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Whom Do You Choose?
17 votes
Aug 2, 2022 7:22 PM

May 2013
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tygertygerAug 18, 2022 5:45 AM
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
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Aug 6, 2022 2:33 PM

Jan 2013
Well damn, still no votes for the poor Uruk, maybe this can help the poor girl along?
Aug 21, 2022 9:20 AM

May 2013
You want vignettes? We got vignettes!

The Sun Also Sets

In retrospect, I had to admit that lifting that purse might not have been the smartest move I’ve ever pulled. Its owner had seemed deliciously distracted with her discussion though, so who could have known she’d notice some sticky fingers?

I probed my ankle and winced. Jumping off that roof might have been another move I’d sooner not repeat. At least that grim-looking woman wasn’t on my tail anymore. One good thing about this world was that there always seemed to be someone to intercede on your behalf. If I ever met that plant woman again I’d have to buy her a drink to repay her for buying me enough time to make my getaway.

I jingled the purse and then took a look inside. I couldn’t keep the grin off my face as silver and gold smiled back at me. In spite of everything this had been well worth it. I took a step forward and nearly fell straight on my face -- the ankle was worse than I had thought. With some reluctance I went over my options for medical care. I’d have to part with a portion of my ill-gotten gains, but I also didn’t cherish the thought of limping around Alnor for an extended period of time. I dimly remembered a mamano in a bar telling me about a friend of hers who was running a small clinic not too far from the harbour district. I could always go to one of the bigger thoroughfares and ask for assistance, but considering the apparent nature of mamano any such help would likely entail more of a commitment than I was currently comfortable making. That and some patrolling guardswoman might by now have heard of a pickpocket matching my description running around with a hefty purse of gold and silver.

With limping steps I made my way through mostly empty backstreets towards the harbour district and, with the sun signaling a few hours until dusk at most, I found myself standing in front of a diminutive two-story building. I took a careful look around. There were a few mamano walking by. Like almost everywhere I went I received gazes ranging from superficial to the much more common longing stares, but for now none of them made any move towards me. If the few men I had met in this strange world so far were to be believed appearing in Alnor had actually been something of a stroke of luck for someone like me who wasn’t seeking any strong attachments. Most women out in the wilderness would likely have been far more straightforward in their attempts to secure me for their own or perhaps not even cared much about any attempts on my part to dissuade them.

Of course, I couldn’t deny that it was flattering to have so many gorgeous women vying for my attention, and I had enjoyed myself a few times when I was reasonably certain that my horizontal tango partner knew that it was a one time affair.

Finally I decided that I had looked at the small abode for long enough and carefully made my way to its rustic looking door and gave it a knock.

“Come on in, it’s unlocked,” I heard an inviting voice cheerfully answer from the inside.

I pushed open the door and stepped into a mid-sized room. White plaster covered the walls, and some parts of the room on the left-hand side were cordoned off with curtains. The rest of the room was filled with a few cabinets, a table and chairs, a reclining chair of sorts and a sizable sofa on which a positively radiant woman sat and just now put away a book she’d been reading.

She rose to her feet and produced a smile that increased the effect of her radiant appearance even more. “Hello stranger, what can I do for you on this beautiful day?”

I took a second to collect my thoughts. “Hi, I heard that this was the place to go for some medical care?” I said somewhat dumbly, still trying to get a clear bearing on the woman. I saw no horns, no scales, no furs, no tails nor claws. In fact, I saw nothing out of the ordinary. What I saw was perfectly bronzed skin, unusual white hair, golden eyes and that radiant smile. Was this one of the rare human women of this world then?

“Of course, my handsome stranger. Tell me your name and tell me what ails you and I’ll make it all better.” She stepped closer as she spoke and finally came to a stop right in front of me just as she finished. A gentle scent like a summer breeze seemed to surround her and was quite pleasant.

Still, I kept my wits about me and said. “The name’s Michael. I seem to have screwed up my ankle and hoped you could help me out with that.” I let my gaze drift down to my left foot to let her know where the issue lay.

“Of course,” she said blithely. “Why don’t you have a seat and I’ll have you running around again in no time.”

I hobbled my way over to the sofa and sank into the soft cushions. As I let out a satisfied groan, she sat down beside me and pulled the offending limb off the ground and into her lap. As she gently maneuvered my foot out of the prison of its boot I decided to learn a bit more about this most enchanting woman. “I’ve told you my name and yet I don’t yet know yours.”

She smiled that radiant smile again and said. “My mother named me Lux, Lux Noctis.”

With my foot freed from its boot she grasped it with strong hands. I braced for the pain, but none came. A gentle light suffused my limb and her hands and the pleasant fragrance of summer intensified.

I looked on in fascination. “I didn’t know you’d be able to do magic,” I whispered. “Do you think I could learn it as well?”

A shadow of confusion washed across her face, but then she sadly shook her head. “I’m afraid that men are unable to use magic under normal circumstances.”

“Oh,” I replied, somewhat saddened. Seeing a human woman like her work magic had rekindled the hope that had been dashed so quickly after my arrival in this world. But there was no use in crying over spilt milk.

“There,” she then said. “Your ankle is all better now,” in spite of her words, she maintained a grip on it. She gently stroked it up and down and held my gaze with her golden orbs in a manner that was difficult to misread.

Well Damien. I don’t know what it is, but you certainly got it. Even the human women can’t resist you in this place. Mamano were enticing and all that, but the prospect of being with a woman who couldn’t bend me in half with one hand tied behind her back held an appeal I could not quite deny. Especially if that woman was as radiant a beauty as the one sitting beside me. ”Radiant” might even be quite literal, I thought as I considered her. The sun’s almost down and she seems to be glowing brighter and brighter. Is this also a side effect of her magic?

There was a certain pleasant warmth suffusing me now, and Lux seemed to look more beautiful by the second. I gently disentangled my foot from her grasp and turned to her. Her lips parted just barely as I leaned in. A joyous spark entered her golden orbs as our lips touched. One of her arms snaked around my back, while the other gently held the back of my head. I kept pushing forward and she gently leaned back until her back lay flat on the sofa and I was atop her.

Our lips parted and I let loose a heavy breath. It had been a while since I had desired someone the way I desired her right now. “Almost exactly like I always dreamed…” Lux whispered, her long white hair splayed out around her.

“What?” I asked.

“Nothing,” she assured me and drew me in for another kiss. My tongue gently pushed against her lips and she granted me entry. My hands eagerly started to roam across her well formed curves. From the corner of my eye, I could see the last few rays of sunlight disappear.

Lux broke our kiss and guided my head down to her modest breasts. I gently freed them from the dress she wore and began lavishing attention upon them. With the sun having finally sunk down beyond the rooftops of the city, the light rapidly faded from the room. Even the radiance that had thus far wreathed the woman beneath me seemed to fade. Of course, I was quite beyond caring about such minor details at this point. That was, until the minor details were not so minor anymore. It became dark in the room. Not dark as in the sun just went down, but rather pitch black.

“Uhmm…” I said, momentarily distracted from Lux’s breasts. At least she, as well as the sofa, was still there.

“Keep going, dear,” Lux replied, but there was something different now. Something that I could not quite put my finger on. She was still below me and she felt the same, yet everything felt different all of a sudden.

One of her hands gently stroked my head and he quickly felt his calm returning. As the darkness slowly began to recede, I became aware that Lux’s fragrance seemed to have shifted just slightly. As if her scent had become more subtle -- all the notes were still there, but there was new quality to it, almost as if it were suddenly more pure. Then, as the darkness finally gave way enough to let me see once, I got quite the shock. It seemed I’d been quite mistaken in thinking that Lux was a human woman. Either that or she was even more special than I’d given her credit for. Laying beneath me now was the palest woman I’d ever seen. She was unmistakably Lux, as the contours of her face were left unchanged, but everything else had changed. Her white hair had turned to darkest black, her skin as pale as though she’d never even heard of the sun and her golden orbs were now all black, from sclera to pupil. I also realized now that the dark had quite literally receded as a slightly ominous shadow now billowed around her and the sofa in the most unnatural fashion I could imagine.

“What seems to be the matter, Michael?” she asked soothingly. Even her voice had taken on an entirely new quality. Her tone was different, as was her enunciation and even her diction. “Hmmm, or perhaps I should call you Damien?”

The breath caught in my throat. “How do you know that name?” Was this all some elaborate trap I still didn’t understand?

She chuckled wryly. “Don’t worry my dear, this is no trap. You are safe here with me. No one will do anything to you that you yourself do not wish.”

“Then you’ll let me go if I ask for that?” He asked.

She sighed wearily. “I would if that is what you truly want. But is that what you truly want, Damien? You’ve been running around the city ever since your arrival. Lifting purses and living day to day. Tell me, Damien... aren’t you tired of running? Wouldn’t you like a chance to actually rest?”
tygertygerAug 21, 2022 3:44 PM
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Aug 21, 2022 9:20 AM

May 2013
A Budding Romance

The last couple of days -- not to mention nights -- had been… interesting.

I had decided to stay with Lux for a while to get my footing on this world, and in exchange she asked only that I help out around the clinic. I’d started by upgrading the locks on the ground floor. The ones on the doors hadn’t been very good, and the so-called locks on the windows had been a joke. Lucky for the good doctor I, like many burglars, had studied locksmithing. Upgrading her locks from laughable to, “Don’t even try it, kid,” had been the work of a single afternoon. I’d promised Lux that I’d do the same for second floor windows tomorrow.

That sort of thing was what her day self requested, of course. What her night self wanted, I was only too happy to provide. The mind reading was unnerving, especially for a habitual liar like me, but there’s something to be said for having a sex partner who knows exactly what you want.

I was resting up from my labors while Lux was out making a house call. One of her patrons had suddenly taken ill from what Lux was sure was food poisoning. The patient’s home was across town in the prime target part of the city, so she said she’d be an hour or two. Being Lux she suggested that I go on to bed… but being a mamono she hinted that she would be waking me up when she got home. So here I was, fresh out of the bath, lying in bed naked waiting for sleep or my hostess to claim me. Sleep was winning the race when I heard a sound at the window. It was faint, quiet enough that I almost dismissed it, until the larcenous part of my mind reminded me of the sort of sounds I made while breaking and entering. I quickly slid my hand under the pillow and gripped my knife while pretending to be asleep.

With my eyes shut I heard the unmistakable sound of a blade being slipped between the window and the frame to pop the latch. The casement swung open with hardly a sound -- the intruder had probably oiled the hinges first -- and I heard the near-silent tread of bare or soft-shod feet on the carpet. The window closed, and the intruder stood there for a moment assessing the situation. Then a familiar voice chirped, “Hiya, cutie! No need to pretend, I can tell by your breathing that you’re awake.”

My eyes flew open, but I didn’t sit up; I didn’t want to reveal my weapon just yet. “You! I never thought I’d see you again.” There before me was the plant girl who’d saved me from the orc-looking woman whose purse I’d stolen. She wore a dark gray hooded cloak, a mid-thigh length sleeveless tunic in the same color, and a pair of black suede ankle boots. Not a bad outfit for second story work, and it didn’t hurt that she looked cute as hell in it.

As I watched she lowered the hood and shook out the leaves that served her as hair. Her skin was a lovely shade of green, and I couldn’t help but notice how much of it her outfit left on display. Green eyes, too, and while they didn’t literally glow they were bright with amusement. “I’m not surprised, you’re a hard man to track down.” she unclasped her cloak and let it drop to the floor. “It took me two days to find you, and it was only that short ‘cause this neighborhood loves to gossip.” She kicked off her boots and continued. “Everybody had an opinion about ‘the doc’s new man.’ You’re the talk of the town, Damien Fox.” She then bent over, reached under her tunic, and shimmied out of a pair of black cotton briefs. She let them drop to the floor and stepped out of them. “By the way, my name’s Licaria. But my friends call me Carrie.”

“Pleased to meet you, Carrie,” I said, “Though I’m not sure I would call us friends, seeing as we’ve only just now been introduced.”

“What do you mean? We cooperated on a job, of course we’re friends!” She pulled the tunic over her head and dropped it atop her cloak. Her breasts were perfect handfuls for my modestly sized hands, and the dark green of her aureolas did nothing to hide how hard her nipples were. The pedantic part of my mind tried to protest that a plant didn’t need mammary glands, but the horny part of my mind shushed it and enjoyed the view. I did note that I’d never before seen as literal an example of a neatly-trimmed bush. “Oh, the uruk -- her name’s Nazsnaga -- says she’ll need that money back, so I hope you haven’t spent too much of it.”

“Uh… hardly any, actually.” I shifted slightly as Carrie lifted the sheet and slid into bed next to me. “Umm… so you talked to this -- Nazsnaga -- after distracting her so I could get away?”

Carrie’s smile grew even broader. “Sure! I explained that my boyfriend is new to this world and doesn’t know any better. I promised her I’d get her money back, and while we talked we discovered that we have problems we can help each other with. So we made a deal; you help me, and I help her, and she doesn’t, y’know, beat you within a finger’s breadth of your life.”

I swallowed nervously. “That… sounds like a good deal. So what is it I’m supposed to help you with?”

Carrie ran a finger down my chest. “I’ll tell you later. Right now you owe me for saving your hide.” She moved her hand lower and said, “Now, how about you let go of that weapon under the pillow and I take hold of the one under the sheet?” She took my member in hand, and her expert ministrations soon brought it from half-mast to fully erect. When she leaned in to kiss me she tasted faintly of mint and lime, and the subtle hibiscus scent of her “hair” wormed its way into my brain and grabbed me by the libido.

Well,, I thought, A man should always pay his debts. That was the last coherent thought I had for some time.


Afterward we lay intertwined with Carrie’s head nestled under my chin. “So let me sum up,” I said. “Your sisters were in jail in this Teremir place, but they’re being moved to… Kaori, you called it?”

“Mmm-hmm,” Carrie answered. “There’s still five years on their sentence, but a merchant from Alnor -- a fat danuki -- paid their way out for an indenture contract. Now she’s moving them to a mining camp. But once they’re in Kaori they’re pretty much slaves. So we have to spring them before they get there.”

“And Nazsnaga’s helping because this same merchant has her husband,” I added, “So by helping you she helps herself.” I kissed the top of her head and asked, “But as much as I enjoyed paying off my debt, why’d you pick me to help with this caper?”

“Three reasons,” said Carrie. “One, you’ve got nimble fingers…” she leered, “Which I was glad to find out are good for more than lifting purses. Two, you’re bold. I mean, stealing from an uruk? When she’s already cranky from being in civilization? That takes balls. As for three,” she tilted her head up to kiss me and said, “You’re really, really cute.”

I chuckled at that. “Not the first time a woman has wanted to work with me for that reason.” I sighed and shook my head. “But even with my nimble fingers, your gift of gab, and Nazsnaga’s brawn, I don’t think the three of us will be enough to pull this off. We’re going to need some brains for this operation. Got anyone in mind?”

As if on cue the bedroom door opened, and a cloud of shadows rolled into the room with Lux in its wake. She speared me with an icy glare and said, “I will deal with you shortly.” Then she turned to Carrie and said, “As for you, we need to have a talk about the trouble you are trying to get my man into.”
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Aug 22, 2022 2:35 PM

Jan 2015
So I have been called in to cast judgement in this H-off. It appears that there has been some collusion going on between the authors. Furthermore, there is more at stake than merely determining who is going to win the people's choice award, for the decision is also going to determine who of the two suitors is going to get the man.

I must say that the authors made it a really tough call, for both vignettes were an excellent and most entertaining read. When it comes to staying true to the Name that Mamono profile both authors did a good job too. All in all when it comes to the quality of the vignettes and the authors' eye for detail I call it a tie.

Alas, a tie will not do to settle the question as to who is going to become Damien's wife. Hence, I shall grant the position of first wife to Lux for the simple reason that she used the much more honest method of seduction to sink her proverbial claws into Damien instead of the not-so-low-key sensuous blackmailing that Licaria resorted to. While blackmail might be perfectly fine if she was only after a one-night-stand, it won't provide a solid foundation for a more lasting relationship. But, having roped the two into that heist to free her grove sisters should give Licaria ample opportunity to leaf a good enough impression to claim the still vacant position of being his number two.
MetallumOperaturAug 22, 2022 2:51 PM
Aug 22, 2022 8:29 PM

May 2013
"Leaf" a good enough impression? Oy vay. Weed like an end to these plant puns. :)
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Aug 22, 2022 11:04 PM

Jan 2013
Now, that was a puntastic judgement, I dare say!
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