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Jun 4, 2012 4:04 PM

Jul 2009
The small Island Kingdom of Orlesia, long time allies of the Vineria Empire. It is a relatively peaceful place, ruled over by King Darrius Volfblade, a kind-hearted man who cares for his people. Lately, however, the Kingdom is experiencing trouble. An unknown foe landed on the southern coast, and has torn their way through the land, killing all in their path. The capital city of Merendor is the only bastion of home that remains.

Orlesia has fallen. In a brutal and bloody seige, The Demon Army took the city. King Darrius was slain, as well as the Majority of his soldiers and subjects. A week has passed, the bodies burned or eaten. They have marched the thousands of slaves into the city, and have opened the underground chamber beneath the castle. Now, they prepare for the Blood Rite that will herald Messor's rebirth.
ChotgoriinJun 30, 2012 2:50 PM

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
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Jun 4, 2012 4:54 PM

Jul 2009
Balthier strode confidently through Merandor, the Orlesian Capital. The city was in a panic, with soldiers and messenger running left, right and center, as they rushed to fortify the city walls. As they should be. From what he heard, this enemy had pretty much slaughtered the rest of the kingdom.

Not that it mattered to him. Balthier was here for one reason and one reason only. Jimmy, a former crew member, was hiding out here. Apparantly now he was a simple merchant. Had tried to leave his past behind.

He would soon learn that escaping one's past is never that easy.

It didn't take long for Balthier to find him. Jimmy, like the others, was hurriedly packing up all his merchandise. Readying himself to leave by boat to Vineria. As fortune would have it, poor Jimmy's crate were round the back of his hop. In a small back passage away from the public eye.

"It's been a long time, hasn't Jimmy?" Balthier says, the question rhtorical. Jimmy, a small balding man with portly body, nearly jumped out his skin. He slowly turned around, having recognized the voice.

"C...Captain Balthier" he managed to stutter, backing up as Balthie began to move closer.

"Ex-Captain. You betrayed me, remember? Mutinied and left me for dead"

Dispite his smile, and seemingly friendly demeanour, Balthier's voice was cold as ice. It cut through the air with murderous intent. It promised swift and painful death, and it chilled Jimmy to the bone.

"But...But...It wasn't me fault, Cap't. It wasn't me fauly. Cornealus started it all, he did" He pleaded, pathetic and worthless. He groveled on the ground, begging for his life.

"Now, now Jimmy. I thought I taught you better." Balthier replies, drawing a sword from his back. The clang of the steel rang throughout the back passage. "Face your punishment like man, and die with some dignity.

Jimmy was panicking, scared of the hatred that emmeninated from his former Captain. He also felt the hot rush of anger at Balthier word. His hand reached behind his belt, as he stood and glared.

"Fuck you! Your nothing but a washed up piece of shit!" he rages, drawing a pistol he had kept hidden. "I ain't dying here!"

With that he fired. It was a wasted effort. Balthier kept his superior vision on trained on the trigger, and on the barrel. From this two thing, he easly calcuted the trajectory of the short, and moved his sword to intercept, knocking the bullet aside in one motion.

Jimmy gritted his teeth, and prepared to fire again. Balthier moved in for the kill, keeping low and swing his sword in an arch, severing Jimmy's hand. Blood spurted from the wound, and Jimmy howled in pain.

"Fuck! My arm!My goddamn a...!"

He was cut short, and Balthier gracefully brought his sword back round and slit Jimmy's throat. Clarent gushed from the cut, as Jimmy fell to the floor, gurgling as he choked on his own blood.

Balthier stood over the dying man, his face devoid of emotion as he flicked the blood from his blade and sheathed it. Jimmy looked up with tear filled eyes, cursing his fate.

"Goodbye, Jimmy. In these last moments, try to reflect upon your action, and maybe you'll find a measure of peace before meeting with the devil"

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Jun 6, 2012 3:32 PM

Jan 2012
Rose walked pass the ally and heard the yells. 'Some poor soul met their fate... probably did something stupid...'

Jun 6, 2012 4:05 PM

Jul 2009
As his former crew member passes away, his soul leaving his bloodied body, Baltheir takes a small piece of parchment and quill from his coat pocket. It was a list, containing the names of his crew. All those that betrayed him. Serveral names were already crossed out, and with a quick flick of his quill he crosses another off.

"12 to go"

He places the items back in his coat, and turns to leave. That was when he noticed the girl looking at him. Had she seen everything? That could be troublesome. Hopefully, he wouldn't have to resort to violence.

Baltheir smiles, innocent and charming. "Nothing to see here. Just clearing up some past business"

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Jun 6, 2012 4:11 PM

Jan 2012
Looks at him out of the corner of her eye. "Sounded pretty gruesome..." She starts to walk away, her cloak flutters in the passing breeze

Jun 6, 2012 4:38 PM

Jun 2009
Grey was in a small park. Today was a day off from the gaurd so as he often does he sat alone in the park with his blade next to him and he painted the things he saw. He had only started when he heard a gunshot in the distance, normally he would ignore such a trivial thing but today he felt more advetureous. so he gathered up his things a slung hi Nodachi over his back and headed out to find the source of the gun shot
Jun 6, 2012 4:51 PM

Jan 2012
Walks past Grey nods under the hood of her cloak

Jun 6, 2012 5:20 PM

Jun 2009
Grey pays the woman no mind, as the smell of burnt gun powder stains the air He dashes to the source of the smell and see the gruesome sight.
Jun 9, 2012 2:17 PM

Jan 2012
'I wonder if he will arrest that man...' Rose sneaks her way back toward the solider and the stranger and looks from higher ground.

Jun 9, 2012 3:18 PM

Jul 2009

This was getting annoying. Baltheir had hoped to deal with Jimmy and leave the city as quickly as possible. He knew of the approaching army, and he had no desire to be here when the fighting started. But the stupid bastard and to go and fire a gun, and these people had to stick thier noses where it wasn't wanted.

He doubted he could talk his way out of this. They had pretty much caught him red handed afterall. And he would prefer to avoid further bloodshed.

Luckily, his problems were fixed for him. The city' alarm was raised, and soldiers began rushing towards the gate. A few were shouting, filling the streets with their cries.

"The Enemies at the Gate!"

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Jun 9, 2012 3:21 PM

Jul 2009
Event Start

Open to available Reiksgaurd and Vagabonds. NPC's can be controlled by those with permission

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Jun 9, 2012 3:24 PM

Jun 2011
Enemies truly were at the gate.A large number of Reiksgaurds was approaching,having as a commander the insane seduction demon,May'el Mi Babel.
The sound of some's wings,the sound of their feet marching was denoting they didn't considered they had to hide.
As they stopped before the gate,May'el raised a hand."Two orders only are given today.One,don't die.Two,kill everyone.That is all." she spoke,before drawing out her sword."Forward!" one of them,with a seemingly high grade,yelled.They howled,and launched their fire.
Jun 9, 2012 3:24 PM

Jan 2012
Rose looked toward the city's gate and watched as the city was instantly pushed into chaos. 'And to think I was just going to slip in and out of here...' Landing next to Baltheir, she tapped him on the shoulder and motioned him to follow her.

Jun 9, 2012 3:42 PM

Jul 2009
Nirxael Kan'Suad stood at the front lines of the Reiksgaurd army, watching with amusement as the attack began. Those pitable humans, so weak and fraile. Didn't they now that their fate was sealed. This wouldn't be a battle, it would be a massacare.

Extending his bat-like wings, he took to the sky. Nirxael drew his axe, crackling with demonic energy, and aimed it at the city gate.

"For Lord Messor!" he shouted, which was answered by the roar of the troops.


This wasn't good. The situation was spiraling out of control, and soldiers rushed towards city walls, and civilains cried in panic. The enemy was here, and Baltheir new the city wasn't going to last long. King Darrius barely had half of his army remaining, and many were scared. Morale was low.

Just as he was about to leave, and make towards the boat he had stashed on the shore, Baltheir felt a touch on his shoulder. It was a Demonfolk girl, and she was gesturing for him to follow.

Baltheir decided he would, for the time being. In this situation, he was more likely to survive with comrades that by himself. He could always ditch her if she proved useless.

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Jun 9, 2012 3:57 PM

Apr 2011
"Do not falter... Baltheir" said a man riding upon black stallion with blue eyes.
Upon stallion was a name and face all the people of Orlesia loved, respected, and sometimes feared:
For he was King Darrius, son Lazerus and Lord of all Orlesia
The King was a good man, who personally memorized the names and faces of all his men... and could see into the hearts of even strangers. The man was an Empath who always knew what to say or do in almost any situation.

The King garbed in steel that shined in the sun, got off his steed to make himself seem more like an equal amongst his people and he thus called out to all them:
"Fathers, sons, and brothers of Orlesia! Today Hell itself be banging upon our door! We shall stand and not waver in fear and panic! We be a few, a happy few, we be band of brothers not in blood shared but in blood spilled! For he today that sheds his blood with me shall truly be my brother! There may come a day where Orlesia and its children shall fall, but it is NOT on this day! Today all the cowards and 'gentlemen' of Orlesia that now flee this country and city shall think themselves accursed they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that fought with us UPON THIS DAY!!!!"

A rally and cheer came from the men, they were ready to fight... and to die for their king and country.
Gibz0maticJun 9, 2012 4:12 PM
Jun 9, 2012 4:00 PM

Jan 2012

Ellie, already covered in blood, wipes some off her face. She didn't know why she joined the Reiksgaurd; when she did, she hadn't expected any of this t happen- she mostly wanted to be accepted...

Running toward the center of town, she sliced through more people.
HelloCandyJun 9, 2012 4:07 PM

Jun 9, 2012 4:04 PM

Jun 2011
May'el Mi Babel

May'el disappeared from the crowd.She used her makeover ability,to enter trough the humans.And she heard the King's speech.
She barely held her laughter,as she started to walk away.

The Reiksgaurd troops were slicing their path into the core of the city.Blood was shed,as they were attacking the resisting force.

May'el returned to them,sliding in unnoticed.She switched faces again,throwing massive black fire blasts at the walls,the gate,and the defenders.
AngelicXIJun 9, 2012 4:16 PM
Jun 9, 2012 4:31 PM

Jul 2009

Nirxael flew towards the city walls, batting away arrows and doding bullets. The Reiksgaurd archers returned fire, and he smiled in twisted joy as the human's fell from the walls, barbed arrows protruding from their chest. Blood flowed freely down the stone walls, and it was a wonderful sight.

But Nirxael wouldn't be able to enjoy the sight for long. His Lord awaited him, and for that Merandor must fall. No more time can be wasted with this back and forth of artillery.

Raising one gauntleted arm, He draws a Bolt of Black Lightning, with crackles with menace and power. He holds it in his fingers, pouring more magic into it. It continues to grow in size and intensity, until finally he deems in ready.

He throws it, the bolt colliding with the walls and exploding as the pent up energy is released. Screams fill the battlefield as skin boils and bubbles under the intense heat.

A gap in the wall is revealed as the smoke clears, and the Reiksgaurd charge towards it, roaring their bloodlust. The Kings soldiers move to fill in the gap, creating a shield wall. The area is transformed into a killing field, both sides vying for control.

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Jun 9, 2012 4:39 PM
Feb 2012
Azah'lon, who had blended in among the soldiers in the back, overheard King Darrius' speech. "Blood will indeed be spilled, Lord of Orlesia", he whispered to him himself and let out a smug grin. He could feel the fear creeping up on those around him, even though the king's speech had slightly boosted their morale. The piercing screams of those who had fallen reverberated across the city and with every explosion, the soldiers flinched. Yes, this is what he had been waiting for, the fall of Orlesia.

Azah'lon quickly assassinated the guard nearest to him with a garrote and strode away to a place where he could not be spotted. He took one last look at the king and thought to himself: "The night has finally come, Darrius. The night where you are no more... the night where the army of Messor will reign supreme!". He metamorphosed into his demon form as the shadows enveloped him.
Jun 9, 2012 5:37 PM

Mar 2012

Spade who was at a local bar, heard the commotion. "Guess it's time now. Heh heh" Spade chuckled and went one of his abilities "Bear Wrath" He killed every human soul in the tavern without hesitation and after the bar itself. Spade exited the bar to see his comrades killing other humans. "Pitiful humans... They never learn." He said with disgust as the bar he totaled, broke apart. "For our Lord Messor!" He then used another ability and grew dragon wings breathing fire on every household. The humans tried to shoot arrows at him only to be soon burned to ashes.
"Burn to the ground, you disgusting creatures...........You're all lucky! You get to all witness the power of the Reiksgaurd first hand!" He laughed as they all died in below him.
I am Invisible
Jun 10, 2012 3:35 PM

Jul 2009
Nirxael was now amongst the troops, having landed and starting cutting a bloody swath through the Orlesian Military. The majority of the fighting was now centered around the whole he had created. The human put up a fierce resistance, but it was a lost cause. The Reiksgaurd were different that normal warriors. For every one that was killed, it took at least four humans with it.

And it was only going to get worse for he Orlesian troop. The...arrangement he had prepared beforehand would soon come into play.

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Jun 10, 2012 5:54 PM
Feb 2012

Azha'lon gazed from the shadows upon the guards who were streaming towards the breached gate. He could sense it; their waning courage exhilerated Azha'lon, as more and more fell to Reiksguard horde. Azha'lon diverted his attention to some nearby guards who were running in the opposite direction. They were running into the city instead of towards the gate.

"Did they launch a multipronged attacked?", he pondered. "What is that damned succubus up to now? This was not apart of the plan". It didn't take long until he realised what was going on. Behind the smokescreen from the flames, a dragon-like creature appeared. He had set ablaze several buildings and was fighting the reinforcing soldiers. "Hmpf, Spade you stupid beast, discreetly as always. So much for following orders, eh?", he said with a huge grin on his face.

This was the perfect diversion and opened up an opportunity to fulfil his mission. He scurried away towards the king again, only to find him alone near the back. Darrius was inspecting the battle with discouragement. You could see it in his eyes; the declining hope and shattered dreams.

Azha'lon stealthed close to the king as Darrius was about to mount up. The demon tightly gripped Nahkza'lor, The Soulrender and unsheathed it. A sonorous sound that was given away as the sword left the sheathe, deviated from the thundering roars, screams of despair and the crepitation from the flames. Darrius paused and knelt before his horse, without a word, displaying that he was accepting of his fate.

"What gives me the honor to be in the presence of the infamous Azah'lon?", he said confidently without the need to see him. Azah'lon ignored the king's question and raised his voice: "Surely, you did not think you could win.", he said in a rhetorical manner. "I have come to relief you from the weight of that crown of yours, King Darrius Volfblade.". The king slowly rose from the ground while subtly reaching for his hidden dagger. - "Such is the price of failure.", he mumbled as he made a desperate attempt to kill Azah'lon. Darrius was not even been able to turn his head around before the Soulrender had pierced his abdomen. Blood was gushing out and Darrius once again fell to the ground. - "How can you hope to stand against such overwhelimg power? Foolish human!", Azah'lon said disrespectfully.

He picked up the king and lifted him onto the horse. The blood was surging out of the gaping hole and colored his armor red. Azah'lon tied Darrius to the saddle and startled the horse, sending it into the remaining soldiers. The sound of a horn echoed through the city, followed by a horrified scream: "THE KING HAS BEEN ASSASSINATED!". Faces were directed to the place where Darrius had previously been standing, but all they could see was a black mist of shadowy smoke and the king's crown lying in a pool of blood on the ground.
maluser9999Jun 10, 2012 6:04 PM
Jun 11, 2012 10:44 AM

Jun 2009
Grey had lost himself in all the comotion. what was happening, he did not know. ALl he knew was that he needed to get to the kings side and offer his protection, so with his nodachi drawn, he charged through the city to the castle.
Jun 12, 2012 12:01 PM

Mar 2012

After a while, Spade grew bored of burning houses, so he flew down and as he looked back at the blazing houses he laughed. A laugh of a killer. Spade noticed that there was a horse galloping with a dead body on it. As he looked more carefully he saw that it was the King's corpse.

"Aw! Someone did him in before i did......." He looks at a crowd of soldiers surrounding blood and a shadowy figure.'Damn you Azha'lon, Killed him before i could...." Spade finally got to the ground and went to the crowd seeing a person with a sword 'A nodachi i believe'

Not being able to move through the crowd he activated another skill. "Turtle Defense" With his mid shield drawn he rammed through soldiers knocking them off their feet. He looks at the figure and mouthed the words "Damn you Azha'lon....Wait for me next time."

He glanced a look at the crowd. "Your king is dead! You pitiful humans have lost. I suggest you leave before i....SLAUGHTER ALL OF YOU!" He said laughing 'I really hope they choose to stay.....I'm getting hungry for some blood.'
I am Invisible
Jun 12, 2012 12:17 PM

Jun 2009
Grey stood silent and motionless his king was dead, his city was burning, and his reason for life was gone. He grasped the handle of the nodachi firmly and lunged at the man who has charging him, he hoped to end this fight like so many others, with the first strike.
Jun 12, 2012 4:24 PM

Jul 2009
Excellent. Everything was going as planned. The moment Nirxael heard the shout proclaiming the Kings death, a smile reached his lips. Yes, the invasion was going just as he had planned.

At the news of thier Kings death, the morale of the Orlesian military plummeted. Some stayed to fight, some went mad and tried to avenge thier lords death. Most, however, ran, joining with the numerous fleeing civilians as they made for the docks.

The gap in the wall fell. The few remaining soldiers were quickly dispatched, with Nirxael finishing off the last with his blade. The Reiksgaurd flooded into the city, and chaos erupted as the screams of the dieing filled the sky. Nirxael joined in on the slaughter, raining down unholy lightning on the masses, laughing as he did so,


"Shit!" shouted Baltheir, dodging an attack by a Reiksgaurd warrior. He counted attacked, driving his blades into the gaps in its armor. The bastard eventually died, black blood oozing from the wounds. This was a Nightmare! Ever since the attack, he had been fightning for his life. And now that the King was dead, it was only getting worse.

He drew his pistol, firing at a charging enemy. Baltheir zoomed in his sight, and the shot went right through its eye socket, and destroying its brain. The warrior slammed to the floor mid-stride, and skidded across the ground. Balthier continued to fire into an attacking group, backing away as he did so.

The city was lossed, and he was damned sure that he wasn't going to die here. As soon as he got the chance, Baltheir turned and went into a full blown sprint. Hopefully, his boat would still be were he stashed it.

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Jun 12, 2012 4:44 PM

Jul 2011
Iris Marbros

"Oooohhh boy does it feel good to take a hot bath again." Iris said stretching in a tub of steaming hot water. Her long blue hair was tied up as she stooped lower into the water. "Ugh my feet are killing me" she said bending her leg to rub her feet. She heard screaming and blood spurting, "What the..." she said getting up and wrapping herself in a towel. She peered out the window to see people dying and demons slaughtering. "Oh great, guess my day off just got cut short" she said darting out of her bathroom and got dressing quickly. She slung her family's prized blade, Seiglinde, on the belt of her waist, and took a sack of gold and her travel bag with her. "Looks like I won't be home for a while" she said as she locked the door behind her and ran towards the main road where people were running and screaming. "You, what's going on?" she asked a citizen. "Demons are invading, the kings dead! Run!! RUN for your life!"
"" Iris said slowly to herself in disbelief, she needed to help the citizens get out of the city. She ran down the street past screaming civilians eventually meeting up with the current resistance and fighting. She leaped upward and into the a crowd of demons slashing downward and into one of their skulls.
"Ho! You demons cross blades with the Marbros family heir to the sacred blade Seiglinde!" Iris said pulling her sword out of the head of the demon. She was surrounded,
"You fool! You can't take on all of us at the same time!" A demon laughed as he got ready to lunge his blade at her. Iris grinned, as fast as lightning, she struck the one attacking her, and 6 times more to surrounding demons totaling in 7 kills. The hidden skill, Seven Sided Slash. "It's too late... we already have.. the body of your... beloved....king...." the last one said as his gasps of air slowly became curls of blood. "King Darrius..." she thought sadly. But that reminiscence was short lived as Iris found herself knocked back by a demon wield a large club. "Argh!" she said hitting a wall. "That'll teach me to leave my guard down."
Shifo-ChanJun 12, 2012 6:58 PM
Even Death has a heart
It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out.
THAT's what life's all about.

Jun 12, 2012 7:32 PM

Nov 2011
Dragoste Iubesc

Dragoste was sitting upon the tree, watching, keeping quiet, and in solitude. Not wanting to be active in the conflict. He was holding an apathetic look on his face. He brushed his dark locks out of his golden cat eyes. Noticing a lady running towards a set of demons, and destroying about seven before having herself clubbed down.

He chuckled to himself and just watched. Eyeing the demon making way towards her with the large club. He tilted his head, and sighed. "Such a pretty face would be put to waste.." he said, purring to himself, and jumping from the tree.

One Katana rested upon one side of him, and the other on the opposite side. He immediately sheathed one of the Katana's and lunged down towards the demon who was about to attempt to finish the struck down female.

"Flame Neko Dance." he whispered, before sheathing the Katana of his choice, allowing it to erupt in a righteous flame. Cutting down the Demon from the head down, he landed on his toes. Usually barefoot.

"Keep your head up." he purred.
Jun 12, 2012 7:45 PM

Jul 2011
"I'll keep that in mind" Iris replied getting up. That was quite a mark that that demon did to her, it made her land so hard that the wooden wall of the shack was broken. It hurt quite a bit, but no broken bones. She dusted herself off. "You look like you know a thing or two about swords" she remarked. "Want to help me get these citizens out of here?" she asked getting ready to combat more demons.
Even Death has a heart
It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out.
THAT's what life's all about.

Jun 12, 2012 7:58 PM

Nov 2011
Dragoste Iubesc

"I might know something." he said in her direction, sheathing his blade, and tilting to the side to glare at her. His tail lightly thumping at the ground.

"I'm sorry, but I don't care what happens to them." he simply replied. He yawned,then rocked on his bare heels. "Any other request, beautiful?" he asked.

"Nyuu.~" .
Jun 12, 2012 8:11 PM

Jul 2011
Iris Marbros

"Okay, I'll meet you halfway. How about you and I fight the demons invading the city?" Iris haggled. That way, she gains an ally, but it will also buy the refugees enough time to flee the city. "Save the compliments for later." she said staying on the guard.
Even Death has a heart
It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out.
THAT's what life's all about.

Jun 12, 2012 8:42 PM

Nov 2011
Dragoste Iubesc

"Fine.. They're making too much noise anyway. It prevents me from having a nap in tranquility.." he huffed, scratching behind his sticking out ear. As much as he didn't like the sound of it, he found an ally.

"T'ch.." he breathed, unsheathing his Katana, and spinning around, dashing towards the hoards.
Jun 12, 2012 9:15 PM

Jul 2011
Iris Marbros

Iris followed directly behind him with her sword in hand. She waited for the demons to come to her. "It's uncommon to see an Elsweyr around these parts." she said. "Have you been living in Orlesia for a long time?" She was a bit curious to see what his origins were, she's only seen a couple of the Cat folk in her lifetime, and being allies with one is certainly a different experience.
Even Death has a heart
It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out.
THAT's what life's all about.

Jun 12, 2012 9:43 PM

Nov 2011
Dragoste Iubesc

"Does it matter?" he asked, stopping, and giving a slow look back. He ran a tongue over a fang before sighing. "Stop being rude, Drag.." he thought. "I've traveled plenty. From Sathay to Vineria." he mumbled.

"Anymore questions?" He asked, groaning, and scratching the back of his head.
Jun 13, 2012 2:38 AM

Mar 2012

Spade charged at the man ramming him, blocking his strike. Spade brought out his katana and entered "Bear Wrath". He slashed his opponent ripping his torso. Wataru then jumps back ready for the next attack.
-Snowman-Jul 1, 2012 5:05 PM
I am Invisible
Jun 13, 2012 8:32 AM

Jun 2009
Grey leaped to his feat, the wounds were minor and he could deal with them later, right now he needed to get to the castle and assist thr royal gaurd. Grey drew a kentucky style flintlock pistol from his robe and fired it into the mans stomach
Jun 13, 2012 4:56 PM

Jul 2011
Iris marbros

"None for the moment" Iris replied as she looked around at the chaos around her. The entire city was going ballistic, there probably no hope for the city, but the least she could do was to help all the other soldier hold off the demons until every could escape. She was hoping that she herself could get out of there in time.
Even Death has a heart
It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out.
THAT's what life's all about.

Jun 13, 2012 5:22 PM

Nov 2011
Dragoste Iubesc

Honestly, Dragoste planned to stay. He was survivor, and surviving was a thing he was going to do. "Good. I'm not much for answering." he said, before charging towards a demon, "Dramatic Illusion!" he exclaimed, before locking his ankles before the hoard, and disappearing. Only a image was left of him, as he used his advance speed at the moment to jump into the air, "Flame Dance!" he exclaimed next, sheathing his Katana, and allowing it to abrupt in flame, and slashing downwards.

Dramatic Illusion Cool down: 5
Jun 13, 2012 6:19 PM

Jul 2011
Iris Marbros

While Dragoste was tending to his own demons, Iris had her mind set on the demons that were going for the citizens. She saw one about to stab a mother a little ways off. She dashed as fast as she could and leap striked smashing her sword into its skull. That was her signature move after all. "Go, get out of here as fast as you can" she signaled to the mother and her kids. "" the woman said as she ran with her children.
Even Death has a heart
It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out.
THAT's what life's all about.

Jun 13, 2012 6:54 PM

Nov 2011
Dragoste Iubesc

Dragoste had managed to tag through a hoard of demons by using his agility to jump, and dash through. He gave a light sigh when he reached the end of the hoard of 4. he looked over to Iris, and ran until he made it to her side, watching the woman and the child ran away.

"It'll be funny if she was to get stomped on right now.. he thought, sad thought.
Jun 14, 2012 8:52 AM

Jul 2011
Iris Marbros

"By the way..." Iris started to say, "I didn't quite catch your name, I'm Iris" she said extending her hand. Even though this was a one time operation, she had a feeling that she was going to see him again, so it would be healthy to know that names of your allies in times of dire need.
Even Death has a heart
It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out.
THAT's what life's all about.

Jun 14, 2012 11:43 AM

Nov 2011
Dragoste Iubesc

Dragoste looked at Iris, and just gave her a toothy smile. He grabbed her hand, and leaned towards it, brushing his lips against it in a flirtatious way.

"Dragoste." he replied, leaning upwards, and looking up to her before letting go of her hand.
Jun 14, 2012 12:22 PM

Jul 2011
Iris Marbros

Iris chuckled a bit. "Not what I was expecting, but a noble gesture at that" she said. It was a little awkward, but unexpected at the most. "Ahem, past the moment, we have demons to slay" she said watching the chaos. Orlesian soldiers fighting, running away, and dying left and right. "The pleasantries can wait until later" she said.
Even Death has a heart
It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out.
THAT's what life's all about.

Jun 14, 2012 5:03 PM

Nov 2011
Dragoste Iubesc

"Excuse me.~" he said, chuckling to himself. He looked over to the soldiers, noticing them being exterminated by the barrel loads. "Indeed it can." he purred, unsheathing a Katana, then the other one. He crouched lightly and gave off a deep breath. "Let us go.." he muttered, as he began to dash towards the hoards of Demons.
Jun 14, 2012 5:40 PM

Jul 2011
Iris Marbros

Iris promptly followed him as she ran up to a demon matching blades with him. He pushed her off and attempted to hack at her shoulder. "Oh no you don't" Iris muttered as she used counter attack. Her blade clashed with the demons as she parried it away. Iris then swung her blade downward while the demon was buffered and then pulled back and stabbed him.
Even Death has a heart
It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out.
THAT's what life's all about.

Jun 14, 2012 6:28 PM

Nov 2011
Dragoste iubesc

The Ewesyr clashed blade to a club of one of the much larger demons.

"Such a pretty kitty.. purred the demon. "You'll make good stew.." he breathed, before letting the club recede, only to have a demon from the side attempt to strike him down with a large, rusty scimitar.

"Whaa?~" he exclaimed in surprise, clanging his two Katana's with the rusty bladed demon in time before having himself carved into Demon Chow. He was lunged back against a wall, creating a small crack against the bricked wall of what seemed to be a home.

His head gently leaked lightly as he gave a soft hiss, then a chuckle.

"I need to eat my own words.." he muttered, before clanging the end of the hilts of his Katanas' together, and closing his eyes.

"Sun Neko Dance!" he exclaimed, allowing it to send a bright, solar flare, temporarily blinding the two demons.

"M-My eyes!" Exclaimed the demons, rubbing one another eye with a sleeve or so. The catlike humanoid immediately sprang towards the two, his Katanas' engulfed in flames as he made the dash.

"Punishment!" he breathed, slicing down at the demons in brute force, accepting, and completing the challenge they sent.
Jun 14, 2012 7:57 PM

Mar 2012

Spade laughed when he got shot. "You think a bullet, can stop me?, You amuse me human." He chuckled a bit more.
"I'll let you live for today" He grew wings and flew somewhere, now that the king was dead, he'll need to wait for the next order.
I am Invisible
Jun 15, 2012 2:10 PM

Jul 2011
Iris Barbros

"Hah!" Iris grunted as she fought off a demon. She was pushed back a bit blocking and parrying. "This one's good she thought to herself as she felt a warm presence on her back. She was back to back with Dragoste as she managed to push the locking blades back just enough to find an opening. "You're open!" Iris shouted as the sound of splitting flesh and spurting blood was heard.
Even Death has a heart
It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out.
THAT's what life's all about.

Jun 15, 2012 2:21 PM

Nov 2011
Dragoste Iubesc

Dragoste did a flip, and skidded backwards until he found himself back to back with his so called companion of the day.

"Nice one." he purred, before noticing another hoard of three jogging towards his way. He gave off a light groan. "They will never end.." he said, looking towards the hoard.

"Fine.." he huffed, joining the end of the two hilts, and slowly started to spin his katana in a three hundred and sixty degree motion.

"Wind Dance!" he exclaimed, as the spinning grew faster, and faster, resembling that of a tire for a car zooming down a highway. A extreme gust of wind was the result, looking as if it was pushing, blowing the hoard away from him. It could be used at this point as a chance to escape, or to engage to their advantage.
Jun 15, 2012 3:50 PM

Jul 2011
Iris Marbros

Iris paused for a moment and looked around. It was one of those rare moments in battle where nothing happened. She paused some more, but noticed a shiny object on the floor in a puddle of blood. She went over to inspect it, and what she saw made her heart skip a beat. It was the Kings crown. "King...." she said depressingly. She looked up and around again, the demons were overrunning everything, and they were in the front of it. Just then, she saw a large hoard heading their direction. Even Dragoste and herself couldn't take on that many. "We have to go, everyone else is retreating, we're all alone out here." she said to him with the Kings crown in hand.
Even Death has a heart
It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out.
THAT's what life's all about.

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