*Defends himself with light saber..Dodges your attacks* I can see future..Your attacks are meaningless Jedi..*Takes out his light saber and force grips you*
gah! *Force Pushes you away to break the grip* You are indeed quite strong... but i sense much expectations of you... *activates Lightsabers* however my time is short... i will see you again...
*spins Lightabers to make a hole in the ground and falls through*
*you cant win agains two siths espscially since you arent fully recovered its a shame throwing your life away just to be weak I smile as I look at raven*
*thats where your wrong i sense something about you i am your sister miyaka i know all about you falls to my knees lowers my sabre i knew that you where the only one left and they had not told i wa alive and the ophanage as i was in training and for an ophan to become a jedi is agianst the laws so i paid a bounty hunter to become my father and vast i earned my place look at this is a digital hologram of you as i baby please kill me if you must i see you have been taken by the dark side your are a disgrace to me now!!*
(apparently, you never played Jedi Academy, or Jedi Outcast... in Jedi Academy, you pick what powers you want to use as you progress... in Outcast, you gain access to ALL powers...)
*gets up from fall* ugh, again with the pushing? fine... if that's how you wanna play, i can do the same...
*Force Grips the ship, and crushes it to a ball, then throws it over the building*
*looks @ Raven* uhh... i did heal you... quit playing possum...
*deativates lightsaber and walks onto the ship and watches as the door closes only feeling more angry *
*when the ship door closes I walk into my room silently as I force grip the guard in front of my door until he dies and I then enter my room and look at the mirror and sigh to myself*
Niko: *arrives at the command deck and is confronted by a squad of battle droids.* "Time to go to work." *he brings his sabre up to his hands and activates it, deflecting laser shots back at the droids as he charges at them head on.*
*runs into command centre of jedi outpost and contacts the ships communication aray "miya listen to me i two of my men on borad your ship surrender to them i shall tell you all you need to know"*
*Sees contact of Raven and talks* I m the one who is commanding this ship..Talk to me..And there is nothing in need of your explanation..Can't you see the power and saving someone you loved in the dark side?
Niko: *fights his way to the hanger bay.* "Rougue shadow, come to docking bay 4 i am awaiting extraction." *he clears the last few droids out of the hanger and waits for his ship.*