Just curious as to how some of us found out about Mangashare.
I used to be active on Narutofan. Then one Friday night i got pissed off at having to wait for Tazmo to release the latest episode. So i went through the previous chapter and found BSmanga's address. I originally joined to leech but when I started getting redirected to MS and had to register to dl i thought "hey, whilst i'm here...."
I also used to download the chapters on narutofan.com >_<
I found mangashare via mangavolume.com when I was reading Bleach online. It's a pain in the ass to read the chapters online <___< so I checked out the adress on the credit page and voilá :)
I also used to download the new chapters from narutofan, when i clicked to download a chapter one day tazmo had credited mangashare for it, so i just checked MS out and joined on a whim.
Its the first forum i've ever really been active on.
How ironic. The first place I went to was Narutofan. Then I switched to stoptazmo, and then I got tired of waiting so I paid attention to the credits page and went straight to Mangashare. ^_^ Naturally, I've never been back to anywhere else.
found it through google, but I tried a couple different forums first. Stopped when I found mangashare cause they had everything I was looking for, Bleach, Naruto, and Claymore all as direct downloads. Of course blood recently discontinued that, but the site gets better every month in different ways.
I've been a member of Mangahelpers.com for more than almost a year now. out of the dozens of speed scans of Naruto, Bleach, OP posted there, Blud's scans are the ones with the best quality IMO. this was before he changed the name to mangashare.
Honestly, I used to be just a relentless leecher before I joined MS. I would just go to MH and just download whatever was available. I wasn’t familiar with any of the scanlating groups and just clicked on random ready files. One of the OP scanlation musta been Bludshock’s cause I saw the “Stop Supporting Naurtoforum” notice at the end. I read the proposition and it seem like the guy had the right idea. Also I noticed that most my Bleach and OP were done by Blud anyways, so I just started visiting Bludshock and one day Mangashare popped out.
i just downloaded naruto manga scan from narutofob.com , then i just found out on the last page of the manga that it's from mangahelpers that time and now its mangashare already
I was searching for some manga download (can't remember the series) which I couldn't find from StopTazmo and then just Googled and found MS. Easy as that but remarkable useful for my future manga downloads :P