Well, I just saw that someone had posted a new review of the MGX OVA and clicked to read it. It was extremely offensive, repeatedly making suggestions of throwing up, etc from the drool. It was also written in a very crude manner. It made me wonder if the reviewer was in middle school or something!
But the thing that really pissed me off was his comment about Ayako Yoshitani's performance as Urabe, saying that she "doesn't have that school girl thing" and "fit's (SIC) the typical Milf character co'z her voice is deep and has mature content in it."
Why is it that people think that a girl who is 16 or 17 years old and is a junior in high school shouldn't have a voice that is deep in the feminine register? My 11 year-old daughter has a deeper voice than most adult female characters in anime! At 16 years old, the vast majority of women have reached their full maturity, in terms of growth at least, and sound no different than women in their 20s or 30s. Not to mention the fact that Ayako is all of 20 years old herself, making her just a couple of years past the age of the character! How exactly does she sound too old, when she isn't that old herself?
OK, now that I got that off my chest, I'm better...
I was sufficiently offended by the language used in the review that I clicked the "report" button and was very pleased to find that the review had already been reported before I got around to it! :)
BudokaZ said: He's now edited his review and put it back up, hah.
Mysterious Girlfriend X subverts all the tropes, guess some people don't get that
And they also don't seem to get that girls in their late teenage years don't sound like girls, they sound like women. After all, if they look enough like women to be sexually attractive, why wouldn't they sound like them too?
The really funny thing is that, I would bet, half of the people that complain about Urabe's VA are probably the same people that complain about all of the girls sounding like elementary school girls in other anime! They just want to complain!
Well whole idea of this drool exchange is a bit... disturbing to say the least (even without going into some "deeper" theories and interpretations). I like this series quite a bit but also had problems with this :)
AND Urabe's VA is pure awesomeness that's all what is there to say
Dalek-baka said: Well whole idea of this drool exchange is a bit... disturbing to say the least (even without going into some "deeper" theories and interpretations). I like this series quite a bit but also had problems with this :)
That's always baffled me. When you kiss, there's no doubt you exchange "drool", and I won't even get into "icky" aspects of sex. And yet how the drool exchange is represented in the anime seriously sets some people off. I guess it is a valid reaction, but it just makes me wonder why it bugs some people so much. Is it just experience?
Dalek-baka said: AND Urabe's VA is pure awesomeness that's all what is there to say