"This isn't going to go very smoothly.", he told Kurai, "Are you sure we're going to make it there?". Dray looked a little worried, thought about if they're going to make it to Kurai's house or not. Neither does he know if they're going to be safe there for awhile. "Looks like this is going to get a little rough.", he said, seeing the wave of zombies in front of them, "We should stop the bike here and make a way first.", he added and jumped off the bike. "I'll try to make a way, you go ahead, Kurai.", he said and smiled at him. Looking at Kurai, he smiled, showing not only happy but also a little of a depressed face. Then he turned towards the zombies and took out his knives, throwing all but the one he had at his side against their heads. "Go! Kurai!", he said and pointed towards the hole of the 'wall' of zombies, "I'll be right behind you."
Kurai eyes widened when he saw the wave. "We'll make it! Trust me!" he said. Kurai nodded at Dray's decision, actually finding it quite stupid. He smirked slightly, and went ahead, clipping zombies as he went, and eventually making his own way by cutting them..
After a few minutes, Kurai could see how old house. The large metal gate surrounding the semi Middle/High class looking house. He signaled dray to run through, and join him, as he opened the gate, and was ready to close it. "Come on! It won't take long for the Zombies to notice me and try to get in!" he exclaimed.
Done from Kurai's house, they came rushing outside of the front yard, ramming the fence and the zombies in their way. Looking around, Dray noticed they didn't die. Most of them were still alive, some weren't as fortunate and died. But the number of the ones that died, was very little. "This is going to be a rough ride.", he said, he himself doesn't really know how to ride. It doesn't matter anyways, the world is in chaos and they should do everything to survive. Miraculous enough, he drove pretty straight, not going zig-zag the whole time. He watched his dad riding, studying for when he was going to get a driving license himself. So he probably would pass his driving exam if he had to do it. "It's pretty hard, driving a car.", he said and sighed, "The fastest way to the mall, should be turning right at the Rasen Park.", he said, informing Kurai.
Kurai was leaning on the roof of the car. "Need some fire power?" he asked him, pulling the bolt on the50. Cal. He then decided to be surrounded in his own world from there on. He was smiling, for some reason, extremely exciting due to the end of the world.
"We could go past the hospital, but alas, Rasen Park is the faster way!" he said towards Dray. He smile, and looked through his sight, ready to prove his master marksmanship, and ready for Dray's word to fire.
Hearing Kurai, asking for if he should help by shooting those zombies down, Dray sighed, asking himself if Kurai heard what he said. "We better not, it'll make them swarm around us.", he started, "Come back down.".
Dray saw that they wouldn't be at Rasen Park for some time, not knowing the speed of the Humvee, he can't estimate the time they need to get there. He decided just to head towards it and just wait and see when they'll arrive there.
Kurai snapped back into his old self, and canceled the lock on his gun, making it safe. He then sat back down into the passenger seat and nodded. "You're right." He added. "Will a Silencer work?" he asked, realizing he had found three in the bag.
"This might get entertaining.." he muttered. Looking outside, seeing the blood of the zombies spread against the walls they drive by.
Realizing they've almost reached Rasen Park, Dray heard 3 gunshots. The gunshots made Dray realize that they're not the only survivors. "Heard that?", he asked Kurai to confirm if what he heard was true.
It's true that more zombies are going towards the sound of the gunshots, but when Kurai and Dray reached them, they came towards the Humvee. "We're almost at Rasen Park, should we check on survivors?", he asked.
The zombies seemed to have lost some of their blood, but it wasn't really a big deal to them. They just kept walking towards the sound of the Humvee and it was getting harder and harder to ride straight.
Kurai smiled when he heard the gunshots, recognising the gun and caliber. "P220." he muttered. He looked at Dray and nodded. "Definetly Gunshots." Kurai looked out of the car window, then back in. "If we don't kill them, we are going to have a problem." he started to say. He then took out his fifty cal. "May I? I really want to test it. I'm a fast shot, so we'll be out of hear before a swarm starts." he promised.
He took a clip, and jammed it into the gun, then pulled the bolt back.
Hiroo burst into the street with a large horde following him. He turns and fires the last two rounds in the clip before a quick reload.
He continues sprinting down the street now only be carried by adrenaline. "I knew i should have let her die" He murmurs as he runs. And just when he thinks all hope is lost he sees a humvee down the road speeding towards him.
"thank god" He says as he turns around to face the horde, slowly emptying the 7 round clip
Dray heard Kurai's request to shoot once again, and decided to tell him not to. Afterwards he noticed someone coming out of Rasen Park. "Sh~", he thought and stopped the Humvee, almost running down the other survivor. He saw that the survivor already used his gun and made an horde following him. He knew now that they had no choice but to shoot the zombies. "Kurai! Shoot!", he said and turned to Kurai, "We've got a survivor here!", he said and pointed towards Hiroo, "What should we do now?".
Dray realized what he said was misunderstandable and decided to correct himself, in case Kurai had misunderstood him and tried to shoot the survivor. "Kurai, I meant the zombies!", he said and looked at the other survivor who had climbed onto the Humvee already. "Well, what's a police doing here?", he asked, half jokingly, half serious. He thought the police had to evacuate all the people instead of staying home selfishly. "Never mind that, get in for now.", he said and looked at the survivor again, "So, are there anymore people at Rasen Park?", he asked.
Kurai's face light up with a great sinister smile, his eyes turned back into it's insane dark green, and took aim at the Survivor, until Dray told him to take at the zombies. He then turned his aim, not caring about who the guy is, just wanted to test his gun.
Bang! Was the noise the gun had made when he took his first shot. It wen't through the first zombies head, and from there on, he took precise quick shots, each of them going through a skull of a zombie. He ran out of bullets from the clip and reloaded.
"Told you I'm the best shot." he muttered. He then look down at Dray and the survivor.
"Is that enough kills so we could drive off?" he asked, ready to unload the next clip.
Looking at Kurai when he asked if we could go now, it is true that they're able to go away. But it isn't in Dray's nature to a girl die when he can do something. Looking at Kurai and Hiroo. "Who are you, policeman?", he asked Hiroo, he didn't really like to trust him. Hiroo was a policeman, and Dray never did trust most of the Policeman except for Kurai's family. "Kurai, we can't go, there's a girl at Rasen Park.", he said and went towards the door, opening it, he went out. "I'll be back in about a few seconds.", he said and stepped out of the car.
Kurai always has had a soft spot for helping little girls. cocked his 50 cal once more.
"What are we waiting for? Let's go help her!" he exclaimed, grabbing his Katana, and his M14 and a couple of clips. He tossed a 40 cal and a M9 to the police officer with some clips.
"Use that." he said, noticing his gun, and how he is running low.
" call me hirro. And im not a police officer anymore, im just a guy with a gun." hirro said as he loaded up the berreta 9 mm that had been thrown at him
Kurai smiled, and loaded his M14, shutting the door and locking it so nobody would steal his guns. If someone had, he'd actually be willing to kill said person on the spot. He had just went berserk.
"Lets go save the girl.." he muttered, straightening his Katana incase of something happens to his rifle.
Trying his best to drive straight, Dray had a hard time while he was ramming the zombies. Each time he collided with one made the Humvee turn a little, and since Dray hasn't got his driver's license yet, he isn't that skilled of a driver. "Oi-oi, we're going to ram against a wall sooner or later.", he said.
Dray sighed, the world was coming to an end and that made him worry, worried about if they could survive, worried about if they'll keep calm, worried about their friendship. "Kurai, tell me,", he started, "could it be possible that one will sacrifice his friends life for his own?", he added. "Oh Crap!", he thought when he found out some of the zombies blocked the view, and when they were gone, they were driving towards a wall. Making a sharp drift, the Humvee nearly rams against the wall but got off with some scratches on it. "That was close..."
Kurai looked at him, and sighed after he asked that question.
"Honestly, I pretty much lost everything. I'm just having fun before I die." he admitted. He then tapped Dray's shoulder, not knowing that he is about to slam the humvee into a wall.
"I fee- Dray! WATCH OUT! The wall!" He said pointing towards it, he then leaned over to grab the girls arm, as if he was to act as a air bag. He sighed, and looked up, and tapped his Katana, "You are a terrible driver.." he muttered, now moving towards the passenger seat, and leaving his bag to the empty space beside him. His Barrett was now resting on his shoulder, and his Katana on the other, as they made a X shape..
Blanc remained silent as they drove through the hordes of zombies blocking their way. She was busy with keeping Noir's mind as she could feel that her control over it was slipping slowly as there was no apparent danger. Plus, it seemed though that she had disappeared as her two companions were preoccupied with talking between themselves, not that she'd even care to ask. I doubt anyone would sacrifice their own lives for anyone else. Us humans are selfish, she would have commented but she had already blacked out. On the outside, it would only seem as if she had fallen asleep.
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there.
A little annoyed by Kurai's comment about his driving, Dray looked back at the girl to see if she was okay. "I didn't say i wasn't, Kurai.", he said and saw the girl asleep, at least, that's what he thought. "Kurai, take care of her.", he said, pointing at Blanc, "Looks like she fell asleep.", he added and smiled, "This is a never ending dream, and she had gone back to a peaceful place, her own world.", he said, it almost seemed like he meant she died.
Turning back at the road, he kept driving.
Noir could feel a soft nudge in her shoulder that actually shook her back to consciousness. She opened her eyes slowly, hearing the sound of the humvee moving. When she had returned back to her senses completely, she noticed the she had no idea where she was. She looked like a scared cat.
"W-w-w-here a-am I?", she stuttered.
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there.
"Oi-oi, Kurai,", he said as he saw him close to the girl, "Who told you to do that?", he said jokingly.
Afterwards he heard Noir, who told him her name was Blanc, asking where she was, and Dray decided to tease her a little. "We picked you up, now you do us a favor.", he said with a creepy voice and laughed.
Noir was completely nervous as she had never talked to anyone else aside from her parents and it was supposed to be her first time in a long time that she could freely go out of the house. She tried to recall what had happened. As far as she could remember, she was at the park when she was suddenly surrounded by the undead. Anything after that was completely blank until she woke up.
Looking at the two people she was with, Noir had a lot of questions that she wanted to ask. The one beside her assured that she shouldn't be afraid, in which she answered with a small nod. She hesitated about trusting anyone though, as she had been taught to doubt everyone first. The other one about picking her up, laughing loudly afterwards.
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there.
"Lets see... how should we have you repay us?", he said, "You look pretty cute.", he added, of course, Dray was teasing her, he wasn't that kind of guy after all. Dray looks at the road, trying to figure out where they are now. "Let's see, where are we...", he asked himself, looking around the Humvee.
As far as Dray could see, they weren't close to the Mall at all right now. Sighing, Dray tried to figure out how long it would probably take for them to reach it, since he should be able to figure out their whereabouts.
Kurai hit Dray in the back of the head, finding that what he said was indeed funny, but unnecessary in a time like this. "There is nothing to pay, Dray is just fooling around.." he muttered, chuckling at her reaction.
He then tried to place the bottle of water in Blancs hand, he smiled at her again, trying to prove that he isn't of some evil.
"Don't be afraid of us, we aren't the enemy. They are." he said, pointing at the living dead that were being hammered by the vehicle.
"Ouch.~", he said when he was hit by Kurai, "Kurai, why did you do that?".
Looking at Kurai, he forgot to pay attention to the road and smiled at the girl. "I'm sorry, i just had to change the atmosphere around here.", he said.
Dray looked back at the road, noticing they were closer to the mall than he thought. He stopped the Humvee, looking at the parking lot of the mall, it was indeed filled with some zombies, as he thought.
"I understand. Comedy won't hurt once in a while." he said. When they reached the Mall, he had taken what he thought he would need to self defense.
What he taken was his Katana, a couple of clips, a two pistols, one for him and the girl if she needed it, and a M14 if he needed it. He sighed at the weight, but he knew he was able to carry it, and still be at his best speed.
He got out of the car, and offered a hand to the girl, and smiled, "Ready to go?"
After she got the katana from the dojo, she was raiding the bike through the streets wondering where did the boys from her school gone"oww man, now what should i do? it's very lonley to fight zombiez alone" she made a comic-like sad face, then she smiled with a smirk and said "oh will, i am hungry now anyway and the mall is close by, who knows, i might find some intersting people there, because it's a mall and there must be a lot of people there, even thougt most of them might be zombies... kishishishi..." while miya was riding through the streets, miya stops her bike and looks at the skura trees in a daze with face that she rearly uses, ignoring tha zombies who is gathring around her"looks like my peaceful days are over, and the cherrybloosms doesn't care and countinuo to look beautiful, even thougt they are staind with blood, they still look beautiful"immediatley after she finished talking she slashed through all thae zombies around her with the katana and roud her bike with a smirk, and an eye that lusts for more...
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings.
To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea.
You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri
*Conan runs behind Hirro taking one of the blood shots from earlier and stabbing it into Hirros neck and he blood drains into Hirro. Conan then runs towards the mall.*
miya leaves the mall, running afte the man trying to not lose sight of him, even thought she had a very high speed, she couldn't catch up with him sense he had unhumen speed"huff..huff...man, he's so fast!' she stops a while and looks around her to find zombies everywhere" i don't have time to deal with weaklings like you" she rans past the zombies avoiding them as much as she can" i don't know where the hell that zombie-san gone to, maybe i should go back to the mall"
she goes back running to the mall
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings.
To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea.
You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri