me from Governor Nahoko and that you carry her signet ring. Could you please show me the ring?” Though Michiko had spoken in a soothing tone the siren’s nervousness only seemed to grow. This was odd.

“No, ehm yes I mean. She… She gave me her ring, and… and told me to…to only give it to you,” the siren continued to stutter while fumbling to get the ring out of her pocket. She was shaking and almost dropped it when she handed the ring over to Michiko. She almost whispered when she continued, “She… She did not give me any message…”

Well, that explained why the siren was so nervous. “She did not give you any message?” Michiko repeated.

“No… no milady. She just gave me her ring yesterday and…and told me to… to say that I have a message for you…” She hunched over a little trying to make herself look smaller while avoiding Michiko’s gaze.

“I see… Please, no need to be nervous. You did well. You did exactly what you were instructed to do; bring her message to me.” The siren stared at her in confusion, trying to decipher whether that was praise or sarcasm. Michiko felt for the poor woman, being sent away from her husband on a mission that looked an awful lot like pulling a prank on her lord. No wonder she was terrified. She would ease the siren’s mind in a moment, but first she needed privacy, so she addressed her guards and servants. “Please excuse us.”

Everyone immediately vacated the room and closed the doors behind them. When they had left Michiko continued, “My apologies for Nahoko’s vague instructions, but it seems you carry such a delicate message that it would be best if you do not know its contents. I can retrieve the message, but first I must lift the spell Nahoko put on you. Without that spell, however, you will pass out from the fatigue. Don’t be worried. You have done your part, and you have done so faithfully; flying from her ryugero to the Sunken City in one day is no small feat, even with the endurance spell. You will wake up in the Grand Reef Inn. I will see to it that my servants contact you and suitably compensate you for your service once you have recovered.“

Michiko’s soothing words seemed to finally calm the siren, but there was still a sliver of dread in her eyes. Michiko couldn’t blame her. Then with a simple flick of her wrist the spell was lifted, and the siren immediately collapsed onto her lap.


“You summoned me?” A tiny undine said as she suddenly appeared before Michiko. It was uncanny how well this undine could mask her presence if she did not want to be seen. Even Michiko could not sense her presence when the undine was more than two armlengths away. Which was also exactly why this undine was her best spy.

“Yes I did. I have a most delicate mission for you not far from the coast in the southern part of Yara’s domain.”

“Ah spying abroad. Always a favourite of mine! When do you need me there?” The tiny undine asked cheerfully.

“In less than two hours.”

“Michiko's mammaries! In less than two hours? Oh boy, this is getting better by the second!” The undine clapped excitedly. “I wonder how I will get there in less than two hours. Teleportation magic or portals would be too easily traceable. That would defy the purpose of being sneaky! Unless…” She paused a moment, before a wicked grin appeared on her face. “Shall I pour myself into a glass before you drink me?”

“You are enjoying this way too much!” Michiko grumbled before downing the undine in one big sip.


Back to the present

Tish had decided to train with the other amazonesses, and thus I had been receiving private survival lessons from Aisly these last few days. I admit that initially it had been a little awkward being alone in the woods with Aisly, but the awkwardness had quickly subsided as she had proven that she was not of a mind to repeat her mistakes from the past. Her knowledge of the wilds had impressed me, and she had turned out to be a surprisingly good teacher, too. Her lessons were not only informative, they were also enjoyable. Not to mention that now that she was doing something she was good at, the confidence she had shown when we had first met was slowly returning.

Today training had taken us fairly deep into the forest. When it was time to go home Aisly had told me that the walk back to the village would take us at least two hours. I sure hoped she knew the way, because, though I had a good sense of direction, I did not think I would be able to easily find the village back on my own.

Besides having a decent trek ahead of us, Aisly and I were also carrying all kinds of edible plants, roots, and nuts that we had gathered throughout the day. I was also carrying my first two kills -- a large rabbit and a pheasant that I had caught with wire traps I had set yesterday. I had finished the animals off with firm blows to their heads. The thought of having killed two animals with my own hands was somewhat unsettling, but at the same time I also felt no small amount of pride; this was the first time in my life that I had caught and killed my own dinner. I consoled my conscience with the knowledge that these animals had lived much better lives than all the farm animals whose meat I had eaten throughout my lifetime.

My thoughts on having killed two animals had not changed the fact that Aisly and I had a long walk ahead of us, so to pass the time I had proposed we play a “questions game;” pretty much truth or dare without the dare part. Aisly must have liked the idea as she had enthusiastically agreed to it. Like the gentleman I was I allowed Aisly to ask the first question.

“Is it true that there is a man for every woman in your world?” Aisly asked. The disbelief in her voice was yet another testament to how hard it was to grasp the differences between our worlds.

“That depends on what you mean by ‘a man for every woman’. If you’re talking about there being as many men as there are women, then yes. In fact, there might even be slightly more men than women, but it is very close to being fifty-fifty. If you mean, however, whether every woman will find a husband and every man will find a wife, then no. Not everyone finds, or wants to find, a spouse.” I knew that I had left one obvious thing out, but since it was not part of her original question Aisly would have to use another one if she wanted to know the answer to that. Gotta play the game smart after all. “So, my turn now… Let me see… My question for you is, why do you paint those markings on yourself?” Kayley had given me a pretty decent introduction to this world, but since there had been so much for her to tell she had occasionally only given me a “bird’s eye view” of things.

“Actually, I do not paint the runes on myself; I draw them on Esme and she draws them on me. I’m not sure if the other tribes do it the same way. I think so, though. It would be hard to paint your own back.” She seemed to think about that for a moment before she continued, “The runes usually help to draw out the power of the warrior, but they can be used to draw out the speed of the hunter or the perception of the scout, too. Esme usually chooses the speed of the hunter for me,” Aisly explained. Then she asked, “Can I now ask you another question again?”

“Answering a question of mine indeed means it is your turn to ask me a question. But since I just answered yours it is now my turn again.” I answered with a wink. I had explained “the game” to her once already, so no need to go easy on her. Play to win, even if the game by its very nature cannot be won or lost.

“Huh?” It took her a few seconds to figure that one out, but when she did, she puffed up her chest and gave me the salty look of someone who got pulled a fast one. “Hmmph. Jerk!”

Damn, she is even more beautiful when she’s does that! Why doesn’t she wear that sexy bikini and miniskirt anymore? While all her sisters continuously showed off their curves and bodies to me, Aisly had ceased her flaunting since she had returned. She now wore leather pants, leather boots, and a leather tunic. None of those showed much skin. I had to admit that as clothing they made much more sense pretty much everywhere aside from the bedroom. But the bikinis and miniskirts the others wore were quite the appealing eye candy, and frankly being denied the best piece of candy was driving me nuts!

“I know. I’m soooo mean!” I theatrically said, as I smiled triumphantly and gave her another playful wink. Aisly began to blush at my teasing. Looks like she is still very much interested in me, though… “So, next question: what do you do in your free time?”

“What do you mean with ’free time’?” Aisly asked. She genuinely seemed not to know what I meant.

Wut?! She does not know what free time is? “Ehm, what you do when you don’t have to do anything other than what you want?” I tried.

“Ahh.” It did not seem she truly understood the question though… “Well, I guess that would be going for a bath, or…” She suddenly cut off, as she turned red as a beet.

“…having some quality alone time?” I finished the sentence for her. This one she’d made much too obvious. The fact that she turned even redder confirmed my assumption. To her credit she admitted it with a timid yes. “Ha! Now you got me curious as to what you think a handsome man looks like, but to be fair you get to ask your next question first.”

She remained silent for a moment and it looked as if she was gathering her courage to ask me the next question. Then she hesitantly asked, “Do… do you think I’m still attractive even without the horn?”

Hell yes! I wondered why she had asked me this question, though. I guess having lost her horn was quite a big deal to her. Now I could give her some feel good answer about how one’s beauty is mostly defined by their personality and not their appearance, but I was certain that was not the confirmation she was looking for. “I think many men will agree with me when I say that with the horn you were already beautiful, but you’re even more stunning without it. I can imagine that losing it is quite the shock, and might have all kinds of downsides, but I assure you that you becoming less attractive to men is not one of them.”

My answer seemed to have given her quite some peace of mind, as even though the questions grew more and more personal, she stayed much more relaxed than when she had asked this question. When we finally got to the village, we had learned a whole lot about each other.


Aisly and I prepared dinner for everyone from the things we had foraged during the day. Most of the amazonesses had been rather excited by this, but why they were so excited about it eluded me.

After dinner Kayley took Tish and me aside. “The rabbit and the pheasant were your first kills I heard. Well done Erwin!”

“Thank you. I got a lot of help from Aisly, though. I don’t think I would have been able to build an effective trap without her instructions, let alone known where to place it.” Though I was happy with the praise, Aisly did deserve at least half, if not more, of the credit for all the help she had given me.

Kayley smiled, “I’ll make sure to give her a compliment too, then. So, how did you like her survival lessons? Do you think you can survive in the wilds on your own yet?”

I thought about it for a moment. Though I had learned a lot these last few days, I was not at all confident that I would be able to survive on my own. I shook my head, “I had a lot of fun and Aisly is a good teacher. But as much as I would like it, I still have much to learn before I can even survive a few days on my own. Having to gather my own food has never been a necessity for me.”

“Alas there is only so much one can learn in only three days. I am afraid this is as much as she can teach you before you leave for Westholm; the elves will arrive in two days, so tomorrow we will all be busy with the necessary preparations to host them as well as almost two dozen others that will come here to trade.” Realizing that this had been my last day out in the woods with Aisly made me sad. I did not want it to end yet, but at the same time I had to go to Westholm to look for a way back to Earth. Also, though I was certain I could entertain myself for a few more weeks here, but at some point, I would grow restless as life here would be too monotonous for me.

Kaley continued, “You should know that the elven caravan will need at least six more weeks before they get to Westholm.”

“Six weeks!? Is Westholm really that far away?” I was a little shocked to learn that it would take us so long to get there.

“Well, if you were to go on foot rather than join the caravan, you could get there in about two weeks. Depending on the weather and the route it can take a few days more or fewer. You will need a good guide and an experienced forager that can find enough food not to just feed herself, though. As for your safety, I reckon Tish will be more than capable of keeping you out of harm’s way.” While she said it, Tish embraced me and moaned softly. Though I still did not have a clue how Kayley could even understand what she was saying, I needed no translation to immediately feel reassured by Tish.

“That is quite the difference,” I murmured as I pondered about my options. Didn’t Kayley say that Aisly needed to get out and see the world? I wonder if she would be willing to come with us to Westholm. She would make for an excellent forager. Not sure if she would know the way, though.

Kayley was smiling contently when I refocused on the conversation we were having. “I forgot to mention that the elves are actually a day late, so we expect the locals to arrive tomorrow already. I suggest you use the time to talk to some of them; this will be an opportune moment for you to learn a bit more about the other mamono species. We will even be welcoming the alraune whose nectar you have been using these last few days. I’m sure she will be more than happy to provide you with some more for the journey to Westholm.”

“She sounds like a generous woman,” I said, only to be interrupted by Tish who moaned a couple times.

Kayley chuckled and winked at me, “It seems Tish thinks you owe her a ‘thank you’. I can definitely recommend the experience.”


As the evening grew late and the time to look for a bed to spend the night drew nearer. Aedelind pulled me aside.

“Oi laddie, Kayley might nae approve me askin’ this, but how aboot ye spend the night with ‘er? She sacrificed much of ‘er own demonic energy tae save Aisly, so she could use a good pumpin’. Don’t worry, Tish willnae be lonely tonight. Besides, ye havn’t givin her arse a good spankin’ yet.” She pointed to Tish, who seemed rather appreciative as two blonde amazonesses steered her towards one of the cabins while making suggestive advances. As they got to the door Tish briefly turned around and happily waved at me, before following the two amazonesses inside. Well… that just happened.

I had learned enough about demonic energy to understand why Aedelind wanted me to bang Kayley. I did have a few questions for her, though. “Why would she not approve you asking this, besides the obvious that she should be asking me this herself?”

“Har! Agree with ye there, laddie! The chief thinks we’ve been askin’ too much of ye already, so she dinnae dare ask ye.” She replied.

“If that is the case, then why are you asking me?” I skeptically inquired.

Aedelind let out a guffaw and clapped me hard enough on the back for me to briefly worry about a dislocated spine. “Har! Because ye dinnae seem to mind what we be asking of ye!”

I could not argue with that one. “Touché.”
MetallumOperaturJan 8, 2019 8:06 PM
Jan 18, 2019 1:09 PM
Apr 2018
Good to see a new chapter metal! Looking forward to seeing how Aisly and Tish will react to each other on the coming journey...
Jan 18, 2019 4:40 PM

Jan 2015
TsunamiSeeker said:
Looking forward to seeing how Aisly and Tish will react to each other on the coming journey...
Erwin likes to think he is still on the fence about that, but Kayley knows better :-D
Jan 21, 2019 2:38 PM
Nov 2013
Another good chapter.
Jan 26, 2019 1:32 PM

Jan 2013
Nice chapter.

I guess we skipped ahead just a little bit and Erwin is finally (almost) ready to go out into the wider world :)
Feb 3, 2019 4:51 PM

Jan 2015
tterreb said:
Another good chapter.
Thanks :-)

mugen91 said:
I guess we skipped ahead just a little bit and Erwin is finally (almost) ready to go out into the wider world :)
At least he will start the next part of his journey better prepared than the first part :-P
Feb 21, 2019 4:43 PM

Jan 2015

Chapter 20 – One Fine Day

To my surprise Aedelind had been spot on when she had said that Kayley liked to get spanked. I wondered whether her demonic energy deficiency affected her sexual endurance, for Kayley was ridiculously easy to please. I dare even claim she had a two-pound mound, the female equivalent of a two-pump chump; two or three thrusts was all that I needed to do to make her orgasm. It made laying with her really rewarding, though. I felt like a sex-god because I made her climax over and over and over again.

Alas, all good things must come to an end, and so the time had arrived to try and get some sleep. As a token of appreciation Kayley offered me her bare full breasts as pillows for the night. What can I say? Best pillows ever! Nevertheless, as I slowly drifted into a blissful sleep, I just couldn’t help but wonder what godly cushions Aisly’s bosom would make.

When I woke up, Kayley had coiled her tail around me to keep me from rolling off, for I had quite literally slept right on top of her. She was awake and seemed to be in an excellent mood. She greeted me with a radiant smile and began running her fingers through my hair. Since she did not seem of mind to let go of me yet, so I closed my lips around one of her nipples and began lightly sucking on it. Her nipple quickly perked up, and she began to make noises that sounded a suspicious lot like purring. It did not take long before she looked flustered and her breathing turned to panting. Not much later she shuddered and climaxed yet again. Meanwhile her nipple had stiffened and a warm liquid began filling my mouth. I immediately recognized the taste. I quickly swallowed and looked up. “Ehm… Kayley… Is this…?”

It made a lot of sense though. The fatty milk they had offered me had to come from somewhere, and I had not seen any cows around here. Now that I thought of it, I could not remember seeing anyone else here drinking milk either. Kayley immediately tensed up and turned red as a lobster. Looks like I had accidentally stumbled upon a little secret of hers. Though she did not push me off, her tail immediately released me as she stammered, “Erwin… I’m so sorry… I should not have… I mean it’s not bad for you, healthy even, but… I’m so, so sorry…”

Well, what do you know! I had made an amazoness other than Aisly feel self-conscious; a small miracle if you ask me. I did not mind that she had fed me her milk, in fact I found the gesture rather sweet. It tasted great and I must confess that this was definitely on my list of curiosities. I placed a finger on Kayley’s lips to silence her stuttering, and said, “No need to apologise. I appreciate that you cared enough to offer me something this… personal. Though, I admit, I do prefer getting it straight from the source.” With that I latched back onto her breast.

Kayley let out a big sigh of relief and with it the tension left her body too. Her breast continued to generously release its white treasure in rapidly growing quantities. She tenderly closed me in her arms and pushed my face even further into her bosom, as if to encourage me to gorge myself on her motherly nectar. “You have no idea how much I needed this, or how much I needed last night. Thank you so very much! Again, my debt to you grows,” she whispered.

I had made her reach her peak half a dozen more times just by sucking her breasts. I still could not believe how easy it was to satisfy her. When I had finally sated myself on her delicious creamy juice, Kayley insisted that it was now my turn to be pampered. First, she gave me a full body massage with a happy ending. Then, she served me brunch in bed while wearing nothing but a smile. That it came with a complementary blowjob was no surprise. This morning was truly a great start to the day. Little did I know that this day was going to get even better.


The alraune, Kayley had told me about yesterday, was among the first locals to arrive. She had been carried here by a pair of trolls. I sure was glad that these trolls did not even remotely resembled the ones from the Lord of the Rings movies. In fact, they were quite charming ladies with flowers in their hair, a short bovine tail, and with rather large hands, feet, and busts.

It was the alraune, however, who truly stood out due to her alien appearance. She was an alluring full-grown green-skinned woman attached to the kelp of a huge flower. I just stood there slack-jawed while Tish and I watched Aedelind help the trolls “plant” the flower-woman right in the middle of the village square. Upon noticing me staring, Aedelind was quick to put me in charge of watering her.

Watering this plant-woman was definitely one of the oddest chores I had ever done. Just the fact that “the plant” flirtatiously told me exactly how much she appreciated being watered, how much more water she needed, and in which other ways I could “water her” was mind blowing. The chore provided me with an excellent opportunity to talk to her, and I learned a few interesting things about her species. She was quite the chatty woman and it did not take long before she invited Tish and me into her home for a tour. A rather strange offer as it did not seem she had a home.

It turned out she did have one, though I could hardly blame myself for not having been able to guess that it was tucked away in something that I could only describe as a pocket dimension. It was much larger than the flower that she had been standing in. Yet that was exactly where her home was supposedly “built” into. I tried to come up with a rational explanation as to how this worked, but it just made my head hurt, so I quickly gave up on that. Despite that its existence made no sense, she did have a lovely and cosy home, though.

After the tour the alraune did not beat around the bus and straight up offered the both of us some hands-on private tutoring on alraune anatomy and the uses of their delicious nectar. Which reminded me, I sure hoped that stuff was not addictive, or else I was in for quite a bit of trouble. I doubted it was out of scientific interest, but not surprisingly Tish was immediately enthusiastic about the alraune’s offer. I saw little reason not to accept, and Tish had made a fair point yesterday that I owed this woman a thank you for all the nectar she had provided me, so much to the delight of the both of them I accepted the offer. This afternoon was going to be great. Little did I know that this day had even more pleasant surprises in store for me.


That evening the amazonesses erected another “snu-snu pit”. Almost two dozen guests, including a troupe of eleven honey bees, had arrived throughout the day. So, the snu-snu pit was now much more crowded than it had been during the wedding. Yet, I was still the only man in town. Kayley had told me that for every man there were almost a hundred women. But only now that I saw the snu-snu pit filled with over forty lusty women who were all ogling and flirting with me, I truly grasped the implications of that simple statistic. Men were fucking rare here. It was a weird feeling knowing that I had become an object of desire, and that none these women would hesitate if I were to propose we go for a tumble.

As the night grew darker and the alcohol started to flow, the girls were getting frisky. Thankfully most had given up on trying to seduce me, and instead had shifted their attention to seducing their neighbours. I guess that in a world where the population was so heavily skewed towards women, it should be no surprise that lesbian sex was the rule rather than the exception.

I had seen the uninhibited nature of these women before, yet I was still baffled by their blatant displays of lust and affection. Esme, for example, was kissing a satyr that was sitting on her lap. Both her hands had found their way up the goat-girl’s top, while at the same time the satyr had slid one hand down Esme’s short skirt. A quick look around revealed that most others were similarly engrossed in teasing and groping activities.

Just when I expected the clothes to come off and a giant orgy to commence, Kayley stood up and addressed the crowd. “I cannot stress how happy we are to welcome you all back in our humble village. It pleases me to see that everyone is enjoying themselves tonight. However, I will have to ask you all for a little restraint. This, of course, because we are going to play the game again tonight!” I had no idea what “the game” was, but the girls were immediately hyped. Kayley revealed two pots. “Rather than making mixed teams, I’ve decided it is time for us to square off against our visitors. The same rules as usual apply, but to spice things up, the losers will also have to wear these till breakfast.” She gestured towards Aedelind who showed a collection of black leather collars and leashes. “Now, without further ado, let the games begin!”

A blonde amazoness and a honey bee were the first ones to face each other. While they started playing, Kayley sat down beside me and explained the rules the game. The game was extremely simple to grasp as it was pretty much just rock-paper-scissors with some extra steps that had added a bluffing element to the game. Obviously, the signs were different, but the same principle applied. The kitsune tricks the harpy; the harpy evades the arachne; the arachne traps the kitsune. Inevitably, the game had a lewd purpose too. Losing a round equalled losing an item of clothing. Losing the game equalled to becoming the winner’s sex-servant till breakfast. I loved games and I loved beautiful women stripping. So, giving this game my seal of approval was a no-brainer.

I did not know whether the honey bee could read the blonde amazoness like a book, or whether she had just been lucky, but the game was one-sidedly in her favour. She bested the amazoness without losing a single round. True to their word, the naked amazoness was put on a leash and the honey bee lead her off to one of the cabins, eager to claim her prize. Next up was Rowena who faced a colourful butterfly girl called a papillon. She fared only marginally better than her predecessor; the papillon lost two items of clothing before Rowena was put on a leash. The games thereafter all yielded similar results as one amazoness after another was stripped, collared, and then led off to the cabins. Evidently, they were not so good at this game. It did not take long before we could hear faint moaning sounds coming from the cabins. I could only imagine the ungodly amount of cunnilingus and pussy worship the losers would have to perform tonight. It was quite a sexy thought, though, so imagine I did.

Aedelind, who had been way too entertained at the other amazonesses losing, got a healthy dose of karma handed to her by a strange root-like plant-girl called a mandragora during the seventh game of the evening. This of course much to the amusement of the remaining amazonesses who had all been rooting for the mandragora. Only after a nine-game loss streak the amazonesses finally caught a break when they won their first sound victory. Of course, of all the amazoesses, it had to be Aisly who won that game. Just my luck.

I did not get much time to sulk over it, though, as Kayley already announced the next two contestants. “For the guests we have Nadia…” A cute, petite, light-blonde honey bee girl with fair white skin, sky-blue eyes, and wearing a striped black and yellow attire that matched the stripes on her “bee parts” got up. “… and she will be facing… Oh my! I sure hope you have been paying attention Erwin, because you’re up next!”

I did not know that I too was a participant, and judging by the surprised gasps, neither did the others. But I was not going to be a bad sport, so I got up to square off against the honey bee. Nadia was blushing and was visibly excited at the prospect of playing against me. The spectators immediately chose to back Nadia and began chanting her name. Even Tish began enthusiastically clapping along. Slightly hurt by this lack of support I shouted at Tish and the amazonesses in particular, “Hey! You girls do realize I’m on your team, right?! And it doesn’t look like we are winning right now, so how about you cheer for me instead!”

For a moment this got them to shut up, but then Esme spoke up with a lewd grin on her face. “Don’t take it personal Erwin, but you’re just way too cute to be wearing clothes!” …leave it up to an amazoness to call a two-meter-tall* guy cute… I just could not get used to being called cute. Sure, they genuinely meant it, but to me it just felt wrong. Everyone voiced their agreement with Esme by resuming their chanting and cheering. I could hardly blame them as I had hoped Aisly would lose her game for pretty much the same reason. But that Tish had joined them was a slightly different matter. “You too?” I asked her. But she just waved my complaint away by blowing me a kiss before continuing clapping along. Guess she wanted to see me in my birth suit too. Understandable, but nevertheless this was going to be recorded in Erwin’s big book of grudges. This travesty shall be avenged!

I started with the initiative, which meant that I had to declare which one of the three signs I was going to pick before the actual showdown happened. The twist was that I was not beholden to actually pick that sign. This allowed for some interesting mind-games which made this game both more entertaining and more intense than a regular rock-paper-scissors game. After declaring a sign, you obviously had three different plays to pick from: stick with the sign you had announced, make a bluff play where you counter picked the sign that would beat whatever you had announced, or make a bluff play where you counter-counter picked the sign that beat whatever you had announced. Sticking with what you had declared was the low-risk, low-reward option, were a draw resulted in no clothing lost and both a win and a loss would result in just one piece of clothing being removed. A bluff play gave double rewards if you won, but also punished both a draw and a loss harder, making it the high-risk, high-reward option.

With the crowd loudly backing Nadia, I decided to immediately make a statement by going on the offensive and make a bluff play. My gamble paid off as Nadia had bet on me sticking with what I had declared. So, much to the disappointment of the crowd the game started off with Nadia having to lose two items of clothing. She was blushing and threw me a shy glance when she removed both her shoes and her stockings to reveal her beautiful cream-white legs.

Now it was Nadia’s turn to declare which sign she was going to pick. I had convinced myself that she was too shy to go for a bluff play. But it turned out that she was not too shy to bluff. Thus, the score was back in balance. Following her example, I took off my shoes and socks.

With the initiative back with me, I decided to up the mind games and went for a counter-counter pick. Again, my gamble paid off. My prize was watching Nadia slowly removing her arm sleeves before pulling her form fitting dress over her head. Pulling the dress down was not an option as there was a decently seized “bee-abdomen” attached to her lower back. I briefly wondered what that additional abdomen was for. Though her body was delicate, and she was one and a half head shorter than me, it did not mean she had no curves. Sure, both her rear and her bosom were not nearly as voluminous as the very-well-endowed amazonesses’, but nevertheless I could only come up with a single complaint about them: they were still covered by a frilly bra and panties.

The next round I correctly guessed that Nadia would go for another bluff play. However, I had wrongly guessed which one, so we both ended up with the same sign. Since she had attempted a bluff play, the rules stated she had to lose an item of clothing. She chose to take off her bra. My blood started pumping a little faster, when the exquisite contents of the bra were revealed to me. Her set of perfectly perky handfuls of squishy were adorned by two alluring small light-pink nipples. They were simply stunning. The mere sight of them made my manhood rise like a snake to a snake-charmer’s flute, and even if I had not consumed copious amounts of alraune nectar earlier today, they would still have turned me on like a light bulb.

Nadia noticed that something had begun to stir in my pants and blushed even more fiercely. She tried not to stare, but her eyes kept darting back to my crotch. Maybe this was an opportunity to gain even more of an edge by distracting her, so I shifted my position to make the crotch bulge even more pronounced. It was weird how just two weeks in this world had already changed my inhibitions, for this was not something I could imagine doing back on earth.

Despite my efforts Nadia did not let herself be distracted enough to fail, and the next round was hers. While taking off my coat, I realized that no one had counted the number of clothing items I, or anyone else, wore. Nor did anyone make any objection to the fact that I had more clothes to lose than the honey bee. Though it was in my favour, I was a little annoyed that they had not balanced the game in that regard. But since it also meant that Tish was royally screwed, for she literally only wore a robe, I decided not to bring it up myself. Serves Tish right for supporting the “enemy”!

With only her panties left to lose, Nadia’s position was growing dire. That was why I reasoned she would go for another bluff play in an all-or-nothing attempt to catch up to me. She surprised me by going for the safe play. My sweater was the price for my miscalculation.

The next round I attempted the counter-counter pick again, but Nadia was not going down without a fight and she threw a monkey wrench into my plan by claiming her third victory in a row. I blame this loss on being distracted by a slowly growing dark spot in Nadia’s panties. After having dropped my pants the crowd grew silent in anticipation, for I had to lose another item and I was not wearing that much anymore. Too bad for them, I had a score to settle, so I decided to go and mess with them. I pretended to take of my boxers. I slowly slid them down my hips carefully watching the reactions of the crowd. When I noticed them starting to hold their breath because things were about to get interesting, I suddenly pulled my boxers back up, gave the crowd wide smile and a teasing bow, and then proceeded by putting my hat on top of the clothes pile instead. I felt a little bit sorry for trolling Nadia too, but to her credit she took it like a champ. Esme on the other hand shouted out in frustration, “Oh, come on! The hat is the only thing you can leave on!” I chuckled, success!

The next two rounds both ended in a draw, and since neither of us had made a bluff play nothing changed. I figured that it would be borderline reckless for Nadia to make the same play three times in a row. Therefore, it made perfect sense she would do exactly that in an attempt to throw me off. My theory proved spot on. Time for those panties to drop! Nadia, however, had different plans and instead gave me a taste of my own medicine by removing a small red ribbon from one of her antennae after having teased me first. When she put the ribbon on top of her pile with a shy but triumphant smile, I could not help but laugh, for I knew damn well I deserved this one. “Outstanding move Nadia. Well played!”

Thankfully she could only do the ribbon trick once, so when I won the next round too, her box of tricks was empty, and her panties finally came off. Again, the eye candy was exquisite. She had a small triangle-shaped patch of soft light-blonde hair above her crevice, but the rest was smoothly waxed. Her lips were surprisingly full and were glistening with her moisture. They fully covered the rest of her flower though, leaving one last surprise for me to unwrap.

With no more clothes to lose, Nadia was a single loss away from defeat. At the same time, I only had my boxers and shirt left, so though I was not in the danger zone yet, I was only one loss away from being so. I noticed the spectators were getting anxious, fearing that they might miss out on a peek at my family jewels. In a last-ditch attempt to turn the tide Esme tried to distract me by flashing me her bountiful bosom. It was too little too late, for I called Nadia’s bluff play and won the game. Oddly enough Nadia, while still blushing, seemed much less upset that she had lost the game than most of the spectators. Then again, despite having lost she knew she was going to get fucked, while the others had to make do with their imagination.

While Kayley put a collar around Nadia’s neck, one of the remaining honeybees left in a hurry. She returned moments later carrying a small clay jar. She handed Nadia the jar, wished her good luck, and sat down in the crowd again. “I’m sorry, but I have to ask you two to leave. Can’t have the ladies here be distracted while they still have to play a game themselves. You can take my cabin. Now off you go, time to have some fun!” Kayley said as she handed me Nadia’s leash and then shooed us towards the cabins.

Winning the game was all nice and dandy, but now I had a teeny tiny problem on my hands: I was alone in a cabin with a beautiful, naked, shy honey bee girl on a leash waiting for my instructions. Yet, though I was turned on as hell, just claiming my victory by fucking her right away did not feel right; I barely knew this girl. And then there was the no small matter that she looked young, potentially even a little too young. She was obviously no child anymore, but whether she had celebrated her eighteenth birthday already or not was not apparent, and that was kinda a big deal. ”I don’t think we’ve even properly introduced ourselves yet. My name is Erwin. A pleasure to meet you. Now don’t take this the wrong way, but please tell me, how old are you?”

Nadia looked surprised. Had she expected or perhaps wanted me to immediately jump to action, or was it my question that had thrown her off? “Ehm, I’m Nadia. I’m sixty-one years old. I-I’m not too old for you, a-a-aren’t I?” She looked rather nervous.

She’s sixty-one!? You’ve got to be kidding me! “No, of course you are not too old for me. Too young is what I am more worried about. You look like you’re eighteen give or take a year. Are you a hundred percent certain and truthful that you’re older than seventeen?” I asked. I knew I was now just hammering on about it, but this was too big a concern to me, to forgo the double check. Also, I realized that maybe I should have been asking this question before we had started the stripping game. You know, in case she had won.

“Why w-would I lie about m-my age? And w-what is wrong w-with a s-s-eventeen year old?” She seemed genuinely confused by my questions and I did not get the feeling she was lying to me about her age. I guess looks were not a reliable way to gouge one’s age in this world. Hell, if the amazonesses were to be believed, of them only Aisly looked her age. All others were well over eighty years old, with Kayley, Frosya, and Aedelind having even passed the five-hundred-year mark. And even they had no clue as to how old Tish was.

“Well where I’m from the line between being an adult and a minor is one’s eighteenth birthday. So, that line is pretty much sacred to me. Aside from it being immoral and illegal, I am also simply not interested in sex with a minor.” I explained.

“I-I see…” She did not seem to entirely agree with me there but opted to not argue. I was not going to dwell on it either. This world had proven itself crazy on more than one occasion already, so in this case I was going to set my boundaries and not rely on how these women thought about it.

Now that my biggest concern had been taken care off, it suddenly became much harder to mentally override the carnal desires of my body and I realized I had to act quickly lest I lose control. It seemed that Nadia had similar struggles, for she was literally dripping wet by now, and she was growing restless. “I’m sorry for having pressed the matter this much, but to me it’s really important to know.” I paused for a moment. “I admit everything today went a little fast. Hell, until you arrived, I had never seen a honey bee girl in my life. I would love to get to know you and learn all about your species… But as you can see, I might have had a little bit too much alraune nectar this afternoon... Since I believe you, how about we get rid of the worst urges first and then take things a little slower from there?”

“Y-Yes please! I-I k-know that I-I’m your humble s-servant who-hoo will have do whatever you d-d-desire, b-but I don’t k-know how much longer I c-c-can hold back.” That stuttering did not solely come from her being shy. “You w-want me to use the ho-honey? I-It’s really good!”

A honey bee girl using honey to spice up the sex? That is brilliant! “O hell yes!”

Today, truly one fine day!


With only one clothing item to lose it came as no surprise that Tish had lost her match decisively. She had as busy a night as I had and was covered in female love juices. While my case was not as extreme as Tish’s, I too could use a bath. I figured we could use some alone time, so we headed to the river for a bath with just the two of us. It was nice to wind down a little after having spent the last one and a half day in near perpetual intimate company of various women. We took our time, so when we finally returned to the village more than half of this day had already passed. Highleigh was now bursting with activity, which meant that the elves had arrived! I immediately grew excited, for I had been dying to see elves for the first time in my life. Boy, was I in for a big surprise!

*That is about 6’6” – 6’7”

EDIT: Typos, grammar, reworking some awkward paragraphs.

MetallumOperaturFeb 22, 2019 5:54 AM
Feb 21, 2019 8:04 PM

May 2013
Heh. I love the bit with the hat. I suspect that you have seen a movie called The Full Monty.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Feb 22, 2019 5:34 AM

Jan 2015
tygertyger said:
Heh. I love the bit with the hat. I suspect that you have seen a movie called The Full Monty.

Believe it or not, I have not seen this movie, nor had I even heard of it. It is a funny scene though :-)

The hat scene mostly just felt like a natural result from the interaction between Esme, Erwin, and Nadia. Though this gem did cross my mind when writing the scene:

Upon reading the text again I've noticed that it could use some polishing/rephrasing/reworking, especially the last few paragraphs needed some serious work. Chapter got too big, so had to cut it in two. Also, it was very late when I uploaded it ;-) This reworking has now been done.
MetallumOperaturFeb 22, 2019 6:07 AM
Feb 22, 2019 11:10 AM

Jan 2013
Nice update and probably a good idea to cut the chapter, can't have you join the textwall club :P

I wonder how these lovely ladies will take it, if Erwin ever departs? Surely, they'll be sad at losing all their (erotic) entertainment.

Really looking forward to what you'll do with the elves, I have heard that some of them can be a bit difficult :P
Feb 22, 2019 11:55 AM
Apr 2018
That was... Beautiful. 😢

If ever there was a good way to wake up in the morning... That would be it!

And the day simply got better and better from there.

Finally ending in quite a fun (and believable for the setting) game to play, with quite interesting rules to consider, and with quite the reward to win!

Truly a fine day indeed!
Feb 22, 2019 12:38 PM
Nov 2013
That was probably my favorite of your chapters so far. The game was very entertaining.
Feb 22, 2019 2:08 PM

Jan 2015
mugen91 said:
Really looking forward to what you'll do with the elves, I have heard that some of them can be a bit difficult :P
The elves tend to disagree on this point :-P

TsunamiSeeker said:
Finally ending in quite a fun (and believable for the setting) game to play, with quite interesting rules to consider, and with quite the reward to win!

Yeah, I've spent quites some time on deciding what kind of game they would be playing. With the requirements that the game should require minimal materials, have multiple quick rounds, and be fairly easy, I kept coming back to rock-paper-scissors or similar games. Problem was that just the plain original game was a little bit too simplisitic for my liking. So I came up with the idea of adding a bluffing element to it. I designed this variation entirely by myself, though, given its simplicity, I do suspect that there will be very similar variations to the game as the one I came up with.

tterreb said:
That was probably my favorite of your chapters so far. The game was very entertaining.

Glad you liked the chapter!
MetallumOperaturFeb 22, 2019 2:12 PM
Mar 7, 2019 7:30 PM

Sep 2013
I hadn't actually been behind on the reading on this one, but commenting since I have once again caught up =)

And woo, there is some serious discipline going on keeping Erwin being forced by that swarm of snu-snu to change his name to Schwinn (village bicycle in case that reference was too obscure).
Mar 8, 2019 8:08 PM

Jan 2015
emeraldtryst said:
I hadn't actually been behind on the reading on this one, but commenting since I have once again caught up =)

And woo, there is some serious discipline going on keeping Erwin being forced by that swarm of snu-snu to change his name to Schwinn (village bicycle in case that reference was too obscure).
They might have discovered that all the girls in town can get a free ride. They are opportunistic enough to not let it go to waste.
Mar 8, 2019 8:39 PM

Sep 2013
Just saying they deserve some kudos for holding on to the discipline to wait in line (probably for a while) for the best ride at the amusement park. =P
Mar 9, 2019 9:59 AM

Jan 2013
emeraldtryst said:
Just saying they deserve some kudos for holding on to the discipline to wait in line (probably for a while) for the best ride at the amusement park. =P

I guess in this case, steady wins the race :)
Mar 10, 2019 9:32 PM

Jan 2015
emeraldtryst said:
Just saying they deserve some kudos for holding on to the discipline to wait in line (probably for a while) for the best ride at the amusement park. =P
Well the alternative would probably practically lead to less fornicating than the keep him busy, but not too busy strategy. Also Tish has proven to be an excellent deterrent for "overenthusiasm".
Mar 13, 2019 1:51 PM

Sep 2013
MetallumOperatur said:
Well the alternative would probably practically lead to less fornicating than the keep him busy, but not too busy strategy. Also Tish has proven to be an excellent deterrent for "overenthusiasm".

True enough. And she's still putting herself back together. Imagine by the time she's done you'll be safe to have tea with hellhounds in a tentacle forest =)
Apr 6, 2019 2:39 PM

Jan 2015

Chapter 21 – The Hollow

I counted eleven elves, though I suspected there were more of them as I did not see any wagons in the village. They looked exactly how I had imagined (and hoped); gorgeous blondes with long pointy ears. Most of them were clad in short form-fitting green ranger tunics, thigh high boots, and long green capes. They matched the ranger elf stereotype to a tee. There were two notable exceptions, though. First, there was an elf with long straight light-blonde hair that came as far down as her hips who wore partial plate armour, had a shield strapped to her back, and was carrying a straight sword from a sword belt. My money was on her being the leader of the group. Next to her stood an elf with long gold-blonde hair tied together in a high ponytail. She wore some kind of fancy-looking scale armour, and had a shield strapped to her back as well. Also she had a hatchet hanging on either side of her belt.

Kayley was talking to these armoured elves and one of the rangers, while the others were busy hauling crates and barrels. As soon as they noticed us the elves immediately stopped dead in their tracks. Not to greet us, but rather to look away and turn their noses up with a loud “hmmph”. The synchronised manner in which they did this was quite impressive and comical at the same time. I’m sure it was not their intention to entertain me, but I could not help but find the scene they were making highly amusing. Also it helped that copious amounts of female attention had boosted my ego enough to not be bummed out by this clear lack of interest by the elves.

Apparently I was not the only one to think their actions amusing, for Aedelind let out a loud guffaw and said, “Har! Keek at ye prude quinies pretendin’ not tae be interested in the lad. No wonder ye elves can’t git laid!”

It seemed she had hit a raw nerve, for a fair few elves gasped and hmmph-ed even louder. One of the elves even tried to argue, but did so without thinking her argument through. “That’s not true! I know an elf who got laid… once…” The way the volume of her voice dropped meant she too realized it was not convincing.

“Har! Maybe she could teach ye lassies a thin’ ur two aboot laddies then! Ah already caught four of ye peekin’ including ye. That’s nae goin’ ta do it, ye know.” Wait, some of the elves were peeking? Then what was the point of looking away in the first place? The elf had no rebuttal to that and made the wise decision to keep her mouth shut while looking visibly abashed.

Before Aedelind could embarrass the elf any further, Kayley intervened. “That’s enough Aedelind.” She raised her voice and shouted, “Alright, enough dilly-dallying! Everyone back to work!” Then she beckoned for us to come over.

“I’m sorry about that. Aedelind is not the type to mince her words.” I heard Kayley apologise to the elf in plate.

“Don’t worry about it. Nothing wrong with the girls being told the truth from time to time.” The ranger elf standing beside her seemed greatly offended by those words. She voiced her displeasure with another “hmmph” while pertinently refusing to look in our direction. The elven leader did not seem to care much for that opinion, though. In fact, while the other elves had refused to look at me she and the other armoured elf had no such reservations. She had been curiously observing us while treating us on a pretty welcoming smile. She looked as if she was in her late teens or early twenties, though, given my experiences, that did not tell me much. She had azure eyes and a plethora of cute freckles on her cheeks. Amazingly her eyebrows were as long and pointy as her ears, and somehow they defied gravity by pointing slightly upwards while coming way past the sides of her face.

It was reassuring that she had smiled so nicely at us, for the other elf was scary as fuck. Ever since we had arrived at the village she had been maintaining an intense eye-lock with me that made me really uncomfortable. That her pale green eyes seemed to glow faintly did not help of course. She had crimson red lips, the same funky eyebrows that the elven leader had, and her skin was devoid of even the most minute flaw. I had to give it to her that she was quite prepossessing, though it was a stone-cold kind of beauty.

Then there was the elven ranger who had been the most fanatic of all the elves with the stuck-up behaviour. Kayley’s large frame had obscured most of the elf, so all I had been able to tell was that she had long wavy dark-blonde hair. But, now that I got a good look at her… DAMN GIRL! This girl was more stacked than a fridge before Christmas. Like, seriously, she would probably even give Aisly a run for her money even though she was almost a whole head shorter. Thankfully the elf had closed her eyes in her refusal to look at me, so she did not see me staring in awe at her assets. The others, however, did, and both the elven leader and Kayley had a chuckle over it. Much to the annoyance of the ranger who probably assumed they were having a laugh at her expense. I felt a little awkward for having been caught staring, but the elven leader effectively dispelled it with another warm smile that showing only genuine mild amusement. She removed her gauntlets and held out her hand. “It is good to see some new faces here. I am Jillian.”

Her hands were silken soft but that did not keep her from giving me a firm handshake. “I am Erwin and this is Tish. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“The pleasure is all mine. This here is Aranessa.“ The scary elf removed her glove before shaking my hand. I half expected her to be cold to the touch, but that was not the case. She still did not break the eye-lock, though.

“I was given the name Aranessa by my mother who was also given the name Aranessa.” Yup, that was how she introduced herself. As if she was not weird enough already.

“Aranessa, you are staring again. That makes people feel uncomfortable, remember? Also blink a couple times for me will you?” Only when Jillian pointed it out, Aranessa seemed to realize that she had been staring all the time. It was a big relief when she finally broke the eye-lock. “And, Serra how about you give Erwin here a hand and properly introduce yourself too?”

The busty ranger gasped at the thought. She defiantly crossed her arms tightly in front of her, ironically inadvertently emphasizing the size of her bust even more. Without even giving me a second look she spoke up, “His mere presence offends elven-kind. You want me to lower myself by talking to this uncouth man?! Worse even, you want me to satisfy his filthy perverted nature by allowing him to touch me?”

Wow, this elf really was a piece of work, and it seemed she had just pissed off the elven leader big time. Jillian frowned and spoke very slowly while the tone of her voice had dropped more than a whole octave. “Serra Sungrass. Not only are you going to do exactly as was instructed, you are also going to apologise. An integral part of our assignment and being an elf in general is being courteous and helpful towards others, and that includes humans. I will not stand for you throwing around insults.” I kinda felt for Jillian. She sounded like a mother who had to deal with her exasperating kids, and not for the first time.

Apparently Jillian did command enough respect for the busty ranger to bulge. She finally opened her eyes and turned to face us. The look on her face was as sour as it could get though, and I could not help but quietly gloat over the precarious situation this obstinate elf had put herself in. The elf quickly shook my hand and curtly introduced herself. “I am Serra. I am sorry for insulting you.” She did not even wait for my answer, as she immediately turned back to Jillian, “There, I did as you asked.”

“Good, now get out of my sight.” I suspected the last word about this had not been said yet.

With that Serra stuck her nose back up, turned around, and scurried off. Her boobs were not the only voluminous things about her, for it turned out she also had an ass that deserved to be written with a capital A. Too bad her rudeness was monumental too.

Jillian sighed, “What a wonderful first impression have we made. I’m sorry about my sisters’ behaviour Erwin. I love them, but occasionally…” Another deep sigh followed. “Agh, forget about it! Kayley told me that you are looking to travel to Westholm?” With the change of the subject, her charming smile came back too. Damn, she is really pretty.

“Yes, that’s right. I was told it is the closest city from here,” I replied.

“Whether it is the closest I cannot tell, but there goes no road through the deep woods south of here, so it is most certainly the easiest one to get to. We are heading towards Westholm too, so you are welcome to join our caravan. It will be a safe but slow journey, though. Getting to Westholm will take us about six weeks. Should you decide to travel on foot with a small group instead, then you should be able get there in two to three weeks. It of course does mean you forfeit the safety of travelling in a large group. Now, it is not likely that anything will happen to you either way as the roads here are quite safe, but you are still a man and thus highly desired. The few villages you will pass through should give you no trouble other than plenty of flirting, but that will be the case not matter where you go.”

“I see. I do prefer to get to Westholm sooner rather than later, therefore I would rather go on foot. But I don’t know the way, and I’m afraid neither does Tish,” I answered.

“I am willing to send one of my sisters with you as a guide, but I am not going to order anyone to do so against their will; you have to find a volunteer,” Jillian offered.

Well that was going to be a challenge. Then again, Aedelind did mention catching a few peeking at me, so maybe not all hope is lost. That said, I could understand why she did not want to send someone like Serra with us, that was just asking for trouble. “A fair condition and a most generous offer. I’m afraid we don’t have much we could give you as compensation for your help, though.“

“Helping you falls under the assignment given to us by governor Irene, hence there is no need for you to compensate us. And you are in luck, we will be staying here a few days to rest, so you will have plenty of time to find yourself a volunteer. Most of the girls should warm up to you given a bit of time, and you haven’t met everyone yet either.” Her tone suggested that not everyone would be like the ones I had seen so far. “That said, I would like to wrap up all the trading today, so I’m afraid we too have to get to hauling goods.”

“Talking about moving goods, I would like to borrow Tish to help us with some barrels. I take it you can entertain yourself for a few hours, Erwin. Should give you some time to weigh your options,” Kayley interjected.

“Sure I’ll manage,” I answered.


I had found a nice quiet place behind one of the cabins and used my “time off” to update my notebook. It had been a while since I had last written down my thoughts and observations and a whole lot had happened since, so it kept me busy for quite some time.

Suddenly a most pleasant voice that I did not recognise spoke up, “Ah, here you are. I’ve been looking for you.”

I looked up to see an elf I had not seen before. She was quite different from the other elves. Instead of being a blonde she had long vibrant-scarlet hair worn in a ponytail. She wore a low-cut form fitting white-greyish blouse, a brown leather underbust corset, and a form fitting short miniskirt that was the same colour as her blouse. She was the first elf I had met to show off her cleavage, and it was quite the appetising view. Her boots only came halfway her shins, but she wore see-through stockings underneath them that came way up her thighs. Around her waist she wore a broad leather belt with various pouches and cases attached to it. Lastly, she carried an intriguing pair of goggles on her head.

“You were looking for me? To what do I owe the pleasure?” I asked, pleasantly surprised that Jillian was not the only elf that neither tried to ignore me nor freak me out.

“It is not every day I get the chance to talk to a man, let alone an off-worlder. You mind if I join?” She might have asked politely, but she did not wait for my consent before sitting herself down right across from me.

“Sure, though it looks like you’ve already made yourself comfortable. I don’t want to immediately chase you away, but shouldn’t you be helping the others? You know, moving barrels and crates?” I asked while getting a better look at her face. Her eyes were easily her most notable feature. One was light blue while the other was bright light-green. Like Jillian, she had dozens of small freckles on her cheeks, but she did lack the funky eyebrows. Lastly, she had pretty much the opposite of what you would call a “resting bitch face”. I wondered how you would call it, “resting mischievous smiley face” perhaps?

“Nah!” She pulled a face. “Ever since I dropped and broke a barrel I’m not allow to touch them anymore. As if I could help it that the barrel contained our tribe’s entire stock of whisky. Bah, alcoholic nit-pickers.”

I chuckled. “Tell me about it, I don’t think they trust me hauling stuff either, that’s why they politely told me to bugger off.” I shrugged. “It is either that or I would be too much of a distraction for the girls… I’m Erwin, nice to meet you.”

The elf gave me a puckish smile and replied with no small amount of flirting, “I’m Fiora, and I sure don’t mind being distracted by you.” Then she noticed the pocket watch I had been winding up just before she showed up. It immediately caught her attention, for she leaned in and asked, “Ooh! Is that a trinket from your world? May I?”

“Sure, if I can have a look at your goggles.”


She took the goggles of her head and handed them over to me. In return I gave her the pocket watch and added, “I would appreciate it if you don’t turn any of the buttons. That could mess with its calibration.”

“Ooh! I love things that need to be calibrated. What is it? What does it do?” She was now literally bouncing up and down from excitement, yet somehow she managed to do so while continuing to meticulously inspect every little detail of the pocket watch.

“It is a mechanical pocket watch. It helps to accurately keep track of the current time of day.” I explained while I checked out her goggles. Though its frame was beautifully crafted, the “glasses” were what really stood out. As far as I could tell they were made from masterfully cut and polished crystals instead of glass. Which made me wonder, was glass even invented in this world? When I looked through the crystals, I noticed that they were convex. Seeing as she did not seem to be near-sighted, she probably used them as magnifying glasses. I handed Fiora her goggled back. “Nice goggles.”

“Thanks,” she answered as she put the goggles over her eyes to inspect the pocket watch even closer.

“Here, let me show you how it works.” All the time that I was talking about the intricate workings of a mechanical pocket watch, I had the elf hanging on my lips. When I finally put away the pocket watch, I remarked. “You are quite different from the other elves.”

“Nah, I just don’t give too much about elven pride. There are many things elves do and don’t do because of that stupid pride. Ha! Refusing to wear panties is one juicy example.” She said visibly amused.

I raised an eyebrow. “Let me get this straight, they don’t wear panties because of their pride? Please explain, for that seems to make no sense at all.”

Fiora put up her most innocent expression before confiding in me. “I might have ‘accidentally’ mentioned once that wearing panties is as typical a dwarf thing as it gets.” Then she burst out in a fit of laughter. “Hahaha. Can you believe it?! Even mid-winter they rather freeze their ass off, than risk being associated with dwarves.”

“Wauw…” was all I could come up with for a reaction. She sure was a devious one. I liked it. The idea that all those elves in their short tunics were going commando and for such a ridiculous reason was both highly amusing and very hot. “So, if they are not wearing panties because their pride does not let them, then what about you?” I asked boldly.

She too was feeling bold, for she tantalizingly answered, “Why don’t you see for yourself?“ She briefly opened her legs to give me an unobstructed view under her short skirt. Doh! “Aaah, you seem disappointed…” She teased me.

“Well, a man can dream, right?” I responded. “Are you really sure, you are related to those other elves?”

“Were are really not that different. They just let their pride hold them back from doing what they deep down really want to do. They are acting stuck-up when you are around, but trust me, tonight when no one is watching every single one of them will be touching herself while fantasising about you.”

Well that was brutally honest. I was not sure how to feel about this knowledge. There was something flattering about these gorgeous elves pleasuring themselves while thinking about me, but at the same time it was really weird. Also I had some doubts regarding her “every single one of them” statement, so I asked, “Even Serra? She really did not seem to like me.”

She chuckled. “Especially Serra!”

Fiora sure seemed confident. Given that she had been rather forthcoming so far, I decided to ask her the most obvious question here. “Again, and what about you?”

She gave me a come-hither look and bit her lip. If this horny elf was not in it to get laid, I would eat my hat. Banging an elf was definitely one of the top three entries of my Arcadia bucket list, so she might just be getting her wish fulfilled. “I’m not even sure I make it to tonight without rubbing one in.” She paused for a split second and then added, “You’re welcome to watch…”

Though it would definitely be awkward, watching a girl pleasure herself was oddly enough something I had yet to experience, and it could teach me a thing or two on how to please women. Not having forgotten my talk with Jillian, I also realized that Fiora might be an excellent candidate for a guide. I much rather have a flirty horny elf accompanying us than a stuck-up cunt throwing around insults all the time. “Careful now, I might just take you up on that offer.”

“That is the plan. Being able to look at you will make the fantasising so much easier.” The redheaded elf replied with no sense of shame as she looked me over with hungry eyes.

On second thought, I figured we might just as well get right to it. “You know, I’ve got a bit of free time on my hands, so why wait?”

Not at all taken aback by my move to speed things up, the elf smiled and said, “Oooh… I like the way you think! But not here though; as much as I’d like to have one of my sisters walk in on us, I don’t think they are ready for that yet. Come I know a nice place.” Likes being caught in the act? Seems she’s quite the kinky elf.

“Every fibre in me wants nothing more than for you to drop your pants and claim me right here, right now. But I have to respect your wife’s claim. So I beg you, who do I need to seduce to get that inside of me?” Fiora said as she pointed to the bulge in my pants.

Now as much as I liked the idea of dropping my pants and claiming her right here, right now, I liked the thought of getting to watch her seduce Tish before the whole claiming part even better. So I put the hat back on and grabbed my coat and sweater. Then I got up and kneeled in front of her. I gave the elf a peck on the cheek and answered. “I thoroughly enjoyed watching you and for that I’m going to give you a name. Tish, the zombie is the one you are looking for. She will drive a hard bargain, but I am confident that you will eventually get what you desire. I have to warn you, though, I can be a bit selfish, domineering even.” I sure hoped that she did not know zombie, for I knew for a fact that Tish would not be driving a hard bargain at all. But with a little bit of luck, the elf might need a while to realize it.

“That sounds like an invitation to me. You know, aside from a few exceptions we elves tend to be quite the submissive bunch. I for one sure don’t mind getting dominated by you.” The elf said seductively as she sensually licked her excitement off her fingers.

With that knowledge printed into my mind, I left to let the elf enjoy the afterglow of her self-pleasuring session by herself.

MetallumOperaturApr 7, 2019 6:04 AM
Apr 7, 2019 4:10 AM
Apr 2018
Great chapter!

I very much doubt Erwin will have any trouble at all convincing at least ONE elf to join him to be a guide.

Hell I wouldn't be surprised if half a dozen hands shot up into the air if he gathered all the elves together and flat out asked for volunteers. Especially if he made the possibility of getting laid multiple times along the way known...

Looking forward to elven shenanigans either way!

Btw... Were some of those pics commissioned? Or did you search for some rather unique images of elves and base your characters around what you found?
Apr 7, 2019 7:25 AM

Jan 2015
TsunamiSeeker said:
Hell I wouldn't be surprised if half a dozen hands shot up into the air if he gathered all the elves together and flat out asked for volunteers. Especially if he made the possibility of getting laid multiple times along the way known...

And they probably have convinced themselves that they are making a great sacrifice for the tribe by ensuring that the other elves won't be tainted by this uncouth human.

TsunamiSeeker said:
Btw... Were some of those pics commissioned? Or did you search for some rather unique images of elves and base your characters around what you found?

No commissions, so it's mostly the latter option. For the characters that will be playing a substantial role I've had somewhat of an idea in mind and then kept searching till I found a matching picture. Thankfully there are plenty of pictures of elves. Fiora's picture I had to edit myself to change one of her eyes from green to blue.
For the minor characters I just chose from a whole bunch of elven pictures that matched some basic criteria like being blonde and being able to fit in a fantasy setting. (So no cyborg, or cyberpunk elves etc.)
MetallumOperaturApr 7, 2019 7:31 AM
Apr 7, 2019 7:58 AM

Jan 2013
Nice update. I'm sure we'll get to see some more elf action in the future.

Now, Serra, I think I know where you got the name, though her temper doesn't seem suited for angelic creation :P
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