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Living Scabbard
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Jul 29, 2023 9:47 PM

May 2013
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tygertygerAug 11, 2023 9:58 PM
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
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Aug 11, 2023 9:59 PM

May 2013
Looks like we have an h-off to resolve here. Empusa vs. Living Scabbard... FIGHT!
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Aug 22, 2023 9:00 PM

May 2013
En Garde
“It won’t work, dearie,” the holstaurus matron said. I smiled politely and didn’t contradict her. She had graciously taken me in when I arrived in this strange world months ago, and she meant well, so I listened as she tried to talk me out of my admittedly uncertain course. “Moulinet is a traditional girl. You can’t win her without a successful challenge, and she has beaten every challenger so far. You cannot defeat her in a clash of steel or battle of wits, and a duel of magic is impossible for you. Yes, she is beautiful, and I know that she wants you, too, but I fear that she is beyond your reach.”

“So what are you saying, that I should just give up?” I suspected I knew what her answer was going to be. Mama Latoya’s heart was in the right place – nestled firmly behind those massive breasts – but she wasn’t exactly unbiased.

The elder mamono shook her head. “Not at all. I merely suggest that you seek comfort in the arms of girls who are attainable. There are several young women in town who would be happy to have you, and most of them would not mind sharing. Take Diamelle, for example…” That name conjured a vision of a platinum blonde alice with ash-gray eyes and a radiant smile. “She might look like a child, but she is in truth nearly three-hundred years old. She would love having a ‘big brother’ to take care of her. And Natalie has already offered to wrap you in her coils and ‘constrict your little snake’ whenever you want.” I suppressed a grin at that; Natalie was gorgeous, despite the snake parts, and if she did everything else as well as she did those stolen kisses she would be a lot better than the best I’d ever had. “And of course there’s my Latrice and her friend Courtney. They’re lovely girls, and they share everything.” She favored me with a leer and added, “And I do mean everything.”

I sighed. Of course Mama Latoya would put in a plug for her daughter, and Latrice’s cute capybara friend was a bonus. “I hear what you’re saying, mama, but my heart is set on Moulinet. I know my chances aren’t good, but I think she and I would be really happy together. I have to try.”

Mama Latoya smiled and patted my arm. “Of course you do, dearie, I understand. Go try to win your girl.” She got up on her tip-toes and kissed my cheek. “And after she breaks both your hearts by winning, go talk to Latrice and Courtney. They’ll be saddened by not being your first choice, but they will still accept you.”

“Thanks, mama,” I said. I straightened my clothes and made a vain attempt to tame my unruly hair. “I’ll be home in time for dinner, hopefully with a guest.”

“Don’t you fret, dear. I’m sure we’ll have an extra at the table tonight… one way or another.” She turned and walked away humming a spritely tune that sounded like a wedding march. I let out a breath to calm myself before making my way to the training grounds.

I arrived just in time to see the last class of the day dismissed. The young mamono bowed and thanked their teacher before dispersing to their homes. Moulinet never glanced my way while fielding some last minute questions, but I sensed that she knew I was there. Not until the last student was gone did she turn to look at me. “Good evening, Marcus. I am afraid I am not giving any more lessons today, but I am glad you are showing an interest. Perhaps tomorrow?”

I shook my head. “I’m not here for fencing lessons, ‘Nay,” I said. “I’m here to challenge you for your hand.”

“I see.” Hope flared briefly in her eyes before anticipated disappointment forced it down. “And what weapon do you choose? Not spells, of course. Perhaps riddles, or an obstacle race? Or do you insist on the sword?” As she spoke her hand idly strayed toward the empty scabbard where a saber should’ve been. I didn’t stand a chance in any of the contests she mentioned, but a sudden inspiration gripped me, and I knew how to win both my happiness and hers.

“No, none of those,” I said. “The weapon I choose is… compliments.”

Moulinet’s hand stopped a finger’s breadth from the handle of her missing sword. “Excuse me?”

“We will duel with compliments.” I shot her a flirtatious grin and said, “After all, I could never hope to outduel a master swordswoman like you.”

“Thank you, but…” Her face lit with a smile as comprehension dawned. “Ah! I see the duel has already begun! Well struck, sir, first blood to you.”

“Thank you,” I replied. “I knew you would catch on quickly; your mind is as sharp as your blade.”

“And you have more silver in your tongue than I have in my purse, good sir,” she said.

“It’s not mere glibness, Lady Moulinet.” I took a step toward her, and something in my eyes drove her back a step. “I admire your passion for your art, and your dedication to excellence, and how you strive to encourage both in your students. You’re not only a master fencer, but a master teacher, the best of both that I’ve ever known.”

“Oh… thank you.” Hope started to shine in her eyes again… but she was Moulinet des Mains-Rouges, and she would never give up without a fight. I might have picked a contest that I had a chance of winning, but I still had to win. “I appreciate how you chose to compliment my character and skill before my beauty. Most men would have let their lust guide them through this contest, but you are above that.”

“Not so far as you might think,” I said, “I most certainly noticed your beauty.” I took another step toward her, and again she retreated a step. “The way your hair catches the light is like a sunrise over the water. The steel in your eyes as you face a worthy opponent inspires me.” I stepped forward again, and this time she hesitated before she stepped back. “The look of triumph on your face when you figure out a difficult spell takes my breath away.”

“I see that your eyesight is perfect, sir,” Moulinet said. She blushed as she added, “Your eyes are as keen as they are comely.”

My smile grew broader as I took another step. “I’m not the only comely one here.” I raised my hand toward her face, but lowered it again when I saw the desire to lean back and the desire to lean in warring in her eyes. “I can’t see the curve of your lips without thinking about kisses.” I advanced again, and this time she didn’t retreat. “And you don’t smile often, but when you do, I am lost. I have fought battles and won victories, but I lose against that smile every time.” I took another step, and this time she stepped forward to close the gap between us. “You are the most amazing woman I have ever met, and whatever life I can make for myself in this world, I want to make it with you.”

Moulinet’s mouth worked, but no sound came out and tears poured down her face. With a cry of joy she leaped into my arms and buried her face against my neck. I just stroked her hair and let her cry. When she finally stopped shaking she muttered something unintelligible between sobs. “Sorry, I didn’t catch that?” I said.

“The victory is yours,” she repeated. “As am I.” After disengaging from my embrace she made a motion of drawing a sword, and a shining saber seemingly made of crystal materialized in her grasp. Moulinet knelt and laid that sword at my feet. “I yield myself to you. By day I am your sword, and by night I am your sheath. This I swear, by the blade that is my all.”

I handed the sword back to Moulinet and helped her to her feet. “First, you don’t kneel to me,” I said. She smirked, and I added, “Well, not unless it’s for something fun. Second, I guess we have to plan a wedding now.”

She shot me a confused look and said, “But… we just had one.”

“Hold on, you mean that oath was… ?”

“How my people sanctify a marriage, yes,” she said. “I take it things are done differently where you are from?”

“A lot differently.” I blew out a breath and said, “Well, I guess I need to move into your place tonight, then. Good thing I don’t have much.”

“Actually, I should move in with you,” Moulinet said. “That will make it more convenient when you want to be with Latrice or Courtney.”

That sent my eyebrows toward the sky. “Uh… excuse me?”

She rolled her eyes. “Come now, Marcus. You know what the ratio of women to men is here. I hardly dared hope that I would become your wife, but I never believed that I would be your only wife. Once our first child is born, or by the end of the third year, you will be expected to take other wives. Mama Latoya has been trying to set you up with Latrice since you arrived, and she and Courtney share everything.”

“Three wives?!? Do all the men here have two or three wives?”

“Oh, no,” said Moulinet as she dismissed her Dreamblade, “Most have four or five.”

“Ah,” I said. I let that sink in, then I put my arm around my bride’s waist and guided her toward Mama Latoya’s. “I’d better eat a hearty meal then; I’m going to need my strength.”

“You have no idea,” Moulinet whispered into my ear before giving the lobe a playful nip. “I know how to handle all kinds of swords.”

I leaned in to let my breath tickle her ear and whispered, “It’s a good thing I know my way around a scabbard, then.”  She giggled as she slipped her arm around me, and we stayed wrapped around each other like that the rest of the way home.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Aug 22, 2023 9:25 PM

May 2013
Midnight Musings
"I don’t like how Zenobia Vespertilio the Third has let herself go," Elegantine whispered.

Is she afraid the fruit bat might still be able to hear her, even through the thick oaken doors and two floors separating them? Amaya thought to herself. 

The baroness shifted back into her humanoid form; amused with her shapeshifting ability, the countess had requested that the baroness assume a fruit bat form during dinner and the baroness had obliged. While she tried not to show it, Amaya noticed that the feat had been taxing on her covenant partner. The bruises and puncture marks on her bosom had begun to fade, but the empusa was still very much recovering from the marchioness’ “kiss” a week ago.

"What do you mean she let herself go?" Amaya asked, even though deep down she already knew the answer. Also, why does she keep referring to the countess by her full name?

"Well, you know...” Elegantine continued whispering while gesturing to her belly. “I don’t want to talk bad about someone of such noble standing, but Zenobia Vespertillia the Third sure has put on a lot of weight." While a crude remark, there was a genuine concern for Zenobia’s wellbeing in her voice.

"I wonder why that is,” Amaya replied jokingly; surely the baroness could not be this obtuse. Then again, she was the only aristocrat in the whole of central Elisabeth who believed the countess to be as important as she proclaimed herself to be. Is that is why the marchioness has sent us beyond the literal edge of civilization to do a messenger’s job? she pondered.

“I bet it’s those plums Zenobia Vespertillia the Third keeps snacking on. They are really tasty, but there is such a thing as eating too much, am I right?” Elegantine replied in all seriousness as she put her silver earrings on the night counter. While the baroness had her flaws, having poor taste in fashion was most certainly not one of them. Her silver jewelry complimented her silver leg and blue dress quite exquisitely.

The swordswoman raised an eyebrow, her employer’s thick-headedness had surprised her yet again. Speaking about thicc, hello there! Her heart fluttered as Elegantine bent over to take off her high heels. Focus, Amaya! she chastised herself. “There most certainly is such a thing as eating too much, but I don’t think the countess is. She is not getting fat if that is what you meant."

"Don't be silly, Zenobia Vespertillia the Third ‘s tummy is getting hu... oooh," the blue-haired beauty gasped as realization began to dawn on her. "You think Zenobia Vespertillia the Third is pregnant!?"

"I'm certain of it," Amaya replied. 
"But how? You think one of the servants is a futanari?" Elegantine barely managed to contain her excitement. Meanwhile Amaya could not help but notice that there was not a single hint of judgment in her voice.

So there might be a chance, just like mom with Miyu’s mom! her internal voice celebrated. It was becoming harder by the day to suppress her burgeoning feelings for the baroness of Athalia. In her three years of service Amaya had come face to face with plenty of her flaws, but she was beginning to see more and more of her virtues too. For one, she could be genuinely happy for someone without trying to spin it such that it somehow benefitted her as well... which was more than could be said for the marchioness and her gaggle of scheming sycophants. Compared to them Elegantine was a breath of fresh air, even if the marchioness manipulated her as a useful idiot.

"I don’t think either one of them is, but even if they were they cannot be the sire. Can’t remember seeing any bat type in that village either. So, you will have to ask her tomorrow if you would like to know,” Amaya replied.

“I will. I need to know now,” Elegantine said as she slipped out of her dress. Amaya gulped. This wasn’t the first time she had seen the baroness without her clothes -- she wasn’t particularly shy about revealing herself -- and every time it had instantly turned her on. Today was no exception. To make matters worse the baroness liked to sleep naked. “Eehm… You do realize we share a bed tonight, right?”

“Obviously, there is only one bed,” the baroness stated as she completely missed the point.

Amaya sighed. This posed a problem, for there was already a pleasant warmth spreading through her nethers and it would only be getting worse if she were to lay down next to her mistress. Would she even be able to keep a straight face? So what? She lays with the maids, so why not with her bodyguard too? the part of her that lusted for Elegantine argued. This was the most unfortunate time to be having such thoughts, yet she kept failing to suppress them. “Sooo… you want me to… eehm… take off my clothes too?” she stammered.

“My sister always said, ‘A smart girl always sleeps naked, so that she is ready should a man find his way to her bed.’” After a brief moment of contemplation her face lit up. “Oh, maybe that is how! I bet Zenobia Vespertilio the Third also sleeps naked; she obviously is a smart woman.”

Gosh, she is so sexy when she gets excited! Nevertheless Amaya also felt that something was wrong, yet could not immediately put her finger on it. Then suddenly realization struck her. Her flames! Her flames are missing. She must be in a way worse condition than I thought! Amaya, you blind idiot! For once both her lustful half and her reserved half were in agreement; Elegantine needed mana right now. So she put her Ōdachi away and began to unwrap her sarashi. “I could not help but notice that your flames are gone -- they should be there when you get excited. It is not good for you to be this starved for mana. So please allow me to help. I might not be a man, but I too can restore your mana by sharing mine.”

There was a moment of silence while Elegantine’s brain tried to process this unexpected turn of events. “You can do that?” the empusa eventually asked. “But what about you then?” If there had been any reservations left within Amaya, they immediately evaporated with these simple words of worry for her well-being. Despite her flaws, Elegantine was worthy of her trust.

“It is my sworn duty to uphold my half of our covenant, and that includes providing you with my own mana whenever you need it. As for me, no need to worry. We cambions are barely affected by being low on mana,” Amaya said resolutely.

“Our covenant says that?” Elegantine seemed quite surprised. Amaya could not tell whether the empusa had simply forgotten that part of their covenant, or whether she had never fully understood it to begin with, but whatever it was did not really matter right now.

“It does. So will you let me share my mana with you?” Amaya asked as she finished unwrapping her sarashi to free her sizable bosom. No longer caring whether Elegantine would notice her arousal, Amaya’s shoes and remaining clothes followed suit immediately after.

"I suppose… How does it work?"

Having obtained the baroness’ assent, her lustful half took over. She sat down on the bed and gently took Elegantine’s head in her hands. She could not resist stealing a brief kiss before slowly guiding her towards her bosom. “They are yours all night long,” were Amaya's last, husky, words before passion and desire took over the wheel.
MetallumOperaturAug 23, 2023 4:32 AM
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Aug 23, 2023 5:02 PM

May 2013
The decision is in, and after much deliberation this contest has been called in favor of... the empusa!
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
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