Rin Chi walked through the park muttering profanities under her breath. She had her hood up and her hands shoved into her jacket pockets. She was currently muttering about some delinquents from the high school who thought it was a good idea to try something on her. It didn't work in their favor as they most likely still have their heads buried into the sidewalk.
Rin Chi continued to walk before stopping in front of several people blocking her way. They were 'buddies' of the idiots she had earlier beat the hell out of. She looked up with a scowl at the delinquents. "Tha' fuck you jackasses doing? It's called a walkway, as in used to walk, not stand in the fuckin' middle of it like a dumbass." She told them.
"You're the bitch who beat Takahara and the others?" The seeming 'leader' of the group questioned.
"Dunno. Where they the dipshits who tried to cop a feel and talked to me like I was some weak, two-bit whore?" Rin Chi questioned them back rhetorically. The 'leader' was about to swing a bat her way before a punch in his gut sent him flying into a tree. "Only pussies use weapons. And if you can't even take a little love tap like that then you ain't worth my time, asswipe. Now get tha' fuck outta my way!" She ordered the others who, terrified for their lives, quickly moved out of her way and allowed her to pass them.
"I don't need yer help kid." Rin Chi said turning and planting a kick in the man's crotch, following with a kick to the face after he bent over, sending the man, like the leader, flying into a tree. "And what kinda kid carries around a gun?"
"No shit if it's from World War 1." Rin Chi responded. "And doesn't seeing someone get sent flying into something send warnings off in yer head saying 'Maybe this person is dangerous.'?" She questioned him.
"no more so than a man with a gin." He opened the revolver and caught the one round he had. "rp bad I don't have more ammo. But it makes for a cool good luck charm."
Rin Chi narrowed her uncovered eye at him. "The fuck you know that?" She questioned him as she shoved her hands in her jacket pockets again, though she was ready to fight if it was necessary.
"That's what a winged Sekirei is jackass. Nothing but a slave to their Ashikabi. I don't want any part of it." Rin Chi warned again, still scowling at him.
"Choice? Yeah right." Rin Chi scoffed. "You obviously don't know shit about the Sekirei project and Sekirei if you think we have a choice, especially after we get winged."
"Different Sekirei have different views. Some have the goal of getting winged. Though whether they realize it or not, once you're winged you're more or less a slave to your Ashikabi. Or do you see winged Sekirei runnin' around the city doing whatever the fuck they want? No? That's cause they all listen to exactly what their Ashikabi says." Rin Chi explained. "I don't believe all the 'true love' mushy bullshit."
"Huh?" Rin Chi questioned with a scowl. "Tha' fuck do ya' mean prove you wrong? I ain't gonna' waste time explaining shit to a moron. If you're not gonna' take my word for it, I don't give a shit. I would know more about the Sekirei project being a Sekirei and on the Disciplinary squad. But if you ain't gonna' buy it, screw it."
Rin Chi's eye twitched in slight annoyance. "Yeah... I can't prove to a moron that he's a moron." She stated with a scowl. "And you seem to have forgotten how I sent two assholes flying since you're tryin' to annoy me now."
"i don't think you will hurt me for this much and if you do you forget I am an ashikabi. Though I would prefer to avoid a fight." He gets closer to her "plus you don't know what its like to be winged so you can't say shit."
Rin Chi gritted her teeth in annoyance. "I can say all the shit I want! Sekirei only think that they have a choice about their Ashikabi. It's already set beforehand. They don't have a choice of who 'their' Ashikabi is, jackass. And once you're winged, your life is bound to your Ashikabi's. Meaning you gotta babysit a weakling. Cause if they die, you die. Winged Sekirei are little more than meatshields and lapdogs." She further added, though she took another step back, not wanting to come into physical contact with any Ashikabi.
"who says we are weaklings. You obviously don't know the true strength of human beings." He took another step. "and don't talk shit about winged sekirei like that. Its little bit more than just rude."
"You're a fuckin' weakling cause I can smash you into the ground just by givin' you a little love tap." Rin Chi retorted as she took another step away. "Yeah, in case you haven't noticed. I'm a crazy bitch who doesn't give a fuck. I'll say all the shit I want."
"You're a fuckin' human! You ain't a Sekirei! And I can do the same exact thing I did to those jackasses to actual Sekirei!" Rin Chi retorted again. "And that little gun won't do shit for you!"
Rin Chi started to growl and grit her teeth. "You really want my foot wedged up your ass, don't ya' fucker...?" She questioned dangerously. She started to gain that creepy grin which usually meant she was close to losing her temper.