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Jun 21, 2015 12:10 AM

Oct 2014
The Throne room in the Palace of Kabul. This is where the Sultan receives people.

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Jun 22, 2015 2:00 PM

Dec 2011
"No..." Tanin replied in a tired tone and an annoyed sigh as he walked towards the throne room. "Then who was she, huh? Seemed awful friendly," A spiky, blonde-haired woman further grilled her son. "A guard... There was a break-in in one of tha' east wings," The eldest royal answered once again with a growl. The Czar continued to interrogate her eldest until the prince grew tired and, luckily, his younger, eight year-old sister walked by, which he hoisted up by the back of her dress and shoved in the mother's face, effectively distracting her as the woman quickly hugged and began to smother the young girl.

Now free from the nagging... Tanin continued onto the throne room. "Oi, Pops... Is there anything I can do for some amusement? Literally, I'll do practically anything if it gets her off my back..." As if on cue, the same woman followed behind Tanin, still squeezing the life out of their second-youngest in a tight hug.
Jun 22, 2015 2:57 PM

Jan 2013
Sighing a bit Hasan noticed his son, daughter, and head consort. Stroking his beard lightly and watching the display, the woman could be bothersome at times as there son would agree, but she also was a loving woman.. Turning his head to hear his son's works, Hasan sits up a bit straighter and looks at the pair as his guards stand off to the side of the throne, they knew enough to ignore what was said.

"Here soon a meeting of some importance will take place, your mother must be here, and you are welcomed to observe, this will be your kingdom one day." The Sultan says flatly, half wondering how soon or later the meeting would be.
Jun 22, 2015 7:31 PM

Dec 2011
The Czar was... of course not listening since her adorable daughter was there being smothered. Tanin just enjoyed this moment of no nagging and continued on. "A meeting? 'Bout what? I asked if anythin' exciting was going on... if this meeting's about financial stability, I'll pass." Folding his arms, the boy once again sighed. Surely his father recalled how his son viewed meetings. "Tanin..." The young sister squeaked as she was squeezed once again by their mother, though the Firstborn seemed to continue ignoring the pair.
Jun 22, 2015 8:52 PM

Jan 2013
Looking at Nala, Hasan sighs a bit, as she holds there youngest daughter, it made him wonder where the other two children were..maybe playing with there half siblings..though it was strange that the children from this one woman outnumberd the others..least by one.. Shaking the thoughts aside, the Sultan holds up his right hand, twisting his index finger in the air. No sooner than his hand comes down the guards turn away from him, take five steps forward and begin a chant with hums. While it wasn't loud enough to distrub them, it would keep them from hearing what he had to say.

"The Spy Master wants us to carry out a plot and an invasion..personally I have my doubts on the plan..and may offer your eldest sister for marriage..she is 15 and a looker.." Looking at Nala he half expected a violent protest or response.
Jun 23, 2015 2:32 AM

Dec 2011
Groaning a bit at that, Tanin seems about to say something but, as expected, Nala cuts in with a cold scowl. "What's this about a marriage? To who?" She questioned, and though her tone was blank... that was a very dangerous sign. Even their youngest daughter had stopped squirming and remained frozen in her arms.

Tanin on the other hand simply sighed at his mother's antics. "What plot? Why can't we just bash through them?" He seemed for the most part uninterested with his little sister's possible wedding... though likely that was because Nala herself was already grilling the Sultan about it. "Then again... Are any 'o their Generals even notable? Maybe we should find someone more fun..." Closing his eyes to think more on the matter... the prince was still his normal self and not looking at the bigger picture much.
Jun 23, 2015 8:59 AM

Jan 2013
Hasan shrugs with a heavy sigh at Nala's glare..sighing heavily he shakes his head slowly. "No one my Dear...I would not have her lay with fuckers as our Arch Preist put was just a offer to keep the status quo."

Looking at his son Tanin he nods in approval. "You are truely the Son of the strongest..I care not for these plots but we should listen to our ministers..remember you are the Lord, or soon will be, your will guides Thousands, never question yourself..but don't hire advisors to never listen to...but no I likely will use this turn of events to march our fources to the border to show we will not be caught unawares.." Laying his hand atop his son's head the Sultan smiles.

"Though I would rather we not have a war drains the treassury dreadfully."

As the king continues to speak a Young Lady full of ambition approaches the throne without hesitation..this would be interesting..for a merchant, and one of the few female heads at that to show herself so suddenly..

The woman kneels respectfully waiting to be noticed, for the most part the Sultan just stares, as if testing her.
RedArmyShogunJun 23, 2015 12:49 PM
Jun 23, 2015 12:08 PM

Oct 2014

Itami silently stepped into the room, residing in a corner. His informers had told him of a woman arriving at the Palace and asking for an audience with the Sultan. Itami was curious in the reason that she had come here so he had decided to come and take a look for himself. No matter how intricate his vast network of informers, he knew that he would never ever be able to doubt his own ears and eyes. He watched the woman carefully, of course he had given the Sultan a signal to let him know he was there. The First Born and the Military Czar didn't notice though, they were hardly as perspicacious as the Sultan.
Jun 23, 2015 12:28 PM

Jan 2013
Noticing Itami he motions with his hand for the woman to stand. "Ishtar..what brings you here?" The Sultan asks while shifting to prob his chin on the knuckles of his right hand, as his elbow rests on the thrones arm.

The Girl standing to her Feet now bows lightly towards the Sultan and his son. "Why nothing more then humble service...there are rumors of events in the I would like to assist with." She says crypticly. "We are in a manner of the same house are we not?"

Pausing at her words, he had some idea that she knew about the events taking place, how, he did not know. "Very Well you may stay for the meeting..I wish to hear what plots you have planned Wicked girl...what is it that you want in return?"

Surpressing a mock look of shock, she gasps. "Why My Highness I only wish to to what I want its really quite simple.." She says while eyeing Tanin.

"Itami..we'll begin once I'm sure we have Nala's attention." The Sultan says with a tired sign, clearly not looking forward to the meeting.
Jun 23, 2015 12:37 PM

Dec 2011
Scoffing at that Nala seems to somewhat calm herself, though keeps her eyes narrowed. Tanin, however rolled his eyes. "Ain't those guys just lookin' for what army to hide behind?" He questioned, obviously not holding much respect for the small country. "Yes, though they don't have much of a choice... with both our countries tense with each other, eventually, we will fight... and whoever wins won't have much reason not to conquer them. Their only option of preserving their country is to join one faction beforehand... They still won't get them, though." With that explanation, Nala returned to smothering the child in her arms before taking note of another woman entering the room.

"At the least they could show guts," Tanin replied to the explanation. He understood it... but to people with will and personality like him, it still seemed cowardly. Taking note of the woman after his mother, Tanin simply stared in the same manner at the girl, then to his father as if waiting for one of them to address the other... though it would be disrespectful for the girl to speak up first, Tanin wasn't one for manners and common noble behavior... In fact it... somewhat annoyed him.

Though eventually, they spoke up and got down to business... it appeared as though Ishtar simply wanted in on the damned meeting that would take place... eventually.... as well as something to do with him, he assumed. His mother, however, apparently got the meaning with much ease from the look she was giving the girl.

With a sigh, Nala knelt and set down the daughter, patting her on the head before dismissing her to go off and play. "I'm always aware of what's going on around me. You have no need to wait." It was true. She had been listening to what was being said... She simply chose which parts she would ignore and which were worth her becoming aggravated to.
Jun 23, 2015 7:09 PM

Jan 2013
Nodding at the first bit of what his son said, Hasan smiles lightly. "They are. Whats funny is either side will turn on them once it is done..or force them to integrate..whoever allies with that country will find a knife in its back as soon as they are close to winning." Snorting at that and letting out a laugh, the Sultan watches as the Arch Priest also arrives, they had all of whom they needed at a basic wasn't a full council meeting after all.

Ishtar for her part seems to be returning Nala's glance as the Sultan sighs, it was problematic, and he had some idea of what the woman wanted. With a warry sigh the Sultan motions for the guards to leave by beating his left foot on the floor with a stomp. Once they are gone the Sultan speaks.

"Itami learned that it seems the rulers of both countries are prepairing to wed to the others family, which throws their neutrality out the Window, I am against the plan Itami had, as is the Arch Priest but it seems our Lady.." Motioning to Ishtar. "...has some ideas on the subject. The Arch Priest is also against it, but I am a generous leader, Itami may tell his views, then we shall hear the offer Ishtar has..and it had better not disappoint." He says with a harsh glare aimed at her. Seemingly unphased by it, the young woman remains in place.
Jun 23, 2015 7:33 PM

Oct 2014

Itami steps forward and stands next to the new woman, he bows deeply to the Sultan before speaking. I will tell you exactly what I told the Arch Priest, he says with a gesture to the holy man, Winter is upon us and the passes will be blocked with snow, we will have to wait out winter and Arzla and Eqomer would have sufficient time enough to wed their families and grow in force. Currently, we outnumber the Arzlanian scum, but if Eqomer would aide them, the tides will turn unfavorable, we would be outnumbered by thousands! If we were to strike, they will be infuriated. Our troops will be able to set up numerous ambushes along the passes and borders, and when they hastily attack, it will be around mid-winter and they will be warming their hands around fires. With one deft and unexpected swoop, we can leap down and crush them as they try to pass. I doubt he would send only a meager amount of troops to attack us, so we would be able to destroy maybe half of their strength. From their we can attack straight away or even wait out the winter. He finishes speaking and bows deeply, The best course of action is clear.
Jun 23, 2015 8:14 PM

Jan 2013
Laughing at that the oldman rises to his feet. "Attack them in Winter? My friend..what whispers are you listening to? They have but a single pass they can come at us from..its the only reason we have yet to attack them. Beyond that is plains with two of our fortress to meet them, and a river to force them along another single lane of attack. Let them come, the gods will smite them..but no, we should not attack them in winter..nor should we ambush and lay traps." With a scoff the Arch Priest strokes his beard. "Winter Favors them, not us, we are men of the summer and you want us not only to attack a wedding, but then to sting them, and fight them on the terms they can set?" Scoffing with a head shake it was clear his vote would not change.

Bowing to the Sultan he turns to leave waiting for his leaving to be approved. The Sultan looks at the pair and nods. "I say I agree somewhat, snow will not hurt the Calvary they have..but it will our thinly clothed soldiers..I doubt they'll want to fight then as well..nor do I wish to take the whole country, we do not have the manpower to keep it, and neither do those fools...also there customs are not like us..unless they plan to put men on the field with pitch forks it will be decades till they outnumber ask for me when it is in Autum to attack them in the winter...and to attack a wedding?" Sighing a bit he looks at Ishtar who seems to wish to speak, giving her a nod Hasan waits to hear her words.

"You Highness I agree with both men, and disagree. The wedding is a great chance, however you nor your council should have anything to do with it. I am in contact by chance with these Followers of blood, I can ride as a envoy to present counter offers of wedding in the name of your..other daughters.." She says while eying Nala as to not anger the woman. "If they full intent to go through I can declare it a break in the truce on the grounds they intend to join with the enemy. By making it clear they have other options they will not willingly fight to the Death for the new alliance. But we should not stop there."

Reaching behind her back and underneath her jacket, Ishtar pulls out a map laying it on the floor. "I do not know war as you all, but I know Business..The Dwarves are greedy and selfish..our lands do not hold any wealth to them..however the Mountains a little ways around them past our would be enemeis do..they will never part with those willingly..we however have common religous views with the Dwarves..and trade..we also are in a position to attack them..but if we offer them the mines and trade.." It was clear where she was going with that. Then pointing at the North to the Elves.

"The Elven Kind have been pushed back year after year, Arzla is largely the cause of this and now they only have a small amount of land...but should we tie down most of the Arzlan forces..why..the elves might thank us by taking back what is theres.. Even if either doesn't attack our enemies, just positioning forces will force this knight army to spread to more fronts than it can hold. And we arn't out to take either so we have one front."

Pointing at Eqomer's strategic location Isthar smiles grimly. "And unlike our conversion mad Saint, or our...conquest mad Whisper listener...all we need to do is take the passes, or Eqomer its I ride to the Wedding the Army should muster, unless they agree to a union with us while keeping there little alliance..and thus the peace, we only need to take a central point. From there We can fortify or take the city if worst comes to worst. We should offer them special status, keeping there religion, and wisk the boy here to..teach him the correct way to act..then at will we may finish Arzlan off. And after winter..should the elves take the bait we have left, and the dwarves with the greed they always have..well.."

Leaving it with that she smiles this time looking at Itami. "As to others do with there own coin is no cause of concern for the state is it?...why maybe there are those in Arslan that would see the Kingdom in chaos for there own sake..though I ask why we even need a war..we could economically bury them eaiser..but chaos has its uses."

Listening to her words Hasan makes no sign either way if he approves or disapproves. "And for doing your part in this what is it that you want?"

With a sly Smile Ishtar's eyes linger on Tanin. "Why what is my family right..our line used to be part of the main family..your son may be Sultan and have his harem as is tradition, but I want to be named his queen..the first in over 100 years..he is to my liking..and I like am to his..regardless I will spend some time with him to see of that. I wish my family honor to be restored."

Hasan says nothing in reply to this, waiting to see what the others may have to say, the Arch Priest simply leaves the room quite clearly angry with the girls idea of exemption status, never mind counting on the nonhuman races.
RedArmyShogunJun 23, 2015 8:18 PM
Jun 23, 2015 8:15 PM

Oct 2014
(It's not just one pass Ras, there is multiple passes.)
Jun 23, 2015 8:16 PM

Jan 2013
(pft I made the map. Though the woman addresses the side ones. Plus truth be told, I'm not all into some massive long PVP war..)
Jun 23, 2015 8:38 PM

Oct 2014

Itami smiles at the woman, oh he liked her, she thought like him. The passes are something to be used to our advantage my Sultan. He pulls out a small device, it looked like a package with four compartments and one large compartment. It was as big as two hands, This is something that Utopia has recently invented. My informers told me of it and I thought of another use for it. These four compartments each hold a specific powder, when this small lever is pulled, the substances will mix in this large compartment and this will cause an explosion. The Utopians have not yet worked out how to pull these levers without being close to the explosive and essentially blow themselves up. However I believe that if we were to climb the tall mountains of the pass and set one of these off, an avalanche would be caused and crush any enemies beneath. We would need people willing to die for their cause, perhaps the Brotherhood of Sand? Since they are so devout. He says with a grin at the Arch Priests back.
Jun 23, 2015 10:26 PM

Oct 2014
Benjamin Torik

Suddenly the doors swung wide open and Ben strode in cockily. Wait there boys, He calls back to the men behind him, who do just that. He bows mockingly low at the Sultan, Mornin' your Sultaness, he says with a grin. He rests a hand on the hilt of his sword, I've come to request one o' them fancy audiences with cha. He says arrogantly, brushing his black hair back. He was still covered in the dried blood of the bounty hunters.
Jun 24, 2015 1:10 PM

Dec 2011
"I can't say much for business. For that much I'd leave to the girl as she seems to know what she's doing... As for the assassination, I know how you and our boy feel about underhanded methods, but war isn't for honor nor is it for fun," Nala began, looking to each of the respective Sultans. "If we could take out some of the royals without it being traced back, that'd be great... but considering high tensions, there's a chance they'll just jump to conclusions that you arranged it regardless of who'm actually kills the runts, or orders it."

Sighing at that, Nala moved onto her actual expertise. "As for the theory of waiting for winter... It's pointless. Summer, Winter, Fall... It don't matter. We send out boy and he'll crash through a stone wall if they built some in the middle 'o the routes... If we fight in the routes, it turns into a battle of who's strongest. An' while I don't doubt we are stronger, we'll still suffer in the skirmishes. The problem is with losses..."

Then... she needed to move onto the terms of Ishtar's services. "She can be useful... but are you really sure about that condition?" Nala questioned the Sultan with a narrowing of the eyes to the girl in question. It wasn't a matter of personal dislike towards Ishtar... but of simple motherly protectiveness.

Tanin sighed at his mother's antics and simply looked around in... hopes... that one of his other siblings would appear to distract the Czar... unfortunately, none showed up. It didn't matter if the girl wanted to be his queen, in his harem or just a servant operating in his wing of the palace... his mother always got incredibly jealous or protective. Though he had to admit she was to his liking... at least her body was.

But... before the Czar was able to get too into an argument. Someone of seemingly high arrogance waltzed... effectively annoying the blonde woman that was already aggravated by past events... Not a good idea.

"An' how about I deny that request, rip out yer tongue and wedge it up somewhere I don't think you'll enjoy very much," Retorted Nala with impressive speed. "That girl has higher standing than you an' she still had enough common sense to not come in here as if she couldn't get slaughtered instantly." Anyone who knew Nala well enough was aware that... well, she was not bluffing, nor was she threatening... She was very much willing to do everything she said if not stopped.
Jun 24, 2015 1:35 PM

Jan 2013
Raising a hand as if to silence the current discussion Hansan stares at the Mercenary with an amussed smirk, which in the case of the Sultan was a very dangerous thing that could decide life and death.

"Well now, I did not know todays was Vagrants day...tell me young blood coverd fool..why is it I should not have you killed here and now? Though I am curious about your..brashness...I will grant your..audience..but should you disappoint me, I shall take your head.." Resting his own hand on his blade, the Mercenary made a huge mistake coming there, then and now..of all the times for someone to show up..

Watching Nala berate the man, he ventures another rare smile as he watches Ishtar. Deciding to speak once more he laughs lightly. "Just watch my dearest Treassure..she is indeed my family and then some..she would be a fine consort for our son.." He says towards her quitely enough for only her, and his son to hear. The Arch Priest simply watches this madness playout unable to reply to the plot they were speaking of.

Ishtar about to thank the Master of spies and to speak more on the plan as well as to Nala in why her interests in her Son would be a good thing for the kingdom overall is caught flatfooted as a barbarian barges in judging from his looks. With each passing momment and each passing action of the man she snarls bit by bit. At the mans brushing of his hair some of dried blood flakes off smearing on her boots.

"VILE DOG! BOW BEFORE THE SULTAN AND REMOVE YOUR HAND FROM YOUR STEEL OR I SHALL DUEL YOU HERE AND NOW! CURR OF PEASANT TRASH!" Drawing her own Raiper with an angry scowl she stares at him with a look of pure disgust. "And be thankful this is his home, or I would make you lick my boots clean.."
RedArmyShogunJun 24, 2015 2:03 PM
Jun 24, 2015 4:50 PM

Oct 2014
Benjamin Torik

Ben smiles, a challenging light in his eyes. Bran, the simpleton in the group outside, laughs because they were in a position that they had been in countless times. Piss off merchant lady, Ben says waving his hand, but he did take a step back to allow himself time enough to draw his sword if she attacked, I haven' spilled any uns' comin' here so yee bette' not spill mine. He says, not moving his hand from the steel. As I was sayin' yer Sultaness, I have the absolut' pleasure t'be Benjamin o' house Torik, leader o' The Bloody Mare. A sell sword group o' seven hundred men, hundred cavalry n' all carry bows. We know all them secret smugglah routes across the bordah that no un' in this room knows abou'. If I ha' that there fancy title o' Sultanship or whateva its called, I wouldn't turn such a group down. He sniffs loudly and winks at the "Merchant Lady" as he called her.
Jun 24, 2015 5:35 PM

Dec 2011
Well, the Sultan spoke true. The girl at least had will, something she could respect. Still... It seemed as though the shout had no effect on the group... Particularly one outside the room.

Nala, hearing the laugh, instantly eyes the one who owned it. "Runt!" She shouted... or more growled like a true animal. "You come in here 'n laugh... or you keep silent. Or else..." Snarling a bit, stepping down from her place in the room and proceeding closer to the man, pauses once more for another remark. "Oh, a do, please... ask or what." Continuing her march to the mercenary leader, Nala stood in front of him. "An' tell me, ya' mock, blue-blood arse... Why I can't just crush it out of you? You came here with the right things to bargain... just with the wrong attitude... Mainly one that pisses me. I ain't a noble... I ain't reserved."

Meanwhile, Tanin stood apathetically watching the whole ordeal. Why was he not aggravated by the arrogant man? ...Well, honestly, he didn't need to be. The only people he was ticking off were the women, mainly... both of which held some sadism in their bodies... The man had one foot in the grave. Luckily for him, he hadn't ticked off Tanin himself and the other two men in the room besides his father were a bit too old to throw the gauntlet down.
Jun 24, 2015 5:52 PM

Oct 2014
Benjamin Torik

Ben crossed his arms and smiled, the danger of the Merchant Lady attacking was minimal now that this other woman had stood in front of her. My attitude? Hmm, yah sum' say me attitude ain't the best, they don't complain for long tho' He says, smiling still. His blue eyes like two diamonds among the dirty brown blood on his face.
Jun 24, 2015 5:57 PM

Jan 2013
Smiling a bit at that Hasan watches the actions around him unfold but keeps his attention locked on the Mercenary. "Your men talk a big game..tell me mercenary, do you know the law of baring steel in the presence of the Sultan..its death. I'm prepaired to overlook some things..I am a just ruler. So if I were to allow one or both of those women at you, what would the outcome be? And Seven Hundred Men is it..what area's have you been active in, what pay do you want, or do you want a fiefdom? Come now I am a business man." Judging from his expression he seemed to really be enjoying this, but if the man was even half as good as his bark, it might be worth listening to what he had to offer. "...also what makes you think I need Soldiers right seems a risky move for a band such as yours in peace time..or do you know something I do not?"

Grinning a bit the Sultan leans over to Tanin. "So tell me my son...does she suit your intrests?..if so you may take her from the room while we deal with this..I hope I do not need to tell you what to do with her." He says flatly.

Still holding her sword out Ishtar remains staring at the man with her sword in hand, with a bit of hostility to her glare. Looking at Nala she had a bit of respect for the was a shame she wasn't of nobel blood, though crude she knew her place it seemed.
Jun 24, 2015 6:12 PM

Oct 2014
Benjamin Torik

Ben laughs and starts walking to the left, Well yah see, my men an' I are jus' a bit notorious fo' causen trouble in Arzla. Anyway, got a nice big bounty o' me head o' 20,000 gold, of course youse wouldn't be able to claim the rewar' since you're the enemy an' all. But if yah take Arzla, then tha' rewar' will go away if I helped cha out a bit now wouldn' it? He turns on his heel and starts walking to the right, Havin' such a large bounty can be... troublesum to me and me boys. Tha' would be one par' o' the pay, the other would be 20,000 gold for me services. I'm sure yah coffers are filled aplenty with tha' nice shiny coin. He stops in front of the Military Czar and faces the Sultan again, completely ignoring her. Now, I'm no exper' on war and the like, but I'm sure tha' flankin' the enemy is a rather good tactic. We know all the smugglah routes in the bordah, you wan' men o' the other side? I'll get em' there. He removes his hand from the hilt of his sword and grins a little, An' I think I can handle me own in a figh', no mattah who yah toss at me.
Jun 24, 2015 6:32 PM

Dec 2011
"Why? 'Cause they get tired and knock your scrawny-arse out?" Nala retorted to the weak threat. Normally, she would have already done just that, or tried to... but was waiting on the man's reply to Hasan. If he didn't accept the proposition, she wasn't going to restrain herself any longer.

As he further explains his plans, Nala growls a bit and turns back to Hasan. "It's your call... though bastards like these are always keepin' something secret."

Watching the display, Tanin could tell the man was going to get punched soon... The threat was wasted and would've mattered had the woman he was speaking to survived through slavery as well as conscription against Kubal's forces long ago. This man as well as his men were a bit too cocky for the situation they were truly in. Regardless, his attention was pulled away from the trash-talk by Hasan. "Huh? My tastes? Look at'er chest," He murmured blatantly in response. Hearing his words, Tanin unfolds his arms. "If you wait too long, she's gonna' kill'im regardless of what you choose." Warning his father of that, he proceeds down towards the group and taps Ishtar on the shoulder. "Come on, and put the toothpick away, they can't do nothin'," He stated, obviously not valuing the band that highly. Though they had guts, that was for sure.

Waltzing past the mercenary and towards the group outside the room, Tanin lazily waved his hand off at them. "Move it," He ordered them out of the way. Some mistook this as arrogance rather than for what it truly was; Tanin could move them either way. There was no doubt or argument for that.
Jun 24, 2015 6:40 PM

Oct 2014
Benjamin Torik

Ben looked at the big man who had tried to order his band out of the way. Bran, the simpleton, stepped forward. He was about 6 foot 8, a rather tall man, but still not as big as Tanin. Bran was smiling stupidly, Why sho- He was cut off as Ben raised his hand, Bran, le' the big man through yah stupid louse, can't cha see he'll knock yer tubby ass t'the ground? The small group of sell swords moved out of the way because Ben had said so, many grumbles and spitting following suit. They clearly didn't think that Tanin would be a match for them. Ben shook his head and sighed, while he didn't doubt he could take the big man, the Military Czar or the other woman on, he knew that even though his group were skilled, they were no where near the level of Ben himself and would quickly fall.
Jun 24, 2015 6:51 PM

Jan 2013
Hasan ponders it...these men could be killed..or they could be used..the sum asked was not much however.

"Very well. Your Crimes are Pardoned in not make any more new ones upon our citizens what you do elsewhere matters not to me. I will arrange for supplies and pay..however your pay will be contracted as we do such things, and not a lump sum..I do not wish to risk you running off with my gold. Nala leave him be." Reaching beneath his robes, the Sultan pulls out a seal, and a peice of paper. "Go see the Army Supply Officer he will set up things in accordance to our Tradition..the supplies will not deduct from your pay nor are of amounts to harm us. A messanger Hawk will also be with you, when the time comes another shall find him being bond brothers..then you shall have your orders, now shall not be long..but untill then make what preperations you need...judging by your look and those of your men, the tasks I have prepaired for them should suffice..Now go." Throwing the stamped paper to the Man the Sultan waves his hand as if dismissing the man.

"We may also send agents to speak with you or those who may need your help, you will have your pay plus more..but the more only depends on how long you serve me and how long you are of use to of both and the rewards shall be of neither and the bounty I will place on you and your men.." Leaving the threat unfinished the Sultan stares harshly. "Your services will be needed soon, till then may the sands guid your feet, and the sun forever shine upon your path."

Looking at his son before he could leave the Sultan smiles lightly. "If not for my age and your mothers mace.." Speaking loudly this time the Sultan looks at Ishtar, go with him, I shall agree to your deal..but do remember how it must be sealed between you two.." Ishtar bows lightly at that and puts her blade away.

"Thank the Sultan for his gifts filthy barbarian...and thank the gods you live yet another day.." She says to the blonde man. Bowing to the Sultan she turns to leave, but stops in front of the minister of whispers. "We may continue our talk on the..finer details if you wish..though I think I know what needs to be done on my end. I also must attend the Merchants meeting."

At the notion of that the Arch Priest bows being awefully silent during the course of these events untill now at least. "Ah. I also shall go given your highness will be busy with our Czar in various matters." Bowing at that the oldman walks out as fast as he can. With his two bodyguards, the simply shove there way past the men outside, none of them would likely dare to more than shout insults back..given how many more of his men were around the palace grounds.
Jun 24, 2015 7:03 PM

Oct 2014

The Head of Whispers bows slightly to the woman, Hmm, yes we shall. I like your cunning. He had remained silent the whole time the barbarian spoke, Itami personally found him disgusting. The man was covered in dried brown blood, hadn't the man even had the decency to wash? The Head of Whispers eyes the men in disdain then looks at the Sultan and bows deeply, I shall leave you to your affairs my Sultan, may the gods of sand grant you a pleasant day. With that he turns and leaves the room.

Benjamin Torik

Ben smiles and bows slightly, only a small incline of the head really. Thank yah very much yer Sultaness, look forward t'dealin' with cha, he says before walking over to his men, who were mumbling curses at the Arch Priest, Leave the holy man alon' yah ijits! He says as he walks past them, gesturing for them to follow, which they do.
Jun 24, 2015 7:29 PM

Dec 2011
With not so much as a huff, Tanin continues on past the men, pausing in front of the big one. "Just for the sake of answering. You should've cause I can throw you about as far as you can a pebble." Though sounding much like a threat, it was more of just Tanin telling him that he could literally force any of them to the side if he had to. Luckily for them, the Firstborn was not as hot-headed as the one that gave birth to him... though still somewhat. He respected those with guts. Simple arrogance by those that don't have the power to back up their demeanor earned none.

Growling a bit at his final decision, Nala bitterly retreats to the Sultans side and waits for those in the room to leave before smacking him on the back of the head... though obviously that was not because of his acceptance of the mercenary's offer. "You sure about this? I really wanna' gut them... Bastards are hiding something I bet too..."
Jun 24, 2015 7:57 PM

Jan 2013
"Ow you damnable woman.." Hasan says rubbing the back of his head with a sigh. "Our son will be fine, the woman is a plotter but she has cause to be upset with me..she sees barring his sons as a means to regain what she see's as hers..our Son will be Sultan however in time, and I think he'll end up controlling her likely.."

As the Mercenaries leave Hasan chuckles. "Oh I know they are likely..but I will make use of them..either to block the passes with those bombs, and to raid the countryside untill they are content..if they go burning villages among other things so much the better..if he bites other hands more then they cannot bribe him over..the man and his comrades are dogs..and even flea bitten hounds of war have there uses, and so he shall be used, but I will keep that leash far from my arm..besides if they do there job well others might get rid of them...regardless mercenaries will follow a contract..its all they can be counted on, if they can't do that no one would hire them ever again."
Jun 25, 2015 11:36 PM

Dec 2011
Rather than retort, Nala surprisingly... or unsurprisingly depending on how well you knew her, smacked Hasan in the back of the head again. "I didn't hit you cause I'm worried about our boy. Plotter 'er not, he ain't stupid and there ain't anyone stronger. I hit you cause ya' can't keep yerself from oglin' the runt." After clarifying that, Nala sighed.

"He's lucky our boy isn't as hot-headed as me... Woulda' clobbered that lard in the back of his group..." Mumbling a bit more in complaint, Nala seemed determined to kill them eventually... or at least painfully... painfully punish them. "We should've bargained a bit more... True, we can't acquire the reward those shiny bastards put out, but we can still ship his arse over.... No... Enough of those bastards... I'm a bit worried about this damned assassination plot... Things like this don't go well or according to plan..."
Jun 26, 2015 12:06 PM

Jan 2013
The Sultan nodding at his Czars temarks crosses his arms,...after rubbing his head again. "Damnable woman.." Motioning for her to sit besides him he smiles lightly. "What makes you think they'll survive? Oh I won't turn on them but mercenaries even against seasoned soldiers..though I could be wrong, but yes enough."

Thinking on the Assassination plot, the Sultan gives a shrug. "I know not of what you speak..if the woman has her wits about her, the affiar will be arranged in a manner that does not point back to us..regardless we should prepair move the troops that can be moved.." With his normal hostile look the Sultan crosses his arms. "And knowing you, what to name our fifth child once victory is ours.."
Jun 26, 2015 3:09 PM

Dec 2011
Doing as he hinted at, Nala sat at his side, still with a scowl. "If they don't bite it, I'll take'em out myself..." Murmured the woman, slightly leaning into his side. For once she was actually being a bit loving rather than aloof... likely as the other matters had aggravated her enough that she didn't feel like teasing the man.

Folding her arms, Nala sighs and shuts her eyes a moment. "Call it a feeling then... or intuition... It just doesn't feel right. It's hard to explain." With that, she seemed to momentarily rest there... until he brought up another child. Scoffing at his remark, Nala smirked a bit. "I dunno why you say it like that when you're most looking forward to it," She retorted before opening her eyes. "I'll get the units that can move ready."
Jun 27, 2015 6:53 PM

Oct 2014
Benjamin Torik

Ben strides into the throne room, looking around with a bored expression. He walks up to the steps of the Sultans throne, Scuse me yer Sultaness, but I was jus' awonderin' when I migh' gettah see sum action? Don't care wha' typah action, just sumthin to cure me boredom. He says, bowing his head a fraction, more like a greeting than a bow. He coughs up some phlegm and spits it to the side before turning his ice blue eyes back on the Sultan.
Jun 27, 2015 7:20 PM

Jan 2013
"Soon." Tensen says flatly. "We'll be hosting an arena game soon if you or your men care to enter..I already have your orders ready but they will not be sent till the last momment. Other than that I want your men in the mountains within the next few days. The Arena fights will start tomorrow, so plenty of time."

Looking at Nala, he bids her to wait. "Would you care to enter as well? We need the troops to only take the border forts we control..they won't be moved untill our son's devil has set her plan in motion..I only hope he can tame her, or I wonder who will be controlling the power under this throne.."

Turning his attention back to Torik the Sultan smiles in a cryptic manner. "So Mister Torik, care to fight for glory in the a note we rather you all fight till one has made the other yield..very expensive to clean up some of the more..noble patrons. So there won't be much blood for your sport, but the other Merchants will bid on it."
Jun 27, 2015 7:34 PM

Oct 2014
Benjamin Torik

Ben frowned a little, No blood? Pah! Tha' ain't fun! Youse probably won' be able t'keep Bran from bashin sum skulls in tho. He says with a small grin, But I'll figh' in these games o' yers. He adds, leaning against a pole as he did so. How stands dem dwarves disposition o' the war hey? He asks, an eyebrow raised in question.
Jun 27, 2015 7:42 PM

Jan 2013
"I do not mind blood being spilled..just that it is no one that will give me trouble..and likely not, the boy is as blood thristy as you." The Sultan says with an annoyed look, or rather his normal look. Pausing a bit at the mans question, he wonder how long he was listening.

"The woman that made the suggestion has yet to talk to them. Why, do you know the dwarves?" Hasan asks, thinking on the question he shrugs with one shoulder. "To answer you, they are dwarves, they fight for coin..of that we have much and more to unlike Arzlan, we have a direct route to them..if my faith is well placed in my daughter-in-law I suspect she will have something to sway them...the elves however I do not see being allies with anyone..though they will likely attempt a sneak attack to take back the lands they lost..but the enemy of my enemy isn't always my friend." The Sultan says with a yawn.

"Though who knows maybe I will join those games tomorrow.."
Jun 27, 2015 8:06 PM

Oct 2014
Benjamin Torik

Ben grins a little, Aye, I've had sum dealin's with the dwarves, like it o' not, we have the same interes's. He says with a chuckle and rubbing his fingers together to symbolize money. He looks at the Sultan with interest, hmm, elves are all bout peace and happiness. They ain't interested in no war, they sit up in their big ass tree an' do nothin' but fuck nature. He says with a disdainful look on his face, obviously his experiences with elves hadn't been pleasant. Don' take kindly t'tresapassin though, stick an arro' in yer ass they will, he adds, rubbing his backside as he said it.
Jun 27, 2015 8:24 PM

Jan 2013
"Yes I do not count on the Elves being more than a distraction..if they truely march on something I would be interested in what..I'll send a minor offical to see them in anycase, though I doubt he'll solve much...but it might make them a bit jumpy.."

Considering his options Hasan remembers the bomb from earlier. "Ah reminds me a special job..unless you have men you don't care about you ma want to have some of the Arch Priests men accompany you. I have three simple tasks for your men to do..Important ones however. Other than that plunder the supply trains at will when the time comes. I can give you your orders simply enough here and now should out hawk not reach you."
Jun 27, 2015 9:20 PM

Oct 2014
Benjamin Torik

Bah! We don' need them pious fuck faces, but we'll take em' if yah insis', he says to the Sultan. The men would be quite pleased about raiding the supply trains though, pillaging was something they were rather good at. Anyway, speakin o' men an' the like, I know o' a bandi' group up in dem mountains, I can speak t'their leadah for yah if yer wan', ge' three undred more men o' mah side t'help with dem orders. He adds this with a mischievousness grin, Rodrik's bandits were quite infamous for raping, stealing and just being a downright nuisance, Ben respected them for that. He knew that they would be reluctant to join but what can 300 do against 700 plus some holy ones? They couldn't just refuse now could they?
Jun 27, 2015 10:51 PM

Dec 2011
Nala scoffed as the mercenary entered, obviously not very happy with his presence. "Go ahead 'n enter in tha' arena. It'll give you some enjoyment... or put you in yer place. Regardless, wait for your orders and quit complaining." With that harsh response, Nala then turned her attention to Hasan and raised an eyebrow. "Eh... You know fights like this don't get my blood runnin'. Might just leave it to tha' runts. Maybe our boy will wanna' enter." Laughing a bit at that, there was a chance Tanin would enter, if only in an attempt to find an equal.

At the next talks of strategy... or the bandit's attempt at strategy, Nala scowls once again. "It's your skins, not ours. We're offering you some help so that maybe some of yer stupid runts don't get gutted. Pious fucks 'er not. They can fight. And does a bunch 'o scum bandits sound like a good idea to you? Bet they have worse manners than you arses."
Jun 28, 2015 1:21 AM

Oct 2014
Benjamin Torik

Ben laughs, Havin' worse manners en' me is fuckin' impossible. A bunch o' bloodthirsty scum bags rainin' hell down o' the enemy nonetheless, they ain't gonna cause me trouble. These games soun' borin', unless that big brute o' a boy enters, I thin' I'll steer clear o' fightin' amateurs. He says with confidence, albeit confidence well placed. Not many could best Ben in a fight, the oversized boy might be able to though, he can try anyhow. Ben thinks with a smirk.
Jun 28, 2015 10:40 AM

Jan 2013
"It is up to each of us what to do on the morrow..but the following day I expect us all to be where we should. As to the brutes or what few holymen will be spared, a device will be given to one of is an explosive. Decide who gets to die using it should there be a need, but I rather not need it so we are clear..On the morrow when you part see me for your orders Mister to what to do with the Barbarians, that is your affiar, co-opt them if you wish..destory them if they become a problem. Regardless I doubt Arzlan will let them run wild. And remember the orders I give you will be conditional..they will happen only when the enemy carries out his plan."

Looking at Nala he stares briefly, and then stands to his feet, taking her by the arm or rather offering to. "I know you'll try chassing me down otherwise..never mind the knowing you, you'll try hitting me with that damn mace if you don't get the seat next to me."

With that he more or less concludded the day. "Also Mister Torik..try and not harm the small folk too much..should we be able to breach the lines uprisings arn't something I think either of us wants to deal with..Arzlan Supply trains are yours to do with as you to causing general chaos so be it. As I said however not till you see the sign I shall mention tomorrow..if nothing happens for a few days and your men are restless, well the barbarians have women..though I could spare some slaves for you and your men to marry provided they treat them correctly. We'll speak on these matters tomorrow during the games...fortunately ours are shorter than theres."
Jun 28, 2015 5:13 PM

Oct 2014
Benjamin Torik

Ben nods once and spits, As you say yer Sultaness, we'll speak o' the morrow eh. He turns on his heel and begins to walk back the way he came, striding as he usually did. Filled with arrogance and confidence, he raises his hand in farewell and walked out of the throne room, whistling yet again.
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