Rin Chi laid full on the couch that no was occupying. She turned over and faced the couch, closing her eye as she did so. This is gonna' be fuckin' clusterfuck, I know it. She mused in her mind.
Rin Chi glanced up to him with her one eye and blushed again before closing it. "D-Do whatever tha' fuck ya' want." She told him with a scowl, which was probably the closest to a 'Sure' that she was ever going to give.
The warmth comforted her and made her more flustered however she wouldn't admit it. Rin Chi merely kept her eyes closed and her scowl equipped. "Yeah, like what?" She questioned, trying to sound annoyed, which was pretty much how she always sounded.
Rin Chi grumbled and rubbed the top of her head slightly with a scowl. "Not everyone's gonna' like you. For me, most don't like me. It's somethin' ya' just gotta' deal with. It isn't anythin' to cry over."
"For what?" Rin Chi questioned. She couldn't force herself to like someone. She usually expected for people dislike her and normally gave out the same attitude to all, with a very few amount of exceptions. She couldn't help her reaction to Thomas. And just because she reacted to him didn't mean she would be all buddy-buddy with everyone he cared for. At least that's how she viewed it.
Rin Chi made an almost silent "Tch." and had hopped out the window of the apartment. She didn't want to deal with the crying or the anger of the other Sekirei. She had been holding back her harshness already by not telling the girl to quit crying like a wuss. She didn't really like people who cried all the time, especially over stuff like that and didn't want to get scolded by Thomas or nagged at by him to apologize. She didn't think she needed to apologize, and even if she did she would still refuse out of pride.