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Aug 20, 2017 1:16 PM

Jan 2010

Unofficial 1.4

Claire: Arrisu, Abu, Suzune-chan
Mishukax: Labs, aa-dono
Phraze: Mishukax, Claire
lastwhisper: Coelestin
roz1roz: logic340
Arrisu: Phraze

Not voting: Tingle, CorruptivePurity, Maitai, roz1roz, lastwhisper

Mod comments: I think this one is actually correct ~

Edit: corrected Phaze's and Suzune's votes
logic340Aug 20, 2017 1:46 PM
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 1:20 PM

Dec 2015
If Phraze flips scum then I'll be willing to change my read on Claire, considering she is already on that train.

Vote Lynch: Phraze
Aug 20, 2017 1:22 PM

Jan 2010
Phraze said:
What is the scum intent that you say you see? Please elaborate for us. Also your suspicions seem a little OMGUS timing wise. Common theme in games I've been in lately.
I alrdy explained it. for u to suggest looking into me more is the same as looking for another Last to debate with. look for someone substantial to interrogate pls, not someone who's 'hard to read'. for u to suggest that is scummy in itself, moreso when u admitted that u can't understand me easily. why not go for the better targets in ur PoE, that u can easily understand?
Willing to lynch:
ok. what are the reasons for each? is Last ur 1st choice or 2nd? are u still sure about Last after the debate, or just going with the next easiest target in ur lynch pool? actually, where do I rank in this lol. shouldn't u be going after ur first choice target? lack of conviction, which u also claim to have, is kinda vague with all this info
I really don't even know where to begin with you where is my vote right now? Who did I say I think we should vote if we can't come to a consensus on who we think might be a good scum Lynch today? All these questions you've asked me have already been answered in the thread and I really don't think it matters what my first second and third choice are as I've listed all three of them as choices. I am equally willing to Lynch all of you how about that?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 1:28 PM

Jan 2010
Arrisu said:
logic340 said:
If we cannot come to a consensus of sorts on a scum lynch in the next two hours I suggest we lynch claimed tpr. A big part of my reasoning is they claim they want to help town but I'm just not seeing that from them.
I don't think the current vote count is conducive to catching scum. Too many min voters and to many one vote trains.

Willing to lynch:

Yee boi~

Let's lynch Phraze. He's the scummiest smelling scum right now.
Well Mishu's vote is RVS and I am kind of neutral on Claire, a Phraze scum flip would go a long way to making me feel better about Claire. I am down if nothing else it will be interesting to see how votes move over the next hour and a half.

Vote: Phraze

@Phraze in a world where you and I are both town where should we be lynching at today?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 1:35 PM

Oct 2011
Labs is never here on weekends so that is nothing new. I am surprised we got as much as we did Friday before he left. We have that much to go over which is more than we have from you/roz/MaiTai have done to this point.

Mishukax I will need to look into more. I remember one post standing out as townie to me (I believe I quoted it). Other than that he doesn't leave much of an impression and I am not seeing the usual big early play from him which is NAI anyway.
I see. how much should we post to count as having enough to go over? would be nasty if we're gonna be lynched for inactivity since I'm trying my best yknow

Mishu style is probs more lurky as mafia. and he's pretty lurky atm. not sure if I will depend on 1 townie post to clear him.

- Phraze: Comes in half way through D1 and gives a half-ass reason for a vote. At this point, he/she should have had more insight from everything that happened. Not to mention he doesn't bother pressuring fellow players and simply comments. Lazy scum is lazy.
well yeah I'm a halfassed player. that's a very good reason pfft. but srsly if u wanna see pressure, I still like my vote on u
Yee boi~

Let's lynch Phraze. He's the scummiest smelling scum right now.
for being halfassed but still talking. is mafia that stupid?

Aug 20, 2017 1:36 PM

Dec 2015
@aa-dono @Labs @Tingle @Abuhumaid @Suzune-chan

How bout lynching Phraze guys? What's your opinion on that? Do you have any better options?
Aug 20, 2017 1:36 PM

Jan 2010
Suzune-chan said:
6. logic340
Probably Town ||His victimized concept is his towniness showing.
I don't think victimized is the right word choice there but I guess I get what you are getting at here. Is there anything else you can say about me that doesn't have to do with emotion or meta?
Why should we be lynching Claire today? I have moved more to neutral as I find her focus on CP to be a little to blatant for scum?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 1:38 PM

Dec 2015
@Phraze - Lol. I'm glad you like your vote on me scum, you're sounding salty right now.

Give me your elaboration on voting against me? I recall your reasoning for your vote was lackluster.
Aug 20, 2017 1:40 PM

Oct 2011
@Phraze in a world where you and I are both town where should we be lynching at today?
Last improved and explained things to me, so I'm inclined to give him the benefit of doubt. still suspicious of Arrisu and Chi, besides Mishukax for dark horse. Arrisu's recent readlist covered Chi and Mishu, so it hasn't changed my opinion.

which means:

Aug 20, 2017 1:41 PM

Dec 2015
I don't like the small train on Mishukax. I feel like there are so many more better candidates for today's lynch.

Seems odd. @Logic340 - Do you recall the mini-train forming before or after the mini-train on Claire?
Aug 20, 2017 1:41 PM

Jan 2010
Phraze said:
Labs is never here on weekends so that is nothing new. I am surprised we got as much as we did Friday before he left. We have that much to go over which is more than we have from you/roz/MaiTai have done to this point.

Mishukax I will need to look into more. I remember one post standing out as townie to me (I believe I quoted it). Other than that he doesn't leave much of an impression and I am not seeing the usual big early play from him which is NAI anyway.
I see. how much should we post to count as having enough to go over? would be nasty if we're gonna be lynched for inactivity since I'm trying my best yknow

Mishu style is probs more lurky as mafia. and he's pretty lurky atm. not sure if I will depend on 1 townie post to clear him.

- Phraze: Comes in half way through D1 and gives a half-ass reason for a vote. At this point, he/she should have had more insight from everything that happened. Not to mention he doesn't bother pressuring fellow players and simply comments. Lazy scum is lazy.
well yeah I'm a halfassed player. that's a very good reason pfft. but srsly if u wanna see pressure, I still like my vote on u
Yee boi~

Let's lynch Phraze. He's the scummiest smelling scum right now.
for being halfassed but still talking. is mafia that stupid?
First of all my vote is not related to your activity so please do not use that as an excuse or reason. I am pretty sure that arri's vote isn't due to you being inactive either. But it's interesting that you would talk about two players activity when you missed half the phase yourself? What are your thoughts on the more active players?

That is one townie post imo, not sure what yours is. You are saying you are against meta yet you are reading Mishu based of Meta while not actually talking about the content of his posts?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 1:42 PM

Dec 2015
Phraze said:
@Phraze in a world where you and I are both town where should we be lynching at today?
Last improved and explained things to me, so I'm inclined to give him the benefit of doubt. still suspicious of Arrisu and Chi, besides Mishukax for dark horse. Arrisu's recent readlist covered Chi and Mishu, so it hasn't changed my opinion.

which means:

Dang son. You got the whole scum team down in D1?
Aug 20, 2017 1:46 PM

Aug 2012
Arrisu said:
@aa-dono @Labs @Tingle @Abuhumaid @Suzune-chan

How bout lynching Phraze guys? What's your opinion on that? Do you have any better options?
Nope. Sorry, currently occupied ><

My vote on Mishu is pressure. I don't read phraze as either town or scum, so I don't have any objection to the lynch.

So unless the vote is on someone I have townlean on, I won't object.

Aug 20, 2017 1:47 PM

Dec 2015
aa-dono said:
Arrisu said:
@aa-dono @Labs @Tingle @Abuhumaid @Suzune-chan

How bout lynching Phraze guys? What's your opinion on that? Do you have any better options?
Nope. Sorry, currently occupied ><

My vote on Mishu is pressure. I don't read phraze as either town or scum, so I don't have any objection to the lynch.

So unless the vote is on someone I have townlean on, I won't object.

So you're joining us or not?
Aug 20, 2017 1:48 PM

Jan 2010
Arrisu said:
I don't like the small train on Mishukax. I feel like there are so many more better candidates for today's lynch.

Seems odd. @Logic340 - Do you recall the mini-train forming before or after the mini-train on Claire?
At Vote Count 1.2 Labs was on there with Phraze, Phraze has moved to you and dono has since moved on. Suzune has since moved to Claire putting her back at three before your move.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 1:48 PM

Jan 2010

Unofficial 1.5

Claire: Abu, Suzune-chan
Mishukax: Labs, aa-dono
Phraze: Mishukax, Claire, Arrisu, Logic
lastwhisper: Coelestin
Arrisu: Phraze
Labs: lastwhisper

Not voting: Tingle, CorruptivePurity, Maitai, roz1roz,

Mod comments: I think this one is actually correct ~

logic340Aug 20, 2017 1:52 PM
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 1:50 PM

Aug 2012
Vote: Phraze
I guess I can join. I'm not sure I'll be here for phase change. Even if I do, I'll probably just lurk and observe votes.

Aug 20, 2017 1:51 PM
Jul 2018
Can someone tell me why is Phraze being suspected now?
Aug 20, 2017 1:51 PM

Aug 2012
Wait, this is majority lynch or plurality?

Aug 20, 2017 1:52 PM
Jul 2018
aa-dono said:
Vote: Phraze
I guess I can join. I'm not sure I'll be here for phase change. Even if I do, I'll probably just lurk and observe votes.
so you're netrual on Phraze but don't mind lynching her?
Aug 20, 2017 1:53 PM

Jan 2010
AbuHumaid said:
aa-dono said:
Vote: Phraze
I guess I can join. I'm not sure I'll be here for phase change. Even if I do, I'll probably just lurk and observe votes.
so you're netrual on Phraze but don't mind lynching her?
What are your thoughts on Phraze and her possible lynch today? Why is Clarie a better option?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 1:53 PM

Jan 2010
aa-dono said:
Wait, this is majority lynch or plurality?
Majority and Plurality
✥ This game uses plurality and mayority lynch systems.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 1:54 PM

Aug 2012
AbuHumaid said:
aa-dono said:
Vote: Phraze
I guess I can join. I'm not sure I'll be here for phase change. Even if I do, I'll probably just lurk and observe votes.
so you're netrual on Phraze but don't mind lynching her?

Aug 20, 2017 1:54 PM

Oct 2011
logic340 said:
MaiTai said:

I don't have meta to go off of, but I am not thoroughly convinced about logic, and I still get a slight scum vibe, especially with the victimizing. That's just me.
this is the second time that I've seen you basically say that I'm scum with very little reasoning or anything of your own thought to support it. Why don't you go ahead and do that for us and also place a vote since you have a scum read.

I just generally think emotionally charged posts are an's either NAI or scum. I have another reason, but I'd rather not say, tbh. I was just saying to some of the others who found the emotion town aligned.

Aug 20, 2017 1:56 PM

Dec 2015
MaiTai said:

I just generally think emotionally charged posts are an's either NAI or scum. I have another reason, but I'd rather not say, tbh. I was just saying to some of the others who found the emotion town aligned.

This is rather backwards. Emotionally charged posts are usually a sign of frustrated/confused town rather than mafia.

The only time mafia get really emotionally charged is during their defensive states. Otherwise why would they care who gets lynched as long as it isn't their team?
Aug 20, 2017 1:59 PM

Aug 2012
logic340 said:
aa-dono said:
Wait, this is majority lynch or plurality?
Majority and Plurality
✥ This game uses plurality and mayority lynch systems.
If my math is still good at this hour, the 7th person should be at L-1. Since the 8th is hammer.

Aug 20, 2017 2:02 PM

Jan 2010
MaiTai said:
logic340 said:
this is the second time that I've seen you basically say that I'm scum with very little reasoning or anything of your own thought to support it. Why don't you go ahead and do that for us and also place a vote since you have a scum read.

I just generally think emotionally charged posts are an's either NAI or scum. I have another reason, but I'd rather not say, tbh. I was just saying to some of the others who found the emotion town aligned.
it's a text it really doesn't have a lot of emotion to it people add the emotion they want and then say the logic is being emotional. Outside of that what is there from this game that would have you say that I'm scum? What about any of the other players in the game and what do you think of the current Lynch train on Phraze being at 5 votes
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 2:03 PM

Oct 2011
Arrisu said:
@Phraze - Lol. I'm glad you like your vote on me scum, you're sounding salty right now.

Give me your elaboration on voting against me? I recall your reasoning for your vote was lackluster.
ehhh but I'm always salty :o
I don't like the fact ur 2nding opinions, u also had 'no strong opinion' but decided to get out of rvs onto Claire. isn't that contradictory? if not contradictory, it's sheeping. I at least got out of rvs with a goal in mind.

First of all my vote is not related to your activity so please do not use that as an excuse or reason. I am pretty sure that arri's vote isn't due to you being inactive either. But it's interesting that you would talk about two players activity when you missed half the phase yourself? What are your thoughts on the more active players?

That is one townie post imo, not sure what yours is. You are saying you are against meta yet you are reading Mishu based of Meta while not actually talking about the content of his posts?
1. I never talked about anyone's activity other than ask how active I(and the other inactive u say) should be.
2. ik I missed the early half. that is why I never used the excuse of inactivity. if anything, Arrisu is wanting me lynched over the fact I haven't been active, which I don't agree with.
3. I can't tell who are the active players atm but it seems u are. ur pretty town so far
4. I would love to quote my post from the old games where I mentioned how I do and don't use metareads. not sure if I remember how to explain it but..nope, not using meta on Mish

Aug 20, 2017 2:06 PM

Dec 2015
@Phraze - Clearly you didn't read the first half of D1 for assuming I had no strong opinion about Claire.

I can't wait to see your flip. Either way a town not bothering to read the phase is rather antitown.

Though I would be very surprised if you'd flip town.
Aug 20, 2017 2:07 PM

Dec 2015
aa-dono said:
logic340 said:
Majority and Plurality
If my math is still good at this hour, the 7th person should be at L-1. Since the 8th is hammer.

You are correct.
GG for your math skills.

Dono, who'd you lynch if it wasn't phraze?
Aug 20, 2017 2:07 PM

Oct 2011
Arrisu said:
MaiTai said:

I just generally think emotionally charged posts are an's either NAI or scum. I have another reason, but I'd rather not say, tbh. I was just saying to some of the others who found the emotion town aligned.

This is rather backwards. Emotionally charged posts are usually a sign of frustrated/confused town rather than mafia.

The only time mafia get really emotionally charged is during their defensive states. Otherwise why would they care who gets lynched as long as it isn't their team?

Is it really unheard of for mafia to use emotion as a tool? Not saying logic is doing that specifically here, but that can't be unheard of.

Aug 20, 2017 2:09 PM

Dec 2015
MaiTai said:

Is it really unheard of for mafia to use emotion as a tool? Not saying logic is doing that specifically here, but that can't be unheard of.

Never said it was unheard of.

They would just use it in a different way then I see Logic using it.

Btw who do you want to lynch Mai?
Aug 20, 2017 2:10 PM

Oct 2011
Arrisu said:
MaiTai said:

I just generally think emotionally charged posts are an's either NAI or scum. I have another reason, but I'd rather not say, tbh. I was just saying to some of the others who found the emotion town aligned.

This is rather backwards. Emotionally charged posts are usually a sign of frustrated/confused town rather than mafia.

The only time mafia get really emotionally charged is during their defensive states. Otherwise why would they care who gets lynched as long as it isn't their team?
I beg to digress. mafia will fight against a lynch just the same as town. pushing mafia or town into a trapped situation will make them as equally likely to be emotional, the only difference is spilling the beans if ur mafia.

Aug 20, 2017 2:10 PM

Aug 2012
Arrisu said:
aa-dono said:
If my math is still good at this hour, the 7th person should be at L-1. Since the 8th is hammer.

You are correct.
GG for your math skills.

Dono, who'd you lynch if it wasn't phraze?
Claire/logic/(maybe lastwhisper)

Aug 20, 2017 2:12 PM

Jan 2010
Phraze said:
Arrisu said:
@Phraze - Lol. I'm glad you like your vote on me scum, you're sounding salty right now.

Give me your elaboration on voting against me? I recall your reasoning for your vote was lackluster.
ehhh but I'm always salty :o
I don't like the fact ur 2nding opinions, u also had 'no strong opinion' but decided to get out of rvs onto Claire. isn't that contradictory? if not contradictory, it's sheeping. I at least got out of rvs with a goal in mind.

First of all my vote is not related to your activity so please do not use that as an excuse or reason. I am pretty sure that arri's vote isn't due to you being inactive either. But it's interesting that you would talk about two players activity when you missed half the phase yourself? What are your thoughts on the more active players?

That is one townie post imo, not sure what yours is. You are saying you are against meta yet you are reading Mishu based of Meta while not actually talking about the content of his posts?
1. I never talked about anyone's activity other than ask how active I(and the other inactive u say) should be.
2. ik I missed the early half. that is why I never used the excuse of inactivity. if anything, Arrisu is wanting me lynched over the fact I haven't been active, which I don't agree with.
3. I can't tell who are the active players atm but it seems u are. ur pretty town so far
4. I would love to quote my post from the old games where I mentioned how I do and don't use metareads. not sure if I remember how to explain it but..nope, not using meta on Mish
if you didn't bring up activity what is this?
Phraze said:
so erm... I feel like Mishukax and Labs dropped off the radar. where the fudge is Mish when his vote is on me too. what's the point of voting me when his only question is if I will change my rvs vote? I'll definitely switch back to that if he's rly that off radar Labs give me headaches

I'm pretty town so far seems to contradict you saying you could see the scum intent behind my read and vote on you. Can you reconcile those two statements for me please?
If your not using meta on Mishu then what are you using to gauge him or sort him out?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 2:12 PM

Dec 2015
No more votes on Phraze for now.
Aug 20, 2017 2:14 PM

Jan 2010
Phraze said:
Arrisu said:

This is rather backwards. Emotionally charged posts are usually a sign of frustrated/confused town rather than mafia.

The only time mafia get really emotionally charged is during their defensive states. Otherwise why would they care who gets lynched as long as it isn't their team?
I beg to digress. mafia will fight against a lynch just the same as town. pushing mafia or town into a trapped situation will make them as equally likely to be emotional, the only difference is spilling the beans if ur mafia.
What does this have to do with the player in question and reads on them? If nothing then what is the purpose of this? Also who should we be lynching? I am not a fan of your pre-flip association of arri/coel let's do this one persona at a time.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 2:14 PM

Dec 2015
Phraze said:
I beg to digress. mafia will fight against a lynch just the same as town. pushing mafia or town into a trapped situation will make them as equally likely to be emotional, the only difference is spilling the beans if ur mafia.

I don't recall talking about a lynch. I'm speaking about emotionally charged posts.

Different subjects.
Aug 20, 2017 2:16 PM

Jan 2010
45 minutes
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 2:19 PM

Oct 2011
Arrisu said:
@Phraze - Clearly you didn't read the first half of D1 for assuming I had no strong opinion about Claire.

I can't wait to see your flip. Either way a town not bothering to read the phase is rather antitown.

Though I would be very surprised if you'd flip town.
if u refer to what I posted(which idk where) u mentioned having no strong opinions on anyone, yet u voted Claire few posts before. I'm only giving the message to u in ur terms. I won't be surprised if ur surprised, since u might as well be scum waiting for me to flip. preparing for an aftermath of a mistake is wanting it to happen, which is very suspicious

Aug 20, 2017 2:20 PM

Dec 2015
Phraze said:
2. ik I missed the early half. that is why I never used the excuse of inactivity. if anything, Arrisu is wanting me lynched over the fact I haven't been active, which I don't agree with.

Activity is not an indicator.

There is a difference between a lack of activity and a lack of scumhunting. This is what you did:
1. Found a target D1.
2. Focus on this said target and make up some ambiguous reason for voting against them despite not analysing the first half of the phase.
3. Voted against them.
4. Didn't bother looking at other players or pressuring them.

Lol tbf, you didn't even try and pressure me with your vote. You left it at that. Where is the pressuring? Where are the questions?

You only began questioning me after I targeted you.

Aug 20, 2017 2:20 PM

Jan 2014
logic340 said:
AbuHumaid said:
what else could "Best Town" mean? even if he got a player that's known for being "best town". I never said it's 1000% guaranteed he's town what i'm saying is we should keep him for later and not waste too much time thinking about this. and you didn't answer my question btw
@roz1roz this is one of those posts that stands out to me. While it could come from either alignment it feels more like town abu to me. He isn't this brash as scum as he wants to lay a little bit lower. One day this type of read my come to bite me but I don't feel today is that day.

Tbh I 100% agree with Abu here.
Carrying about "Best town" and thinking of l.ynching it d1 is... waste of a time.
Aug 20, 2017 2:22 PM

Oct 2011
Arrisu said:
Phraze said:
I beg to digress. mafia will fight against a lynch just the same as town. pushing mafia or town into a trapped situation will make them as equally likely to be emotional, the only difference is spilling the beans if ur mafia.

I don't recall talking about a lynch. I'm speaking about emotionally charged posts.

Different subjects.
I AM talking about emotionally charged posts. saying mafia won't be emotional simply cuz they have a team is false information.

Aug 20, 2017 2:23 PM

Dec 2015
@Logic340 - Opinion about Phraze as it stands?
Aug 20, 2017 2:29 PM

Oct 2011
Arrisu said:
Phraze said:
2. ik I missed the early half. that is why I never used the excuse of inactivity. if anything, Arrisu is wanting me lynched over the fact I haven't been active, which I don't agree with.

Activity is not an indicator.

There is a difference between a lack of activity and a lack of scumhunting. This is what you did:
1. Found a target D1.
2. Focus on this said target and make up some ambiguous reason for voting against them despite not analysing the first half of the phase.
3. Voted against them.
4. Didn't bother looking at other players or pressuring them.

Lol tbf, you didn't even try and pressure me with your vote. You left it at that. Where is the pressuring? Where are the questions?

You only began questioning me after I targeted you.

1. in what way have I not been scumhunting?
2. my reasons for voting u aren't as ambiguous as u claim
3. expected
4. I did look into Last before u. since he proved deserving of doubt, I moved on to u.
5. I see my vote on u is well placed as ur being very irrational to the pressure, even talking about 'if Phraze were to flip town'

Aug 20, 2017 2:31 PM

Jan 2010
Arrisu said:
@Logic340 - Opinion about Phraze as it stands?
I wish she would talk about who she suspects instead of giving this weak defense. I'd rather she give her thoughts on the player base and with 5 votes 30 minutes to phase change it may be claim time?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 2:33 PM

Jan 2010
Phraze said:
Arrisu said:

Activity is not an indicator.

There is a difference between a lack of activity and a lack of scumhunting. This is what you did:
1. Found a target D1.
2. Focus on this said target and make up some ambiguous reason for voting against them despite not analysing the first half of the phase.
3. Voted against them.
4. Didn't bother looking at other players or pressuring them.

Lol tbf, you didn't even try and pressure me with your vote. You left it at that. Where is the pressuring? Where are the questions?

You only began questioning me after I targeted you.

1. in what way have I not been scumhunting?
2. my reasons for voting u aren't as ambiguous as u claim
3. expected
4. I did look into Last before u. since he proved deserving of doubt, I moved on to u.
5. I see my vote on u is well placed as ur being very irrational to the pressure, even talking about 'if Phraze were to flip town'
I bolded #4 could you actually explain it for me? I don't think you have really explained why you feel whisper is worth leaving for another day? Is it due to reading psychopass mafia? did you read any of his scum games as well before making this decision?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 2:33 PM

Oct 2011
Arrisu said:
MaiTai said:

Is it really unheard of for mafia to use emotion as a tool? Not saying logic is doing that specifically here, but that can't be unheard of.

Never said it was unheard of.

They would just use it in a different way then I see Logic using it.

Btw who do you want to lynch Mai?

Very well. My thoughts on it are unchanged. I don't think that's enough to warrant a vote on Logic, it was simply my 2 cents on the matter.

Beyond that, I really would be just guessing...I'm not really good at picking out stuff from Day 1. I was awaiting some info, but Idk if I'll get it in time, but I suppose Labs and Last both stick out to me.

Aug 20, 2017 2:33 PM

Oct 2011
logic340 said:
Arrisu said:
@Logic340 - Opinion about Phraze as it stands?
I wish she would talk about who she suspects instead of giving this weak defense. I'd rather she give her thoughts on the player base and with 5 votes 30 minutes to phase change it may be claim time?
Phraze said:
@Phraze in a world where you and I are both town where should we be lynching at today?
Last improved and explained things to me, so I'm inclined to give him the benefit of doubt. still suspicious of Arrisu and Chi, besides Mishukax for dark horse. Arrisu's recent readlist covered Chi and Mishu, so it hasn't changed my opinion.

which means:

Aug 20, 2017 2:34 PM

Dec 2015
@Phraze - No. You have ambigous reasons for all three of your scum reads. As Logic stated, you said it was because of their lack of activity.

As for me, you clearly didn't read D1 phase if you think I was sheeping. Ask anybody else in the game if I was sheeping. They'll say no.

As for your fifth point, I see scum grasping as any straws to manipulate what I have said. Yes, you might flip town. My reads (though accurate oftentimes) are not 100% accurate.

Do I think you are town? Absolutely not else I would not have moved my vote off of Claire.

If I wanted to right now, I could make sure you'd get hammered into lynch lock. But I am giving you a chance.

Now, go and find that post where I sheep. Do it. I dare you.
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