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Oct 21, 2017 8:21 AM

Dec 2015

This is the place where your adventure starts. However this is not a dreamy place, there are many whom have entered, but there are also many who have fled this place. Never coming back, leaving their dream behind because of their fear. There are two pathways here, each which seem to lead to different places in the Tower.
ByakugaranNov 1, 2017 9:30 AM
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Oct 21, 2017 11:29 AM

Dec 2011
Destin Wolff
Health: 20/20

STR: C (100%) • END: E (70%)
SPE: B (115%) • AGI: B (115%)
MIN: A (130%) • MAG: E (70%)

Status: Normal.

Destin entered the tower with his party member, Nissa. It didn't look all that different from what he imagined after seeing the exterior from close up. He looked around, seeing three pathways, but he didn't even see where each would lead. Preferably, he would want to take the shortest route. Maybe he should've asked someone who conquered the tower already for some advice, but it was too late to turn back. It would've taken too much time, and he didn't belong in any of the major factions anyways. Actually, he didn't belong, period. Destin turned towards Nissa, "Which way do you think the food is tastiest?", was more like his way of asking which way she wanted to go.
Oct 21, 2017 1:20 PM

Mar 2016
Health: 20/20

STR: A (130%) • END: D (85%)
SPE: B (115%) • AGI: A (130%)
MIN: E (70%) • MAG: E (70%)

Status: More Hungrier

It was dark, but Nissa actually seemed comfortable with it. Destin asked her where the best food was, and she was kind of confused. he was a hunter. Meaning he should know the answer already. But she answered anyways. More air-moisssture means more water. More water means more plants. More plants means bigger food! She then begins to sniff around. Placing her fingers on the rocks to try and test for moisture and humidity. Her aim was to follow the moisture instead.
Darth_LewdiousOct 21, 2017 9:47 PM
Oct 21, 2017 4:36 PM

Dec 2011
Destin Wolff
Health: 20/20

STR: C (100%) • END: E (70%)
SPE: B (115%) • AGI: B (115%)
MIN: A (130%) • MAG: E (70%)

Status: Normal.

Destin sighed, Nissa was pretty simple-minded, but as a huntress she was very capable. From what he's seen at least. She told them to go towards somewhere with more air-moisture, which would mean water, which would mean plants, which would mean bigger food. "You know that plants actually just mean weaker food, while weaker food mean bigger food.", he mentioned it, but he didn't mean anything by it. There wasn't really a way to tell air-moisture from all he could tell, and if there was he would follow that path, so he decided on Eenie-meenie-miny-mo. "How deep would the rabbit hole go..", Destin held out his blade and stuck it slightly into the ground, carving an arrowhead to show him his way back. And then. he would leave either towards the path with more air-moisture, if it could be figured out, or just the left path. He turned towards Nissa before, "Unless you want to starve here, let's go. When's the next time you're going to be laying seeds anyways?", although his tone sounded quite rude, he was just trying to get her to come along with him. Also showing her that they would find some food for her to eat.
Oct 21, 2017 9:52 PM

Mar 2016
Health: 20/20

STR: A (130%) • END: D (85%)
SPE: B (115%) • AGI: A (130%)
MIN: E (70%) • MAG: E (70%)

Status: More Hungrier

Nissa then quickly added adter he said bigger food; Ssssee? I know what I talk about. She said proudly, and then begins checking cavern walls and roofs for condensated moisture, which would bea dead giveaway of high humidity. Or perhaps lower temperatures. Or if it just feels humid in a particular direction. Then he spoke to her an said to go, and she did. Walking with him in a direction of his choosing. He then asks her about her next seeding time, and Nissa stops, and begins trying to count on her fingers. After several minute of her repeating a counting motion and tilting her head, she simply states; In about an hour. Like Ive been ssssaying. A Den would be nice... A safe, certain place for me to plant. She simply adds that last part in. Once again vocalizing that she would indeed like to set up a Den.
Oct 22, 2017 12:41 AM

Dec 2015
As they went into left path the place they would be headed for right now were the Crystal Caverns, however before they could arrive there as they were walking in the tunnels they would come upon three diverging paths of various sizes.

The first and second path were regularly sizes although the width of the second was a little cramp so you could not next to each other and had to make yourself small as it only was 30 centimeters wide. The third had a small low ceiling making you have to crawl in order to fit in there, and if you were taller than 1,80 meters you could not go through it.
ByakugaranOct 29, 2017 3:52 AM
Oct 23, 2017 12:06 PM

Dec 2011
Destin Wolff
Health: 20/20

STR: C (100%) • END: E (70%)
SPE: B (115%) • AGI: B (115%)
MIN: A (130%) • MAG: E (70%)

Status: Normal.

Noticing three different paths once again when they went deeper down the left path, Destin sighed. Was this supposed to be a labyrinth more than a test of strength? "Bigger hole, bigger chance of getting bigger prey.", Destin carved an arrowhead towards the first path, also creating a clone of himself from Muramasa, activating Muramasa's spirit.. He let the clone walk in front, one couldn't be too careful. Slowly and carefully, he treaded into the first path.
Discount66Oct 24, 2017 7:07 AM
Oct 23, 2017 9:35 PM

Mar 2016
Health: 20/20

STR: A (130%) • END: D (85%)
SPE: B (115%) • AGI: A (130%)
MIN: E (70%) • MAG: E (70%)

Status: More Hungrier

Nissa croaked a little. Which by now, Destin should know that this was either a pout, or a sigh of annoyance. The fact that she doesnt have eyebrows or anything other than slightly elastic lips, makes it difficult to read her expression. When he said bigger path bigger prey, her body language too a dramatic shift. her demeanor filled with Murder. A larger than healthy smile appeared on her face as she looked at Destin. Then Nissa sssstab the prey until it dies. but then she remembers something. But wait! Before we go in and encounter something to hunt, Nissa wants to plant sssseeds. Set up a den. Nissa wants to ssssprout close by when she withers or loses a fight. I dont know how many more ssseeds I will make before I wither. She would say this, grabbing Destins shoulder before he goes. Hoping to stop and convince him to wait a moment so that they could set up a place for her to plant a seed or five.
Oct 24, 2017 7:11 AM

Dec 2011
Destin Wolff
Health: 20/20

STR: C (100%) • END: E (70%)
SPE: B (115%) • AGI: B (115%)
MIN: A (130%) • MAG: E (70%)

Status: Normal.

Nissa croaked a little, which made him turn towards her and sigh, giving into her needs just to keep her satisfied longer. She wanted to find a place to plant seeds, so that she can sprout closeby when she loses a fight or withers away. "We can't set up a den here. Let's return outside the city and find a suitable place before we go further.", Destin grabbed her hand as he pulled her with him, she wanted to make sure she didn't spawn anywhere far away, and he could understand that. "We'll also do a bit of hunting before we get back here. You're probably hungry.", he would drag her with him, out of the tower and towards the outskirts of town.
Oct 28, 2017 11:20 AM

Dec 2015
Yuu Pazuru

Health: 20/20

STR: C (100%) ♠END: E (70%)
SPE: B (115%) ♣AGI: B (115%)
MIN: A (130%) ♠MAG: E
Status: Intrigued ♥

''That is good.'' As she stepped into the Tower it was as if stepping into another world, as she looked around she could not help but have intrigue about the place, as she walked further into the cavern with the boy they would be headed down, but the boy probably knew that they would be heading down already. As they were at the end of the entrance, there were several paths which she could go to here. Ah lets see, which path to go, I cannot choose, each path could lead to something exciting. ♠ She turned her head around to Rai. ''Which path do you want to go towards? The first or second?''

(@Raiores Lets leave the name thing as something you have to find out later)
ByakugaranNov 1, 2017 9:30 AM
Oct 28, 2017 11:52 AM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

Health: 20/20
Level: 1| STR: B| Endurance: B| Speed: C| Agility: D| Mind: B| Magic: E| Status: Normal

Rai steeped in the tower with Shugo and walked down the way till the end of the entrance, where they had 3 paths they had to choose from. Rai would leave the choice to Shugo, but she did so first, do he had to choose. Well, this one seems good... Maybe. Let's try it out, I mean what's the worst that could happen? He said as he took the path in the middle and would start walking it if Shugo did too.
((Oh I see. So, can you explain how the status thing works? I don't understand that too XD))
Oct 29, 2017 3:54 AM

Dec 2015
Yuu Pazuru

Health: 20/20

STR: C (100%) ♠END: E (70%)
SPE: B (115%) ♣AGI: B (115%)
MIN: A (130%) ♠MAG: E
Status: Intrigued ♥

You would look at Rai as he said that they should take the middle path, which she was fine with as she herself was not able to pick which she wanted to go more. As he took off into the middle path she would start walking together with him ''I mean the worst that could happen is us dying, but I am fine with this path since I don't know where they all head towards.'' There was another who had also gone inside of the Tower like them and was behind them, but she did not pay much attention to him. Their path would now be headed for the Canyon.

(@Raiores Do you want to have a conversation while they are in the tunnels heading for the Canyon, or do you want to move into the other thread? As for the status it is not important yet.)
Oct 29, 2017 4:44 AM

Dec 2011
Destin Wolff
Health: 20/20

STR: C (100%) • END: E (70%)
SPE: B (115%) • AGI: B (115%)
MIN: A (130%) • MAG: E

Status: Normal.

Destin walked inside the tower, just following the arrows he carved earlier to keep him from actually taking too much time finding a place to go. He looked around, he didn't see the person from before. Maybe he was too late to catch them? But he would just summon his clone, letting it walk in front just like he did before. Carefully, to find out what would happen. It wasn't like he was going to die from his clone taking the hit. He stayed on his guard. His clone was extra measures to make sure he had enough time to react.
Oct 29, 2017 5:02 PM

Dec 2015
Finn Samzas
Health: 20/20

- STR: B - END: C
- SPE: C - AGI: C
- MIN: B - MAG: E

Status: Normal

After entering the tower, he looked around the place. He noticed the three possible paths he could take. He thought of which entrance to choose for a few moments. He decided to try the smallest of the entrances to his right. Upon further inspection, he noticed that the entrance might be too small for him to fit in. Disregarding that, Finn would try to go through, stopping after almost getting stuck on it. "Welp, I'm not getting in there... Hmm... This way then!" he thought as he walked over and went through the middle entrance.
Oct 29, 2017 8:51 PM

Mar 2016
Health: 20/20

STR: A (130%) • END: D (85%)
SPE: B (115%) • AGI: A (130%)
MIN: E (70%) • MAG: E (70%)

Status: More Hungry

Walking along the tower with him, she would see his clone, and then take a small amount of dirt and make a wieird little ark on his cheek. On the real destin. If he inquired as to why, it was to mark which one was real. So she could keep track on him. I could scream into the caves... See if i get a response from prey. She would suggest this, but her high pitched shrieking in this area may echo. nd that would be downright unbearable.

She walked by his side. She was walking casually, but she was paying a great amount of attention. This was hostile territory.
Oct 29, 2017 11:57 PM

Dec 2015
As Destin and Nissa walked through the left path in the entrance and made their way through the middle pathway they would start to see light from where they are going to as they had gone into the shortest path of the three. As they would follow the light they would end up in the Crystals Caverns and as you got closer you would see the source of the light, but also start hearing a repeating sound like someone was mining there.

Finn on the other hand by going into the middle entrance would be behind Yuu and Ria whom were making their way towards the Canyon as well farther in the pathway. (I think you were a bit confused @Valkan as the right pathway being smaller is not something that is at the two main paths, in the left path you can further choose between 3 paths there which is where that is the case.)
ByakugaranNov 1, 2017 9:31 AM
Oct 31, 2017 7:55 AM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

Health: 20/20
Level: 1| STR: B| Endurance: B| Speed: C| Agility: D| Mind: B| Magic: E| Status: Normal

Oh, that actually is bad. But let's go anyway. Rai said as he started walking the middle path with Shugo. What she said made him prepare for some of what could happen and keep his guard up. He started a little conversation with Her as they were walking to kill the time. He did not pay much attention to the ones with them in the tower either as he just walked to where the path would take him.

((@byakugaran Sorry for late reply >.<
Let's leave the conversation as something that happens sort of off-screen as they were walking because I can't really guarantee I'll post more actively now >.<))
Oct 31, 2017 8:29 AM

Dec 2015
Yuu Pazuru

Health: 20/20

STR: C (100%) ♠END: E (70%)
SPE: B (115%) ♣AGI: B (115%)
MIN: A (130%) ♠MAG: E
Status: Intrigued ♥

As Yuu heard Rai's response she would shocked as this boy was probably just saying he had not thought of death being something which can happen as he would only now start to keep his guard up, although this could not be seen on her face. I had expected more. If only you were more interesting. ♠ As she walked the path with him she would not start a conversation with him even if he wanted to have one. Together they would leave the area

(@Raiores I don't mind Rai, I can wait. But I would rather not have a conversation off-screen as I don't know what you will think she would have said to you. I will post next.)
ByakugaranOct 31, 2017 8:33 AM
Nov 7, 2017 4:21 AM

Dec 2011
Destin Wolff
Health: 20/20

STR: C (100%) • END: E (70%)
SPE: B (115%) • AGI: B (115%)
MIN: A (130%) • MAG: E

Status: Normal.

Destin walked out of the crystal cavern, following the Miners' finger's direction. He turned to face the three paths again, crossing the arrow he carved in the ground earlier and summoned his clone again. "No time to waste, Niss.", he would let the clone move in front again, as he walked towards the second path. With his clone leading, Destin waited slightly while carving another arrow towards that path. When it seems that the coast was clear, Destin would enter the 2nd path.
Nov 7, 2017 9:10 PM

Mar 2016
Health: 20/20

STR: A (130%) • END: D (85%)
SPE: B (115%) • AGI: A (130%)
MIN: E (70%) • MAG: E (70%)

Status: More Hungry

He never really gave a response, and so she offered again. I could sssscream down the tunnel to see what response it gets. But he seemed to already have a plan. Either way, she would leave with him, entering the second path. She held her spear at the proper angle to be effective in this environment.
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