Jun 9, 2012 9:39 AM
Damian shrugged and sighed, he nticed they were alone for the moment and he crouched rolling his sleeve saying "I don't know how much good only half human blood will do for you... but your going to owe me your life for this, you know that don't you?" He looked dead into her eyes, it was either: A.) She rotted and died or became a feral zombie vamp. or B.) She drank some of his blood... and be indebted to him for a long time. Her choice.... |
Jun 9, 2012 9:45 AM
"I'm g-gonna k-kill m-myself f-for this..." Rhea sighed,rolling her eyes.With one hand,she took his wrist;her sharp fangs appeared. "Rhea..." Ragnarok sighed,as his master penetrated Damian's vein,closing her mouth around the side of his wrist. |
Jun 9, 2012 9:49 AM
Damian barely flinched from the pain, the pinching sensation reminded him of the chains that used to bind him beneath the church he spent 10 or so years sealed in... not a pleasant memory in the least. But it did help him cope with the pain... plus the vampire saliva is suppose to have a euphoric effect to it to make feeding more 'pleasurable'. So he stayed crouched like that while she drank... |
Jun 9, 2012 9:56 AM
Soft gulping sounds could be heard,as Rhea drank.She always hated to feed on blood,it made her be an insane beast.And she didn't liked it.And now,because someone replaced her medicine,she will be in debt to a halfbreed demon.Great! After a short while,she opened her mouth,and struggled a little to retract her fangs. Ragnarok sighed."When we find the fucker from the medical department that replaced your medicine,I will empty his shell till there ain't a single drop of blood left." he cursed,in a slow voice. "Assuming I don't make him ashes first..." Rhea mumbled;her breath was still a little heavy,but the blood sufficed to make her able to use over half of her capacities. |
Jun 9, 2012 9:57 AM
Wataru After a while, Wataru finished eating his food. *Burp* "Hey Tsuki" "Yeah?" "Where are the others?" "They went to look for the girl and the other two are over there" She points towards 2 people. "Oh i see....... Might as well look for that girl as well" Wataru brushed himself off and Tsuki changed back into her Great Sword form. Wataru picked it up and slung it on his back.He went upstairs and didn't bother looking through each door and he decided to do something easier. Wataru pulled his helmet down, as he is still in the suit of armor he found and crashed through multiple walls and finally found Aeria and another girl. "Phew... There you are Aeria" He then hears the voices again. "Hmph........" He looked around and saw a hooded figure. "Hello.... Stranger" Wataru said with a smile. |
I am Invisible ![]() |
Jun 9, 2012 10:14 AM
Damian lost about half a pint tops... but he could handle it, so he said "Alright... snack time's over, we need to move" and he struggled only slightly while standing and he began to head towards the archway to the hallway not waiting for Rhea to catch up... At the end of the hallway he saw the cloaked hoooded figure, he stood near the wall trying to conceal presense. His comrades had already been seen, but perhaps he could arrange a sneak attack... |
Jun 9, 2012 10:21 AM
"Yeah yeah..." Rhea hissed,as she clicked her tongue.Her knees were still trembling a little.She used Ragnarok to support and lift herself,as she licked a small vine of blood,that remained on her chin. "How did it taste?" Ragnarok asked curious,as they slowly moved in the direction Damian went. "For a halfbreed...not bad.I'm afraid I drank too much,though." the girl replied,in the same whispering tone. "I sense a witch." Ragna whispered back,changing the subject. "It's not a strong presence..." |
Jun 9, 2012 2:46 PM
The stranger with hood lifted its head and showed its face... it was a face of beautiful woman with a faint smile on her lips. Looking at the party before her (Aeria, Takara, Wataru, and the Mayor's Daughter) she raised her hands palms up as if in a 'I surrender gesture'. But instead of surrendering, a large burst of HELLFIRE poured from her hands filling the small room... possibly cooking all the people inside! Meanwhile, Damian saw all this unfold before and rushed forward to help. But another beautiful Witch dropped from the celing and with unnatural strength she pinned him against the wall saying "Naughty, naughty demon-boys shouldn't interupt Glenmora when she's playing with her new toys... so ho about I play with you instead?". With one hand pinning his throat to the wall, the other froaze the air around it into ice and she stabbed him in the abdomen with it! He spat blood as she said "Naughty demon-boy doesn't like his 'snow cone'? Or is he just not a fan of HOLY WATER FROZEN INTO ICY WEAPON!" she twisted the icy blade in his abdomen and he grunted... Also at the sam time Rhea moved forward a 3rd Witch came from behind and clamped both hands over her ears and let loose a LIGHTNING DISCHRGE that made her hair stand on end and make her scream like a little girl... |
Jun 9, 2012 3:00 PM
But Rhea managed to move Ragnarok into a quick swing,and made the witch step back. "My my,attacking from behind..." the girl spoke,grinning like a madman."Didn't your mother taught you it's not nice?" she added,as she thrown fire forward...from her mouth! "Oooh,the little girl knows how to fight!" the witch said,somehow unsatisfied. "I ain't no little girl,bitch,I am a demon." Rhea responded,as she jumped up,with a bit of help from her wings. The witch shot a lightning bolt after her,but Rhea parried with a fire barrier."Weak,weak,WEAK!" Rhea responded,throwing more fire. The witch let out a scream,as her own lightning barrier broke;she was now cooked by rhea,who laughed like a maniac.Afterwards,she threw Ragnarok,slicing slowly the body of the burning witch."I wonder how many cuts I can make!" Rhea grinned. "I bet you can make 3000,if you are carefull." Ragnarok responded. |
AngelicXIJun 9, 2012 3:09 PM
Jun 9, 2012 3:19 PM
The room was getting warmer and warmer. Aeira had to do something quick, she quickly unbound the Mayors daughter and looked for a place for her to hide. There was a closet nearby. "Hide in here" she said quickly leading her in, "I'll be back, everyone needs me" she said as she turned back towards the fight. Her first priority was to distract the witch throwing fire upon the entire party. She found a nearby rock and threw it at the witch. |
Even Death has a heart It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out. THAT's what life's all about. |
Jun 9, 2012 3:43 PM
Wataru The hooded figure closed in on Wataru "Hi there" The figure said in an eerie voice. "Hi there!........You want to play some games? I know a good game" He brings his sword out. "Lets play!" He smashed the sword on the ground creating a little earthquake around the room. "Come on now~" Wataru said in a sadistic tone. The figure backed away startled. "Y-You're not supposed to act this way.... Y-You're supposed to be all scared and startled" "It matters not!" The figure puked out a disgusting green liquid that spirits came out of. "Lets play then~" "Hmph... Very well little girl..... LETS PLAY!~" |
I am Invisible ![]() |
Jun 9, 2012 4:19 PM
Takara was looking around and then heard a small yet distant earthquake. She was a little startled." "That w-was w-wierd." "Then goes into a room and see's a shadow sitting in a chair." She was giggling too."Well, well look what we have hear an angel." "You must be afraid." "Takara glared at her, "I'm more afraid of anything else but a witch." Then the witch tries to attack but she dodges it." Well this is interesting. |
Jun 9, 2012 8:10 PM
Why you little...GRAH! The witch said as she conjured up ice shards. You will pay for th... She was cut off by another rock to the safe. DIE!!Don't you dare mock me! The witch said as ice shards started flying towards Aeira. It was a good thing Aeira got an exceptional grade mark in dodging during her military training, without it, she probably would be in bad shape by now. She dodged some of the ice shards each dodged one staking the wall. " That's pretty strong... Aeira thought nervously at the fact that the impact was strong enough to pierce a wall. The bulb on her Staxe was glowing bright, that meant her ability Miracle was off cooldown. She waited for the witch to run down to one ice shard. Then, she charged at the witch with all her might. She didn't forget to switch to her trusty Axie before charging. " C'mon Axie, don't fail me now" " You fool! Charging towards a ranged enemy! The Witch cracked as she sent her last ice shard flying at full speed toward Aeira. The witch laughed even harder, but to her surprise, the shard completely went through Aeira, and instead, a sharp pain was felt on her right arm. It was burning, but at the same time, it felt ice cold to Aeira. That was the least of her problems at the moment, she charged all the way towards the Witch with her Staxe dragged against the floor; she pulled the Staxe over her head as high as she could and slashed downward as hard as she could on the Witch. The screamed a blood curling scream as blood splattered everywhere. Aeira's Staxe was planted through her left shoulder and halfway through her chest. H...HOW?!!? The Witch muttered coughing blood. "Never... underestimate... the military cleric!" Aeira said pridefully. The Witch fell backward dead as Aeira sighed relief for a moment. |
Even Death has a heart It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out. THAT's what life's all about. |
Jun 9, 2012 8:38 PM
Wataru Wataru slashes the spirits that returned from the dead one by one, and then striked the witch. Who just blocked it with a finger. "Foolish Mortal.... You can't kill me with that petty attack" Wataru increased the gravity on his sword again making the witch use two hands grabbing the edge of the blade. 'Yes.... Play along' Wataru allowed the witch to take the blade, and raised a boulder he created with the earthquake and increased the gravity on the rock to 10000 N, Squashing the witch dead. "Hmph....." He picked up his sword and Tsuki returned back to her spirit form. "If you're all done now....We should be looking for the girl" "Oh yeah!~" Wataru said after digesting more sweets "Lets go then.... Where's the girl again?" "Good... |
I am Invisible ![]() |
Jun 10, 2012 5:20 AM
As the Witch twisted the icy blade made up of Holy Water in his abdomen, Damian began to laugh. She asked "Ooooh, has the naughty demon-boy lost his head already? How disappointing..." Damian said between his giggles "No... but you will ya bitch". Because right behind her, made out of her own shadow! Damian had created a shadow monster with head resembling a snake/worm/cougar thing with a pair of long clawed arms... she barely had enough time to glance up to look at whatever he was staring at with his widening eyes and laugh... The thing lunged down on top of her skulll chewing and tearing her head apart, she barely even had enough time to scream and have her death rattle by the time she collapsed on the floor with gallons of blood pouring on to the floor... The ice blade now gone, Damian's wound now healed quickly... over the years of his torture beneath that church what ever demonic weakness he may have ever had for 'holy water' was now nonexistant. He slumped against the wall a little and began to move forward... |
Jun 10, 2012 12:58 PM
Takara jumped from up the air and went behind the witch. My, my angel your a feisty one aren't you.Then the witch went from the ground and caught her by surprise." The witch hit her with dark magic and try to hit her with her staff. Takara bearly dodged her attack each time she did she was cut around her body. "I won't lose that easily." She brought out her sword and slashed the witch after she was about use a spell with a big blow." I.....can..not believe I mere..angel.Then the witch turned black and broke in to little fragments. Takara collapased to her knees, with countless cuts on her body. "It..hurts." But even so she got up and started looking for the mayor's daughter also holding her arm that hurted a little." |
Jun 10, 2012 8:55 PM
Aeira took a breather for a moment. After, she suddenly felt a searing pain in her shoulder, it burned like a flame, but at the same time felt icy cold. "Ow!" she said clasping her hand on the wound. The red from the blood was spreading on her shirt. "Ow that hurt..." she said breathing slowly. She pried her staxe from the dead Witch's body and transformed it back into a staff. The light on the ball was faint which meant she had to wait to use miracle again. But she could still heal, so she positioned the orb close to her wound and concentrated a bit. She felt her wound healing bit by bit. |
Even Death has a heart It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out. THAT's what life's all about. |
Jun 11, 2012 3:23 AM
Wataru Wataru exited the room still eating sweets and looks around. "Hi Takara!~" He sees the cuts on her body."You okay there?" He brings out a first aid kit. "The best I can do is patch it up" Wataru walks towards Takara, and sits down on his knees, and started applying alcohol to the cuts on her body. |
I am Invisible ![]() |
Jun 11, 2012 7:29 AM
Takara see's Wataru and smiles. "Hi Wataru." "Yes, well I'm okay just have some scratches is all." "Are you okay too?" then she is surprise that he was had is patching up her cuts. Then gave a light smile. "Thank You." then she just let's him tend to the cuts even if the alcohol stung her. (I'm really happy I have people that are nice with me, but I wish it would be like this.) |
Jun 12, 2012 9:04 AM
Aeira noticed that Takara was hurt, she ignored her own wound which was still pretty bad to help her. "Takara are you okay?" she asked as she moved to heal her. "Thank you Wataru, but this is more effective." she said with gratitude as she held the orb close to Takara's wounds. As she moved she winced a little bit, which she tried to ignore, but was obvious to everyone else that she was still in a bit of pain. |
Even Death has a heart It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out. THAT's what life's all about. |
Jun 12, 2012 9:26 AM
She see's Aeira and asks worringly." Are you okay?!?" Where were you?" But I'm happy your safe." "And I'm okay just scratches, wataru tended earlier. "But Thank You too both."As she's now Aeira helping with the wounds, and also she see's both Wataru and Aeira. "She smiles lightly to ignore the pain that was going away little by little by both of them." |
Jun 12, 2012 11:48 AM
Wataru Wataru laughs and feels water dripping down his hands. He looks at them noticing that the witch's blood was still all over his arms, cleaning himself off he looks at them. "So how'd you guys kill your witches?" He asks with a serious face disregarding the search for the little girl. |
I am Invisible ![]() |
Jun 12, 2012 12:42 PM
Aeira suddenly got a little saddened by what Wataru asked. "Well..." she said pointing at the Witches corpse that she had killed. This was the first person she's ever killed, and she didn't feel very proud of it. |
Even Death has a heart It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out. THAT's what life's all about. |
Jun 12, 2012 2:09 PM
Damian was still in the hallway slumped against the wall with agaping hole in his side that was regenerating itself due to his Demonic blood... but that didn't stop the pain. He could here chattering down the hall where the others had been fighting Witches, and he said to himself "Well I guess those guys are all right... but what about Rhea?" he didn't understand the noises out in the great hallwhere they entered and fought the giant Chimera at. He also wondered how the mayor's daughter was... not that he cared really, he just enjoyed the killing and the cash. |
Jun 12, 2012 2:36 PM
"Takara looks both at Wataru and Aeira." "It was hard but I slashed her with my sword." She said seriously look down at her hands." "Then looks at Aiera who looked sad." "You shouldn't feel guilty about it either, you had to save yourself. "She said looking down." "And turns to Wataru, "How did you kill your witch?" |
Jun 12, 2012 2:42 PM
Aeira lightened up a bit, though, she noticed Damien was hurt. She rushed to him "Here let me help you" she said tending to his wounds. The orb on her Staxe glowed a light of healing. "Oh, and if you guys are wondering where the Mayors Daughter is, she's the that closet over there." she said pointing to the closet. |
Even Death has a heart It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out. THAT's what life's all about. |
Jun 12, 2012 2:55 PM
Damian grunted in thanks... he's a funny guy like that: Chatty one minute for some reason, all quiet again for another. He's overly trusting of people, because he has no reason to like or trust anyone. Nor does he really want to... but that's beside the point. When he heard about the Mayor's daughter he said "Good, let's grab her and get out of here... I wonder if Rhea's done with her playmate?" |
Jun 12, 2012 2:59 PM
"Haruka smiles and stands up." "And goes to the closet to see the Mayor's Daughter."I guess your alright." she says to her." And turns to see the members."I guess we're done with our mission." "She says a little sadly." |
Jun 13, 2012 11:30 AM
Aeira nodded and made her way with Takara to the closet were the Mayors Daughter was hiding. "You can come out now, everything is all right" she said taking her hand. "" The mayors daughter said on the brink of tears. She was still rather terrified after that whole experience. Aeira tried to comfort her as best as she could. |
Even Death has a heart It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out. THAT's what life's all about. |
Jun 13, 2012 1:14 PM
Takara looked at Aeira who was conforting the mayor's daughter. She smiled lightly. "Now we just have to take her home." (She must be tired from all this experience.) Then she looks around the room. |
Jun 14, 2012 8:02 PM
Wataru Wataru nodded, and told them "I killed the witch with a rock!". He looked a the mayor's daughter who was crying a bit. Wataru then bent down and gave her a lollipop. "OKAY!" Wataru jumped up disregarding Damian and Rhea and said "Onward to...." "Where are we going again?" |
I am Invisible ![]() |
Jun 14, 2012 8:22 PM
Takara smiled and looked at everybody who was there. Then looks at Wataru. "Shouldn't we be going to leave the mayors daughter home safe, and get the reward?" she asks a little puzzled. |
Jun 15, 2012 11:06 AM
"We should..." Aeira said taking the daughters hand. Looking around, she wondered what happened to Rhea. Everyone was tending to their wounds, or winding down after combat. Aeira couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this quest than meets the eye, the battle was relatively easy. |
Even Death has a heart It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out. THAT's what life's all about. |
Jun 16, 2012 9:58 AM
Takara looking puzzled starts to think. (I wonder if it would be easy to get out the same way we got in but it might be a little destroyed.) Then she asks a question. "I was wondering do we get out the same way we got in?" |
Jun 17, 2012 4:09 AM
Damian stood up again, his chest now almost fully healed and the shadows against the wall no longer embracing him like some sort of thin black cocoon. He stumbled over to the rest of the party and said "We should head back the way we came... we can find out what happened to Rhea too" He was about to turn away... but out of the corner of his eye he saw something strange. The Mayor's Daughter, with her face covered in tears she was also... smiling? He turned back to look at her fully, but then suddenly she started SCREAMING! She sounded like a dieing an animal or a siren, the keening scream hurt everyone's skulls so much that they thought that their brains were going to explode. So the whol party dropped to their knees or backs in agony... The Daughter stood up completely unbound and started saying in her screaming voice "HOW DARE YOU CRETINS!!! YOU DARE KILL MY FOLLOWERS??? JUST AS EVERYTHING WAS GOING TO PLAN AS WELL??? FUCKYOUFUCKYOUFUCKYOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" It was then that everything made sense... how the witches were able to 'sneak in' to the mansion and could 'kidnap' the Mayor's Daughter. The Daughter... she more or less just waltzed out with the witches that night... SHE WAS THEIR LEADER!!!!!!! //whatcha gave me permission to this, so lets hop to it guys!// |
Jun 17, 2012 8:07 AM
Aeira said too busy covering her ears from the pain to notice what she had said. The girl was swearing over her dead followers? Aeira couldn't believe her ears to what the daughter was saying, so trying to rescue the girl was basically wasted effort. Aeira was struck hard by this, and she started to get depressed a midst the screaming pain. |
Even Death has a heart It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out. THAT's what life's all about. |
Jun 17, 2012 8:17 AM
Takara was surprised after that terrifying scream. "W-what?" She mumbled. "She was there leader?" "Why would she do t-that?" She was getting more and more terrified. "I don't understand?" Then looked she straight at her. (What are we going to do?) |
Jun 17, 2012 12:39 PM
Rhea was taking her time,slicing the witch."2997,2998,2999,3000,3001,3002,3003,3004,3005,3006,3007!" she counted outloud,just as she chopped off the witch's head.Everything was reduced to a small mountain of flesh,a bloody skeleton and a head showing an ugly grimace. "Filthy thing." Rhea shuddered,as she snapped her fingers.The remnants of the witch burned in lively red limbs of fire.Just then,the Mayor's daughter started to scream profanities.Rhea clicked her tongue,and advanced in a sneak behind the mad fool. With a quick,swift swing of her palm,she slapped the 'bitch' behind her head."Shut the fuck up!" Ragnarok yelled,before his master could. |
Jun 17, 2012 12:55 PM
Wataru Wataru stood there with a blank face. "This girl that we 'Saved' is actually someone we shouldn't have 'saved'. Wataru was dumbfounded. "WHATEVER!" Wataru laughed. "Okay then! I say we kill this little girl!" 'This girl was a waste of my sweets....SHE WILL DIE!' He thought to himself. Wataru walked over to the girl with his sword drawn. "Y-Y-YOU!" Just as wataru was about to strike. An invisible force made him fly across the room and knocked him out for a while. |
I am Invisible ![]() |
Jun 17, 2012 1:40 PM
Mayor's Daughter Rhea's and Wataru's 'attempt' at silencing the girl were... dismal. As Rhea tried to smack her in the back of the head her hand rebound from some invisble force sending her flying back into a wall, and Wataru fared no better... From her sleeves black cords unwound (the same ones that looked like were 'binding' her earlier) and she tied all the party members up and held them aloft squezzing the life out of them... The daughter said with a less 'screechy' sort of voice, but still a voice that shook the room and their skulls "MY FRIENDS... MY SISTERS... WHY??? BECAUSE MY FOOL OF A FATHER WANTED ME BACK??? PUH-LEASE!!! I JUST ATE!!! TO THAT RAT-BASTARD I'M EITHER JUST ANOTHER DOLL THAT SITS ON THE SHELF IGNORED UNLESS NEEDED... OR ANOTHER ASSET TO HIS BUSINESS OR POLITCIAL REGIME!!!" Her face and tone softened a little as she said "Until I met them... this was my true family. They offered me a way to freedom... and True Power. Together we forged a plan... tonight we were going to burn the city to the ground wielding an army Chimera... the Chimera you all relentlesly slaughtered..." With tears in her eyes and a small smile on her lips she said "But now... now its all gone... NOW YOU'LL BE THE ONES TO BURN TONIGHT!" Her voice raised up to its higher octave at this point and the cords that bound the party up now danced with purple flmaes creeping up to burn them... the party needed to make a plan and FAST! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Damian Hearing the girl's sob story, Damian's heart didn't empathize with her in the tiniest bit... even though he had his own torturous childhood. This bitch's story was almost NOTHING compared to his... So he tried to bend the Witch-Bitch's shadow into a monster like he did the other witch from earlier... but the cords that bound him seemed to absorb whatever magic he tried to wield! He was trapped like a rat... The cords were made out of something that literally ABSORBED any kind of magic... but maybe someone could cut it if they could move slightly. His blade was in his scabbard, but he attmpted to see if he could pull it out with only tip of his finger tips... |
Jun 17, 2012 1:45 PM
Aeira was suddenly tied up by black cords. "Wh..what?" she said. She didn't know what to do, the purple flames were coming about faster than she thought. Everyone was in the same position as she was, and they needed to think of something fast, or else it would be barbecue for dinner tonight. |
Even Death has a heart It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out. THAT's what life's all about. |
Jun 17, 2012 1:52 PM
"Fuck...this shit..." Rhea mumbled,as her eyes glowed red.That bitch's story was nothing compared to her own. Ragnarok felt his master's will,Rhea's will to kill.Somehow,their feelings merged,as the blood bounding them was alimented,fueled now by an animal-like instinct,desire.Rhea's hand moved,and Ragna danced,bound by his chain,cutting the cords that tied the party. In the same moment,Rhea spitted blood."Ngh..." she mumbled. |
Jun 17, 2012 3:32 PM
Takara was released by Rhea's attack. But her face was emotionless thinking of the story she was telling, then she looks at Rhea who was spitted blood. "Are you okay?" She thinks at what's happening around to the group and then brings out her sword and points it. "I don't care what happened to you but if you hurt the people around me you pay the price!" She said angrily. She tries slashing slashing the force around the mayor's daughter lot of times. |
Jun 18, 2012 6:42 PM
"R.rhea?" Aeira said getting a little scared. This wasn't the Aeira that she had met before, then she realized something. Rhea wasn't human.... That struck Aeira like the lightning bolt that struck her before, stung her entire body and left a tingling sensation afterward. It wasn't pleasant. She rubbed her wrists and picked up her staxe but was still sitting on the ground, she didn't know if she could strike down a girl. |
Even Death has a heart It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out. THAT's what life's all about. |
Jun 19, 2012 4:55 AM
Wataru Wataru finally woke up just to noticed that Rhea cut off some cords that were entangling him. "Thanks!~" Wataru got up and said to Tsuki "Hey Tsuki! You think it'll work if i reduce my gravity and rush and as soon as the force hits me. Increase it?" "Maybe..It just might work" Tsuki replied "Alright then!" Wataru got up and grabbed Tsuki when she turned into the greatsword. Wataru then changed his gravity to something a lot lighter. He rushed the little girl and got sent back, but then increased his gravity and swung his sword. Cutting the girl's shirt as well as her chest."Success!" Moments later he flew back a few feet. "Hmph." |
I am Invisible ![]() |
Jun 20, 2012 9:36 AM
Aeira didn't know what to do; the only thing she really could do was sit there and wait for everyone else to finish off the work. She couldn't bring herself to strike down a girl, despite the fact that she lied and is her true enemy. She couldn't bring herself to do it. So she just sat there in silent agony wrapping her hands around Axie for comfort. |
Even Death has a heart It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out. THAT's what life's all about. |
Jun 20, 2012 9:56 AM
Rhea slowly got up on her feet.Black blood dripped from Ragnarok,covering her body.With immense strength and speed,she attacked. The girl smirked,thinking her shield of force will throw Rhea back;but as she concentrated the force in a single place,Rhea was the one to smirk. Disappearing from the visual area of anyone,she appeared two seconds later,just as Ragna was used to stab trough the witch's heart. |
Jun 20, 2012 10:23 AM
Rourke awoke in a small bed in town, his arm was in a sling and he was banaged up. He was ambushed outside of town by a small gang, They had suprised Rourke and got a few lucky hits before he slaughtered them all. After that he doesnt rember anything, so he gathered his things and headed out of the small shack, The mission was over for him and it was time to go home. "i guess i should find the rest of the scarlets first, i cant really walk home on my own" It is then that he noticed a taxi style carriage and, he was out of gold, but the leader of the gand he killed had some nice jewlery he traded for a ride back home. /rourke exits/ |
SajahoJun 20, 2012 3:25 PM
Jun 20, 2012 5:29 PM
Mayor's Daughter The Witch Leader's screaming stopped as soon as Wataru slashed her... her breath stopped just as fast when Rhea stabbed her. normally she'd be able to heal most of her injuries, but a Witch taking a blow to the heart... kinda ruins any possibility for that. The Witch's purple eyes faded as she looked down at her chest where her the gaping hole was as her body began to peel and flake away like ash being blown from a camp fire and she only had enough time to whisper a single word "Papa..." and she faded into dust. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Damian Damian saw the whole End Game unfold before him, at this time he was in a sort of sitting position from being still injured from being stabbed by frozen Holy Water from earlier... and even though he had unnaturally high resistance to it. Such things still took time to heal. Just as the Wicth's pile of ah began to fade away, the whole Fortress began to shake and crumble around them... could the construction be connected to the Witch's life source? Witches tended to be sore losers (especially the sociopathic ones) so with out any sort of hesitation Damian said with pain and urgency "We have to get out of here! This place is probably going fall apart right over our heads..." Damian struggled to stand and tried to use 'Lux' to support his weight... |
Jun 20, 2012 5:35 PM
"Ah!" Aeira said as she got up. The ground was shaking and she almost lost her balance. "Is everyone here?" she asked looking at all her party members. It looked like everyone was there. "Let's go, I'll help you" Aeira said trying to support Damian. "It's the least I could do since I didn't fight as much as you guys." |
Even Death has a heart It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out. THAT's what life's all about. |
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by -Snowman-
Jul 1, 2012 5:03 PM |
» [RP]Scarlet HeadquartersChotgoriin - Jun 3, 2012 |
12 |
by Shifo-Chan
Jul 1, 2012 12:51 PM |
Sticky: » Character CreationChotgoriin - Jun 2, 2012 |
47 |
by Chotgoriin
Jun 17, 2012 3:21 PM |