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Mar 19, 2022 11:24 AM
Jan 2020
Quote by Sosuke Toka [Author]
I'm a delicate-hearted person, so I love stories with happy endings. I'd like to make everyone happy if I can. But I can't do that for the bad guys. The core is as simple as that.

What does this mean for Miranjo? Is she just a tragic character or is she truly a 'bad guy' who deserve suffering?

Judging from the mixed reactions last episode, ig people aren't used to easily forgiving the antagonist of the show.
Mar 19, 2022 11:35 AM
Jul 2021
People complained a lot that they forgot that she killed Bojji's mother, and no one forgives her, but her past is exaggeratedly hard, and I do forgive her and I wish her well despite this latest event. I really like Miranjo as an antagonist and as a character.

Sorry for my poor english.
Mar 19, 2022 11:52 AM
Jan 2019
Dunno, I think Miranjo should have stayed dead.

Like, writers, y'all are not gonna make me forget, little Boji crying and sobbing while his mother is shielding him from arrows being shot in her back, causing her to bleed out all over Boji. That one scene makes her new chance at life undeserved. She should of stayed dead and at least have her soul join Bosse, not this marriage proposal ending.

Mar 19, 2022 11:53 AM
Feb 2020
What Miranjo did had an explanation but not a justification. One could think it was odd, at least at the beginning when it looked like literally everybody was going to forgive her, but then the captain of the underworld said she had to pay, and it makes sense that he was the only one that said that because he didn't know the full story. Now, on Bojji's perspective, he saw her entire life and empathized with Miranio, plus, he saw the conversation between his mom and Miranjo, where Bojji's mom forgives her and says that she doesn't have any resentment, now for Bojji it wouldn't make sense to punish her by letting the Demon eat her because he knew that Miranjo could be saved. On Daida's side, it was almost the same, but in this case, he could literally feel Miranjo's true soul and knew the whole story as well, I was like WTF when he asked her to be his wife but for me it makes sense that Daida decided to protect her and in that time, that is how marriages worked. And the most important part of this, the cherry on the cake came with Despa, he was going to save Ouken but then he understood Bojji's desires to save her and not just that, he knew everything about Miranjo as well, BUT he knew that somehow she had to PAY, to REDEEM herself, since she wasn't pure evil and could be saved, so he saved her under 2 conditions, first, the kingdom had to give him A LOT of money and the second and most important one, he commended a LIFE mission to her by saying: "You must teach the next generation why you committed your crimes so that no one else has to suffer as you did", for me, that was a perfect way to close this whole situation and the perfect "punishment" for Miranjo. If that last part wouldn't have happened, I would have been dissapointed but fortunately it wasn't the case. That is why I feel very satisfied with all this and it all makes sense for me. Besides, Miranjo DID show a sense of guilt and she was prepared to face the consequences, also, she did suffer/pay in that brief time when she was inside the demon.

And it is not that everybody forgave her and moved on very easily, given all the facts, the elements, the events, the whole situation, this resolution was the best course of action, because again, Miranjo wasn't pure evil and could be saved, she can do way more and pay for her sins in her new life mission. Suffering endlessly inside the demon wouldn't change anything.
Mar 19, 2022 12:12 PM
Jan 2020
carhs14 said:

And it is not that everybody forgave her and moved on very easily, given all the facts, the elements, the events, the whole situation, this resolution was the best course of action, because again, Miranjo wasn't pure evil and could be saved, she can do way more and pay for her sins in her new life mission. Suffering endlessly inside the demon wouldn't change anything.

Glad im not the only one

Its so sad that people are overlooking at details like these. I wish more would just look at the bigger picture and understand the different moralities and views the author has, rather than shrugging it off and simply saying it was a shitty episode.

Im glad the show went for an happy, optimistic ending because isn't that the point of the story?

Regardless of the way miranjo's redemption arc was executed, you can't deny the fact that the storytelling is still a masterpiece.

Plus, the whole storys not even done yet so any unanswered questions and details will be revealed soon.
Mar 19, 2022 12:20 PM
Jan 2022
I have a lot of mixed feelings on the recent episode with Miranjo’s situation… but the biggest concern for me is the age gap between Miranjo and Daida, and their possible marriage. I’m not entirely sure how old Daida is, but I’m assuming she is at least double his age…. I don’t see how the people present during his proposal felt ok with this… ESPECIALLY knowing the reason Daida was born was for her to manipulate and use him to bring his own father back to life.
Mar 19, 2022 12:32 PM
Jul 2017
chill_dumplin said:
I have a lot of mixed feelings on the recent episode with Miranjo’s situation… but the biggest concern for me is the age gap between Miranjo and Daida, and their possible marriage. I’m not entirely sure how old Daida is, but I’m assuming she is at least double his age…. I don’t see how the people present during his proposal felt ok with this… ESPECIALLY knowing the reason Daida was born was for her to manipulate and use him to bring his own father back to life.

This anime takes place during old knightly kings and queens times (not counting the fantasy elements) While an age gap like this would be strange and disturbing today it made sense and wasn’t questioned for that time period. The values back then are not the same as today.
Mar 19, 2022 1:40 PM
May 2020
Flakbeard said:
Dunno, I think Miranjo should have stayed dead.

Like, writers, y'all are not gonna make me forget, little Boji crying and sobbing while his mother is shielding him from arrows being shot in her back, causing her to bleed out all over Boji. That one scene makes her new chance at life undeserved. She should of stayed dead and at least have her soul join Bosse, not this marriage proposal ending.

I totally agree...
Mar 19, 2022 1:48 PM
Sep 2021
Miranjo is cute, that's all I'm saying.
Mar 19, 2022 2:21 PM
Dec 2021
I understand everything about Miranjo but the fact that she killed bojji's mother, i didn't liked that part.
Mar 19, 2022 3:56 PM
Jan 2022
I just don't really see this as the happy ending for Miranjo that people are interpreting. First of all, because the story's obviously not over, there's more to the manga which we might or might not get adapted in a second season. And knowing that, I'm sure there's still a lot of tragedy left in store for her. I found the proposal thing pretty odd, mostly because of the logistics in their age difference, but in terms of Daida's reasons for doing so, and as a way to keep her closely around for the sake of continuing her story, I think it's fine. I don't really mind the fact that Miranjo was revived, it was just unexpectedly quick. I thought for sure Season 2 would revolve around a quest to save her or something.

And when it comes to whether or not everyone should forgive her, especially for what she did to Bojji and his mom, yeah, I can definitely see people's reservations to that. But ultimately, Bojji's mom forgives her, and Bojji saw that she forgave her and subsequently did too, sooooo 🤷. I personally find that's enough.
Mar 19, 2022 4:14 PM

Nov 2013
carhs14 said:
What Miranjo did had an explanation but not a justification. One could think it was odd, at least at the beginning when it looked like literally everybody was going to forgive her, but then the captain of the underworld said she had to pay, and it makes sense that he was the only one that said that because he didn't know the full story. Now, on Bojji's perspective, he saw her entire life and empathized with Miranio, plus, he saw the conversation between his mom and Miranjo, where Bojji's mom forgives her and says that she doesn't have any resentment, now for Bojji it wouldn't make sense to punish her by letting the Demon eat her because he knew that Miranjo could be saved. On Daida's side, it was almost the same, but in this case, he could literally feel Miranjo's true soul and knew the whole story as well, I was like WTF when he asked her to be his wife but for me it makes sense that Daida decided to protect her and in that time, that is how marriages worked. And the most important part of this, the cherry on the cake came with Despa, he was going to save Ouken but then he understood Bojji's desires to save her and not just that, he knew everything about Miranjo as well, BUT he knew that somehow she had to PAY, to REDEEM herself, since she wasn't pure evil and could be saved, so he saved her under 2 conditions, first, the kingdom had to give him A LOT of money and the second and most important one, he commended a LIFE mission to her by saying: "You must teach the next generation why you committed your crimes so that no one else has to suffer as you did", for me, that was a perfect way to close this whole situation and the perfect "punishment" for Miranjo. If that last part wouldn't have happened, I would have been dissapointed but fortunately it wasn't the case. That is why I feel very satisfied with all this and it all makes sense for me. Besides, Miranjo DID show a sense of guilt and she was prepared to face the consequences, also, she did suffer/pay in that brief time when she was inside the demon.

And it is not that everybody forgave her and moved on very easily, given all the facts, the elements, the events, the whole situation, this resolution was the best course of action, because again, Miranjo wasn't pure evil and could be saved, she can do way more and pay for her sins in her new life mission. Suffering endlessly inside the demon wouldn't change anything.

Couldn't have said it better!
Mar 19, 2022 5:09 PM

Dec 2020
im also quite a softie, usually go for stuff with happy ending's since i cant rly handle sad ones but even so we still could've taken a better route for her

one where it was happy, she turned good and they forgave her. just give her some time. some time to actually do some good first, prove herself and let her atone for her sins. it'll take too long? timeskips are a thing lol. maybe after a few years / months THEN they'll start to forgive her. i just really didnt like how they forgave her Instantly
Mar 19, 2022 5:57 PM

Jul 2013
chill_dumplin said:
I have a lot of mixed feelings on the recent episode with Miranjo’s situation… but the biggest concern for me is the age gap between Miranjo and Daida, and their possible marriage. I’m not entirely sure how old Daida is, but I’m assuming she is at least double his age…. I don’t see how the people present during his proposal felt ok with this… ESPECIALLY knowing the reason Daida was born was for her to manipulate and use him to bring his own father back to life.

I'm most concerned with that last part. Like, she literally needed a body to put Bosse's soul in so she made sure she got one by arranging Daida's birth.

I don't trust her yet. Especially to get married to Daida. It was so sudden. Put her on probation for a while, sheesh.

And Daida made a deal with that demon, right? That will come into play again I'm sure.
Mar 19, 2022 6:18 PM

Dec 2016
towelgirl21 said:

I'm most concerned with that last part. Like, she literally needed a body to put Bosse's soul in so she made sure she got one by arranging Daida's birth.

I don't trust her yet. Especially to get married to Daida. It was so sudden. Put her on probation for a while, sheesh.

And Daida made a deal with that demon, right? That will come into play again I'm sure.

This is actually an interesting part. Daida is quite young, right? And while he was able to witness her past and some of the reasoning as to why she did what she did, he seems to largely place the blame on Bosse's lack of care or proper guidance regarding her.

Now with the age bit, as I said, Daida is fairly young. What do young people do quite often? Not really think things through. Daida is a pretty forward individual, and while he wants to help himself and Miranjo both make up for their faults, he also has some desires of his own. I think him saying "he will marry her" kind of fits the bill for his character - we are yet to see if that is even something that will actually happen with Miranjo - personally I can see her declining and starting to actually live for herself rather than rely on/ obsessively support others (like with Bosse). She does need to do work to make up for everything she assisted in that was bad, but keep in mind that Bojji's mother forgave her, a Bojji has been working to try and understand people better, so he likely accepted what his mom said and decided to follow suit.

lots of stuff in the future to look forward to.
Mar 19, 2022 6:44 PM

Apr 2009
Phlaryx said:
chill_dumplin said:
I have a lot of mixed feelings on the recent episode with Miranjo’s situation… but the biggest concern for me is the age gap between Miranjo and Daida, and their possible marriage. I’m not entirely sure how old Daida is, but I’m assuming she is at least double his age…. I don’t see how the people present during his proposal felt ok with this… ESPECIALLY knowing the reason Daida was born was for her to manipulate and use him to bring his own father back to life.

This anime takes place during old knightly kings and queens times (not counting the fantasy elements)

Why do people repeat this, it's not a fucking historical fiction, it's a Japanese fairly tale which uses middle age aesthetics when it's convenient and throws them away when it's inconvenient and it's more interested in teaching the viewer moral lessons about forgiveness and redemption more than anything.

No to mention that the idea that a 12 years old king could marry the peasant girl that murdered the previous queen and is responsible for two insurrection is fucking idiotic!

Mar 19, 2022 7:35 PM
Jul 2017
This anime takes place during old knightly kings and queens times (not counting the fantasy elements) [/quote]
Why do people repeat this, it's not a fucking historical fiction, it's a Japanese fairly tale which uses middle age aesthetics when it's convenient and throws them away when it's inconvenient and it's more interested in teaching the viewer moral lessons about forgiveness and redemption more than anything.

No to mention that the idea that a 12 years old king could marry the peasant girl that murdered the previous queen and is responsible for two insurrection is fucking idiotic![/quote]

Yes I’m aware that it’s not a historical fiction lol. That’s why I said (not counting the fantasy elements) which you literally quoted from me. I was speaking on behalf of the middle age aesthetics to make my point.
Mar 19, 2022 7:43 PM

Jul 2013
Jin_uzuki said:
Phlaryx said:

This anime takes place during old knightly kings and queens times (not counting the fantasy elements)

Why do people repeat this, it's not a fucking historical fiction, it's a Japanese fairly tale which uses middle age aesthetics when it's convenient and throws them away when it's inconvenient and it's more interested in teaching the viewer moral lessons about forgiveness and redemption more than anything.

No to mention that the idea that a 12 years old king could marry the peasant girl that murdered the previous queen and is responsible for two insurrection is fucking idiotic!

Yeah, that's quite a rap sheet Miranjo's got. I don't trust her yet, sad backstory or not. This marriage is a bad idea anyway: Daida is being hasty. He watched her servants grind up his father's corpse, do a bunch of rituals and make it into a potion so his dad's soul could possess his body. Miranjo sus. I have a hard time thinking she can be instantly reformed if she's been doing things like that for SO long.
Mar 20, 2022 8:40 AM

May 2021
Krrryyo said:
Quote by Sosuke Toka [Author]
I'm a delicate-hearted person, so I love stories with happy endings. I'd like to make everyone happy if I can. But I can't do that for the bad guys. The core is as simple as that.

What does this mean for Miranjo? Is she just a tragic character or is she truly a 'bad guy' who deserve suffering?

Judging from the mixed reactions last episode, ig people aren't used to easily forgiving the antagonist of the show.

Reform over punishment? She killed my man bojji's mom and attempted to assassinate the other queen 2 times,not forgetting how she almost killed the entire cast by hiring oukenk,i would have really liked it if she were to burn in hell.But since the story was so poorly told,it doesnt actually matter
Mar 20, 2022 3:10 PM
Feb 2022
Inter_Sting said:
People complained a lot that they forgot that she killed Bojji's mother, and no one forgives her, but her past is exaggeratedly hard, and I do forgive her and I wish her well despite this latest event. I really like Miranjo as an antagonist and as a character.

Sorry for my poor english.

I agree but they just forgive her so suddenly and fast
Mar 20, 2022 4:02 PM
Aug 2021
It's nice to have this forgiving perspective put so directly by the show. Bosse forgave Miranjo because he truly understood her life and now so does Daida once Bosse shared thos memories. His empathy is enough to convince me that she is a tragic character whose life heavily forced her down an unfair and cruel route. Sad but true
Mar 20, 2022 7:18 PM
Feb 2020
Miranjo is the 2nd best character after Bojji, I understood her situation. What I didn’t like is Daida proposing to her and it doesn’t have anything to do with the age gap, I think it took away from both their characters that, that’s what came out of their relationship.
TheHoodSenpaiMar 20, 2022 7:22 PM
Mar 22, 2022 11:50 AM
Feb 2022
Krrryyo said:
Quote by Sosuke Toka [Author]
I'm a delicate-hearted person, so I love stories with happy endings. I'd like to make everyone happy if I can. But I can't do that for the bad guys. The core is as simple as that.

What does this mean for Miranjo? Is she just a tragic character or is she truly a 'bad guy' who deserve suffering?

Judging from the mixed reactions last episode, ig people aren't used to easily forgiving the antagonist of the show.

idk man after hearing Daida say: "I WANNA MARRY MIRANJO!"
-I would have loved to see her rather dead!
Mar 22, 2022 11:54 AM
Feb 2022
chill_dumplin said:
I have a lot of mixed feelings on the recent episode with Miranjo’s situation… but the biggest concern for me is the age gap between Miranjo and Daida, and their possible marriage. I’m not entirely sure how old Daida is, but I’m assuming she is at least double his age…. I don’t see how the people present during his proposal felt ok with this… ESPECIALLY knowing the reason Daida was born was for her to manipulate and use him to bring his own father back to life.

exactly. It's so out of place, for him to even like miranjo. Not only did she deceive him, but she also used to like Daidas "dad". That part was truely, baddly written. He has no reason to like her. The only romance was, when he stayed in the dark with her past 4 year old kid self, which was also her fault. So well
Mar 22, 2022 12:32 PM
Jan 2022
Phlaryx said:
chill_dumplin said:
I have a lot of mixed feelings on the recent episode with Miranjo’s situation… but the biggest concern for me is the age gap between Miranjo and Daida, and their possible marriage. I’m not entirely sure how old Daida is, but I’m assuming she is at least double his age…. I don’t see how the people present during his proposal felt ok with this… ESPECIALLY knowing the reason Daida was born was for her to manipulate and use him to bring his own father back to life.

This anime takes place during old knightly kings and queens times (not counting the fantasy elements) While an age gap like this would be strange and disturbing today it made sense and wasn’t questioned for that time period. The values back then are not the same as today.

I understand the setting... However, Miranjo grew up with Bosse and was in love with him (even wanting to spend her life with him). I find it quite sickening that she had such relations with Bosse and now possibly Daida. ESPECIALLY since her initial intentions were to use Daida as a sacrifice to prolong her time with Bosse. Even if we look past the age gap, there are still a lot of things that are wrong with a romantic relationship between Daida and Miranjo.
Mar 22, 2022 12:35 PM
Jan 2022
Taeay said:
chill_dumplin said:
I have a lot of mixed feelings on the recent episode with Miranjo’s situation… but the biggest concern for me is the age gap between Miranjo and Daida, and their possible marriage. I’m not entirely sure how old Daida is, but I’m assuming she is at least double his age…. I don’t see how the people present during his proposal felt ok with this… ESPECIALLY knowing the reason Daida was born was for her to manipulate and use him to bring his own father back to life.

exactly. It's so out of place, for him to even like miranjo. Not only did she deceive him, but she also used to like Daidas "dad". That part was truely, baddly written. He has no reason to like her. The only romance was, when he stayed in the dark with her past 4 year old kid self, which was also her fault. So well

I agree, it is very out of place. I believe his initial affection for her is a result of her abuse and manipulation. Although, his time in the dark with her 4 yr old self probably strengthened those feelings as he thought they were mutually in the same position and possibly even supporting/protecting each other.
Mar 22, 2022 12:51 PM
Jul 2017
chill_dumplin said:
Phlaryx said:

This anime takes place during old knightly kings and queens times (not counting the fantasy elements) While an age gap like this would be strange and disturbing today it made sense and wasn’t questioned for that time period. The values back then are not the same as today.

I understand the setting... However, Miranjo grew up with Bosse and was in love with him (even wanting to spend her life with him). I find it quite sickening that she had such relations with Bosse and now possibly Daida. ESPECIALLY since her initial intentions were to use Daida as a sacrifice to prolong her time with Bosse. Even if we look past the age gap, there are still a lot of things that are wrong with a romantic relationship between Daida and Miranjo.

Yeah, to you and to me the age gap is disturbing but you also questioned why the OTHER CHARACTERS in the show weren’t disgusted. THAT point you made was what I was responding to lol.
Mar 22, 2022 12:54 PM
Jan 2022
Phlaryx said:
chill_dumplin said:

I understand the setting... However, Miranjo grew up with Bosse and was in love with him (even wanting to spend her life with him). I find it quite sickening that she had such relations with Bosse and now possibly Daida. ESPECIALLY since her initial intentions were to use Daida as a sacrifice to prolong her time with Bosse. Even if we look past the age gap, there are still a lot of things that are wrong with a romantic relationship between Daida and Miranjo.

Yeah, to you and to me the age gap is disturbing but you also questioned why the OTHER CHARACTERS in the show weren’t disgusted. THAT point you made was what I was responding to lol.

Oh, my bad. I mean.... it's still kinda weird from their perspective(?) like some of them know she did that to Daida and she tried to kill his mom twice...
Apr 5, 2022 2:18 PM

Oct 2008
I guess that means Boss dying is enough punishment for Miranjo. He was the most important persont to her. Also this confirms that Boss was the villain and not Miranjo.

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