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Feb 14, 2021 10:29 AM

Aug 2019

Mal4J is a Java wrapper for the MyAnimeList REST API. This library is compatible with Java 8+, Java 9+ modules, and Android.

✨ Features

🔎 Search Queries

Find Anime and Manga by search, ranking, season, and suggestions.

MyAnimeList mal = MyAnimeList.withClientID("");
List<AnimePreview> search =

📋 Anime and Manga Lists

Read and edit your Anime and Manga listings.

MyAnimeList mal = MyAnimeList.withToken("");
MangaListStatus status =
        .tags("tags", "more tags")

📦 Everything Else

All information provided in the MyAnimeList API including Anime, Manga, forums, genres, pictures, statistics, and characters, are accessible in this library.

MyAnimeList mal = MyAnimeList.withClientID("");
Anime anime = mal.getAnime(13759);

String ja = anime.getAlternativeTitles().getJapanese();
Genre[] genres = anime.getGenres();
RelatedAnime[] relatedAnime = anime.getRelatedAnime();
AnimeRecommendation[] recs = anime.getRecommendations();
OpeningTheme[] op = anime.getOpeningThemes();
Video[] PV = anime.getVideos();
List<Character> characters = anime.getCharacters().search();

Character character = mal.getCharacter(61371);
Person person = mal.getPerson(10765);

KatsuteDevMay 24, 2023 1:19 PM
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