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Who flies you to the moon?
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19 votes
Jul 8, 2023 10:19 PM

May 2013
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Mod Edit: Removed NSFM Image of Helltaker. ~Koito91
Mod Edit2: Added a SFW Image alternative for the Pussybus. ~MetallumOperatur
MetallumOperaturJul 16, 2023 12:32 AM
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
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Jul 26, 2023 8:23 PM

May 2013
HMG X Bracket 4 H-off: Yacumama

It’s mid-afternoon and the river is in horrid shape as always. Water rushes downstream crashing into the banks and rocks with dangerous force, and whirlpools swirl down to the bottom of the dark liquid. A bold ryu slithers up from the forest towards the banks She came up to eight feet in height not counting her long tail of blue scales, and her fancy robes stretched tight against her large assets. She has a bag at her side that is heavy with items. Her long red hair whips in the wind and she sighs.

“This looks like the place the town mentioned.” She pulls a conch shell out of her bag, lifts it to her lips, and blows. The sound echoes as she blows for a long minute before putting it down. “Hmm… they did not say how long the yacumamas would take.” What felt like hours went by, and the ryu considered blowing the horn again before something began to rise out of the water.

It was a young-looking girl with her short blonde hair tied in pigtails. The water slides off of her, leaving the girl dry as she rises more out of the water. Her outfit is a small black top and dress with a purple gem that matches her eyes on a lace choker. The ryu watches as the girl’s emergence onto the land reveals her black and orange snake tail. The girl notices the ryu’s stare and her face reddens a bit. “Wh-who calls upon me at this t-time?”

The ryu stifles a chuckle at the girl’s stuttering. “My name is Inno. I have come at the request of the villagers about the river. What is your name?”

“M-my name is S-Sofia.” Sofia shifts and her blush deepens as she looks Inno over.

“It's a pleasure, Sofia… though I was told there were two of your kind here.”

Sofia flinches at Inno’s words “M-my sister is t-tied up…” before she could finish her sentence another form bursts out of the water and rushes towards Sofia, but Inno is quicker and gets between them.

“THAT WAS A NASTY TRICK, SOFIA!” The figure screams and struggles in Inno’s grip as the water crashes hard into the shore and begins to flood. The ryu looks upon the figure, another yacumama who is nearly identical to Sofia though this girl's chest is much smaller. Her outfit is even identical, though on her it looks disheveled and torn, revealing the girl’s nether regions and breasts. In her blond hair is what looks like tangled netting and some hooks, and she stood a foot taller than the other yacumama.

Inno sighs. She could feel Sophia hiding behind her by their tails rubbing together. While keeping hold of the newcomer’s arm with one claw she uses the other with her sharp nails to begin removing the net. “Calm down,” she says, her tone stern. She tries not to look at the yacumma’s exposed body but finds herself taking glances -- she is unsure if she is speaking to herself or the angry snake. It had been a while since she had felt another’s touch.

The girl lets out an angry hiss, but she slows her struggle realizing she was not getting out of the grip and not reaching the other snake. “Did you call us?” Though she spoke to Inno her angry gaze stayed focused on her sister behind the larger reptile.

“I am Inno. I take it you are Sophia's sister. Why don't you tell me what happened and your name?”

“She trapped me in a net! This is my home and my call, not yours, Sofia!”

“I-it’s mine, Elena.” Sofia pressed up against Inno.

Inno sighs. “Sofia, why did you do that? And Elena, there’s no need to yell. You are right next to us.”

“W-well I… beca… because…” Sofia stutters and stammers.

“She did it because she's scared I'll win,” Elena says with a smirk.

“Win what?” Inno says as she finishes removing the remaining netting and hooks.

“We decided whoever called on us next would decide who lives here…” Elena touches Inno’s side. “By showing them our ‘skills.’” 

“What do you mean?” Inno looks down at Elena and sees her tongue sticking out and showing her pussy “O-oh…” she looks back to Sofia and finds the other Yacumama was blushing deeply and nodding “I don't know if, uh, I'm the right person for…”

“Oh please, you have been looking at my body the whole time you were taking the net out of my hair.” It was Inno’s turn to get flustered, and the ryu’s grip loosens just enough for Elena to get nice and close. “So won't you help us? Once you decide, the winner can calm the river.” 

Inno gulps. Looking between the two girls pressing against her she couldn’t hold back her excitement, and Elena yelps in surprise as the ryu’s robes push up against the snake's face.

“What’s this?” Elena recovered quickly from her surprise and undoes the lower tie of the ryu’s robes, revealing above the girl’s wet snatch two throbbing penises. “You’re like Sofia, that's even better!” Elena did not seem to care how the dragon woman hid the meat sticks behind her robes. “We will take one each and you decide who wins okay?” 

“W-wait a minute, I didn't…” Inno gasps as Elena wastes no time taking the tip of one the cocks into her mouth and works her tongue over it.

“No fair,” Sofia complains and rushes over to Inno’s front. The ryu is now able to see the girl’s own phallic member before she takes the ryu’s other member into her mouth.

Inno lets out a moan as the two snake girls attack her members. “I didn't agree to this, girls! S-stop…” Inno protests, but she does not force the two to stop even though she had the strength to resist. Instead she rests her claws on their heads.

Sofia begins to stroke herself as she works her tongue around Inno’s tip. She moans, and the vibrations move down the ryu’s shaft. On the other side Elena wastes no time taking more of the thick dragon meat into her mouth as she bobs her head up and down.

“You two,” Inno grunts, “So good…” She moans with her meats throbbing hard in the two’s mouths before she suddenly pulls them down onto her shafts forcing her rods into their throats as she lets out a draconic roar. Her rods throb, pumping hot spunk down the two snake girls’ throats, both moaning as Sofia reaches her own finish and shoots her seed onto Inno’s scales. When Inno finishes she pulls out of the girls’ mouths panting and flaccid.

Elena swallows what was left in her mouth. “Well, who was better?” Elena’s sister was panting while savoring the ryu’s taste.

Inno looks at the two. “Need…more testing…” She pulls both girls close with her tail “A lot more testing.”

Elena pouts but doesn't seem to be angry as her sister nods at the ryu’s decision.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Jul 26, 2023 8:30 PM

May 2013
HMG X Bracket 4 H-off: Mirage

“Mark!” a woman's voice called over the dunes, the sun high and beaming down on us as we dug in the sands of the recently uncovered ruins. A sandstorm had blown through the area and uncovered a type of ruin we had never seen before -- it was a total unicorn for the area it was found in -- so me and my archaeological team were digging it up for its secrets. The woman was my partner Lisa Maye, who was an expert in the local area's ruins, and even she had never seen these types of ruins before. I jogged over the dune to where she was, the sands sliding under my feet as I slid down the slope, placing a gloved hand to the sand as I rode the slide down to the base where she had uncovered a portion of the interior wall.

“Look at these characters! I've never seen them before,” she said, using a small brush to whisk the sand away. I observed them curiously myself, putting a hand on my cloth-wrapped face, looking at the items. All of the characters were women, but the manner in which they had been carved didn't match the local style. The artwork used a lot more curves to define them rather than the straight lines that more traditional artwork would have used, and the details were weird.

“At first guess, is it a pantheon of goddesses? Maybe the gods got buried out here, we might find them,” I pointed out. They were a line of different things, but whether they were species or each an individual I couldn't tell. It was a depiction of a great battle, however. A winged woman with the scales of a serpent, powerful claws for feet and hands, horns on her crown, and a thick, lizard-like tail was flying, mid-flap above what looked to be a temple. From her incredibly detailed lips poured a torrent of flame, which a group of women in armor were fending off. The first one had the paws, ears, and tail of some kind of dog -- if I were to attribute it to some local culture I would say a jackal, possibly with ties to anubis. Behind her was a woman in a white robe, hood over her head, though she had long, elfin ears poking from beneath it. Her head was bowed as if in prayer, a blue glow transferring from her to the dog-goddess-girl, apparently causing the flames to be blocked by her shield, protecting those behind her.

“No,” Lisa said as she uncovered more “it's a race of some kind. Look, there's more of them,” she said, her brush wiping away decades of sand as she uncovered the delicate artwork. She was right, behind them were a mass of these dog-girls and elven-eared people with several other different types of things in there; a woman with the ears and tail of a lion, or a woman that appeared to have the parts of an ant grafted onto her. “There's a bunch of them,” she said, sitting back on her haunches. The dog folk, elven-eared, and ant folk all drew back spears as if to throw them. Some of the ant folk holding some kind of primitive firearm if I were to guess, if not some kind of magic staff. The lionesses, whatever they were, all cast a purple flame back at the lizard goddess, if we were interpreting it correctly.

“But what does it mean?” I asked her, looking over at her as she stood up and stepped back to get a bigger picture of it, placing her hands on her hips.

“I don't know, but I need to go get the camera. This warrants so much more study. Don't move an inch, I’ll be right back!” she said, charging up the hill with a giddy smile. It was rare that we made this kind of discovery, and we had made it on the third day of the dig, which was promising to say the least.

Suddenly the sand whipped up in all directions, and I cursed as I threw myself to the ground. Damn dust devil, it wasn't going to bury this brand new discovery as soon as we’d found it, not on my watch. The sand spun around and around, the ripping winds making my head hurt as sand tore at my clothes, lasting precious moments before it was gone. I dusted myself off and stood, looking over at the ruin again and nodding, now I just had to wait.

Ten minutes passed, and there was no Lisa.

Twenty went by and I was now very worried. The damn ruin wasn't going anywhere, not as long as I could see it, and I could from the top of the dune, so that's what I did. I climbed the dune that she had gone over, following her trough cut in the sand as I got to the top. I looked out over our encampment…. And nothing. There was no sign that we had even been there… not the car, not the tents, not the solar shade, none of the imaging equipment. It was as if they had never been there. I was just a dune over! I Would have heard the car start! And even now there were no tracks that said the car had left! Something was horribly wrong here. At least I still had a compass -- the nearest town wasn't far, it was probably about five miles. Even with all the sand I could make that pretty easily. I pulled the shemagh closer to my face, lowering the brow to help keep the sun off of me. I drew the compass out of my pocket and flicked it open, looking at it. I watched it settle before pointing north straight right, so I oriented with it to look north, then looked east. I adjusted a little to the left, and began walking, noting down the azimuth in my head to be able to find this ruin later.

Time passed. I can say that much, because it felt like I had been walking for hours, probably because I had at that point. The sun was much lower in the sky, and my shadow was long in front of me as I walked. Dune spiders chased the shadow to stay cool, and the rocky outcroppings and various flora were few and far between. I was sweating out a lot of water. The two-quart canteen slung over my shoulder was hot, but it was wet. Any water was better than no water… but unfortunately I was running low. I had maybe a mouthful or two left at this point, and I really should have been in that city already. I shook my head and kept walking. Maybe it was further than I remembered. As long as I held the course I would get there eventually.

Suddenly I caught something out of the corner of my eye, and I turned to look at the heat waves in the distance. Far ahead was a large, green oak tree, thick with water and roots. I began to step towards it before reality stepped in. it was just a mirage. Oak trees didn't grow here, how dumb did my brain think I was. I turned and walked the same path I had been. The wind rushed by with the giggle of someone's voice sweeping on my ears, a soft woman’s chuckle as the sand pelted my body. I shook it off and downed the last of my water; the hallucinations were getting to me, so I could have been close to a heat stroke.

More time passed, and the illusions started to set in more. In the distance I saw a robed stranger walking slower than me but always able to keep ahead. I could never catch up with them, and never would. Several times I saw skittish rabbits dart in front of me leaving no trail in the sand where they ran -- fakes too. My head was spinning as I was beginning to feel cool. The sun was killing me and my nerves didn't know what to do, getting burnt out by the sun. I couldn't think straight… was it hot or cold? Why was I sweating so much? Was I dying? My legs gave out underneath me and I tumbled down a monstrous dune, landing face first in the sand… or was I face up on a beach? I could hear whispering waves in the distance, feel the moisture on my skin. Was this paradise? Or hell?

A shadow came over my face, and it stayed there long enough for my burning body to recognize it as something real, something tangible. I opened sand-crusted eyes and tried to roll over, but the sweetest voice I'd ever heard deterred me.

“Shh, don't move, it's okay,” she said, the shade remaining above me. There was a sudden sound of something stabbing into sand and the rustling of fabric, I felt something draped over me, a blanket of coolness that overtook everything and saved me from the sun.

“What are you doing out here all alone, sweetie?” she asked, and I tried to look at her. I couldn't move my head and I couldn't speak, my mouth was far too dry. “It's alright, i’m here now,” she said. I vaguely felt myself being rolled over, my head elevated on something. A waterskin was pressed to my lips and a hand worked my throat muscles, forcing me to drink that cool liquid down. “There's a town not far from here, alright? I’ll help you get there,” she said softly. I could see her smile and her kind, navy blue eyes. My sand-crusted eyes came into focus as I looked up at her -- a gentle, angular face, Middle Eastern descent, exceptionally pretty -- and… long pointed ears. Her hair was white and she had a cream-colored set of robes that covered her, a cloth wrap she had drawn down to make herself more forthcoming. 
“I’m Nameera. You don't have to speak, just rest for now,” she said softly, casting the most motherly smile I had ever seen. I watched as she pulled the water away, my brain coming back from the edge of death as she put the skin away. “We’ll continue walking when night falls. Please rest,” she urged. I couldn't help but comply, and my tired eyes closed.


When I woke the stars were out, but I could tell there was something off. There was no north star, and there was a spiral galaxy perfectly clear in the night sky. There were no familiar constellations. This wasn't Earth… or if it was this was a part of the world no one had ever seen. Whatever, I had to deal with that later. I began to stand and looked for my benefactor only to find no one present. Embedded in the sand over where I had lain were two wooden poles holding up a blanket for shade, and two large waterskins were dug into the sand next to me. There was an arrow in the sand that pointed… if my compass was correct… northwest, almost exactly. If I had kept walking the way I had been I would have missed it completely. I shook out the sand and gathered up the things, grabbing the poles as walking sticks, wrapping up the water in the blanket and tying it about my chest as a sash. I checked the direction again and began walking.

The entire walk was torture. The wind carried whispers of her breath, I caught visions of her over every dune I crested, only for her to vanish, sweet words whispering encouragement. But when I spun around she was nowhere to be found. I must have been going crazy! This had to be a heat-induced fever dream. I was dying in the middle of the desert wastelands and there was nothing I could… Wait, trees. I saw trees in the distance, native trees, junipers and olive trees, and a sea of tents surrounding a watering hole. I dashed down the slope of the dune I was in to get to it, to the people milling about. I slowed to a jog, then a walk as I started noticing the people. Lionesses, dog-girls, ant-folk, covered elven women, lamias, lizardfolk… all of them women… I felt wrong walking in. Yet, my savior might have been there. I just had to thank her. I steeled myself, gripping my makeshift sash and walking in with a heavy breath.

I looked around for her as I walked, and I swore every covered elf was her for a split second. A glimpse of blue eyes before they turned out green, or brown, or red, a glimpse of her turning around a corner and I would dash to follow her, only for there to be nothing. I shook my head. The heat must have given me permanent damage, I was really going crazy. I shook my head and continued on in the dark of a night lit by the full moon and the stars glinting off the water.

I dashed towards the water; she had given me her water, surely she would be there refilling her new waterskins. My boots dug into the sand as I ran, dashing through the backs of the tents, past many different people I could barely comprehend, so I didn't worry about them, simply dashing towards the water. There were some rocks by the water's edge -- large boulders sitting there with a grove of trees -- and I don't know how I knew it, I just did. Like an internal compass pointing me towards her. I made it over to the rocks and peeked around them only to be met with a sight that floored me.

She was naked, standing in the water at waist depth, her arms up in her hair as it draped down to cover her assets. She paused and turned to look at me and cast me the sweetest smile I had ever known.

“I'm glad you made it safely,” she said softly.

“I did,” I got out, looking at her bashfully, unable to remove my eyes. “I have you to thank for that.”

“You do,” she said, tilting her nose up as she put a finger to her chin in thought “As thanks, be a doll and get my back, won't you?” she asked, turning it to me, showing off the slender toning that made up her back. I was powerless against this tactic of hers, dropping every shred of clothing to wade into the water after her, that captivating smile and deep blue eyes pulling me in the entire time. I would never be able to say no to those eyes for the remainder of my life with her. Not once would I be able to defy the sweetest woman I had ever known.
tygertygerJul 27, 2023 5:54 AM
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Jul 27, 2023 12:51 AM

Jan 2013
Well well.

The Mirage was my vote in this bracket and the shorts did not really change that. I found it a bit amusing though that a man was able to just walk into that oasis without being intercepted by anyone :P
Surely, Nameera did not use her pull as the priestess to stop others from intervening, did she?

I also liked the Yacumama short. While I am not really a fan of lolis (and much prefer the general picture for the entry for the one for the NTM), I still enjoyed the read and thought that the author brought across the concepts brought forth in their NTM well. Always good to have the option for a continuation as well :)
Jul 28, 2023 8:26 PM

May 2013
This bracket was the most difficult decision of the lot. Both of these stories are very enjoyable reads. Both do magnificent jobs of portraying what's in their respective NTMs. And while one does the best job of putting the "H" in H-off of any vignette this round, the other is a wonderfully romantic story with all the feels. Rather than resort to a coin flip I called this one in favor of the story that made the best use of the shared universe's lore. For this reason I call this in favor of... the mirage!
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
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