Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Yuzuki:...*In Mind* Heh I knew he wouldn't remember me.......just like I forgot him.....
Yuzuki: AH! Sorry you looked like a friend of mine named Kyota sorry *Smiles*
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
(I KNOW *^^*)
Yuzuki takes Sayomi and heads to a club then someone grabs her and pushes her to a stage and hands her a mike.
???: Sine we know you fox people sing so sing something
Yuzuki:....alright...look after her *Points to Sayomi*
Yuzuki:.....*Music and starts singing*
*30 min later*
Kyota: man there nothing here
Vivi: that strange
Kyota: well the person who saw something must been a drunk
Vivi: could be
Kyota: let go home *starts heading back*
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Yuzuki:....*Finishes the song then gets off the stage, but not before the crowd went nuts and chaced her down the road and she ran past Kyota with Sayomi in tow*
Yuzuki: Damn Damn Damn DAMN!!!!!!
Kyota: is that girl i wonder why she running *look in front of him and see a crowed comming right at him*
Vivi/Jet: WTH!!!?
Kyota: *put his hand on the ground, chanted and a huge stone walls suround them* damn that was close
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Yuzuki: I've got to protect her....her father is looking for her right now.....and I'm trying to find him.....though I'm oh so very lost *Gets up slowly*
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Yuzuki:....*Eyes glow red and the vines catch on fire suddenly*
Yuzuki: !!!!! (*Note: Her eyes only glow when she is either scared, surprised, in battle, or angered)
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Yuzuki:....*Eyes turn white and a flash of light singes the side wall suddenly*
Yuzuki:....*eyes close* Great I'm losing control right now.......why though?
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Yuzuki:....The spirit I control can only control plants mainly....*Eyes turn green when she opens them, Vivi dissapeared and Kishi appeared*
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care