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Feb 7, 2010 8:36 PM

Sep 2009
(Yay we has a nurse x33)
xTheMentalistFeb 10, 2010 1:05 AM
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Feb 10, 2010 12:59 AM

Jan 2008


The sound of a clock...

How long had he been staring at the ceiling listening to that clock? That clock that was 5 hours fast. He didn't know...

"... Slow day..." he muttered to himself, "... that's good."

The cot he was laying on was hard... he considered replacing them with softer ones... the idea was soon discarded when he realized he was on a school nurses wage. It didn't bother him... He wasn't in this for the money in the first place, anyway.


He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and places one into his mouth. He was well aware of the effects of cigarettes on the body... it didn't matter though. He didn't smoke in the presence of others and had no intention of actually smoking it... second-hand smoke was especially hazardous to children. He just just figure it'd add to the whole "I don't really give a damn about the students I'm forced to be in contact with" image he had going on.

"Still... now that I got a job... I really should quit"
Feb 11, 2010 10:44 AM

Aug 2009
*the door slides open as Shira sprints inside. She jumps onto one of the beds and goes into the fetal position*
oooowwwwwwww *Shira held her sprained foot, not noticing Yuuki*
I am Ookami. Having been exposed to both having friends and being alone, I am free to chose either knowing the consequences.

I reject reality, and substitute my own!
Feb 11, 2010 10:50 AM

Mar 2009
Feb 11, 2010 10:57 AM

Aug 2009
*rolls from side to side on the bed*
youuuurrrr noooot heeeelpiinggggg *pissed-but-in-pain face*
I am Ookami. Having been exposed to both having friends and being alone, I am free to chose either knowing the consequences.

I reject reality, and substitute my own!
Feb 11, 2010 10:59 AM

Mar 2009
Feb 11, 2010 11:01 AM

Aug 2009
Thanks *takes the ice and presses it down. she sighs as she feels the pain numb*
So, what's your name?
I am Ookami. Having been exposed to both having friends and being alone, I am free to chose either knowing the consequences.

I reject reality, and substitute my own!
Feb 11, 2010 11:04 AM

Mar 2009
Feb 11, 2010 12:36 PM

Jan 2008
"Shut the hell up!" the white haired nurse yelled in a voice of irritation as the ruckus in his infirmary brought his consciousness back. He must have fallen asleep... how long was he out for?

Tick-Tock... the sound of a clock. The clock that was 5 hours fast.

He let out a simple 'tch' and righted himself up, just now acknowledging the presence of the other two students. His sight locked onto a girl whom he recognized as 'Amui Shiranui'. Quite the odd name... he thought to himself as he got up to inspect her.

When he noticed the ice pack he quickly snatched it, wrapped it in a few tissues then placed it back on her ankle. This was to prevent frostburn to the inflamed area.

"Lemme' guess... Sprained ankle? Need ta' be more careful kid". He made no effort to hide the irritation in his voice as he pressed down on the ice pack.

She was able to make it over here so the sprain can't be more than a grade II... RICE should do the trick

"And whats your problem?" he asked shifting his attention to his other visitor.

(OOC: RICE is an acronym used by doctors when dealing with injuries like sprains. Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation.)
Feb 11, 2010 3:43 PM
Feb 11, 2010 3:45 PM

Aug 2009
Mine's Shira. Well, if you're going to be sleeping here I better leave..*Shira got up, but then realized the pain* Ugh, I don't want to sprint again...
I am Ookami. Having been exposed to both having friends and being alone, I am free to chose either knowing the consequences.

I reject reality, and substitute my own!
Feb 11, 2010 9:10 PM

Jan 2008
"You. Out!" Yuuki exclaimed as he pointed his finger at Dante. What was his last name again? ... Not important.

"You, in bed" he added once he shifted his attention to the one who actually needed it.
StiltyFeb 11, 2010 9:59 PM
Feb 12, 2010 9:49 AM

Aug 2009
.__. *Shira collapsed in bed at the order*
*in a few seconds, she had fallen asleep quietly*
I am Ookami. Having been exposed to both having friends and being alone, I am free to chose either knowing the consequences.

I reject reality, and substitute my own!
Feb 12, 2010 12:03 PM

Jan 2008
Hey, hey! I never said you could... oh whatever

He sighed to himself as he watched the young student drift to sleep. Once she had done so he carefully elevated her sprained foot with a folded pillow taken from the neighboring cot to help reduce the swelling.

"Ah... I forgot to ask what had happened..."

He glanced at the sleeping students face and sighed.

"I'll... give her half an hour n' see how she feels then," he said to himself as he walked over to his desk and began to fill out a patient record.
Feb 12, 2010 12:44 PM

Aug 2009
*After around 25 minutes Shira suddenly gets up, her eyes half closed. She gets off the bed and starts walking toward exit (is sleep walking)*
*she bangs into the half open door, staggers then moves to the side to walk out*
I am Ookami. Having been exposed to both having friends and being alone, I am free to chose either knowing the consequences.

I reject reality, and substitute my own!
Feb 12, 2010 1:19 PM

Jan 2008
"What the- Hey whoa! Get back here!" Yuuki yelled as he took off after the girl.

He reached out his hand and took hold oh the girls arm, "Don't just up n' leave like that ya dumb kid! I gotta check to... see..." Yuuki waved his hand in front of the girls face.

No response.
Feb 12, 2010 2:05 PM

Aug 2009
*Shira mumbled* I've gotta...climb that tree again...*Shira tries to walk toward the window where the tall tree can be seen, it's branches not too far from the window*

(Shira had gotten a sprained ankle from falling off the tree, she wanted to climb to the top to get revenge)
I am Ookami. Having been exposed to both having friends and being alone, I am free to chose either knowing the consequences.

I reject reality, and substitute my own!
Feb 13, 2010 10:05 PM

Jan 2008
"There's so many things wrong with what your doing and as much as I'd like to yell at you about them you really need to go lie back down." He thought about suggesting brain scan as well... but that would be rude wouldn't it.

He stopped he in her track an began to lead her to back to the cot.

"Now be a good little girl and stay off that foot or a while..."
Feb 13, 2010 10:09 PM

Aug 2009
*Shira collapsed on the bed again with a very sleepy face (=o=)*
*another half hour later, she wakes up. She stretches and blinks. She then turns toward Yuuki and smiles*
Thanks doc! My foot feels great now! *Shira jumps off the bed hopping on each foot*
I am Ookami. Having been exposed to both having friends and being alone, I am free to chose either knowing the consequences.

I reject reality, and substitute my own!
Feb 13, 2010 10:46 PM

Jan 2008
"Oh, is that so?" he said as he knelt down to inspect her foot.

"That's good but try to be more careful from now on."

She says thanks but honestly it would have healed on its own eventually. All he did was merely speed up the process. Still, it felt good to be thanked every now and then.
Feb 14, 2010 3:46 AM

Jul 2009
*open the door slowly and go inside* err...err..konnichiwa! I'm your new assistant

signature set credited to Bunnyama

「No human has ever been whole. 」
Feb 14, 2010 1:12 PM

Aug 2009
*Shira walks toward the door to leave, but anyone could see she was full of energy*

Okay, see you then! *Shira waved and left, sliding the door closed carefully*
I am Ookami. Having been exposed to both having friends and being alone, I am free to chose either knowing the consequences.

I reject reality, and substitute my own!
Feb 14, 2010 2:42 PM
Jul 2018
*knocks on door* "Excuse me for intruding." *walks in and looks right in the eye of the assistant* "Oh, are you possible the new assistant?" *ponders* "Have I met you before?"
Feb 15, 2010 5:46 AM

Jul 2009
err...not yet ^^

signature set credited to Bunnyama

「No human has ever been whole. 」
Feb 16, 2010 11:52 AM

Aug 2009
*lays down in bed sleeping*

Feb 16, 2010 11:56 AM

Aug 2009
..sorry but i need some asistance cuz i hurt myself at the karate club
Feb 16, 2010 11:57 AM

Aug 2009
*wakes up feeling better*
ah my stomach ache went away :D

*sees someone come in*

Feb 16, 2010 12:02 PM

Aug 2009
hey are you ok? 0_o

Feb 17, 2010 7:20 PM

Jan 2008
After seeing Amui off Yuki turned his attention to the ever increasing number of guests. He wonders if every day is going to be like this... if so he doesn't know if his heart can take the stress.

"Assistant?" he asked, turning to the twin-tailed girl who'd just walked in. He hadn't been notified of this... probably something the *others* thought up. Regardless her presence would just be a distraction really, and I doubt she has enough medical experience to really be of use...

"I don't need one. Get out," he said to her coldly. And he simply shifted his attention to the other three standing in his workspace, paying no more attention to her.

"Hey, you two," he said to the other two students in the doorway in the same cold voice he used with the would-be assistant.

"Don't block the doorway like that."
Feb 17, 2010 7:23 PM

Aug 2009
*walks in* nurse... I think I sprained my wrist again...
Feb 17, 2010 7:30 PM

Jan 2008
"Now when you say 'again' you mean you've done this before?" Yuuki asks his newest patient as he leans against the wall behind him.

And with a sigh he motions over towards the cot closest to the door, "Sit down".
Feb 17, 2010 7:46 PM

Aug 2009
*sits* yes,
*looks at him* youre new, I should tell you that you may be seeing me in here often. Im kind of accident prone....
Feb 17, 2010 8:02 PM

Jan 2008
"Ah, I see..." Yuuki halfheartedly responded. His attention was more on the boys wrist and what was coming out of his mouth.

Its just a minor sprain... but it is starting to swell... RICE. It shouldn't need any wrapping or such afterwords... wait... what did he say before? 'I'm kind of accident prone'? I sincerely hope he exaggerating. The last thing I want is to get to know another student through frequent injuries.

If he finds out that this is of of those kids who comes here to skip class then its a hop skip and a jump right into intensive care once I'm done with him.
Feb 17, 2010 8:20 PM

Aug 2009
its mostly from archery and surfing though, I haven't tripped at all this year.
Feb 18, 2010 10:34 AM

Jul 2009
o-ok... *walks out fastly and get back to my home*

signature set credited to Bunnyama

「No human has ever been whole. 」
Feb 18, 2010 8:05 PM

Jan 2008
Yuuki felt slightly disappointed in the twin-tailed blonde as he watched her timidly retreat from the office. He'd kinda figured she'd be a bit more persistent... but this works too. Had she shone a little determination about wanting to help him then he'd consider it, but any second thoughts he had quickly faded away when he turned his attention back to... what was his name? ... Kratos. Right.

"Trip?" he asked with a skeptical look. From the context of his statement one can ascertain that he most likely trips quite often... does he have some kind of trouble maintaining the sophisticated form of locomotion called "walking"? Or just a clumsiness...?

Yuuki decided not too think too deeply about it and quickly lost interest in the topic altogether.

"Well whatever..."
Feb 18, 2010 8:11 PM

Aug 2009
yeah... don't tell anyone I told you that... *looks at my bandaged wrist* thank you, *walks out*
aurionFeb 18, 2010 8:23 PM
Feb 19, 2010 11:56 AM
Jul 2018
'What just happened here?' I thought, staring at the nurse who was just finished treating a student and the assistant who walked further and further away.
I leaned against the door and let out a deep sigh. "She may be a bit shy, but give her a chance would you?"
Feb 20, 2010 9:20 AM

Jan 2008
"Shy or not I never agreed to an assistant in the first place. That, and the fact that the shy type is usually the squeamish type as well. I don't need a useless assistant who passes out at the sight of blood and adds more to the problem at hand."

After seeing her face and how dejected she looked he did feel bad about sending her away like that though. He bit his lip and walked over too the cigarette he realized he dropped next to the cot, dusted it off and placed it back his mouth. As he reached for his lighter though he realized he didn't have his lighter on him.

"... Got a light?"
Feb 20, 2010 4:22 PM

Apr 2009
*Walks in the room and looks around, she doesn't appear to see any one so starts rummaging through the draws for a bandage*
Aha, fount one!
*Attempts to put it on....*
Feb 20, 2010 4:32 PM

Apr 2009
-What a lousy nurse, leaving the room to it's self like this, I could be dying off a heart attack here-
*Looks around the room and starts to look for a plaster, she couldn't quite manage the whole bandage thing on her own. As she's looking around she starts to sing*
''I have fallen, in love with long has it been since then..."
Feb 20, 2010 4:36 PM

Jan 2008
Yuuki, cutting off his conversation with the teacher the second he hears the sliding door of the infirmary open, peeks around the curtain meant to separate cots to see a tiny figure walk... no more like float in. And then proceed to sift through his belongings.

He quickly walks up to her, apparently to busy fiddling with her pilfered bandage to notice him, and grabs the hand thats holding the aforementioned bandage.

"Hey, don't just barge in here and start taking things. Even if it is something I have no choice but to give you."
Feb 20, 2010 4:41 PM

Apr 2009
She turns and looks at the Nurse stood before her. She never expected him to be a male and yet one who has such a beautiful look towards him, she stares at him, not sure of what to say, having being caught in such a fowl rude manner.

"I'm sorry. Needed a Plaster, couldn't find one so I've been trying to put this on. Hey, don't have ago at me Mr, you was the one not here doing your duties in the first place."

She smirks at him and rises to stand, then goes to put the remains of the bandages in the bin. Why can't she just make good first impressions to people? She turns around and see's him staring at her.

Feb 20, 2010 7:57 PM

Apr 2009
She looks at the Nurse once more, reads his name tag, and sets off, perhaps she's just another annoying pupil. She steps out of the infirmary seeing Dante up ahead, runs towards him.

An hour or so late she arrives again, to see that Yuuki-sensei is not there. She thinks to her self how she doesn't want to go home and decides to rest up on one of the beds here. She draws the curtains and shuts the door so no unwanted visitors will come in. She strips down to her shirt and panties and looks through the cubourds once more to have her self luckily finding some mouth wash to rinse and cleanse herself, she turns off her phone and then yawns.
Reema then pulls two hair scrunches out of her bag and puts her hair in a tight ponytail for the night. It's been a long day for her and she's made her first new friend. How hard is it going to be for her to keep him close without getting too close? She climbs in the bed and tucks her self in.

''Oyasumi Reema-sama"

She sighs and releases a tear, slowly letting her self drift to sleep, to be awoken by the sun next Sunday morning.
Feb 21, 2010 1:31 AM
Jul 2018
I never liked cigarettes, and by the sight of the nurse trying to light one.. that was my cue to run after the assistant.
Feb 21, 2010 9:46 PM

Jan 2008
He'd fallen asleep shortly after the school had closed... yesterday had taken its toll on his heart and he winced at the sharp pain shooting though his chest.

"Rgh... damn"

He quickly sat up and paused for a moment in an attempt to ascertain just where the hell he was.

... That's right. He'd fallen asleep once school had ended for the day...

As he wiped the crust from his eye's he got out of bed and walked over to his desk, pulling out a container of capsules. He shakes out 3 of them and swallows them, dry.


He let out a sigh of relief and eased back into his chair, the pain fading away. And for a while he simply sat there taking in the sound around him. The faint call of sparrows greeting the sunrise, the tick-tock of the clock that was never on time, the quiet breathing of...


He hadn't noticed at first since it was so faint but it now it drowned out everything else. He quickly turned his chair toward the source of the anomalous breath and there it was. A figure curled up in the cot adjacent to him and illuminated by the morning rays peeking through the curtain.

Feb 22, 2010 8:28 AM

Apr 2009
"Morning has arrived" Reema thought to herself, as she opens her bright blue eyes to the beauty of the suns rays. She rose from the bed, stood up and stretched heavenly-then realised where she was, and that it was about time she got dressed before the schools students arrived. From the view of the school grounds outside, it looked liked a pretty nice day, in fact, actually, what time was it? Had her brother gone out to work so she could sneak home allowing her to change and rush to school in time for third period? She looked down at the bed, perhaps her jumper wasn't needed today, all she needed to do was put back on her skirt, this way their would be no need for her to rush home. She had everything else that could be needed in her bag, including spare panties.

She starts to hum a lovely lullaby, the sound smoothing and fresh as the first day of spring. She starts rolling on her skirt, zipping the zip up at the back.
Really getting into the tune of the song she starts to dance, elegantly turning around as she goes to make the bed.
She stops. A figure she sees, she rubs her eyes and realises a tall beautiful man is stood before her.

"Holy..." She says under her breath, paused in the moment of embarrassment- it was Yuuki-sensei. Had he seen perhaps...? Even worst, had he seen her being herself...?
She blushed and looks down, too ashamed to meet him in the eye.
Feb 22, 2010 8:37 AM

Jul 2009
(this is just a totally random message xD I know what your panties look like :P
Feb 22, 2010 9:06 AM

Apr 2009
Feb 22, 2010 9:07 AM

Jul 2009
(I'm a stalker x3)
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