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Jun 1, 2023 10:33 AM
Jun 2014
BE WARNED I AM CRINGE THIS STORY IS CRINGE I AM NO WRITIER MOST THESE POSTS ARE REPOSTS FROM THE VAULT I MAY OR MAY NOT UPDATE AAAND I WAS A VERY HORNY YOUNG ADULT THERES TO MANY EARLY H-SCENES THAT ARE CRINGE YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.  other wise TY TO Tterreb and others for always helping me with these when i was around originally and ty Tterreb for helping me on my return always an amazing proof reader and editor to help fix my mistakes qwq! also i  mostly will be writing at work during break or when im off and not doing other stuff so updates will be super speradic either i will suddenly post alot...or once every so often :D also you will find this shit get random so again you have been warned you brain may melt that is all here we go!!!  

Old version: just bellow :D

New version here: Chapter 1
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Jun 1, 2023 10:39 AM
Jun 2014
chapter 1

I was having a nice normal Saturday, I woke up around three in the afternoon, I was home with my four sisters and it had rained not too long ago so it was nice and cool outside. It hadn’t been cool for a while now so I decided I would take this to my advantage and go for a run to remove my returning chub. I took a few minutes to call my grandma to let her know what I was doing in case she got home before I got back. I then proceeded to get ready for my run, putting on my red under armor shirt ,which is tight as hell, but that is what I get for letting my uncle shop for me, a pair of gym shorts and a worn-out pair of running shoes. As I began to exit the front door I was blinded by a bright light and had a sense of falling; I instinctively shut my eyes tightly and put my arms forward.

When the light dissipated from my vision and the sense of falling stopped I opened my eyes expecting to see my sisters in front of me laughing at my reactions to being blind. Except that wasn’t the case. Instead of being on my front porch with my sisters and a mirror, I seemed to be on what might have been a giant statue at some point. well at least that’s what I assumed, because it had a lot of actually beautiful flowers and plants on it so I might have been wrong. It seemed to be around midnight just by looking at the moon.

The first thought that came to mind was that I actually did fall and got knocked out, but just to be sure, I decided to do a little test. I went and plucked some of the flowers and I could feel how soft the petals were but that didn’t prove anything to me. I had dreams with the sense of touch before so I decided to test the one thing that never showed up in my dreams; my allergies. I took a huge whiff of the flower in my hand trying to breathe in as much pollen as I could and in a matter of seconds I was sent into a sneezing fit. After a few minutes of sneezing I began to panic a little since this wasn’t a dream and I had no idea where I was. I decided I would go to the edge of the statue and scan the area and maybe be able to find some help. After a moment of scanning what seemed to be a plains bellow I noticed something in the distance. There seemed to be a small village not too far from where I was. I thought maybe if I yelled loud enough I might be able to get some help.

“Hello can anyone hear me? Help! Hello, I have no idea how I got up here, hello!” I tried yelling as loud as I could, but it seemed I was simply not loud enough or they were all asleep. It was most likely both. I tried yelling a few more times, but it didn’t accomplish anything but making me tired. I waited what felt like hours, hoping someone would come by and notice me, but alas no one showed up so I decided I should try climbing down. When I reached the edge I finally got the grasp of how high up I actually was. I’ve climbed some high trees, but how high up I was now made those trees look like nothing, getting down this thing was going to be a hassle.

There were hardly any places to hold onto, but I should be able to make my way down without falling as long as I don’t look down. So I began my descent down whatever this thing was slowly but surely, finding holes and jutting rocks to use as holds and repeating to myself to not look down. After a while I began to get the hang of finding my footing; seemed like climbing all those trees paid off. About two minutes after gloating to myself I stepped on one particular protruding rock that had moss on it and lost my footing, plummeting to the ground below, screaming the first thing that came to mind.

“Shhhhhhiiiittttt!” When I thought I was going to hit the ground I landed on something small. After a few minutes I came out of my panic from falling and I could hear a small voice from below me.

“Hey, get off of me you jerk.”  It was a little girl. She was wearing a simple dress and what looked like heels from what I could tell since I don’t know anything about women’s shoes. She had long brown hair and grayish-blue eyes.

“Oh, I am so sorry little girl, I lost my footing as I was climbing down,” I said as I stood up brushing off what dirt had gotten on my clothes. I stuck out my hand to help her up but she just swatted it away.
“What did you call me!?”

“Um, little girl. Why?” I didn’t know her name so what else was I going to call her?

“I am not a little girl, I am thousands of years old so you better apologize!”  This girl was so ridiculous she was adorable, but I didn’t have time for games, I was lost and needed to know where I was.

“Look little girl, I don’t have time for games, alright? Besides, if I don’t apologize what are you going to do? I’m like twice your size.” I decided to stand straight up to emphasize my point and added a small chuckle just for the hell of it.

“I’ll use magic on you if you don’t!”

“Oh no not magic! You must be a witch,” I said with a sarcastic tone, rolling my eyes.

“As a matter of fact I am a witch and a mighty powerful one at that, so you better apologize or else!”  She had this little smug look on her face now.

“Sure little girl, I’m sorry for insulting you so please don’t hurt me,” I said with as much sarcasm I could throw into my voice.

“You don’t believe me, do you?”  Her smug look seemed to turn into one more of anger.

“Not at all.” I started to smile since seeing this little girl get frustrated was beginning to become funny.

“You have made me reach my limit. I’ll show you my power!”

“And what are you going to do?” I asked while getting ready to hold my arm out to her head if she tried to charge me.

“I’ll show you!”  She sounded furious at this point and her eyes began to glow red and the air around us seemed to thicken. After a few minutes it seemed like everything became pitch black. My body started to feel hot to a point where I couldn’t stand it and I wanted to crawl into a freezer. After what felt like hours of this torture the heat subsided and I blacked out.

When I came to it was day, about noon if I had to make a guess, and the little girl was sleeping, propped up against the stone statue I had climbed down the night before. Now that I was looking up at the statue I got the gist of how much I climbed down and I was glad I didn’t look down. I was also glad that I fell at the spot I did since it wasn’t that far from the ground. After a few minutes of lying still, I decided it was high time I got up and questioned the little girl about what the hell she had done to me the night before. I got up and walked over to her and started shaking her shoulder to wake her up. She didn’t even budge, so I did the one thing I knew would work. I stuck my finger in my mouth coating it in as much spit as I could muster up. Then I took that finger and with a slightly evil grin on my face plunged it into her left ear, giving her the second worst wet wily I have ever given to someone. She got up then, that’s for sure, and boy did she look pissed.

“What the fuck was that for?!”  her expiration was composed of anger and surprise and it showed even more in her tone.

“Well you wouldn’t get up so I did the first thing that came to mind … and what the hell is wrong with my voice?   I wanted to panic. I sounded almost like my twin sister. I started to come up with more and more questions as I waited for the little girl to answer me but she just stared at me... Wait, where the hell was she staring?
Jun 1, 2023 10:39 AM
Jun 2014
chapter 2

What felt like five minutes had passed and she was just staring at me quietly as if pondering something. Her anger seemed to have disappeared and was replaced with curiosity like she didn’t know what was going on. The silence was starting to drive me crazy so I decided to ask her why she was staring at me.

“So, why are you staring at me like that? Its kind of creepy with how quiet you are being.” when I asked her this I felt like I wasn’t even the one talking my voice sounded so strange.

“I’m waiting to see what happens, that’s why I’m staring and I’m quiet because it’s better to observe the change when I can focus.” She said this pretty annoyed as if I asked one of the world’s dumbest questions. I was honestly caught off guard and confused because I didn’t expect her to actually reply, and what did she mean ‘change’.

“What do you mean change? I know my voice changed and all, but that’s not really observable?” I asked this still confused as hell. When I finished asking, I swear a tiny smile grew on her face as if she hoped for me to ask what she meant.

“It should happen right about…” she paused and she moved her mouth as if counting down invisible numbers. “… Now” when she said this my body felt like it had been enveloped by intense heat. Just like the night before but the air around me didn’t darken and I didn’t feel like I was going to pass out this time. After what felt like a few minutes I doubled over from pain in my stomach and chest.

“What’s happening to me?” I managed to ask her through the pain I was experiencing.

“Let’s just say a change that will affect your life maybe. It’s caused by the spell I used on you. Truthfully I would consider you lucky I used the wrong spell. If I had used the right one you would be frozen in 4 feet of ice.” She said this as if I should be grateful and I sort of was I didn’t want to be frozen, but this was crazy a change that would affect my life.

“Please stop it...” I had to pause and clench my fits because the pain intensified for a few minutes. “It hurts!” I said this on the verge of tears I couldn’t stand the pain much longer.

“I’m afraid it’s too late once the spell starts it’s not stoppable, but I will help you with the pain by putting you to sleep.” When she said this her eyes began to glow red and my eye lids became heavy.

“Ahhh.” this was the only thing I could say before I passed out from the I guess magic she was using on me.
I don’t know how long I was out, but when I woke up I was staring at a ceiling. I seemed to be lying on some type of couch; Covered by a warm cover that felt like it was made with wool. I felt odd, something was different but I couldn’t tell what just yet. I decided to pull myself up into a sitting position to see where I was. I seemed to be in a living room at least that’s what I could deduce from the one couch, the rug, and the fire place. The walls looked to be made of birch wood and there were two paintings of people on the wall in front of me. The first painting was one of what looked like the girl I angered and the other was of a man and a different girl. I kept look around the room until I noticed some one at the far wall. It was a girl with long silver hair and blue eyes. Her skin was that of a normal Caucasian. She was looking right at me so I waved to her and she did the same at the same time.

“Wait a minute, shit it’s a fucking mirror … wait, a mirror but that’s impossible it’s showing a girl.” That’s when it hit me, what the girl had said that I was going through a change due to the spell she cast on me. But this couldn’t really have been the change, right?

I had to check, I threw off the cover I had on and my shirt and sure enough I had two, I want to say, b-cup breasts protruding from my chest. At least I figured out why I was feeling weird but if I have breast, doesn’t that mean that my dick is gone to? I had to check, I slipped my shorts and underwear off and sure enough it was gone. Being a virgin and all, my curiosity started to get the better of me. As my hand slipped closer and closer to my new lower area, I tried to resist, but my curiosity has times where it wins over my reason. As my finger slipped over the fold I let out a sharp gasp and drew back my hand a bit. But still not fully satisfied I made the attempt a second time, this time with more caution.

I gently began to brush the slit with my middle finger whilst slowly applying pressure until it was pushing in about a centimeter. My breath had begun to pick up as I continued, my finger matching pace. All previous hesitations tossed aside, I cupped one of my breast trying to imitate what I had seen on other shows. When suddenly my finger slipped further in causing me to let out a sharp gasp, but instead of pulling it out I continued using the new found depth.

Eventually I found myself sprawled across the covers as I continued trying to reach satisfy this unknown feeling having now upgraded to both my middle and ring fingers. Now reaching in as much as the fingers would allow but still wanted more. Using my thumb I began to massage my clitoris whilst I tried forcing in my index finger to reach further inside.

Hunched over I continued for what seemed like minutes, my fluid certainly having left a definite stain by now. I felt as though I was nearing the end, nearing the goal. When suddenly I heard a soft giggle behind me. Panicked I turn towards the new voice to see the little girl looking at me with an amused look.

“Enjoying yourself?”
Jun 1, 2023 10:40 AM
Jun 2014
chapter 3

“Uhhhhh.” Was the only thing I could say as I got caught up in my own curiosity and then got caught masturbating, I don’t know which is more embarrassing. I could feel my face getting redder from embarrassment as I slipped on my now soiled clothing. We stood in silence for a few minutes then the girl broke the silence with a question I was kind of thankful she asked.

“So do you want to take a bath? I’m sure you do after your little fun.” I was still too embarrassed to speak when she asked me this so I just replied with a simple nod. She turned around and began to head through a hallway motioning me to follow. After passing four doors we stopped in front of one with a different color than the rest, as if it was hit with a lot of steam over time. She opened the door and told me to go in. when I went in my jaw dropped the tub was way bigger than it should have been for just her. The tub looked as if it was supposed to be a mini in ground swimming pool and the floor was made of stone completely different from what I had seen of the home’s wood floor, chances are to keep from rot. I turned back to the girl who handed me a towel and what I believed to be a rolled up change of clothes. She then began to leave before stopping and turning around to say one more thing.

“I almost forgot my name is Euphemia but you can call me Mia. If you need anything just call.” She then turned back around and left the room shutting the door behind her.

I had begun to talk to myself if she could hear me I would be even more embarrassed, but it’s the only way I can calm down right now. “Man, you sure got yourself in a pickle now Michael. Getting, I guess, transported to some strange land and getting tuned into a girl. Well life could be interesting. No, don’t think like that, I have to change back and get back home, maybe Mia knows a way.” After talking to myself I decided I would take a bath while I was in here, so I put the towel and the clothes she handed me down away from the tub. I proceeded to strip and get into the bath. The water was warm it reminded me of a hot spring I went to when I was little. I sat down letting the water go up to my neck and relaxed letting the events of the pass two days replay in my mind. It’s all so impossible, but it’s one hundred percent real and I don’t know what to do. I sat there in the water playing the events over and over again for I don’t know how long but I began to feel woozy. Before I could pass out I decided to get out and get dressed, I went over to the area I put the towel and clothes Mia gave me and dried off. Then I picked up the clothes she had given me and unrolled them. My heart nearly stopped when I saw the cloths she had given me. It was a black blouse and a dark blue skirt. I was unsure if I was happy or upset however to find no underwear.

“I know she turned me into a girl and all but could she have at least let me keep with the dude clothes.” I said to myself a little disappointed with the fact if I want to wear any clothes this was it. With no other options with some difficulty I put on the clothes provided by Mia. I decided I would return to the room I was in when I woke up. When I entered the living room I noticed there was an entry way to another room across from the mirror I had seen before. As I walked closer to the entry way I could smelled something savory. I followed the smell through the entryway and into what seemed like a form of kitchen/dining room there was a table with four chairs, a counter, and what looked like a wood burning stove. Mia was standing at the stove stirring a pot. I was close enough now to be able to smell what she was cooking. It smelled like a type of stew, I wasn’t sure which type, but definitely a stew and it seemed Mia hadn’t noticed me yet. I had no idea how to approach her, I was a little bit afraid of her, she is a witch just like she said. I didn’t have to think of a way to let my presence be known in the end because my stomach made that happen for me. I began to get hungry from smelling the stew and my stomach wanted to let me know nice and clearly. Mia heard it and turned around not surprised at all that I was there.

“Go take a seat Michael the food will be done soon.” When she called me by name I was nearly speechless how she knew it I never told her.

“How I never told you my name?”

“You were talking pretty loud in the bathroom so it was not hard to miss you talking in third person. As well there is a way to turn you back but you will have to help me search for it, I narrowed it down to two stack of my books I’ll give you your stack after dinner. Now for the way back to your home, I have not heard anything about that possibility so I’m sorry you're stuck here.” She told me this all while focusing on cooking the stew adding potatoes, carrots, and some red meat that I hope was just beef.

“Huh, I was that loud, um, sorry. Ok cool, there’s a way to get me changed back but why would you help me so easily after I angered you and how come you took me saying I wasn’t from here so easily?” I asked her puzzled now on why she was so ok with it all.

“I took it so easily because people have been showing up that are not from this world and the reason is I’m willing to help is after I put you to sleep I started thinking about how you were acting and realized you must have been one of those people. As well men are rare here, so I made a big mistake even if I messed up the spell, turning you into a girl almost worse than freezing you solid.”

“Ok, I guess that makes sense ... wait males are rare here?” I asked her this with a face of total surprise I mean eyes wide open surprised.

“Yes this world is mostly populated with Mamono there are very little human males and even less human females. As well there are many different species of mamono I will provide you with a book with the pile I need you to search through to help you get a grasp on the known species. I will explain the world in more detail while we eat. Well at least the island we live on and the smaller surrounding islands as far, as I know there is nothing beyond them.” She said this last part while getting out two bowls and scooping out some of the stew into each. She preceded to hand me one and motion for me to sit with her at the table. The stew was good, to my luck the meat was beef and she continued to explain where we are, how the currency works, and who rules over the island. Apparently there are multiple lords, each ruling over different sections of the island. We are currently in the Calm Lord Amarante’s region and when I got to the island I was in the Savage Lord Kaori’s region. After we finished eating and Mia finished telling me if I were to travel to stay away from the desert to the west because of a war. She went to get the stack of books for me to go through. When she came back there were about ten books, there were some really old looking ones and some really thick ones. When she said I would need to help, I thought it was going to be a lot more then this for my stack but maybe it’s just a form of payment for her help.

She set the books on the table and she started heading out “If you find the book we are looking for just yell for me, I will be looking through my stack in a different room.”

“Ok I will. Well time to hit the books.” After I said that she left the room to attend to her own stack. I reached for the oldest looking book. It had a title I couldn’t make out.

“Well let’s start with you.”
Jun 1, 2023 10:41 AM
Jun 2014
chapter 4

When I opened up the book I was greeted in big bold letters the word Sabbath. Right below it was a drawing of men and little girls coupling. I wanted to close the book and move on to the next, but there was something in the back of my mind telling me to keep reading.

I turned to a random page in the book and arrived to a section called Sabbath In A Nutshell. I just skimmed the section but I picked up that a Sabbath is a cult run by witches and something called a Baphomet. Their fundamental principles are 1. Impart the charm and indecency of tiny young girls among the world and 2. Be devoted to pleasure like a good monster. Each branch of the Sabbath is run by a different Baphomet and their uniforms vary.

Reading all this I began to question Mia’s motives for helping me. I decided it was best to stop reading before I began to distrust her.

The next two books weren’t that hard to get through since both of their titles gave them away. The first book was called Are you sure it doesn't go there?: A complete guide to tentacles so I didn’t even open it.

The next one had the title the Sydopedia in gold letters on a leather bound cover. I was curious so I opened it up to a random page. It had a bunch of different definitions for words starting in sydo. I read a few and had to work on not laughing; I decided this would be good to take with me for some laughs if I went traveling.

There were just two books left. I set them next to each other. The book on the left was titled the monster girl encyclopedia. I guessed this was the one that Mia said she would let me read to get the grasp of the species on the island. I decided I would read it later because I was one book check away from turning back into a man.

The last book was a worn old leather bound book. From the outside the pages looked to have been damaged by water. I quickly realized that the contents weren’t in any better condition as I flipped through the pages: I couldn’t make out a single word; they were just too smudged or ripped. I eventually made my way to the back cover, depressed. Even if this was the book I was looking for it was completely unreadable. Then I noticed something etched into the back cover. Looking closely I realized it was a note addressed to Mia. I quickly called for her to let her know what I found.

“Mia you have to see this!” I yelled to her as loud as I could.

Mia came running it to the room wide eyed. “Did… did you find the book?” she asked, nearly out of breath.

“I’m not sure if this is the book, but there is a note in the back addressed to you,” I told her as I handed the book to her, already opened to the note.

She began to read quietly and after a few minutes she let out a sigh.

“Well this does appear to be the book we were looking for, but one of my old friends messed it up. The note’s from them and it seems there might be another copy somewhere in Kioko’s region, but I am not allowed back in, so I don’t know how we are to get it.” When she said the last part she sounded depressed.

“Why don’t I go instead?”

“I don’t know. It is pretty dangerous. I might be able to get you a guide or something. I’ll go look into that right now before I go to bed. Good night.” She said this last part as she left the room heading to what I assumed her bedroom. “Ok good night”

After she left the room I began to talk to myself. “A guide huh? That will make getting to places easier as long as nothing goes wrong.”

After talking to myself I decided it was a good idea to read the monster girl encyclopedia now. I grabbed the book and began flipping through the pages. There were a lot of them that’s for sure and they all seemed to be in alphabetical order, but I am an active reader so it was nothing I couldn’t handle.

I was wrong. I only made it to the H’s before I passed out with my face in the book.

When I had awoken I could see Mia sitting across from me with a map laid out in front of her. It looked as if she was plotting a path for me to take. She still hadn’t noticed that I had woken up, so I decided to let my presence be known.

“So, good morning.” This must have surprised her because she jumped a little.

“Oh, Michael, you’re awake. You scared me.”

“Oh sorry. So what are you doing?” I asked her getting up from where I was sitting and walking over to her. I looked over her head to get a better view of what she was doing.

“I am mapping out the path for you to take. I wasn’t able to get you a guide but I did get some useful information.”

“Well that sucks about the guide. So what is this information?” I asked her as I watched her mark a line on the map. I assumed that was the path she wanted me to take.

“Well, I picked up some information about the book while you were asleep. t is supposedly in some town on the coast in kioko’s region.”

“Doesn’t that seem a little, I don’t know, vague?” I was a little skeptical of this information. I mean how many villages could be on the coast?

“Yes it is, but it is the only information I could dig up.”

“Ok, well, it’s better than nothing I guess. So when do I leave?”[/color] I asked getting little worried. It was going to take a long time to get this book.

“Just give me a few minutes to finish mapping out the path and you can be on your way. I have a bag already packed for you. It’s on the couch. You can grab it on your way out.”

“Okay, well, can I take these two books with me?” I asked this pointing to the MGE and the Sydopedia.

“I guess so. Okay, finished with mapping out the path. Just be careful even if you are a female now. There are some mamono out there that will make it dangerous for you.” She rolled up the map and handed it to me.

Taking the map and the two encyclopedias I headed into the living room and on the couch was the pack. It seemed to be made of leather. Putting the two books inside the main pocket and the map in a side pocket, I decided to check and see what Mia packed for me later. I put the pack on and headed out the door. Once outside I could see just how beautiful the scenery really was. The trees had brown and red leafs signaling winter was coming. The sun looked like it was going to reach its highest point soon. So I assumed it was around eleven in the morning. I decided it was best to begin walking so I could make progress before night fell. I pulled the map out and unrolled it. I began to study the map lucky for me Mia had put some useful details on the map like which way north was from her house. As instructed by the map I went to the back of Mia’s house, which from the inside I thought was a lot bigger than it actually was, and began heading straight.

“This is going to be a long trip,” I said to myself as I began my long trek from Mia’s to the coast of kioko’s land.
Jun 1, 2023 10:42 AM
Jun 2014
chapter 5

“Ahhh!” I screamed as I stubbed my toe on a tree root.

“God damn it that’s the third time,” I said as I took off my pack and sat down to let the pain pass. I had forgotten my shoes at Mia’s house in my rush to leave. By the time I realized I had, however, I was too far away to turn back without wasting time.

As I sat there I decided to pull the map out and study it some more. I took my time reading the map to get a better understanding of it and to read some of Mia’s notes. Most of the notes were about landmarks and villages along my path. The rest were more like warning for things to avoid like the slave traders of kaori’s region. After a few minutes of studying the map I began to feel sleepy. I had been walking for a while and it was warm thanks to the sun so I decided to take a nap. Using the map to block the sun out of my eyes I laid down on the ground and fell straight to sleep.

I awoke to something cold hitting my leg. I wanted to ignore it and go back to sleep but then something hit the map. I opened my eyes to see that a spot of the map was now transparent. That’s when it hit me it was starting to rain. I began to get up to put the map away but before I could the rain started to come down hard. In a matter of seconds the map was ruined and I was soaked from head to toe. I could feel my anger begin to rise but I had no time to deal with it. I tossed the now ruined map aside and picked myself up of the muddy ground. Putting my pack on I headed in the direction I was already traveling. I had no time to waste being pissed over losing my map.

I had been walking for another good hour or so when the rain finally stopped. I was completely soaked and I felt like if I ringed my clothes out they would create a small stream. I had decided to stop and take a short break from walking and let the sun dry my clothes. I was pissed at this point my map was ruined and I wasn’t even sure If I was going the right way anymore. I needed to take my anger out and the only thing coming to mind was to punch a tree. So that is what I did I walked up to the nearest tree and began punching.

“Why does bullshit like this always have to happen to me damn it!?” I said this as I punched the tree trunk as hard as I could.

“Maybe I can help cheer you up miss.” When I heard this I stopped my punching.

I turned around to see a little girl with short white hair. She was wearing a black bow and a matching dress. She wasn’t wearing any shoes. She had four small blue wings. She had a small bag tired around her waist. She wasn’t very tall coming up to about the bottom of my chest. She was holding something in her hand I couldn’t see.

“How would you do that?” I asked her putting my hands on my hips and giving her a doubtful look.

“With this.” She said, opening her hand to reveal a piece of hard candy that looked like butterscotch.

“That’s really hard to believe but what could possibly go wrong.” I said as I took the piece of candy. Assuming it was safe I popped it into my mouth. It was deathly sweet but delicious and tasted like honey. My anger had disappeared but it was being replaced by this strange feeling. By the time I had finished the candy my breathing had gotten shallow.

“What … was … in … that … candy?” I asked the girl between breaths

She let out a small giggle before replying. “The candy I gave you had a strong aphrodisiac mixed in. I told you I would help you calm down I just didn’t say how.” She had a seductive smile on her face now as she walked closer to me.

“So why don’t we have a little fun” she said this as she reached up and pulled me down to her height. I was too far under the influence of the aphrodisiac to resist as she pulled me into a deep kiss. At some point during the kiss my knees buckled and I fell on to her with the small girl deftly turning us over, leaving her atop me.

“Please stop this.” I said weakly

“I’m sorry can you repeat that?” the mysterious girl asked leaning closer to my face still having her seductive smile.

“Please sto...” I was caught off by her giving me her another deep kiss. I could feel her tongue wrapping around mine. The kiss lasted long enough to make me feel like I was suffocating. When she released me from the kiss I wasn’t sure what my expression was but it seemed to be one she liked.

“Let’s try something.” she said this as she began to kiss down the side of my neck while unbuttoning my blouse. Once she had my blouse completely open she began moving further down eventually stopping at my left breast. She started sucking on my nipple, occasionally nibbling it as her hand moved over the right. She continued, spurred on as my moans intensified. I could fell a tightness building, something coming

I moaned loudly as I climaxed for my first time in this form. The mysterious girl had stopped what she was doing and looked at me disapproving. “Did you just come?” she asked with a tinge of annoyance in her voice

“I didn’t even get to the good part. Guess we will have to skip ahead a bit.” She said this as she rearranged herself to where her head was near my snatch. She began to pull up my skirt.

“Oh what’s this going commando are we, naughty girl.” She said this with a giggle. She then lowered her head to my pussy and began to lick. It was a new sensation then any I have experienced so far. My mind began to go blank as I reached up and pulled her underwear down and began to do the same to her. Every so often moans would escape the both of us. This continued till we both climaxed and couldn’t continue.

“Well that was fun.” She said this getting up off me and pulling her underwear back up. She then walked over to a nearby tree and messed with something. By the time I noticed she had my pack she had already started fluttering away. “See you around!” she yelled as she went off into the distance.

When I tried to get up to chase after he I just collapsed to the ground I was too tired from the whole ordeal with her to do anything. My last thought before passing out was “Things couldn't possible get worse.”
Jun 1, 2023 10:43 AM
Jun 2014

Chapter 6

I awoke not too long after sun set. I had woken up thirsty so I began to move in the direction of a river that was marked on my now destroyed map. Not too long after I had begun walking I heard something behind me. Looking back I couldn’t see anything so I just brushed it off as my imagination. After a while I arrived at the river. I walked up to the bank and dropped to my knees. I stuck my hand into the river I could feel that the current was strong. I would have to be careful not to fall in in since I am not a strong swimmer. I cupped my hand and brought some of the water up to my lips and drank It was cold and refreshing. After a while of drinking I stopped and stared at my reflection in the river running my hand through my hair. I let out a deep sigh as a bundle of rage I kept pent up was released as I sent my fist into the river causing ripples to distort my reflection.

Once the ripples had dissipated turned to leave and standing a few feet away was a woman wearing a white tank top and shorts. Her pink hair was in a ponytail tied with a yellow ribbon. I had this feeling in the back of my mind telling me to run but, I was frozen with fear.

“Don’t be scared come here.” Her voice carried a tone of authority and it had something magical about it. My fear dissipated and I was able to move but instead of my body listening to me and running I walked towards her.

“Now what is your name?” she asked me as she put her hand on my right shoulder.

“My name is m...Michael.” I replied trying to fight whatever force was making me obey.

“Now that is a strange name for a girl can you tell me why?” as she asked this the spot she had her hand had begun to feel hot and ache.

“That’s because I am a man.” I said as the pain and heat increased. It felt as if a branding iron was being forced into my shoulder.

She leaned in and whispered into my ear “I know.” When she did the pain and heat vanished and the world seemed to be spinning. I felt all my strength leave me as I collapsed to the ground breathing heavy. My vision began to fade as I heard her exclaim “perfect maybe this time it will be a success.” And two figures came out of the woods. As my vision was consumed by darkness the last thing I could see was the shorter of the two figures staring at me as if saying sorry with her eyes.

The mysterious women turns to her two companions. One of which was a young looking brown werewolf and the other a witch. The witch still had not torn her eyes off the now uncounseled girl not to far from her when the mysterious women asked. “Did you accomplish what I assigned?”

“Mistress we stalled the hellhound as long as we could just like you asked. She should be here any minute.” replied the werewolf

“Good and that nearly makes up for your mistakes Mia.” The mysterious women said

“I’m deeply sorry mistress.” Mia said

“I’m sure you are now get us out of here.” The mistress ordered

“Yes mistress” Mia replied as all three girls stepped close together and darkness engulfed them and they vanished.

When I opened my eyes I was standing in my room. I knew I was dreaming because at the foot of the bed was a little boy, no older then twelve, crying. The little boy had a mass of curly dark brown hair and his eyes were blood shot from crying. He was covering a spot on his lower right arm with a paper towel. He eventually removed the paper towel revealing a deep scratch. When I saw it the same spot on my arm began to hurt as the event began to come back to me. I had just gotten into a fight with my sisters and I chased them to their room. By then the monster as my sisters called it was released. It was simply just my rage but it was normally a great rage. I was slamming into their door screaming at them as they screamed back. Eventually I managed to push them back to get the door open enough for my arm to get through and swipe at them. That’s when my little sister dug her nail into my arm. I pulled my arm back and retreated to my room on the other side of the house. My rage had shifted to sadness and regret then I never liked it when I got mad like that it always ended badly either for me, the target of my anger, or both. When the memory had finished I was left siting on my bed staring at the scar left from that day.

“Why did I remember this” I thought to myself as the dream shifted to a living room I knew all too well. I was now in my uncle’s house in Florida and I knew what was about to happen. A sixteen year old me came in through the front door yelling as my uncle followed behind about ready to hit me. I turned to him and I remember yelling something but I couldn’t recall what. Whatever it was it sent my uncle over the edge. I remember hi hitting me and I snapped I had been hit by him many times but for some reason this time made my blood boil. I retaliated and we started fighting trading punches my weak hits for his strong ones. I could took punches and I was a persistent person when I got pissed. I eventually found an opening and slammed a small glass candle holder over my uncle’s head. Digging my thumbnail into the bridge of my uncle’s nose I managed to get him to back off long enough for me to make a break for the front door. Unlucky for me my uncle’s partner was blocking my way so I didn’t get away with just bruises but a ripped shirt as my uncle’s partner grabs it when I slip past. Once the 16 year old me made it to the road the dream shifted again. This time I was just floating in a void of darkness as voices relayed off things my family have said to me over the years. I heard my younger sisters blaming me for our parents leaving. My uncles’ partner blaming me for them fighting or him telling me that I am just a piece of trash. The last things I heard were my sisters saying how much they hated me that it would have been better if I wasn’t their brother. After that I screamed for them to shut up as loud as I could and I shot right up. I was wide awake now and I had no idea where I was.
Jun 1, 2023 10:43 AM
Jun 2014
Chapter 7

Scanning the area briefly I was able to make out, through the little light given off from the rising sun, mountains to my sides as well as behind me. In front of me was a plains that seemed to stretch for a while. “Even if I don’t know where I am this is beautiful landscape,” I thought to myself, letting out a deep sigh. I took another quick glance around the area. The sun had fully risen and I could make out smaller details like bushes and boulders. There was one bush not too far from me that had caught my eye. It had something sticking out of it. Normally I would have ignored this but as I turned to look away the thing moved slightly. My curiosity peaked at seeing this and I began moving closer. It was strange when I had finally reached the bush I could see what was moving was a tail yet I did not turn to run or anything. Instead I wanted to touch it; the thing looked so fluffy and familiar. The tail was black except for about an inch of the tips that looked like they had been dipped in orange-red ink. It was swaying back and forth, and I felt like an idiot trying to touch it, missing every time I tried. I eventually got fed up and went in from both sides and finally grabbed the tail with both hands. The moment I grabbed it the tail stopped moving and regret filled me as whatever was attached to the tail let out what sounded like a low moan and the tail was pulled into the bush. I didn’t have time to let go and I was pulled into the bush as well. The next few seconds where a blur and before I knew it I was in a bear hug, face buried in a pair of large breast and nails slightly digging into my back. I attempted to pry myself free but the girl who had me just held me tighter the more I struggled. When I had given up I heard something that my heart drop. A loud snore came from the girl. I let out a small sigh and let the girl embrace me letting the fact I couldn’t get away set in.

Meanwhile, in a dimly lit room a succubus was keeping watch through a magic mirror. "Not everyone was happy under the black sky.As hard as she tried, Ishtar couldn't keep her secrets from us entirely. It's only a matter of time before we figure out the rest of her sigil." She had begun monologuing. "And you, my little one shall help with that," she said as she placed her hand over the girl trapped in the embrace of the sleeping hellhound on the other side of the image. "It was easy enough letting it slip how to reverse the mechanism, and then just a matter of time before it all fell apart," she said as she finished her monolog and the image on the mirror faded.

It wasn’t long till the girl had woken up. At first I didn’t notice because she was quiet and still embracing me, but the snoring had stopped and when I looked up I saw her eyes open. They were a crimson red and she had a smile that made her look sinister yet beautiful at the same time. I must have been staring a bit because the first thing for her to say was, “Are you ok?” As she asked her hand touched my forehead. It was a soft gentle touch as if a loved one was checking if I was ill. When she did this I recoiled back and her smile seemed to fade. I felt bad. she seemed nice but I didn’t want to take any chances
“Who are you?” I asked the girl. I wanted an answer.

“So the doctor was right,” the girl said a sad tone to her voice.

“What doctor?”

“Oh n..nothing my name is Ashtoreth, but just call me Ash.” She said this a bit more happily than what she had said before.

“Alright Ash, what did you mean by doctor and how did I get here?“

“Oh, um, well, I found you collapsed at the bank of a river with a high fever and I took you to a healer. She said you would be fine and well.. You got up and started walking north... so I followed you and kept you safe.” She got to a low whisper I could hardly make out, “And help you when the fever struck you hard”

“Excuse me, what was that last part?”

“Huh, ohh, um, I said you stopped at the base of this mountain. Guessing you destination is on the other side.”

“So.. you helped me. I guess I owe you big then, and I am heading to a town in Kioko’s region to see if they have a specific book.”

“Well.. is it okay If I come with you? Since you said it yourself you owe me big.”

At first I wanted to say no, but she had got me I did say that and I did owe her, so letting out a deep sigh I agreed to let her come with.

“Really thank you.” She hugged me tightly.

“C..cant breath” {she has a strong grip and her fur is so soft} I thought to myself as she suffocated me with her hug, my face got buried in her breasts which I would have found nice honestly if I was not being suffocated.

“Oh s..sorry,” she said as she released me from the hug.

I pulled myself away a bit to get a good look at my new companion. Looking her over I at first wanted to assume she was a werewolf that had just gotten way too much sun by her dark skin and I got a little scared, but as I looked her over at the corner of her eyes little flames showed before dying out. It was all I needed to make my judgment of what she was, one of the last monsters I read in the encyclopedia before it was stolen from me the hellhound. I had gotten a little bit of joy from it honestly, and I wanted to meet one.. I thought they looked cute. She was wearing a moderate violet shirt and shorts. When I finished looking her over I noticed she was blushing so I decided to get out of the bush and head to the base of the mountains before she got the wrong idea. When I reached the base of the mountain range Ash was right behind me and I was looking up the mountains.

“Now how to climb these things safely...” I thought out loud.
Jun 1, 2023 10:44 AM
Jun 2014
Chapter 8

It took us over an hour to path out what looked like a safe route to take up the mountain all that was needed was to climb it. I headed up first and Ash followed behind me I regretted that decision not to long after. When I remembered I was going commando and wearing a skirt if Ash looked up she could see …things. I quickly shook the thought out of my head and focused on climbing. “Left right left right and don’t look down” I repeated this as I gripped jutting rocks to pulls myself up. We were about two forth of the way up when the rocks ended and I had to use holes in the mountain….and I nearly died on the first one. The moment I put my hand in a felt something crawling on me and I pulled my hand out and looked.

Going around my hand was a big nasty looking spider I screamed like a little girl loud enough to wake anyone and high enough to nearly break glass. I threw it off and on impulse stomped my foot. Mistake number two as I cause the rock my foot was on to break off and I nearly fall catching back into the hole before I could I hung there my heart racing. I could hear below me Ash asking if I was okay and complain about something dripping on her head. My cheeks went a deep red as she looks up and I realize at the same time as her I ended up pissing myself I had gotten so scared.

I started to regret my choice of going first even more as I started climbing again. “So Ash I’m surprised you haven’t raped me the last monster girl I ran into. That I was hundred percent sure was one. Tricked me and raped me. Why haven’t you?” I asked Ash as we climbed to pass the time.

She replied slower than I had hoped and she sounded a bit …embarrassed or it was my imagination. “Well I don’t really like to … plus if I did you were sick it would have been really low of me to ... do that” as she spoke I felt un easy like she as lying to me or something but I just shrugged it off as my nervousness from the spider encounter having me on edge.

“I see…So you know of any short cuts we could take. I want to get to the town I need to get to as fast as possible” I asked her curiously and with a lot of hope.

“No not really but there is a town about a day or two away from here it’s called The Savage Volcano” Ashe replied

“Savage Volcano? Why is it called that?” I asked a little scared of the answer.

“Its best you see it over me explaining.” Was her reply.

I was glad that was how she decided to reply or else I would not have gone there. It took of three days to get there a bit longer then Ash said. When we got there I froze dead center of the Town was what you could call a mini volcano with a small pool of lava at the bottom. Something was keeping the volcano and lava pool I check. My guess was magic it sort of looked like one of those water fountains you plugged up and it spit the water out the top and went down the side ad pooled just to do it again. In the pool there were some people swimming in it. The looked like lizards with red scales and even some people looked to be made of fire. I took my eyes away from I guess you could call it a pool when Ash put her Paw on my shoulder.

“Come on maybe we can find a faster way down here” *she said smiling.

“Yea” *I smiled back and started into the town. It was pretty big we passed mostly homes. The buildings seemed to have been made out of a form of Stone and Wooden support beams. A bit more into town there were a few shops. A blacksmith, a general store and an inn. We headed into the general store and it looked pretty cliché. It sort of reminded me of the runescape one in Varrock. There were two entrances in the shop and behind the counter there was a ladder leading upstairs. The shelves contained a variety of things from rope to water skins. On one side of the shop there were manikins with bikinis on display and some regular clothes you would see. Ash approached the counter after telling me it would be best to let her do the talking. I didn’t argue and I followed behind.

Behind the counter stood what at first I thought was a human girl. Her back to us but when she turned around Ash Snarled. “Drop the illusion Raccoon I want a fair and safe shopping time.” Ashe said it in a way I didn’t think she could, it even scared me.

The girl eeped and shimmered for a few seconds what she really was being revealed to be a raccoon looking monster. “Y...yes madam Welcome to cinders general store were you can find almost anything from clothes to supplies.” *she gave a smile after recovering from her scare.

“Thank you I and my friend are looking for a fast way through the mountains. And some supplies as well.”

“There is a way a carriage leaves in a few moments its only three silver for two tickets. And supplies what are you looking for?” she asked casually but a hint of fear could be heard in her tone.

“We need some Flint, rations and two water skins should be fine and a bag” Ash told the Shop keep.

“Okay all together that should be around four silver as I’m sure you want a few days’ worth of rations.”

“yes that’s correct” *Ash fishes some coins out a pocket and hands then to the Shop keep who puts them away and reaches under the counter bringing out a bag, what looked like rations, and the flint along with two water skins filled with water. “Here is your supplies and your tickets “she pulls two tickets out of nowhere and hands them to ash who takes them.

“Thank you” Ash looks at me “grab the surplices” nod and put the supplies into the bag and put it on. We head out the other entrance of the shop and there was a carriage. It had two centaurs looked ready to pull it. They were an easy guess even without reading the entry. They looked a bit similar to the one in legends back home. Ash went over to one and gave her the tickets and she then motioned for me to get in. it was a simple wooden carriage and the inside was about the same. With hard wood seats and it being a cramped space. Ash slid in next to me after a few moments and let out a sigh of relief. “Well that went better than expected” she said smiling at me.

“Really?” I was surprised she thought it would go worse.

“Yea. Well they said it would be a while even at their fastest speed to get out of the mountains so we should rest. You can lean on me if you want.”

“O…okay” I was embarrassed to but I did her fur was soft and she was warm. I closed my eyes and I thought I heard Ash humming as I drifted off to sleep.
Jun 1, 2023 10:45 AM
Jun 2014
I lifted myself up groaning off the cold stone. Blood dripping down my forehead I tried to process everything that had just happened. It went by so fast I woke up to the sounds of a fight and ash missing. I poked my head out of the carriage and I could see the two centaurs and ash fighting a large group of people.

I was too tired to accurately count how many there were but that sleepiness didn’t last long as an arrow stuck its right into the side of the carriage just an inch from my head. It woke me right up as my eyes went from nearly closed to wide open in a matter of seconds as I let out a very girly scream.

On the inside I face palmed at it. It pulled ash’s attention away from her fight which I really started to feel bad about around now as she was hit over the head by a club most likely hurt. She didn’t go down tho and she picked the guy that hit her up and flung him into three of his friends.

She then rushed over to me and handed me the pack of supplies. Her words where difficult to hear but I could make out bandits and run. She pushed me and not wanting to make her mad I started running.

I felt really bad since I was leaving it as a 3 vs what I could make out 10 as I took off down the side of the mountain path we were stopped on. I was about half way down when I heard ash scream no. that was when I felt them two arrows one in my left leg and another in my right shoulder.

They pierced my flesh and white hot pain shot through me as I fell and tumbled down the rest of the way. When I reached the bottom I couldn’t move it hurt too much.

I wish I had moved tho as I started to black out the ground below me started to crack and give way. I finally finished processing all that and looking around I could see I was in a cave lit by some torches and the hole I fell from I was worried since the torches looked freshly lit, but it wasn’t only that my body started to move on its own towards something in the center of the cave it looked like a large pillar shaped a bit like a wolf at the top.

I could feel the arrows still in me shift causing more damage as my legs moved and my blood drained from me. As I drew closer i thought to myself I’m going to die in here. I finally reached it and my hand put its self on the wolf snout smearing it with my blood before I regained control and collapsed there.

“It…it’s getting so cold” I said to myself as my life slowly faded.

Jun 1, 2023 10:46 AM
Jun 2014
Chapter 10! (hey we made it to double digets)

-??? P.O.V.-
The sun had just and a young mouse girl stands over the still body of a women. it had been 5 days since she found the girl unconscious in a cave as she was looking for treasure. the girl had been wounded and bleeding badly when she was found and the mouse girl did the best patch work she could.

???: "its a miracle she survived must have an angel looking over her" *the mouse girl says to herself as she changes the bandages* "lets hope the wounds wont get infected before i get her to a town"

-Ash P.O.V-

the girl groaned a little in her state as the bandages were changed it was a sign she might wake soon if lucky and the mouse seemed glad as it would make traveling a lot easier.

meanwhile Ash was making her way towards the two. She did not sleep or eat after she picked up Michael's scent from the cave. She didn't plan to stop till she found her but her exhaustion and hunger started to take its toll on her and she slowed down. Even tho she didn't want to she stops to eat and rest for a few moments. siting under a tree and taking out some of the rations she planned to share with Michael she begins to eat.

she started to think how soft the ground was and yawns mid bite before beginning to nod off she knew she would hate herself when she woke up but she couldn't fight sleep anymore as her eyes close and she slumbers. when Ash wakes she found herself slowed greatly and sore from the fight she had only days ago again. she cursed herself for now taking the centaurs advice or help and pressed on.

-Michael P.O.V.-
The sun shines bright in the sky Michael's eyes slowly flutter open and she tries to sit up groaning. surprising Michael the mouse girl comes running over.

???: "no no don't move miss" she forces Michael to lay back down "you still need to rest we will be moving out soon"

Michael: "wah w..who are you? where is ash..where am i" *winces sore and felt like they had been hit by a truck*

Irene: "your safe calm down i'm sorry i don't know who this Ash is but my name is Irene i'm a hinezumi i found you passed out 5 days ago wounded in a cave care to tell me what happened?"

Michael: "i.i was shot by some bandits and fell into a c..cave i could have sworn i was dead" {shes nice for a hinezumi..i thought they were more the tsundere type..stop no time to think about that she saved your bloody life}

Irene: "oh my so i take this Ash is a friend of yours?"

Michael: "yes she was helping me get to a town i needed to get there to find a book to reverse a curse"

Irene:"i see mind telling me the name we need to get you to a town anyways for your wounds i did the best patch work but they can still get infected"

Michael: *i reply with the towns name and think to myself if it wasn't for her saving my hide i would not answer and try to wait for ash*

Irene: "what a coincidence i'm heading there for a festival and it might be the closet town to i haven't looked at a time correct map recently so i'm not sure"

Michael: "i.i see" i might be to trusting i think to myself

Irene: "we have to head out soon so you better get some more rest as you will have to walk if we are to make it in time"

Michel: "o..okay"

Irene leaves me to go start packing the camp up as i lay there lost in thought now mostly trying to figure out how i was alive when my head started to hurt before i could see only in red. as this happened a male voice spoke in my head it was a deep and gave me the chills.

the voice told me to keep on my toes and to not travel to far without a companion as i was in more danger then i knew. after a few moments my vision returned to normal and i looked around in a little freak panic.

Irene: "is something wrong?"

Michael: " nothing just thought i saw a wasp is all" I lied i couldn't tell her what just happen she think i was crazy so i just close my eyes and tried to rest as the words replayed in my head over and over again.

A few short days later i was on map duty for us so far we had been making good time at least that's what Irene says. I was slow most the time shuffling and partly distracted from what happened days ago and thinking about Ash. my wounds had started heal nicely at least so there was no infection. i was beginning to think of keeping a diary but i wasn't sure if it was a good idea.

Irene stops me and takes the map doing a quick scan of it "okay should only be 5 maybe 4 days away if we skip a nights rest"

michael: "o..okay"

Some Bushes behind us rustle before i'm suddenly tackled and knocked over the last thought before screaming ow a bunch in my head is why does bad shit happen to me all the time!
Jun 1, 2023 10:46 AM
Jun 2014
Chapter: 11

After a few moments i feel Irene moving what or who ever was atop me off and i pull myself up groaning and brushing the dirt off.

Michael: "man that really hurt" i spit some dirt out "what was that."

Irene: "here" points to a girl she rolled off me.

I look at the girl she had tan skin and a mess of short brown hair by the look she seemed just a bit taller then myself. At first glance i didn't notice but her clothes were in taters and she had scratch and bite marks all over almost like she was attacked by wild animals.

Michael: "what happened to her"

Irene: "i'm not very sure but we should be careful looking at the wounds this was recent"

Michael: "alright Irene but shouldn't we help her i mean she could get sick or something"

Irene: takes a deep sigh "alright but only because i don't like seeing people hurt"

Michael:  "same reason you helped me i'm sure guess ill carry her" I wince a little as i pick up the girl. she was heavy but i was feeling ind even if she did cause me to face plant in the dirt.

Irene: "your such a weak little girl" she smirks having a joking tone

Michael: "s..shut up we should find a place to make camp after a bit"

Irene: "yea lets get a move on before what ever attacked her shows up you better hope this dosent make us late i want to make it on time"

Michael: "yea yea"

I started to trudge along behind Irene. the girl had clenched my blouse it was adorable and alittle saddening who or what could have done this to the poor girl. Before i could get myself lot in thought of all the possibility and before i could trip i looked up form her. The forest was mostly quiet beside the sounds of birds and other animals. Well mostly i could see Irene was chuckling about something.

Michael: "what is so funny?"

Irene: "oh just i never noticed you were going without panties this whole time"

I felt my face flush red "S..shut up and how did you just notice that"

Irene: "i gave you privacy of course like you asked im no pervert" she huffed

Michael: "o..oh sorry and thank you for that and yes i have..the person who gave me the clothes didn't give me with any and my friend ash forgot to buy me some the last town we were at"

Irene: "and why didn't you remind her?"

Michael: "i um..forgot" I looked away a bit and pouted

Irene: "i see well maybe we will get you some when we get to the town"

Michael: "um thanks i really owe you alot"

Irene: "Don't worry about it"

After a good five more hours of walking now in silence it started to get dark. it was my turn to set up the sleeping spots while Irene went to get fire wood i made the hurt girls spot first  to lay her down on giving up any cushioning Irene had let me use. I had started to remove her clothes to get her patched up with what little i knew form first aid in school. I left her bra and panties on her my face was to flushed and my mans pride wouldn't let me take them off in the first place. Most of the wounds were not to deep but there was a bite on her arm that was really bad i was worried it was gonna get infected.

I was to deep in thought on how i would clean the wound with what Irene had that i didn't even notice she woke till i felt something touch me and i jumped almost screamed. Looking down i could see her hand on my knee and her eyes open weakly.

Michael: "o..oh your awake"

???: "w..where i"

Michael: "your in my camp just rest your really hurt"

???: " warm"

Michael: "you might have a fever look can you tell me your first name and ill gt you some water"

Diana: "i..its Diana"

Michael: "alright Diana just hold on" i get her a drink of water from one of the water skins Irene carries around for us

She drinks it down slowly and i had placed my hand on her forehead she seemed a bit warm

Michael: "you seem to have a small fever just get plenty of res..." I froze up a little  i could have sworn her nails looked sharper then before but i shook my head i was probably just tired. "get plenty of rest now okay"

Diana: "o..okay" she was breathing a little heavy

Michael: "good now can you tell me what attacked you?"

Diana: "a..a w..wolf"

Michael: "a wolf okay that makes things a bit easier for treating you till we can get to a town"

Diana: " warm"

I had to stop her as she tried to sit up suddenly. "hey hey i said rest now your in no condition to get up" she was really warm now i started to get worried and i hoped Irene would make it back soon. lost in thought agian i was snapped back as i felt my back scratched through my blouse and i jumped

michael: "ow! h.hey what was that for"

Diana: "s..sorry it was an a.accident" she seemed ot sniff me " smell nice"

Michael: "look um i think your getting delirious and need to lay down okay" i managed to lay her back down her nails were defiantly sharper or i just dint notice how they were before. "look i need to treat this to if any of the fur or anything of the wolf bot under your nails those scratch you just gave me could get infected okay"

She nodded to me weakly she looked really sorry. I pulled my blouse off  and moved over to Irene's bag of medical supplies to try and patch the scratches myself. I turned back around to Diana once i was done with my shitty work just to find hr siting up again this time tho she was flushed and panting.

Mihael: "Diana are you okay?"

Diana: Panting "i..its so warm" she looked at her hands "i..i feel w..weird"

Jun 1, 2023 10:47 AM
Jun 2014
Chapter 12

I awoke to Irene and Diana speaking they were talking about how in the morning we would arrive at the town and about how Diana should stop doing something i couldn't really understand my mind clouded a bit. I was confused i could have sworn when we found ashley it was a few days left of travel. Pushing the thought  aside i tried to figure out what Irene was trying to get Diana to stop but i soon found out as my hips were raised and  something pressed against my slit.

I remembered Diana was a futanari and my mind slowly pieced together she was about to fuck me. Before i could even try to stop her i felt the rod split me i let out a lewd gasp. I expected it to hurt like stepping on a nail but it didn't. Instead it felt good really good like i had been fucking her for days. This was when i realized while i was out we had been fucking i was worried but that soon faded  as Diana began to thrust her large meat stick grinding against my walls

A moan escaped my lips and it occurred to me they didn't even know i was awake and i could hear Diana trying to coax Irene into joining.

Diana: “come on little mouse you will enjoy her tongue~”

Irene: “i..i shouldn't “

Diana: “it won't hurt her or you just this once you're all wet anyways you can't resist~”

Irene: “f..fine just this once”

Before i  had Irene's dripping slit on my face. Something in my head it told me to take her and show my dominance on the two. They didn't know i was awake yet but now they did as i moved forcing ashley onto her back and picking Irene up. Both girls eeped with surprise and i sted to ride Diana's wolf dick  hard while holding irene in place licking at her folds.

Irene: “ahh stahp you idiot”

Diana: “mm don't listen to her go harder and mmm lick her deeper~”

Diana slapped my ass and something drove me to listen to her as i went harder on my bouncing and i licked deeper into Irene's slit. Even tho Irene had protested  her body was saying other wise as her legs had locked around my head preventing me from stopping even if i wanted to. It didn't take long for the three of us to reach climaxes.

I felt Diana's dick twitch wildly and grow before she forced my hips down and she creampied me. As i felt her hot seed fill me my own body shook along with irene's as we shared a climax i moaned into Irene as she leaked juices into my mouth. This act continued for hours till  i had managed to get Irene off  me she being the first done.

My mind was clouded with tiredness and pleasure so i didn't notice when someone came across our group at first but Diana did. She let out a growl at the newcomer but the person ignored her and came closer and soon hugged me as i road Diana. I was able to snap out of my clouded mind to notice it was Ash. her eyes were full of tears of joy but they were also had a lustful glint a she suddenly kissed me.

I moaned into the kiss and our tongues intertwined the kissing lasted for five minutes before Ash pulled away and stood up she undid her clothes and revealed to me she was like Diana but much bigger. She put the rod up to my face and i got a large whiff of her scent it was so powerful and familiar. As the scent clouded my mind again and i took her into my mouth i remember when i first spoke to ash and how she avoided speaking of a time we traveled while i was ill. It was this i had done this with her. 

After that realization i had blacked out and when i came to it was morning i was covered in cum from both Ash and Diana both girls in my holes. I couldn't believe what had happened the night before or any of the my realization but here was the proof right on and in me as i weakly managed to get off the girls. I staggered a few steps from the to but seems i had woken Ash up when i got her out of me and she caught me.

Ash: “m..michael im so sorry i ..i was so excited when i found you and your scent  it drove me into a short rut and i..”

I cut her off with a kiss “look its..its fine part of me enjoyed it but i need time i..i shouldn't have like that”

Ash was stunned by what i had said and done i could tell as she just hugged me. As my body woke up more i noticed i was really sore which explained why it was hard to walk. I looked around  from Ashe’s hug and i could see Diana was still asleep and so was Irene she was a bit different tho her flames looked to be out and she had a lewd smile and blush i could have sworn i heard my name before a lewd giggle. I figured what happened just had an impact and she would be back to normal upon waking up.

Ash: “well we have..alot to talk about before those two wake don't we like who they are and such”

I simply nodded and got ash to set me down  but she did not really as she did sit me down but she sat directly next to me hugging me still like i was hers and hers alone. I let out a sigh but i liked it her hug was warm and soft so i leaned into her and began explaining everything i could easily. After what i assumed 3 hours i was finished and the others were awake irene had her fire back and she acted like nothing had happened the night before but she had a light blush when she looked at me. Ash and Diana seemed to been getting along but soon got into a small fight over me as irene and i worked on packing up i had a bad feeling from it but i tried to ignore it. Once everything was packed up and i was cleaned up and dressed  we set off it shouldn't take long now for us to reach our destination, but if the books there will i be able to use it or has the recent events started to cause me to change my mind i wasn't sure.
Jun 1, 2023 10:51 AM
Jun 2014
ALL 12 old chapters reposted! now for the new stuff and if anyone which i doubt remmbers the werewolf used to be named ashley I took the dam time to change it cause rereading i also got confused she is now diana also i am sorry i forgot to warn yall i dropped color at somepoint XD
Chapter 13!!!

Our group kept trekking Ash and Diana in our rear arguing still while Irene leads the way forward to our destination. We had fully left the mountains and entered the woods, making our way through the trees and bushes. The way did not seem very traveled, but Irene seemed certain it was the right way

Diana: “Gerr Michaels my mate!” her tail fur had fluffed up a bit as she growled angrily at the hellhound. Irene had already warned her a hellhound was coming and had been traveling with Michael longer, but she was not going to give her mate up so easily.

Ash: she scoffed turning back to the much smaller wolf girl with a sharp glare stepping in close a sign of challenge. “I'm done with your barking little wolf she is mine before she will ever be yours so learn to control yourself”

This argument had been going on since we left camp that morning and I was so sick of it, turning around myself and looking at the two. They looked to be sizing each other up getting ready to go for the others' throat at this point. Looking at them I was not sure who would win Ash looked like she could be stronger, but Diana might be faster. Either way I noticed how … intimidating they both truly looked both were so much taller than I was, and Ash was bigger than Diana in more places than one. But I did not want them to hurt each other so I bit my lip and swallowed my nerves. “STOP! Both of you please just stop you have been going at it like this for 5 hours now instead of fighting ask what I think.”

Dianas ears laid flat against her head as her tail curled between her legs as she stopped growling at Ash looking towards me now “I... I am sorry I just ...”

Ash: she let out a heavy sigh and put her paw onto of the werewolf's head patting her and cutting Diana off “she's right we shouldn’t be arguing like she doesn't have a choice”

I walked up to them and took their paws with my hands “look its... its sweet you two think something like this about me but we just met, and I also have not known you that long either ash...I know we have done things, but we also could not control ourselves and I need to … think about some stuff first” taking a deep breath I try to push the memories of the night before to the back of mind to stay focused. “So, give me some time, okay?”

They both agreed to give me the time and Diana looked sad from my words. Even though I said all that I found it difficult to pull my hands away from them the warmth of their paws felt so comforting, and my heart was beating so fast. What did I really think of these two... and what we did felt good didn’t it? If I chose to be with either of them... would going back to how I was change how I might feel? I began to get lost in my thoughts and it looked like Ash took notice giving my hand a firmer squeeze that hurt snapping me out of it.

Ash: “hey are you okay?” her tone has softened

Michael: “y... yea I'm sorry I got lost in thought” I let go of their paws “come on we should catch up to Irene I doubt she's noticed we stopped with her face in the map” they both nodded I could see the worry in their eyes but I tried for a small smile before heading off to catch up to our fire mouse companion.

We caught up to Irene rather quickly. she had stopped moving waiting for us and looked frustrated. “So…we are lost”

The three of us in unison “WHAT?!”

Irene: “it appears my maps not very accurate for this region” she crumples up the map into a ball in her frustration

Michael: “I…it happens Irene let's just try to find a place to camp for now and try to find a river after we rest, I’m sure if we follow it, we will find a town”

Ash walks to Irene and suddenly picks her up “yea that’s right not everything goes perfectly we will be fine”

Compared to Ash Irene looked like a small child struggling in her parents' arms to be put down. “O…okay just put me down I don’t need to be carried!”

Ash: “oh shush your just upset I’m the one doing this and not someone else~”

Irene: groaned but was slightly blushing “shut up your dumb hound!”

Ash began to laugh as Irene struggled and I could hear Diana behind me chuckling. I reached back and took her paw again “come on let's get a move on I’m we can find a nice spot to make camp quickly.”

I wish I had kept my mouth shut I was pretty sure I jinxed us. By the time we had found a spot to make camp the sun began to set, and we had to scramble to clear foliage away and collect firewood. Even then there was so much surrounding us we would need to take guard shifts felt mandatory this time.

I volunteered for the first shift to Diana's and Ash’s protests, But I reminded them I needed to do some thinking, and this was a perfect chance for me to. Later that night after my three companions had drifted to sleep as I poked the fire with a stick looking into the blaze, sitting on my makeshift log seat using my bedding, I began to wonder how I really felt. {how do I really feel about them… when they treat me kindly, I feel like butterflies are in my stomach and my heart races being close to them, but I hardly know them…} I stared into the flames watching them dance around before continuing shifting through my jumbled thoughts {I feel like I might love them tho…. but would they still if they knew the full truth about me. Would they hate me for keeping it secret? Would they leave me if I manage to change back?} My thoughts began to spiral out of control as fear and sadness began to envelope me, I could feel tears beginning to run down my face as I choked back a sob not to wake them.

So lost in my spiraling thoughts I didn’t notice how much time had passed or that Ash had Awoken for her shift till she wrapped her arms around me squeezing me she said in a low voice almost a whisper “hey it's going to be okay I’m here for you.”

Her words sent me over the tipping point I wiggled in her arms to turn to her and bury my face letting lose muffled sobs and soaking her shirt in my tears “I’m sorry I’m so sorry”

Ash rubbed my back and let me sob “shhh you have nothing to apologize for. You have been through a lot and finally have a lucid moment to take it all in its okay to cry.”

I didn’t know why but during that moment I felt like I had to tell Ash the truth. “n…no I do I…I’ve been lying I’m...I’m not.”

Ash cuts me off “a normal girl formally a boy? I already know that, and it doesn’t change a thing to me even if you changed back.”

Sniffling I look up between her chest at her face her gaze was soft yet sad “h…how did you know that.”

Ash: “I know because we are more similar than you would think my sweet.”
Jun 2, 2023 3:59 PM

Jan 2013
Alright, so first of all, good job on getting back into writing things!

This story certainly takes a different view than most others. Getting transformed like that, right of the bat, is pretty tough.

Overall I'm interested in where you'll be taking the story. Is your MC still heading for the festival? Even though the event never happened in the club, canonically the festival still happened, so should totally be possible to add that to your story.

I was a bit perplexed by how the MC fell down (I guess) a mountain slope and somehow it took Ash 5 days to start looking for them?
Had a bit of a chuckle at the MC reading the book about the sabath and deciding not to keep reading since it might contain information that might've made them mistrust Mia.

Anyway, looking forward to seeing where you take this and what that big plan of the succubus involving that sigil is (If you can recall, that is :P) and whether Michael will be able to reverse the transformation.

A few points of constructive criticism:

It is a bit jarring when you switch between the way you write your dialogue, especially mid chapter (Sometimes you put the speaker at the beginning of the line / paragraph and sometimes you don't)
There are some issues with punctuation and case sensitivity that made me go over some sentences twice to properly parse them, but it's not a major issue.
Jun 22, 2023 6:22 PM
Jun 2014
I wanted to make some changes originally but instead i ended up rewriting pretty much all the beginning of my story... so uh here enjoy the new version of this also changing how i do Pov swaps i think. 

Chapter 1: Michael

Today was a rough one. Though I was used to it by now, it did not stop me from choking down a handful of medicine for my head and hand. {Another argument and fight with my uncle. another nail in the coffin. I'm out of school now and no job yet he could kick me out anytime now.} I stare at my reflection on my computer screen through the dust and smudges of the old monitor. I am not the greatest looking guy. I am overweight but young. I just turned 18 this year before graduation. I could make a change if I tried. Letting out a sigh I chuckle “maybe one day” I say to myself my dark hair covering my eyes and a full beard on my face. I was shirtless only in my boxers, my outfit of choice when relaxing at home. Leaning over to turn my pc tower on the world began to spin and it was like I was being blinded by a bright light as I fell.  
I hit the floor...I thought but it felt nothing like the carpeted wood I was used to, it felt like cold stone and moss. Blinking the light out of my eyes I felt the pit of my stomach churn and I heave {oh gods did I have to many fuck} when I was finished, I sat up breathing heavily opening my eyes I could see again. I was not in my room anymore, instead I was sitting on a stone... Shoulder? I was looking around and saw what a head looking to the sky. It was hard to tell a cascade of vines and moss was covering the rocks along with natural erosion. I gulp down saliva {this Is just a bad trip I had one too many that is all} I left out a nervous laugh as I go to the edge trying to not slip on the moss. It was high... too high I felt the world spin again and I backed up. I did not do heights well even if I was imagining it. Flopping down onto my rear I look to the sky. It looks to be nearing night and a chilly wind blew past me {shit... I better be tripping if I overdosed instead, and this is my hell what a horrid punishment.} 
I decided to wait... using the sun the best I could, hours passed, and I did not come down from the trip. {fuck fuck fuck okay so maybe I died...} it was dark now and the moon shined in the sky as my only light source I stood up. {Guess.... I try to... climb down} I try to work up the courage I gulp again as I inch towards the edge slowly but surely. My thought process is if I cannot see the ground, I can make my way down so when I made it to the edge towards the head, I get on my stomach looking for hand and foot holds. { much harder could this be compared to a tree.} A lot harder so much fucking harder I could feel my feet and hands getting cut up from jagged rocks in the cracks I used that were big enough, but I was making progress I made it from the shoulder to a chest. I made use of vines that seemed sturdy enough to give me time to rest. I am not in healthy shape if I am not careful, I would fall which looked like I would sooner than later as my breathing got heavier with each bit of decent. My arms burned and I took a risk. I looked down into the dark I was sure I was close, and I could see a small light. 
My heart pounds as the light gets my hopes up and I get reckless I sped up my decent against my bodies wishes and that was when it happens the blood coating my hands was too thick making my hands slick, and as I grab a vine, I slip taking a plunge my life flashes before my eyes as I scream... I squeeze my eyes shut as my back collides with the ground and I bounce up a bit... when I land back down, I gasp for air. I did not die, I was alive in pain but alive. I open my eyes and it looked like I did not fall from as far as I originally thought. I sit up slowly after a few moments of catching my breath {o... of course I would not die ...I already did this is my punishment} I thought looking at my cut up bloody hand's tears rolled down my face and I forced myself to stand up. It was a long shot but maybe... I was sharing my punishment with someone that light could have been another person but when I look for it the light was gone. I could smell smoke in the air, it must have been a fire and whoever it was put it out when they heard me... I limp my way towards the lights' last location with a chill down my back. {if...if I just explain maybe... I can get help right?} It was tough to convince myself, but I kept going. I found a small camp with a put-out fire and a small tent. “H... Hello? Anyone here I need help.” I make my way into the camp not thinking about how I look or how it would appear to anyone in the camp. “Please I don’t know where I am, and I'm hurt.” I got no response, and it was getting hard to think... go towards the small tent pulling open the entrance “h... hello?” Inside I could a bed roll and laying atop it a girl was in a revealing nightgown, the material revealing and thin. To her right lay a large stick and what must have been her regular clothes, a small skirt and a coat and hat thrown around like she got into bed in a rush. “Who would leave a child like this...what?” Speaking lowly, I was confused. I began to back out slowly, the girls' eyes open suddenly. “h... hello um I didn’t mean to wake you.” She let out a scream when she saw me and went for her stick. I try to back up holding my bloody hands up “it's not what you thi...” before I could finish my sentence, I was hit with what I thought was a thrown stick but instead of a solid hit I felt a sudden heat through my body as I was thrown back onto my back.  
“GAH! What was that nggg!?” My body felt like I had been doused in fire and lower down I was painfully erect. I could not move much and only enough to be able to see the girl come out of the tent holding her stick. 
“o... oh not again” she sounded saddened by what happened as she stares “I'm sorry you startled me” she turns away “”b..but it's your own fault.” 
“Gaaah! What did you guh do!” i try to get up but found my body not listening to me. 

“It will stop hurting soon” she shuffles in place “i…i should give you some privacy you will feel good when the rest begnins” she began back into her tent
“Hey w..wait ngg!” I gasp as something wraps around my legs, a slimy warm feeling. I was barely able to look but I could see a kind of black goop pooling under me and… tentacles from it reaching out. Two 
had wrapped around my legs and spread them. 

“Oh gods what is happening?” I watch as my boxers began to shrink and change as one of the tentacles slithers under them, the goop soaking into the fabric. I try to struggle knowing it was futile. My body still is not listening to me as I feel it brush my tip while another rises out of the pool near my face. 

The one by my face drips onto my cheeks, heat spreading more through my face, as it moves towards my mouth. I clench my lips shut pressing down with my teeth. {no no no no!} “mpf!” I felt my cock suddenly enter something tight and wet. I look past the tentacle above my head back to my boxers.  

I was no longer wearing boxers they had shrunk down to..a pair of frilly panties that strained and began to rip as I saw the tentacle had taken my manhood into it. The tentacle began to move up and down on my meat, sending pleasure shocking through it. I let out muffled moans as the one at my head tries to push past my lips and I could feel more beginning to join the first four as well as they rub my body.  
The pleasure began to build up more and more as the tentacle suddenly took all my meat and I was unable to prevent a sharp gasp. As my cock throbs while shooting my seed into the tentacle the one by my head takes its chance and plunges into my throat. I gag in response but as it works its way down I find my gag reflex leaving me as more pleasure floods through me. 

It was hard to focus as the tentacles worked. My body was wracked with pain and pleasure. I barely noticed I was changing. My chest felt heavier and my cock did not feel as deep in the tentacles. {w..what are these things nngg doing to me} my hips buck slightly as i cum again. As I was releasing I felt the throat begin to expand as something moved through it past my lips and down before dumping into my stomach. I muffled a moaning protest but kept letting out into me and I felt changes progress faster and my moans grew higher pitched. 

The feeling brought me rapidly to a third climax, the pleasure and worry flooding my mind as I felt another tentacle pushing against my balls. It felt so painful as it pushed against them and i hear a sudden pop as it felt like the tentacle pushed into me my junk going with it. 

{no more please no more i'm going to break.} The tentacle pushed deeper and the feelings began to overwhelm me as new pleasure came with it. I did not last long. I felt my insides clench down as i release again and so did the tentacle in my throat followed by the new one it stretches where it pushes inside me as its unknown fluid floods into my insides and both begin to pull out spreading their goop through my insides. When they got out they spray over my body. The fluid was black and sticky covering me head to toe. 

My head falls to the side, my vision growing blurry as my bones pop and I moan , unable to feel my cock anymore and my groin twitching as the tentacles fluid leaks from me. The last thing i see is the little girl walking out of the tent again her face red as she walks towards me the tentacles receding as the goop on the ground not from inside me starts vanishing. 
“It's finished …” My hearing fails me part way as I see her lips move before darkness takes me. 
Jun 22, 2023 6:30 PM
Jun 2014
Chapter 2 : Michael 

When I awoke again, I let out a pained groan, my head was pounding, it felt like drums were playing behind my eyes as I brought my hand to my head sitting up, I found bandages on me. Looking past it, I found a large pair of naked breasts on my chest. I close my eyes and groan {this is not happening.} I tell myself as I open my eyes again, but they are still there and past them a wide set of hips and an exposed female nether region. I was naked in a girl's body on a random couch at the end of the couch where my feet are which also have bandage wrappings. There is a cover looking like I kicked it off… I take a deep breath {do not panic do not panic} I continue to look around the room. 
 I was in a decently furnished cabin living room. A fireplace was to my left with a coffee table and when I swung my legs off the couch my bandaged feet were placed on a soft rug. A door was behind the couch and by the window next to it the door led outside. Looking out it was still nighttime but I was no longer on a plain, I was in a forest.  
The rest of the room contains a few pictures of scenery and a few portraits. I took note of a few that had the little girl in them from before dressed differently and her hair black instead of blonde. There was also a portrait of a much older woman dressed Victorian who looked similar to the little girl and with an older man. {Maybe her parents?} I thought. 
Finally, to the far left and right walls there were two doors. By the smell coming from the left it was a kitchen. My stomach growled as I smelt the food. Before I could stand up the door swings open, and the little girl came out, she was more fairly dressed in a black and white dress. 
“Good you're awake” she was holding a wooden bowl of what smells like soup and a wooden mug. She walks over and places the bowl and mug on the table. “I was going to wake you up myself. I am sorry about what happened.”  
I could feel my face flush from embarrassment “i… I do not understand what you did to me and… and …are you really a child? Where am i? Who are you?” My voice sounded so alien to me and I had so many questions. I winced as my head throbbed. 
She puts her hand on my knee “I'll explain everything I can okay for now take a drink. I made some medicine for you. it should help you adjust a bit as well.” She hands me the mug. 
Looking in it I saw a dark red liquid. The look reminded me of blood, and I cringed. {W… why am I trusting her. She… did things to me…. Yea but you did walk into her tent nearly full naked blood on your hands you deserved it. Right… well here goes nothing} I muster up the courage after losing the argument with myself and begin to drink. The liquid is thick and tastes metallic. I had to force myself not to gag as I chugged the liquid part of it sticking to the sides of my mouth. Once the mug was empty, I sat it back down and the girl was smiling. 
“There now you should feel the effects soon while that goes on eat up.” She walks to a chair I was not sure was there before and takes a seat.  
I try my best to ignore that as it was not the strangest thing right now. I took up the soup bowl and with  a wooden spoon for me to use I began to eat. It was potato soup, a favorite of mine… which was comforting and added to the creepy factor.  
“Now let us begin with who I am. My name is Euphemia, but most people call me Mia. I am a witch. As where, you are in my abode in the land of Amarante.” The look I must have been giving must have been ridiculous as Mia laughs “ah… seems I have confused you more. You must be an other worlder. Mmm then let me welcome you to Arcadia.” 
“W…what?” I drop the spoon into the bowl “s… so you're telling me I am in another world … you're telling me a child like you is a witch…” I rub the bridge of my nose and the pain began to subside in my head, but it still drums. {this was a lot easier when I thought I was dead.} 
“Mmm well I am only a child in looks I am much older than you would think. Yes, I am a witch specifically I specialize in curse magic which… I unfortunately used on you which has put you in the state you are now.” She began to pout “a shame an other worlder is such a lucky find and now you're like this.”  
“I” I let out a deep sigh “so… so you cursed me and it… turned me into a girl?”  
“I am afraid so and the only source I know of to change you back… is in a rather old spell book whose location I last know of is in a town on the opposite side of the island.”  
“I just… this is a lot to take in.” I put the half-eaten soup down. 
“Yes, I’m really sorry and … about what we did…” Her face was red now. “I'm sorry … ah I don’t even have your name yet.” She changes the subject.  
“It's um…it's Michael” I could feel the heat on my face as well “I… I would like to take a bath now can we… continue talking later.”  
“Oh right of course through the other door over there” she points to the door on the opposite side of the room “there is a stone bath in there I prepaid the water already. it should still be warm… I will try and find some clothes you can wear. I doubt I will have much I can make big enough though.” 
I nod and stand up. It was awkward with the new weight in my front, different from my stomach and walk to the bathroom. I thought I could feel her eyes stare at me as I walk and when I got into the bathroom, I had to resist all my urges to scream and cry. 
Taking a deep breath, I look around the bathroom. As she said, there was a stone tub against the far wall big enough for an adult which must be massive for Mia. To my right was a tall mirror; I stared at my reflection for a moment. My belly had shrunk considerably, and the tissue looks to have moved to my chest and rear. My hair had grown noticeably longer, before it had ended just before my back and curled up but now it reached straight past. {should I see if Mia can cut this...or should I get it put up}  
I let out a sigh rubbing my chin, my skin was soft, and my beard gone. {it took so long to grow that I feel like I wasted so much time}  
 I move my hand down and cup my breast next which did not even cover the whole tit and I gasp my body was sensitive. {dam this is going to be a hassle if I'm not careful} I release myself and go to the tub to get into the warm water. {This is all real…what will I do now… Mia sounded unsure if I can even change back.} 
I sat in the tub feeling the warm water over my skin and tried to relax. {I hope... we can reverse this quickly before... anything crazier happens to me.} I stayed in the tub for a while enjoying the warm water and eventually there was a knock. “Yes?” I reply looking towards the door.  
“I have a towel and the clothes here. I will leave them by the door for when you are ready. Once you are dressed, come up the stairs and enter the door third to the right.” Mia spoke through the door, her voice slightly muffled. 
“O…okay thank you Mia I'll be out shortly.” I sigh thinking {I… wonder if I still did die… I watched anime like this, but those people got cool powers… not raped by an old little girl… it's not fair.} I mope in the tub for a while longer till my bandages soaked off my body and I groan “I really forgot to take these off I’m an idiot.” Looking at my hands, the scratches were mostly healed, some still scabbed over. “Oh, guess the medicine healed me.” I pulled myself out of the tub not worrying too much about it and make my way to the door grabbing the towel and clothes. 
 After drying off I look at the outfit provided, I was not sure if it was made of leather or a strange type of cloth. The top was not that big just covering most of my breasts leaving them exposed below and it has no sleeves, it also had a fishnet like window to my cleavage. There was no panties, just a pair of long stripe patterned socks followed by a short skirt with a belt buckle. Finally, she left me a pair of tall boots. The whole outfit's colors was a mix of brown, pink and white.  
I look at myself in the mirror after struggling to put on the outfit. It was tight and really showed off my new assets. I looked ridiculous at best, a stripper at worst, but it was better than going around naked. I sigh, running my hand through my longer hair. “I hope I can reverse this soon.”   
 After I was done I left the towel in the bathroom and made my way upstairs. The stairs led to a long hallway with multiple doorways. 
“Okay third door to the right” Repeating Mias instructions I walk down the hall. It was not that hard to find and I open the door. It opened into a large library with bookshelves lined with books. “How in the….”  
I was cut off by Mia coming from between some bookshelves with a pile of books in her arms and setting them on a table. “Hey good you made it I got worried for a second. Come on then. I know it's a lot bigger than it should be in here from the outside.” She pats the stack of books “we got some searching to do before I can send you off on a journey.”  
“I um right sorry” I stopped “s... send me off? Are you not coming with me?” I look at her a little scared 
“Afraid not the town the books in... I am not allowed to return to the region it resides in.”  
“o... oh I... so I'm not the first person you have cursed accidently?” 
“You are not but you are the first I have hit with a powerful one... again I am very very sorry.”  
“I... okay um so what are we looking for and um… I don’t mean to sound ungrateful but is this really the only outfit?” I was not happy Mia would be sending me on this trip by myself but what else could I do? I want to find a way to reverse this curse.  
“ah yes I’m afraid so nothing else would even come close to fitting you but I think you look good.” She smiles warmly as she hops up into a chair and pats the one next to her “as what we are looking for well there should be a book of notes on more dangerous things around here, I want you to take it with you for your own safety.”  
“O… okay thank you Mia.” I join her at the table. I didn't notice because of the books before I sat down but there was another mug of that gross medicine. “d… do I really need to take more?”  
Mia grabs the first book off the pile “yes I know its not tasty but medicines are not supposed to be.”  
I sigh before chugging down the mug full. I thought I saw out of the corner of my eye Mia looking at my hand but when I looked over her face was in the book she picked up.  My body heated up as the medicine set in my stomach like a rock this time but the headache fades to a low thump “ugh let's get this over with.” I got a book as well. 
It did not take me long to shut the first book. It was about a cult of sorts of witches and others called the sabbath and their mission of spreading the love of child sized bodies. I already had enough worries. I did not need more doubt in the person helping me. 
I did not even open the next book, its title the sydopedia made it sound unhelpful in my situation but maybe I could get a few chuckles out of it. I set the book aside for later viewing. “What does this book look like anyways?” I asked Mia finally instead of mindlessly searching. 
“Hmm well it should be bound in leather with a tassel, but I might be wrong that’s why I grabbed such a variety.” She takes the next book and frowns “not this one either.” She tossed the book aside. 
I continue to search with her late into the night, pile of books after pile of books. It was our 6th pile now and halfway through I found a small thick leather-bound book. Flipping through the pages I found notes on different flora and fauna. About halfway through the notes turned their subject onto some girls, the first entry speaking of a Dark slime and how they could melt a human woman down into a core with pleasure and create a new slime “I think I found it.” my hands were shaking a bit “b...but uh you did not tell me about something like this Mia” 
I show it to Mia, and she nodded “ah there is nothing to worry about. These girls are very rare to run into” She gets up “let's get you a final mug of medicine and lets get to bed.”  
“Mia just... answer me this will I be safe going out there? Are there more like this.” 
Her back was to me when she spoke “Truthfully no but you must if you want to return to normal. There are a number of girls like and unlike this one I did not say before, but we are called mamono a witch is just one of many and that Dark slime is one of the more depraved kinds.” I could not tell what Mia was thinking as she remains silent for a few moments before turning to face me again. She had a soft smile. “Let's try not to worry about it too much right now. You need to focus on getting to the town safely.” 
I don’t argue as she leads me out the library and down the left side of the hallway to another room. “Go get comfy I'll be right back.” She heads back to the staircase and walks down. 
Entering the room it was more modest than the insane library. It sported a single large bed and a smooth wood floor. A medium dresser with a mirror was pressed against the far wall next to a window. I walk over to the bed sitting down and take the boots off. {i’m not sure how to feel about all this … how much danger am i really in… }
When Mia returned with the mug, I was fighting off sleep. All the information and worry was taking it out of me. She hands the mug to me and again I chug the foul substance to get it over with. “That should be enough to make you feel better.” She smiles “sleep well okay michael?”  
“Okay thank you Mia.” She turned around and I watched her leave. I felt uneasy, my name sounded odd coming from her lips as I laid in bed. I decided to worry about that, though later I needed to sleep for tomorrow's journey. I shut my eyes and found myself falling asleep quickly. 
Jun 23, 2023 8:27 AM

Jan 2013
130nu said:

a witch is just one of many and that Dark slime is one of the more depraved kinds.

I'm not sure whether a witch who fires off genderbender spells willy nilly shouldn't also be considered somewhat depraved^^

There is some definite improvement in the rewrites for these first two chapters.

Curious where you'll take this, relative to what you originally had going on :)
Jul 2, 2023 1:01 AM
Jun 2014
Time to see if sick me edits well!

Chapter 3: Michael

I was suddenly Jolted awake by Mia shaking me. I felt like I had just fallen asleep and I could only make out “.... gotta go now.”

I sat up as she backs up from me “huh wha you say Mia?” I rub my eyes groggy when she suddenly shoves a pack into my hands.

She groans “there is no time Michael get your shoes on now you gotta go. I have an old friend coming and she does not like humans. I am sorry I had no idea she was coming and … it turns out you are on a time limit. I was doing more research and … you have a year to turn back before it's permanent.”

Her words woke me up as I scrambled to get my shoes on “shit you serious Mia!?”

“I’m sorry I put everything you will need in this bag I'll take you out the side door through the kitchen” she rushes me down and out once my boots were on. “You need to head north once you get a decent way from the house. Use the map in the bag, I put as direct a path as I possibly could.” she points towards the tree line to the right of the house. “You will need to enter the mountains so please be careful and... here one final mug just to keep you healthy.” She shoves a wooden mug of medicine into my hand, before I could protest, she shut the door and I could hear her scrambling to go to the front.

{Gods dammit I am not ready for this.} I quickly chug the contents of the mug only gagging slightly as I set it down by the door. Yet instead of heading for the forest my curiosity got the best of me and I sneak to the left to peek at this friend. Looking around the corner I could see who must have been the friend. The woman looked to be about 5 foot 10 inches the same height as me and had brown animal ears and a tail. I thought it was a dog at first, but the features seemed too wild, maybe a wolf instead. She had fur running down her arm and legs; the color differed from her tail, a mix of brown and black. Her outfit did not look too special, just some scraps of cloth that I could see.

I watch the woman as she knocks on Mias door and I was getting ready to start leaving again when the woman suddenly looks in my direction. I took note She had a young face and a nasty scar across her nose before I slam my back against the home's wall {SHIT SHIT SHIT did she see me? fuck fuck fuck!} I could hear the woman let out a loud growl and then she suddenly stops.

“Hey! Sorry I was in the bathroom, how are you Fenris?” Mia had open the door just in time distracting the woman

I took this chance, my heart racing, I ran as fast as I could in the direction Mia told me to go in originally. I did not stop, I kept running even as my legs burned, and my chest hurt terrified. I was not sure how far or how long it was, when I finally stop I felt like my legs were noodles, I sling my pack off and using a tree for support slide down to the ground gasping for air.

Rummaging through the pack I found what I wanted: a water skin and with no concern for conserving my rations I began to chug the lifesaving liquid. It was cool on my tongue and soothed my hurting throat. I drink half the water before I stop. {I... think I should be safe, but I shouldn’t rest for too long.} I shudder at what those sharp claws that lady would call nails could do to

I give myself some time to rest looking through the things Mia packed for me. Other than the water skin there looks to be 1 other identical along with a decent number of rations and even some large silver coins 2 in total. They are in a round shape with a square hole in the center. {this must be the currency.}

I continue to rummage through my pack and at the bottom are items to make a fire and even a bedroll as well as the book we found and the map, but she did not give me any other clothes. I let out a strained sigh. {that is fine... limited room I should be thankful she gave me something to sleep on and a lot of food and water.}

I return most of the items to the bag keeping out the book and map. I choose to examine my route first and sigh. {How does she expect me to follow this without a compass.} The route was marked in a red line and went straight at first but as it reached what looked to be a mountain region it began to twist and turn.

I roll the map up in frustration, sticking it back into the bag. {Its okay I will just find a guide, that's all.} I grab the book next and flip open the pages. Beginning to read about dangerous plants I should watch out for. I could see the same red markings on the pages most likely Mia making sure I looked at certain info.

I however was not ready for how boring it was going to be to read. The plants were in detailed drawings along with information written off to the side and connecting to the picture. I began to doze off as I read the boring way it was written combined with my exhaustion from running was too much i drift off to sleep.

I suddenly jolt awake. It was dark now and my legs throb with soreness. {How long have I been asleep shit…} I could still feel the book in my lap though I could not see it. I close the item and feel for my bag as my eyes adjust.

When I feel the strap I grab the bag and throw it on as I pull myself up. I know it is dangerous to go through the woods at night but I felt like I was being watched and my gut told me to get moving. I was not going to risk it even though my muscles pained me, my fear gripped me stronger. I took off into the dark woods. The woods were eerily quiet and put me more on edge. Back home the woods never got this silent. I felt like I was in a horror movie and Jason would show up any second to stab me.

As if on cue I hear a howl behind me before two more sound off to my left and right. My heart pounds. I push my legs harder, adrenaline pumping through my veins. {Fuck is that wolfs?} I look behind me it was tough to see but i could make things out as a woman runs out of pushes near where i left. {Oh…oh fuck thats not a normal wolf.} I look forward again my heart pounding as i try to lose the woman through the trees runing between them in hope she loses sight of me.

My efforts were pointless as i hear the woman getting closer and i ran out of trees running out into a opening the sound of a river to the front. I run towards the sound hoping for a bridge.

I look behind myself just in time to see her barreling towards me as she broke the tree line herself. The only thing I can think to do is fling my pack off my back and try to use it as a shield as she gains more ground on me with no trees in her way. It was a last resort though I needed the supplies so I push myself in an attempt to make it to the river before she catches me.

It was a pointless effort she gains on me to quickly only feet away from the river. I hear her growl and grunt as she leaps and I turn around before she pushes me to the ground.

“Gah!” I scream out in pain, her claws digging into the flesh of my sides. I put what strength I have left into my arms to keep her head away from me. Her eyes look wild and she was drooling as she growled trying to force her head down sharp fangs bare to see.

My arms began to wobble and fail me, the wolf girl's strength out matching mine as she came crashing down onto me and her teeth sank into my shoulder. I try my best to push her as her teeth sink deep {no… this can't be how it ends already} i felt the tears flow as the wolf girl began to grind on my leg as she releases my shoulder sitting up and licking her lips of my blood a smug smile on her face.

“Finally got to add a new sister myself. It's so exciting and tasty~” she lets out a lewd laugh.

I want to struggle and push her off but my body gives up and my arms won't move as she tosses my bag to the side. “Don't worry~ it only hurts for a bit and then you will feel oh so good~” she teases, pushing her dripping cunt against my leg.

The wolf girl leans down again and pushes my top up. “Lets give you some more love bites to speed it up~” she opens her mouth wide to bite my breast but before she could a blast of water hits her off me from the direction of the river and she’s sent tumbling away from me whimpering.

Two other wolves arrive and growl at the new attacker. I was too weak to look but I could see more water flying at them as they charge, giving them the same soaking treatment as the first.

“Leave her now, return to your pack or receive worse than a soaking, your hunts over!” The new voice was a woman and carried a tone of authority and seems to scare the wolves as the three pick themselves up and took back off into the woods.

I hear her walking towards me with the wet sounds of mud under shoes. My breath was labored as I could feel heat growing through my body. The woman appears over me. Her hair was what drew my attention first. It was a bubblegum pink and hung down over her face as she leans over me. “Mmm you poor thing i can help you but things will just get more difficult for you if i do~”

{w..what could be more difficult then what i'm already dealing with…} i grunt out a please

She helps me up and I take note she was taller than me, about six feet maybe a bit more and what she was… even I could tell is a succubus from art and stories back home. “Good answer~” she suddenly kisses me. I couldn't struggle away as one her arms pulls me in her free hand touching around my navel as heat builds intensely and burns painfully like i was being branded.

She moves away after a few moments and brings me to a dry area “there~ now you should be all fine, rest up my little pawn.”

My head lulls towards her as she walks away. I did not see them before but not too far away two others were watching and the succubus walks towards them. One looks like another wolf and the other….like Mia. { that can't be her can it…} it was hard to think straight as where the succubus had touched burned and my body throbs my strength leaving me completely as i black out.
Jul 8, 2023 10:32 AM
Jun 2014
Chapter 4: michael

When I awoke again I gasp sharply and sit up. My mind felt like it was covered in a fog as I scan my surroundings. I was on a bedroll and it was late afternoon. A pit with a fire blazing and I was no longer on grass and dirt but a solid stone. I had no idea where I was now or what was going on but atleast i was still clothed. I did not see her at first but standing on the other side of the fire was a 6 foot 5 tall wolf girl i only had time to register the orange and red on the tip of her black fur before she drops a pile of sticks from her arms and she lunges at me over the fire screaming "your awake!"

I try to scream in fear but my voice fails me as the wolf tackles me down and her arms wrap around me due to the height difference. My face ended up between her covered breasts which put my own large mounds to shame. {Why…do I feel jealous?} The hug was so warm even though I had no idea who this woman was. Yet she acts like we know each other.

"I'm so happy you're okay" she pats my head not with hands but with large paws and I try to wiggle free, beginning to have trouble breathing. "Oh right sorry sorry." She releases me and sits down letting me sit back up.

"W…who are you… where am i?" I ask. My question turns her happy expression into one of worry.

"Ah the doctor said this might happen… that you might not remember. My name is Ashtoreth. Michael I know it sounds crazy but I found you by a river bank bleeding badly." My head throbs in pain, a nagging feeling at the back of my head but nothing comes to mind.

I try to blink the pain away. "I… i see"

She looks at me with her eyes full of worry "you have been asleep for a few days now i did my best to help."

"Thank you Ash for helping but…where are we?" I had a better look at Ash now seeing she was dressed in a violet t-shirt and shorts. I was not sure how she was able to get them on with her large paws for hands and feet though. My gaze moving over the woman, her skin the color of ash gray and when I meet her eyes I see such a crimson ruby color to them and small flames flicker a deep orange color from her eyes corners. {she… she is really pretty.} I feel my face warm up and her own cheeks take on a red hue before I break eye contact.

“We are near the mountains of Teremir you want… I mean your map leads this way so i figured you wanted to go this direction but … it did not lead to any road. You were sick too so I hoped to camp here for a few days for you to get better. It's a bit of a climb to the nearest town.”

“Ah… more climbing." The nagging feeling returns much worse than before, a pain coming with making my head feel like a drum was playing "you said you took me to a doctor that they said I would forget things. Do you know why?"

Ashtoreth shakes her head "nothing exactly, just that it's magical in origin."

"I see." I began to feel dizzy and ash puts her paw on my shoulder.

“I really think you should rest more Michael you're not looking to…”

I cut her off. “I will be okay. I just need a bit more rest for tonight. I am sorry to worry you but I really want to keep going. I need to reach the end of the map's path." I felt more desperate than ever with this new development. I had to find the reversal of my curse.

Ash lets out a deep sigh “okay… but if you begin to feel worse tell me”

I nod and lay back down onto the bedroll when Ash suddenly lays down next to me. I open my mouth to protest but she just pops a piece of jerky rations into my mouth. “Shh, we have done this a few times already. It gets cold in the hills and mountains and you need to stay warm and since you want to go in the morning you need to rest so no fresh food, only this jerky." With Ash’s own conditions set i chew on the jerky. I doubt I could convince her anymore then I had of anything.

I close my eyes, the warmth of the fire to my back and Ash to my front. It felt nice. My wolfen companion suddenly pulls me closer and I find my face pressed between her chest, the soft fur that laid between her mounds soft against my cheek and warm. Her scent fills my nose and it was comforting. {She smells like smoke but it's nice… perhaps we have done this before} I nuzzle closer to her and one of her paws drifts down my back resting on my rear holding me closer.

Ash lets out a low growl. "Don't move too much."

I open my mouth to ask why but it clicks faster than I can ask and I stop myself from asking "sorry."

"No need to say sorry you just got over being sick so we shouldn't… try to get back to sleep." She lets out a sigh

"Okay." I manage a yawn. {The way she said that have … no i wouldn't like this..} getting back to sleep was a lot easier than i thought after pushing the thoughts from my mind and listening to Ash heartbeat i found myself drifting back to dreamland.
Jul 26, 2023 1:54 PM

Jan 2013
Well, finally got around to reading these.

Chapter 3:

I would say the edit provides for a definite improvement. I see that you chose to "introduce" the succubus somewhat this time, though her motives remain unknown. Still curious what she, Mia and the werewolf are up to.

Have you remembered your original plans or come up with something new?

Chapter 4:

Not too much to say on this one. I see you adjusted the character introduction somewhat. Will be looking forward how things play out this time around with Ash.
Jul 26, 2023 4:49 PM
Jun 2014
mugen91 said:
Well, finally got around to reading these.

Chapter 3:

I would say the edit provides for a definite improvement. I see that you chose to "introduce" the succubus somewhat this time, though her motives remain unknown. Still curious what she, Mia and the werewolf are up to.

Have you remembered your original plans or come up with something new?

Chapter 4:

Not too much to say on this one. I see you adjusted the character introduction somewhat. Will be looking forward how things play out this time around with Ash.

On remembering Oh not at all so ive worked out a new idea for it all im excited to get
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