Rin Chi paused with a confused look, being too focused on other things to notice Valadis's presence. "Wah!" She exclaimed in surprise when she was pulled in.
He walked to Rin "sorry. But I think it will have to wait." He kissed her an walked to valdis "why did you follow us?" He asked calmly trying to find a solution to this problem.
"in sorry. I figured you wouldn't like what we where about to do." He hugged her and picked her up."please don't be mad." He took her to the bed and layed her down next to Rin.
He got up, opend the door and looked her straight in the eyes. "look. I'm sorry I didn't tell you and didn't bring you. But you are here now with me and her. So do you want to join us."
He looked at her and picked her up. "ok. But I don't want to lose you. This is a battle royal. I want to avoid a fight so that I don't lose you. Ok." He took her to the room and layed her down "we will sleep here tonight. Ok"
"ok." He hugged her then went to Rin. She was out so he pulled her up so her head was on the pellow. Then he layed down between them acting like a Berlin wall. "good night."
Rin Chi nuzzled Thomas's neck in her sleep. Upon waking up she blushed and backed up, looking around for Valdis. She made a "Tch." and followed her. Upon catching up she grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "Maybe if you actually shut tha' fuck up and listened to what he was saying you wouldn't be so pissy." She told her. "I don't give a shit if you're pissy with me, but you got no reason to be pissy with him."
"Like I've been tellin' tha' perv. I'm a psychotic bitch. Bitch being the exact opposite of nice." Rin Chi told her before awkwardly patting her head as she was hugged.
"Finally wake up, perv?" Rin Chi questioned as she looked back. She then walked back in the room and came back out with her eye patch reequipped. It had gotten to the point that not having the eye patch on felt slightly uncomfortable.