Vita comes first for me, that's to be the Eien no Shoujo powa :).
Fate was first in the 1st season, at the same level that my little Wolky in the 2nd, but in the 3rd, with the "Elio's accident" in ep 26, the poor girl lost some ranks v__v"... i still love her very much, but ...
Elios accident? Mind reiterating that to me a different way. I can't really remember what you're referring to. All I can come up with was that part where Elio catches Fate after the Scaglietti incident.
Fate of course! ^_^ She's always going to be my number one in MSLN. Every moment with Feito on screen (no matter how short) is a moment of pure bliss. XD
white demon forever....nanoha is the reason why i stepped into this anime...
of course fate is my favorite too but nanoha's big finales in all three seasons are just so awesome....
I like Teana Lanster, and I chose her because I admire her ambition. Although I do love Fate. (who can say no to a lightning ninja that can blast you away... dead?) but since Fate is so much more popular, I must go Teana Lanster.
(I love Fate's two swords + no armor pure destruction. by then, its I kill you first your you die first... lol :P)
Nanoha is the best, but you have to watch all three seasons to see her progression, and she doesn't have the physical "advantages" that some other characters might have for drawing fans in. A truly remarkable human being...I would be honoured to know her in real life if it was ever possible.
FEITO-FIGHTO! NANOHA-FIGHTO! Okay i do not know who to vote for because they are my number 1. After which comes Vivio, Teana and Hayate. I just cant vote, help me someone, help me... voice drowned by the wind of helplessness...
Okay i've decided ill go vote for "Other" (Nanoha x Feito) so as to tell myself that i have fulfilled my roll in this vote and hopefully they will forgive me for my actions.
In all seriousness, the only real reason i watched this show was because of Fate - I don't care much for the magical girl genre. I probably wouldn't have bothered watching it all if it wasn't for her character. She made it awesome. XD