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Game v22: Corpse Party Edition l END GAME - Town Wins!

May 24, 2016 2:57 PM

Nov 2008
Host: DenjaX
Co-host: Jackrito

Welcome to Heavenly Host Elementary School. Some of your friends did not perform the ritual correctly, hence, everyone are now cursed to be trapped in the school for eternity. The school is very run down that almost every step makes creaking sounds and one could easily fall into a hole when the old wooden floor collapses. The windows cannot be opened as if it is a decoration and you can see outside is almost complete darkness as heavy rain pour and you can hear the sound of the trees shaking because of the wind. There are no food and water to be found and the place is filled with bones and corpses lying around with foul stench and maggots crawling inside the dead body. There is no escape in this haunted prison. Even the souls of the dead are still tormented in this cursed place and can’t escape as well. One could only hope for salvation and muster any courage left to face the fears and search for clues to escape.


Town: Purify all the ghosts.
Ghost: Bring townies down to equal or less than the number of ghost.


SorenMay 31, 2016 5:06 AM

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May 24, 2016 2:57 PM

Nov 2008


1. Shinichi-Kun, Self-less Friend, Purified Day Phase 1
2. followind, Edgy Friend, Killed Night Phase 1
3. Blaze, Cool Boy Friend, Purified Day Phase 2
4. Chione, Light-Hearted Friend, Killed Night Phase 2
5. shadroxx2810, Reliable Friend, Purified Day Phase 3
6. magicalofmagic, Foreigner Friend, Killed Day Phase 3
7. Juzzywuzzy, Loner Friend, Succumbed to Darkening Day Phase 3
8. Zuhra, Serious Friend, Succumbed to Darkening Day Phase 3
9. indipindy16, Otaku Friend, Succumbed to Darkening Day Phase 3
10. SightlessReality, Wise Friend, Succumbed to Darkening Day Phase 3


- The Beginning of the End
- Useful Tip
- The Warning
- Vanilla
- Yeah! Science! Vote Count 1
- Strange Passage
- Adventurer's Dream! Vote Count 2
- Puzzled
- Static! Vote Count 3
- Vote Count 4
- Down Under

- Cursed!
- The Search Continues...
- Condolences
- Is it Worth It?

- Uncursed!
- Men's Toilet. Vote Count 1
- The Chase
- Becoming Turbid
- Vote Count 2
- Vote Count 3
- Mire

- Cursed! The Sequel!
- Verification Syndrome
- More Treasure!
- Not Safe at All

- Escaping Samsara
- Expansion! Vote Count 1
- Solitude of Frenzy
- Demise
- The Truth
- ...And the Search Still Continues...



SoulEaterQUEEN - 50%
LunarChild - 40%
Soren - 35%
Tingle - 30%
Arrisu - 30%
PentaFlare - 25%
aa-dono - 15%
DenjaXMay 30, 2016 4:29 PM

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
May 24, 2016 2:57 PM

Nov 2008

DenjaXMay 30, 2016 4:12 PM

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
May 24, 2016 3:00 PM

Nov 2008
Everybody fell unconscious after performing the Sachiko Ever After Charm. Everyone woke up in a very strange classroom. The room was very dark at first but their eyes adapted to the darkness that they can somewhat see their surroundings. To their surprise, it is not the place that they are familiar with. The chairs and desks are very small for them. The floors have many holes and cracks. There are webs in every corner and very dusty that the place seems not cleaned for many months or years even. The group of friends got confused and dumbfounded on their whereabouts. The silence made them hear the sound of wind and rain coming from the window. They can tell that it is really raining hard that it seems like it was storming outside. They can barely see what is outside the window but the occasional lightning makes them see the trees outside which sometimes hits the window due to the wind. What stands out in the room the most are the writings on the blackboard. The writing glows in the dark and the content is somewhat creepy but one thing stands out the most which is written at the top of the board:

"Heavenly Host Elementary School"

Everybody has the same questions in mind and nobody can even explain their current situation. But everyone agreed that they will leave this place because they feel this place is not safe.

Day Phase 1 will be 48 hours
You guys may post now xDD Have fun everyone~

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
May 24, 2016 3:01 PM

Oct 2013
Alrighty, it's started. :)
May 24, 2016 3:07 PM

Oct 2013
Sightless decided to head off to the library to get away from all the noise that would result from so many people around. Hopefully allowing him to clear his head so he could learn things he wouldn't ordinarily be able to
May 24, 2016 3:08 PM

Nov 2013
I wanted to be first poster.
ahhh, we can't change where we can search. Am I understanding that there can be multiple items per room...? Since not all of us gets a chance to search the rooms?
May 24, 2016 3:09 PM

Jan 2014
Spooky D:

I think there might be a good chance that we might find something in the infirmary.
Search infirmary

Vote Purify aa-dono
May 24, 2016 3:10 PM

Nov 2013
SoulEaterQUEEN (Alice) is feeling rather snoopy and just can't wait to see what surprises headed her way as she heads towards to Locker room. Will she be finding her demise, or some goodies? To be continued...
Search Locker room
May 24, 2016 3:11 PM

Nov 2013
vote purify: PentaFlare
May 24, 2016 3:13 PM

Aug 2014
Search: Infirmary
I'll double up on this room too. Partially because I expect we might find some kind of doctor/healing item and partially because I don't want to go anywhere alone. It's probably a good idea to move in small groups. @SoulEaterQUEEN want to join us?

Edit: Never mind, you went elsewhere.
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
May 24, 2016 3:14 PM

Jan 2014
PentaFlare said:
Search: Infirmary
I'll double up on this room too. Partially because I expect we might find some kind of doctor/healing item and partially because I don't want to go anywhere alone. It's probably a good idea to move in small groups. @SoulEaterQUEEN want to join us?

Edit: Never mind, you went elsewhere.

Why do you want us all in groups? :S
CoelestinMay 24, 2016 3:23 PM
May 24, 2016 3:15 PM

Aug 2014
Vote Purify: Zuhra
You were on a weird place in the charm. Creepy.
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
May 24, 2016 3:16 PM

Oct 2013
Guys be careful not to edit your posts because of this.

1. No editing of posts. If I see a "Modified" on the post, you will probably suffer from consequences. Only typos and grammatical errors are allowed to edit but I am always watching so beware. >:3
May 24, 2016 3:16 PM

Aug 2014
Chione said:
PentaFlare said:
Search: Infirmary
I'll double up on this room too. Partially because I expect we might find some kind of doctor/healing item and partially because I don't want to go anywhere alone. It's probably a good idea to move in small groups. @SoulEaterQUEEN want to join us?

Edit: Never mind, you went elsewhere.

Why do you want us all in groups?

It is just a hunch, but I expect that there might be events that will trigger if people move alone or in pairs. Everything always goes wrong when we split up.
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
May 24, 2016 3:18 PM

Nov 2013
Comes back from the locker room. "hmmm, doesn't look like anyone else is around? I guess I will head back to the entrance, see if anyone else will venture forth into the locker room." Alice missed Chione and PentaFlare, afraid that her imouto-chan might be taken captive with a possible ghost, "Oh Chione, please be careful..I hope you know what you are doing!
May 24, 2016 3:26 PM

Aug 2014
Does anyone else have well flavoured roles? Mine is music themed.
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
May 24, 2016 3:28 PM

Nov 2013
PentaFlare said:
Does anyone else have well flavoured roles? Mine is music themed.

Role hinting, are we? Are you trying to lure town into vanillizing???
May 24, 2016 3:30 PM

Jan 2014
PentaFlare said:
Chione said:

Why do you want us all in groups?

It is just a hunch, but I expect that there might be events that will trigger if people move alone or in pairs. Everything always goes wrong when we split up.

Isn't it also more dangerous though? What if we have a room with 100% darkening? And we cannot search as many rooms like this. >_>

Suddenly feels a chill and sneezes. >.< Chichi looks around, but it's too dark to see anything. "Wait, where did Penta go?" She panics.
May 24, 2016 3:31 PM

Aug 2014
SoulEaterQUEEN said:
PentaFlare said:
Does anyone else have well flavoured roles? Mine is music themed.

Role hinting, are we? Are you trying to lure town into vanillizing???

It is just a yes or no question. Do you think you can figure anything out about what my role is based on what I said?
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
May 24, 2016 3:31 PM

Jan 2014
SoulEaterQUEEN said:
PentaFlare said:
Does anyone else have well flavoured roles? Mine is music themed.

Role hinting, are we? Are you trying to lure town into vanillizing???

^^^^ D:
May 24, 2016 3:33 PM

Nov 2008
SightlessReality found a corpse sitting at the chair in the Library!

The spirit of the corpse pop out and spoke to him:

"Hmmm... Interesting.... Nexus Dimensions... yes... this is a great discovery... Oh, what do we have here? Greetings! I hope you find yourself comfortable in this room that is full of knowledge. Would you like to know some secret? This entire school is like a weird dimension... Items pop out on same location even though you can't find any items when you first visit. Interesting concept, isn't it? Any items here you ask? I apologize but I found the item first so I will keep this. Perhaps when you visit here again, you might find something useful, eh? Happy Hunting~"
DenjaXMay 24, 2016 3:39 PM

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
May 24, 2016 3:34 PM

Nov 2013
PentaFlare said:
SoulEaterQUEEN said:

Role hinting, are we? Are you trying to lure town into vanillizing???

It is just a yes or no question. Do you think you can figure anything out about what my role is based on what I said?

Depends what how strict host-sama wants to be D:
"Please don't eat me Mr. Possible Ghost, I will give you the candy I found from the floor!"
May 24, 2016 3:35 PM

Aug 2014
Chione said:
PentaFlare said:

It is just a hunch, but I expect that there might be events that will trigger if people move alone or in pairs. Everything always goes wrong when we split up.

Isn't it also more dangerous though? What if we have a room with 100% darkening? And we cannot search as many rooms like this. >_>

Suddenly feels a chill and sneezes. >.< Chichi looks around, but it's too dark to see anything. "Wait, where did Penta go?" She panics.

I don't think it is more dangerous. I doubt there is a room like that. Additionally, we won't have a worse chance of finding items. Having two playersplayers in a room just makes it twice as likely to find an item in that room. It is the same total chance as having two people in two rooms. Eventually, we will be able to explore every room. The game won't end this phase.

"I'm over here! Everything has gone black and I think I dropped my glasses to top off."
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
May 24, 2016 3:47 PM

Jul 2013
Search pool
Vote Purify: PentaFlare
May 24, 2016 3:50 PM

Aug 2014
Soren said:
Search pool
Vote Purify: PentaFlare

Is this random, or is it something I said?
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
May 24, 2016 3:52 PM

Jan 2014
DenjaX said:
SightlessReality found a corpse sitting at the chair in the Library!

The spirit of the corpse pop out and spoke to him:

"Hmmm... Interesting.... Nexus Dimensions... yes... this is a great discovery... Oh, what do we have here? Greetings! I hope you find yourself comfortable in this room that is full of knowledge. Would you like to know some secret? This entire school is like a weird dimension... Items pop out on same location even though you can't find any items when you first visit. Interesting concept, isn't it? Any items here you ask? I apologize but I found the item first so I will keep this. Perhaps when you visit here again, you might find something useful, eh? Happy Hunting~"

Is it possible to attack spirits? :D Let's just steal the item
May 24, 2016 3:53 PM

Dec 2015
Are we supposed to be in character like in an rpg?
May 24, 2016 3:57 PM

Jan 2014
Arrisu said:
Are we supposed to be in character like in an rpg?

Not really, but come on, join us Ari :D
May 24, 2016 3:59 PM

Aug 2014
Chione said:
Arrisu said:
Are we supposed to be in character like in an rpg?

Not really, but come on, join us Ari :D

@Arrisu come to the Infirmary with us!
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
May 24, 2016 4:01 PM

Jan 2014
PentaFlare said:
Chione said:

Not really, but come on, join us Ari :D

@Arrisu come to the Infirmary with us!

Ehhh, I didn't mean that >_>
I still think we should split up. Maybe there are other helpful spirits lingering around in other rooms.
May 24, 2016 4:03 PM

Dec 2015
Not wanting to really socialize with everyone, Lunar decided to go and check things out on her own. She decided to search Girlswashroom. for anything that may be useful.
May 24, 2016 4:03 PM

Dec 2015
Chione said:
Arrisu said:
Are we supposed to be in character like in an rpg?

Not really, but come on, join us Ari :D

I guess it wouldn't do too much dmg.

Ari gazed around the the room and immediately felt shivers going down her spine, she noticed that her friends were all in the same room as her. They all had a similar puzzled look in their eyes. She clicked her tongue and looked towards the door, "Does somebody want to go on a quest with me? I'm going to look around so we can get out of here."
May 24, 2016 4:05 PM

Oct 2013
DenjaX said:
SightlessReality found a corpse sitting at the chair in the Library!

The spirit of the corpse pop out and spoke to him:

"Hmmm... Interesting.... Nexus Dimensions... yes... this is a great discovery... Oh, what do we have here? Greetings! I hope you find yourself comfortable in this room that is full of knowledge. Would you like to know some secret? This entire school is like a weird dimension... Items pop out on same location even though you can't find any items when you first visit. Interesting concept, isn't it? Any items here you ask? I apologize but I found the item first so I will keep this. Perhaps when you visit here again, you might find something useful, eh? Happy Hunting~"

Hello yourself, now you say you'v found an item but you also say you can't find an item when you first visit. Additionally when I first walked in it appeared that you yourself had just appeared. So with all of this in mind I'v come to two conclusions. Either, you'v found nothing but wish to test my intellect or you'v been here for a good bit longer then your letting on. If it's the latter I wish to know more about this place. Or perhaps you could point me to a book that would help me research this place. I would also out of curiosity would like to know of the item you found assuming you actually did find one.
May 24, 2016 4:07 PM

Aug 2014
Chione said:
PentaFlare said:

@Arrisu come to the Infirmary with us!

Ehhh, I didn't mean that >_>
I still think we should split up. Maybe there are other helpful spirits lingering around in other rooms.

We have already got a bunch of people searching alonealone. What if some things need small groups to trigger them? Having a mix doesn't seem like a bad idea.
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
May 24, 2016 4:10 PM

Nov 2008
Chione and PentaFlare did not find anything useful in the Infirmary!

There seems to be a cabinet which contains Items in it but we need a Key to open this.


SoulEaterQUEEN met a mysterious girl in the Locker Room!

The girl spoke to her:

"Oh? Hello. This Dimension was empty before your group arrived here. I sensed 17 of you arrived in this god-forsaken place. The 17 of you are all friends right? Well... I regret to inform you that 4 of your friends actually died and the evil ghosts possessed them into their lifeless body. If you want to save them, you have to purify them. I don't know who are possessed amongst 17 of you so I can't help you with that so I will give you this item instead. I have no use for this anyway. I suppose this is the time I should tell you that you should be careful. Oh, before I forget, 1 of the possessed ghost does not know the other ghosts for some reason and vice versa. I suppose that certain ghost is still unaware of their death? Who knows."

SoulEaterQUEEN obtains Nail Puller
- Destroys barricade. Single use only.
The item is now put in the Shared Inventory.

Things just got real now. The group of friends just want everyone do become friends forever and now things turned out to be like this... Among the 17 of friends, 4 already died and now they are going to kill the living...

DenjaXMay 24, 2016 5:49 PM

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
May 24, 2016 4:42 PM

Dec 2013
Search:Locker Room

Purify: Chione

I actually like the roleplaying it add's flavor that doesnt effect the game at all its just something enteraining to do.

May 24, 2016 4:46 PM

Dec 2013
Enter's the Locker room, "I wonder if it's safe to wander all by myself, guess i'll figure that out soon enough." Start's Searching through any lockers that seem to open.

May 24, 2016 4:51 PM

Dec 2013
PentaFlare said:
Chione said:

Ehhh, I didn't mean that >_>
I still think we should split up. Maybe there are other helpful spirits lingering around in other rooms.

We have already got a bunch of people searching alonealone. What if some things need small groups to trigger them? Having a mix doesn't seem like a bad idea.

He has a good point, since I know the game's have mechanics like that.

May 24, 2016 4:58 PM

Dec 2013
Shinichi-Kun said:
Enter's the Locker room, "I wonder if it's safe to wander all by myself, guess i'll figure that out soon enough." Start's Searching through any lockers that seem to open.

Notices sign that the locker's have already been rummaged through I "wonder if some else was here before me."

May 24, 2016 5:17 PM

Nov 2008
Soren did not find anything useful in the Pool!

There seemed to be Items in the pool but too bad that I cannot swim. The pool water is very murky and full of debris and dead bodies in it. I'd rather not swim. If I can open the pump room with a Key, I might be able to drain all the water and get the items.

LunarChild did not find anything useful in the Girls Washroom

Shinichi-Kun also met the mysterious girl in the Locker Room

The girl spoke to him:

"Oh? Hello there. So you are also one of the 17 friends. I just spoke to one of your friend in this room. She is right there searching for any valuable items. Your group of friends are very lucky because all of you happen to be in the same dimension. A lot of people that were trapped here never met even though they are in the same area. You got some interesting group of friends, too. Each has different personalities but I don't sense any power amongst anyone. Too bad... I guess despite the unique personality, an average person will remain average. Sorry, I might have said too much. I did not mean to offend anybody. I'll give you an item the next time we meet to make it up for you."
DenjaXMay 24, 2016 5:21 PM

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
May 24, 2016 5:21 PM

Dec 2015
Ari decided to go and visit the science room. Surely there would be some tools or objects they could use there. She walked down the hall and slid open the door. She peeked inside and slowly stepped in all while remaining close to the door.

Search: Science Room
Purify: Pentaflare
May 24, 2016 5:32 PM

Dec 2015
Ir seemed like the girls washroom was void of anything useful. With a sign and crossed arms, she decided to visite the bathroom next door. search boywashroom "I hope i find something at least in here. This place is waayyy to creepy to have nothing on me do defend myself with." She went into the boys washroom.
May 24, 2016 5:41 PM

Nov 2008
LunarChild said:
Ir seemed like the girls washroom was void of anything useful. With a sign and crossed arms, she decided to visite the bathroom next door. search boywashroom "I hope i find something at least in here. This place is waayyy to creepy to have nothing on me do defend myself with." She went into the boys washroom.
You can only search once per phase xDD Better luck next time. xDD

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
May 24, 2016 5:50 PM

Dec 2015
So it's confirmed that we have 4 anti-town. That's good to know. Now I think we should make a rule of thumb: Let's not use items without discussing it with at least another person first. :)
May 24, 2016 5:56 PM

Dec 2015
DenjaX said:
LunarChild said:
Ir seemed like the girls washroom was void of anything useful. With a sign and crossed arms, she decided to visite the bathroom next door. search boywashroom "I hope i find something at least in here. This place is waayyy to creepy to have nothing on me do defend myself with." She went into the boys washroom.
You can only search once per phase xDD Better luck next time. xDD

Thank you X3 and sorry about that!

vote purify: Chione<3
May 24, 2016 6:33 PM

Dec 2013
DenjaX said:
Soren did not find anything useful in the Pool!

There seemed to be Items in the pool but too bad that I cannot swim. The pool water is very murky and full of debris and dead bodies in it. I'd rather not swim. If I can open the pump room with a Key, I might be able to drain all the water and get the items.

LunarChild did not find anything useful in the Girls Washroom

Shinichi-Kun also met the mysterious girl in the Locker Room

The girl spoke to him:

"Oh? Hello there. So you are also one of the 17 friends. I just spoke to one of your friend in this room. She is right there searching for any valuable items. Your group of friends are very lucky because all of you happen to be in the same dimension. A lot of people that were trapped here never met even though they are in the same area. You got some interesting group of friends, too. Each has different personalities but I don't sense any power amongst anyone. Too bad... I guess despite the unique personality, an average person will remain average. Sorry, I might have said too much. I did not mean to offend anybody. I'll give you an item the next time we meet to make it up for you."

"Hello Miss Ghost, Well I was right about one thing someone was in here before me. Though I wouldn't call us lucky since we are still trapped in this god forsaken place, and yes I would very much like an item the next time i visit"

*Thinking to himself* "I wonder if she's implying that personality has nothing to do with role"

Edit:didn't mean to reply i cut off most of my message lol I italized my stuff
Shinichi-KunMay 24, 2016 6:38 PM

May 24, 2016 6:38 PM

Dec 2013
Run's off to tell the other's about the conversation he just had.

"Someone should who hasn't gone exploring yet should check out the locker room the spirit their promised an item the next time someone visits"

May 24, 2016 6:40 PM

Aug 2014
I've been focusing a bit too much on the new mechanics and kind of forgot this was still a mafia game.

Me and Chione seem to have the most votes. Are there reasons why people want us purified?
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
May 24, 2016 6:57 PM

Nov 2008
Arrisu found Alcohol Lamp in the Science Room!

- Will reduce the Darkening of a specific location by 10% permanently. Place it as you search the location. Single-use only.
The item is now put in the Shared Inventory.

The Alcohol Lamp was somehow held by an Anatomical model as if it was handing it over to her. Arrisu took it swiftly and went to the opposite side of the room. She noticed there is a locked cabinet with Items in it but we need the Key to open this.


Current Vote Count:

PentaFlare(3) - SoulEaterQUEEN, Soren, Arrisu
Chione (2)- Shinichi-Kun, LunarChild
aa-dono (1)- Chione
Zuhra(1) - PentaFlare

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