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Durarara!! (light novel)
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Which one is better ?
Jun 14, 2023 5:23 AM
Aug 2021
I'm thinking about starting the series but before a do I wanna know which is better.
Dub or sub? 
Jun 14, 2023 5:46 AM
May 2022
I have watched the dub which was decent.
There is a lot of talking in the anime so dub is better ig
Jun 14, 2023 6:01 AM
Jan 2021
I think for a first watch dub is probably better just because there's a lot happening, and voices you want to try to memorize and overall it's just easier to follow if it's in your language. I tried watching it subbed originally and had to switch because I couldn't follow anything (switching to dub didn't really change that feeling, but it made me sure I wasn't missing stuff. And I definitely connected some dots quicker than I would've with subbed as a first watch)

it's also a pretty good dub overall, not the best when things like FMAB, Naruto and Baccano exist, but certainly good enough that it won't hinder the viewing experience.
If you rewatch it you could always try subbed because it's probably got better voice acting overall - even though the dub voices are good
SoulessAnimeJun 14, 2023 6:06 AM
Jun 14, 2023 8:20 AM
Mar 2021
watch what you usually prefer they both good
Jun 14, 2023 10:25 AM
Jun 2021
The sub, my main reason is hearing the voice actor for kiryu kazuma play a black russian kinda-pacifist and he actually speaks russian lol
Jun 14, 2023 11:17 AM
Aug 2018
You’re only going to biased answers from this question I suggest just watch first ep in dub and see from there
Jun 14, 2023 5:20 PM
May 2020
The anime has a really good dub, But some idiot left a few parts in Russian. Which would be fine, If they remembered to fix the subtitles for those parts...

There arent very many bits in the wrong language unlike great pretender but its something to keep in mind. maybe like 3 or 4 times at most throughout the entire series for not even a minute each
Jun 15, 2023 3:41 AM
Nov 2021
Having watched both, I do prefer the sub, but the dub is still quite good for what it's worth. As others have said, there is a lot of talking in the series and a lot of speaking in which you don't see the speaker specifically so if you have trouble distinguishing the Japanese VAs then maybe the dub would be better. I didn't find it to be an issue, but I know everyone is different so whichever you are more comfortable with :)
Jun 15, 2023 5:06 AM
Jun 2021
The producers know best— voice-acting is a art-form transcending ordinary literary means and augmenting a story experience. Watching an unoriginal, adulterated version of anything over the authentic material is an insult to the creators. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Jun 15, 2023 5:36 AM
Jan 2021
Kockorzo said:
The producers know best— voice-acting is a art-form transcending ordinary literary means and augmenting a story experience. Watching an unoriginal, adulterated version of anything over the authentic material is an insult to the creators. You should be ashamed of yourself.

"Hey kids! shut that damn pokemon off, this ain't the way the creator intended to watch it. Y'all best do this art justice and watchit in 4:3 ratio with subtitles"

also dubs have producers as well so that doesn't even make sense. I do think 90% of the time subs sound/fit better... it's not defacing eternal art to watch a dub though. Every so often they're superior but since a Japanese person had an idea for the story it's in Japanese even though English fits better (FMAB and Baccano off the top of my head. Naruto is pretty great as well, especially since it means kids'll watch it)

You make it sound horrific, but if the voices are good and the writers do a good job with line translation there's no issue. Same way there's no issue when Japanese people watch Disney movies, or that Spiderverse movie (which has a fantastic Japanese dub) in Japanese.
Live action I think it's much harder to pull off and I think almost always has lower budget so I would never watch one dubbed... but if people enjoy it I'm not gonna tell them they're ruining "an art form that transcends ordinary literary means" because that sounds like something a pretentious asshole would say. It's just not that deep dude
SoulessAnimeJun 15, 2023 8:05 AM
Jun 15, 2023 8:18 AM

May 2010
The English dub cast has a lot of great English dub voice actors (Crispin Freeman, Johnny Yong Bosch, Steve Blum, Michelle Ruff, etc.) so if you like thos actors definitely watch the dub.
Jun 15, 2023 4:02 PM
May 2022
Only seen the sub but the voice acting is elite in it. Wouldn’t watch it any other way; Sub Shizuo is perfection
Jun 15, 2023 8:36 PM
Sep 2019
Generally with this question, it seems like the real question is, is the dub good enough to watch instead of the sub? In this case, yes, it is. They're pretty equally good. You won't miss out on anything. I believe all seasons are dubbed as well, so you won't have to switch part way if you stick with it.
Jun 16, 2023 2:14 AM
Jun 2021
SoulessAnime said:
Kockorzo said:
The producers know best— voice-acting is a art-form transcending ordinary literary means and augmenting a story experience. Watching an unoriginal, adulterated version of anything over the authentic material is an insult to the creators. You should be ashamed of yourself.

"Hey kids! shut that damn pokemon off, this ain't the way the creator intended to watch it. Y'all best do this art justice and watchit in 4:3 ratio with subtitles"

also dubs have producers as well so that doesn't even make sense. I do think 90% of the time subs sound/fit better... it's not defacing eternal art to watch a dub though. Every so often they're superior but since a Japanese person had an idea for the story it's in Japanese even though English fits better (FMAB and Baccano off the top of my head. Naruto is pretty great as well, especially since it means kids'll watch it)

You make it sound horrific, but if the voices are good and the writers do a good job with line translation there's no issue. Same way there's no issue when Japanese people watch Disney movies, or that Spiderverse movie (which has a fantastic Japanese dub) in Japanese.
Live action I think it's much harder to pull off and I think almost always has lower budget so I would never watch one dubbed... but if people enjoy it I'm not gonna tell them they're ruining "an art form that transcends ordinary literary means" because that sounds like something a pretentious asshole would say. It's just not that deep dude

So what you’re saying is that some handful of anime out of a whirlpool of tens of thousands have in your opinion a better English Dub voice cast and therefore all I say is baseless —devoid of meaning— sophistry? Since a philistine like you does not care about the integrity of an art-form— all I can try to persuade you is put emphasis on the facts of Japanese being a more expressive language than English, reading being superior to listening and that you’d find an enhanced experience out of an anime if you actually watched it in lens of the culture it represents through the Japanese Dubbing. The fact that you threw in the red-herring of ‘English Dub in context of Natuto being more enjoyable and pertinent to the kids’ only shows your desperation. There is nothing wrong in admitting your ideals were flawed— the only flaw is sticking to them after discovery of their shortfalls.
Jun 16, 2023 7:44 AM
Jan 2021
Kockorzo said:
SoulessAnime said:

"Hey kids! shut that damn pokemon off, this ain't the way the creator intended to watch it. Y'all best do this art justice and watchit in 4:3 ratio with subtitles"

also dubs have producers as well so that doesn't even make sense. I do think 90% of the time subs sound/fit better... it's not defacing eternal art to watch a dub though. Every so often they're superior but since a Japanese person had an idea for the story it's in Japanese even though English fits better (FMAB and Baccano off the top of my head. Naruto is pretty great as well, especially since it means kids'll watch it)

You make it sound horrific, but if the voices are good and the writers do a good job with line translation there's no issue. Same way there's no issue when Japanese people watch Disney movies, or that Spiderverse movie (which has a fantastic Japanese dub) in Japanese.
Live action I think it's much harder to pull off and I think almost always has lower budget so I would never watch one dubbed... but if people enjoy it I'm not gonna tell them they're ruining "an art form that transcends ordinary literary means" because that sounds like something a pretentious asshole would say. It's just not that deep dude

So what you’re saying is that some handful of anime out of a whirlpool of tens of thousands have in your opinion a better English Dub voice cast and therefore all I say is baseless —devoid of meaning— sophistry? Since a philistine like you does not care about the integrity of an art-form— all I can try to persuade you is put emphasis on the facts of Japanese being a more expressive language than English, reading being superior to listening and that you’d find an enhanced experience out of an anime if you actually watched it in lens of the culture it represents through the Japanese Dubbing. The fact that you threw in the red-herring of ‘English Dub in context of Natuto being more enjoyable and pertinent to the kids’ only shows your desperation. There is nothing wrong in admitting your ideals were flawed— the only flaw is sticking to them after discovery of their shortfalls.

yeah that makes you sound even more pretentious. Also sounds like you aren't even arguing about dubbing anymore, you just think the Japanese language is better and that you prefer reading to listening.

genuinely have no clue how you can be so stuck up about children's cartoons (not all anime is for kids, but specifically shonen IS shonen because it's for young boys)

You just became a filmbro (who are just as annoying, I'm not gonna watch a 1950s Italian movie about a kid grieving his mother just cuz it advanced the medium) but applied it to anime.

And no I wasn't arguing tens of thousands of dubs are better than subbed. there's probably a maximum of 10000 shows that exist with dubs. if I think 10% are better than subs (granted that is an exaggeration I suppose if I could retroactively change that it'd be around 1% or 2% that are better) then that would mean only 1000 anime have superior dubs compared to subs and taking my 1% or 2% it would only be 100 or 200. And that's being generous, I'd guess there's closer to 2000-ish (maybe 5000) total dubs making those numbers either 200 with 10% or 20/40 with 1% or 2%.
Jun 16, 2023 11:16 PM

Jun 2020
The dub is pretty good!!
But I recommend the sub, especially for Izaya and Shizuo’s va! <3
Jun 19, 2023 6:37 AM
Jun 2021
SoulessAnime said:
Kockorzo said:

So what you’re saying is that some handful of anime out of a whirlpool of tens of thousands have in your opinion a better English Dub voice cast and therefore all I say is baseless —devoid of meaning— sophistry? Since a philistine like you does not care about the integrity of an art-form— all I can try to persuade you is put emphasis on the facts of Japanese being a more expressive language than English, reading being superior to listening and that you’d find an enhanced experience out of an anime if you actually watched it in lens of the culture it represents through the Japanese Dubbing. The fact that you threw in the red-herring of ‘English Dub in context of Natuto being more enjoyable and pertinent to the kids’ only shows your desperation. There is nothing wrong in admitting your ideals were flawed— the only flaw is sticking to them after discovery of their shortfalls.

yeah that makes you sound even more pretentious. Also sounds like you aren't even arguing about dubbing anymore, you just think the Japanese language is better and that you prefer reading to listening.

genuinely have no clue how you can be so stuck up about children's cartoons (not all anime is for kids, but specifically shonen IS shonen because it's for young boys)

You just became a filmbro (who are just as annoying, I'm not gonna watch a 1950s Italian movie about a kid grieving his mother just cuz it advanced the medium) but applied it to anime.

And no I wasn't arguing tens of thousands of dubs are better than subbed. there's probably a maximum of 10000 shows that exist with dubs. if I think 10% are better than subs (granted that is an exaggeration I suppose if I could retroactively change that it'd be around 1% or 2% that are better) then that would mean only 1000 anime have superior dubs compared to subs and taking my 1% or 2% it would only be 100 or 200. And that's being generous, I'd guess there's closer to 2000-ish (maybe 5000) total dubs making those numbers either 200 with 10% or 20/40 with 1% or 2%.

You’re full of inconsistencies, make up your mind or stop bothering.
Jun 19, 2023 7:44 AM
Jan 2021
Kockorzo said:
SoulessAnime said:

yeah that makes you sound even more pretentious. Also sounds like you aren't even arguing about dubbing anymore, you just think the Japanese language is better and that you prefer reading to listening.

genuinely have no clue how you can be so stuck up about children's cartoons (not all anime is for kids, but specifically shonen IS shonen because it's for young boys)

You just became a filmbro (who are just as annoying, I'm not gonna watch a 1950s Italian movie about a kid grieving his mother just cuz it advanced the medium) but applied it to anime.

And no I wasn't arguing tens of thousands of dubs are better than subbed. there's probably a maximum of 10000 shows that exist with dubs. if I think 10% are better than subs (granted that is an exaggeration I suppose if I could retroactively change that it'd be around 1% or 2% that are better) then that would mean only 1000 anime have superior dubs compared to subs and taking my 1% or 2% it would only be 100 or 200. And that's being generous, I'd guess there's closer to 2000-ish (maybe 5000) total dubs making those numbers either 200 with 10% or 20/40 with 1% or 2%.

You’re full of inconsistencies, make up your mind or stop bothering.

"a person has a nuanced take, that's not faithful to their character😱"

ok if you want me to lie just to be consistent then I'll spite you and say that I think all dubs and superior to subs. English is a more detailed language and conveys emotions better. Dub producers know how to adapt the story better than Japanese producers because they speak English like me.

I wasn't gonna reply because you take so long and I honestly don't care about this argument, but you clearly have no real argument, and you told me to stop bothering you (even though you could've just not responded if you wanted me to stop) so I decided to keep going

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