Kyoshro sat on his bed with his head in his hands.Hed sigh and get to walk over to the closet,turning the three days grace cd that was playing all the way.Hed pull on a black and purple striped shirt that matched his hair,black shoes and black jeans.On his arms there were multiple cuts.One spelled out the words Sinful and Repentance.One of the ones on his wrists even had stitch marks.Kyo would light a cigarette outside and take a drag.
Looks to his right.His fack felt warm and he thought himself"Why the hell am I so fucking shy!?"hed look away because he blushed when he was nervous"Umm....Im doing good......So how it going with you?"
Kyo says quietly"Yourwelcome" and then shivers a bit.He was a pretty cool dude so hed say"I live just upstairs and its kinda cold,so polite thing for me to do is to invite you in"
"Few days ago"There was still unopened boxes.Kyo looked shocked and walked over to the counter and snatched something.He stuffed in his was a syringe.
Loli goes over to the kettle and turns it on. She thinks about how the smoke represents her waning life and how she's just wasted it all away like steam. She pours herself a cup of tea but it goes cold. Cold, like her soul.
As Scud returns home, he gives Loli a cold stare and trudges to his room. He throws himself on the bed and whips out his trusty razor blade. It's a little rusty, just how he likes it. As every cut is made, he becomes more and more passionate, this isn't merely a hobby, it's an outward expression of his depression and artistic flair that only he could understand. That's right, nobody understands Scud. Nobody.
You promised me we'd die together. Several moons ago, we met on a windy beach under the full moon. You commented on how the moon was too beautiful for this disgusting planet. The moon itself represents people like us. Distant, lonely. Only every now and then do people ever touch the surface. People like you. That's when I knew I had to die with you.