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Jun 17, 2021 7:14 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

Morgan felt bad that he was rushing them to leave, but he really didn't wanted to be here. He knew it wasn't all the queen's fault. He had never fit in, he was used to be excluded and not accepted. That's why he liked being with Mikaila, he doesn't feel that way wit him. Speaking of the devil, the queen knock on the door enter saying urgent news. He sigh and though Just like it happened to me
Jun 17, 2021 7:17 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

Mikaila would grab a kimono and get dressed. He would also bring Morgan’s clothes to him and wait to he got dressed. Once they were both presentable he would open the door. ”are you sure mother? She’s not just hiding somewhere?
Jun 17, 2021 7:19 PM

Dec 2016
Queen Kayla

”one of our servants saw it happened. Another servant followed them so we know we’re they are.”
Jun 17, 2021 7:24 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

Mikaila hand him a change of clothes, so he stood up and switched his clothes. He would stay behind on the room as he just let them speak.
Jun 17, 2021 7:28 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

”you stay here and make sure no body attacks the castle. I’ll go rescue her. You know I’ll bring her back no matter what. he would look at Morgan ”I feel bad for dragging you into this but come with me please”
Jun 17, 2021 7:29 PM

Dec 2016
Queen Kayla

”I have no choice, please bring your sister back.”
Jun 17, 2021 7:42 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

Morgan nod and got ready to follow Mikaila.
Jun 17, 2021 7:52 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

Mikaila and Morgan headed to the locations. The servant was in communication with mikaila until they got there. The two would sneak in and when they got distracted, they took kaitlyn and sneaked out. The three would head back to the palace.
Jun 17, 2021 7:54 PM

Dec 2016
As the three were distracted. One of the bad guys sneaked behind them and grabbed Mikaila. He put anti magic handcuffs on him and attempted to run off.
Sakura_megamiJun 17, 2021 9:10 PM
Jun 17, 2021 9:17 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

Seems it wasn't a big deal to extract the girl from the place, but as they were going back, they faced some problems. Morgan saw as the man tried to drag Mikaila away, he got a scary grin and said while getting his new axe out "Stay put" Morgan activated his Air elimination on the man, then dash toward it and swing it to the arm that was dragging Mikaila. Then Morgan t=would grab Mikaila and moved him behind.
Jun 17, 2021 9:34 PM

Dec 2016
The man had to give Morgan Mikaila otherwise he was going to lose an arm. He kneeled for air but quickly took a breathing device out and looked Morgan dead in the eyes as he took out a sword. "just give me the prince and I will let you go, ill even let the young princess go Mikaila was in the arms of his lover but couldn't do much cause of the handcuffs
Jun 17, 2021 9:43 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

Seems who ever this man was, got ready for his attack. He said "Get over to your sister for me" Morgan dash again toward the man and swing his axe toward the chest of the man.
Jun 17, 2021 9:47 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

Mikaila would rush towards Kaitlyn in order to not get in Morgans way. Him and Kaitlun would now attempt to break the handcuffs.

Jun 17, 2021 9:49 PM

Dec 2016
"Why must you make this difficult for me? The man would rush towards Morgan with his blade. At the same time Lightning would Strick him from above. The man would attempt to cut Morgans foot. Regardless of whether he hit or not, Morgan wasn't his goal. The man would rush towards Mikaila
Jun 18, 2021 5:18 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

As the man attacked, Morgan would use his Air Reflection so the attack would hurt the man. He then grab the man's clothes to keep him close and to avoid going to the sibblings. Morgan then placed his axe against the man's neck and said "Is pretty simple: you die or live"
Jun 18, 2021 5:36 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

Mikaila and Kaitlyn watched as the man tried to run for his life after Morgan had given him the choice. Eventually kaitlyn would break the handcuffs on mikaila and the two would rush to Morgan’s side.. not that he needed any help. ”thanks Morgan” ^~^
Jun 19, 2021 1:33 AM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

He wanted to go after the man, but Mikaila seemed to be satisfied with that. Morgan nod and said "Let's head to the castle then" He escorted both of them, not wanting anything else to happen to Mikaila.
Jun 19, 2021 2:08 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

Mikaila would cling to Morgan and grab his sisters hand as they headed to the castle. They would eventually meet up with the queen.
Jun 19, 2021 2:12 PM

Dec 2016
Queen Kayla

”Thank you for bringing her back” She would hug kaitlyn
Jun 19, 2021 2:24 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

The arrived without any inconvenience, the queen was happy that her daughter was safe and back to her.
Jun 21, 2021 10:18 AM

Dec 2016
The man would soon come with back up and surround them

Their Queen: Faith

"You and your demon children do not deserve the throne. We will be killing you and your children for it. Just surrender and go out without a faith. None of your servants are with you. its literally just you four against all of us. Faith would create a barrier around just her and Kayla. "only one of us will leave this barrier alive. They will take care of your children.

Her Child Layla




Faith's Sister Mariam

Layla would use her vines to attempt to trap mikaila and Kaitlyn. Steve would use his fire breath attack on all 3 of them. Sandy used her moon shard attacks on them while Even used his burning leaves.

Mariam would watch all of this. She needed to analyze who needed the most help, whether her sister or the rest of their group.
Sakura_megamiJun 21, 2021 10:40 AM
Jun 21, 2021 10:42 AM

Dec 2016
Queen Kayla

Within a matter of seconds Kayla would be sucked in to a death match with faith in a fight for the throne. All she could really think about is that she needed to finish her up quickly so she could help Mikaila and Kaitlyn.
Sakura_megamiJun 21, 2021 10:52 AM
Jun 21, 2021 10:46 AM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

Mikaila and Kaitlyn would combine their barrier and create a big one that would shield the three of them from the incoming attacks. They however could only keep that up for so long. They were definatly in a sticky situation. Mikaila felt horrible for bringing his lover into this whole mess. Mikaila would shoot 3 arrows at Layla and one at each off there followers.
Sakura_megamiJun 21, 2021 10:52 AM
Jun 21, 2021 11:27 AM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki

Out of nowhere, the man that escaped came back with a lot of back up. Morgan frown and used his Air Reflection to turn all the attacks toward them. He then waited with Mikaila and the princess, he would usually go head on, but the queen was compromise. The last thing needed was for the whole royal family to collapse. He got his sword and axe, one in each hand, standing in a offense position.
Jun 21, 2021 11:38 AM

Dec 2016




Faith's Sister Mariam

All of their attacks were returned to them and they were hit by arrows. They were all shocked by the outcome since they thought it was going to be a walk in the park.
Layla ”Listen up you guys. It seems like they recruited a very powerful ally. Damn that queen and her luck. Do not underestimate them. We got this! We will defeat them!” Layla would use her vines, this time on lol three of them. Steve would use his fire breath attack on all 3 of them. Sandy used her moon shard attacks on them while Beven used his burning leaves.

Mariam was about to join them when she realized that her queen needed more help. She joined in on the married since she was the only one who had access.
Jun 21, 2021 11:41 AM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

Mikaila and kaitlyns barrier would last another round. They were in a very touch spot since Morgan was the one with the strongest offense but he was also the strongest from up close. He was too scared to let Morgan leave that barrier. He sigh as he would shoot two arrows at all of the enemy.
Jun 21, 2021 12:51 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki
Air Elimination - 0/1, 0/3
Air Cuts- 1/1, 0/5
Air Reflection - 1/1, 0/4

Mikaila and his sister's barrier would protect him from the attack. He would use his Air Cuts toward Layla, Steve, Sandy, Beven and Mariam. He kept his post, with each weapon on each hand. He would then say "Can you do a barrier for ne and your sistsr can do one for you two? I need to go clkser to them"
Jun 21, 2021 1:14 PM

Dec 2016




Again the bunch of them would take the greater hit.
Layla "this is insane!"
Steve would use his fire balls all around them. Ben would use blinding light so that Morgan could have a hard time seeing them. Sandy fired a moon beam in the hopes of destroying their barrier. Layla would summon two giant plants.
Jun 21, 2021 1:16 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

He would nod at Morgan. "Alright Kaitlyn, do as he says" Mikailas barrier would cover Morgan while Kaitlyns covered her and her brother. Mikaila would fire 2 arrows at all of them.
Sakura_megamiJun 21, 2021 1:31 PM
Jun 21, 2021 1:24 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki
Air Elimination - 0/1, 0/3
Air Cuts- 1/1, 1/5
Air Reflection - 1/1, 2/4

Now Morgan was free to move, He decided to use his axe to reflect Sandy's attack. He then dash toward the clksest one and saing his sword then his axe at it. He aimed for the legs and arms. Morgan then moved to the next one to attack them the same way.
Jun 21, 2021 1:36 PM

Dec 2016




They would all get hit by arrows, Morgan would then hurt sandy in her arms and legs. He attempted to do the same with Steve but he ran further before Morgan got to him. They would all focus their attacks on the barrier so it could break.
Jun 21, 2021 1:38 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

Mikaila’s and kaitlyns barriers would break leaving them vulnerable to all of there attacks. He was also running out of arrows. He would use his last 3 arrows and fire them at Sandy since she had the most damage. It would be nice if they had Atleast one less opponent
Jun 21, 2021 1:44 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki
Air Elimination - 0/1, 0/3
Air Cuts- 1/1, 2/5
Air Reflection - 1/1, 3/4

Once the barrier was down, Morgan went back the the sibblings. He tried to avoid the attack with his sword and axe, but still got hurt. He decided to stay here until the sibblings could create the barrier again. He would scream "Use me and don't get hurt!"
Jun 21, 2021 1:53 PM

Dec 2016




Steve used his fireballs at all of them, Sandy would use her shard attack on Mikaila and Kaitlyn only. Even would shot a light bean at the siblings. Layla use camouflage and appear right behind mikaila and Kaitlyn. She would use the plant to attack Kaitlyn and vines to hold capture mikaila. The vines would summon thorns that would harm him all over.
Jun 21, 2021 1:57 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

Mikaila would completely heel Morgan and move away from him. He didn't want Morgan to get hurt since they were all after his head. There was no way he would listen to Morgans request to use him as a shield. He would Shield Kaitlyn until he got captured by the vines. "Kaitlyn run!" Kaitlyn managed to avoid the attack by running but she was worried for her brother. She would run while looking for a possible weapon for him
Sakura_megamiJun 21, 2021 2:48 PM
Jun 21, 2021 2:38 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki
Air Elimination - 1/1, 0/8
Air Cuts- 1/1, 3/5
Air Reflection - 1/1, 4/4

Seems the bunch were just going around him, attacking the sibblings. He got frustrated, Mikaila was too emotional when fighting. The sister was able to escape but now Mikaila was captured. Morgan used is Air Elimination toward all of the enemy. He used this opportunity to cut through the plant monster and free Mikaila. Then screamed at him "Use me as shield! You can always heal me! I'm not telling you again!" Morgan then dash toward the enemy, from closer to farthest. He would swing his sword then his axe at each of them. He then dash back to Mikaila.
Jun 21, 2021 2:47 PM

Dec 2016




"You cannot protect them forever, boy They all got hurt due to Morgan taking out their air and attacks. Sandy was almost dead and could barely attack. Even surrounded them all by leaves and attached. Steve used his fire breath on all of them. Meanwhile Layla would walk over to mikaila with a sword. "it is over for you, mr demon prince" She intended to kill the man herself with a sword made from her vines.
Jun 21, 2021 2:51 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

"I can never use u as a shield and we both know that so stop telling me to do crazy stuff" He would then be attacked by their incoming attacks that would hit all of them. He would heel Morgan almost as soon as he got hit by the leaves and fire balls. Kaityln would toss Mikaila a sword she managed to find. It was a plain knight sword. He would use it to shield himself from the incoming attack of Layla. His sword would clash with her vine sword.
Jun 21, 2021 3:03 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki
Air Elimination - 1/1, 1/8
Air Cuts- 1/1, 4/5
Air Reflection - 1/1, 1/3

Morgan used his Air Reflection toward all of the attacks, he then smirk and said "Try me" Morgan saw that Layla was the closest, since she was busy with Mikaila, he dash to her back and stab his axe on her back.
Jun 21, 2021 3:09 PM

Dec 2016




Morgan killed Sandra by reflecting all their attacks at all of them. That was one less enemy. Kayla got stopped in the back by Morgan, making the princess fall towards her knees from the pain. Since the princess was at risk. The guys that were left would shout their attacks at Morgan. Their queen would kill them if harm befell on her daughter. Even used his leaves to burn Morgan while Steve shot fireballs at him.
Jun 21, 2021 3:10 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

Mikaila used his shield to protect Morgan from all of their attacks while Kaitlyn would shield both of them. It seemed like Morgan managed to turn the tables on the situation.
Jun 21, 2021 7:16 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki
Air Elimination - 1/1, 2/8
Air Cuts- 1/1, 5/5
Air Reflection - 1/1, 2/3

Since Mikaila covered him with the shield, Morgan finish off Layla by cutting her throat with his axe. He then dash to the remaining two and swing his sword and axe toward the legs and arms.
Jun 21, 2021 7:32 PM

Dec 2016




After their princess was dead, the rest was a walk in the park for Morgan. He managed to easily kill all of them with his weapons.
Morgan and MIkaila would gaining 90 level points for this battle.
Jun 21, 2021 7:34 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

Mikaila would sit on the floor once the battle was over, relieved that they made it out alive. Kaitlyn would hug Misaki since he was hurt and she was crying because of the situation. Still she was relieve it was over. Mikaila would pet Kaitlyn to let her know he will be ok and the two sibling would thank Morgan.
Jun 21, 2021 7:53 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki
Air Elimination - 1/1, 3/8
Air Cuts- 1/1, 0/5
Air Reflection - 1/1, 3/3

Morgan saw that Mikaila was hurt, he rush toward him and said "No, Mikaila, how did this happen?" He was dead worried about the situation, even if the queen was fighting and having a hard time.
Jun 21, 2021 7:59 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

"Alot of people don't like the fact that my mother is ruler because she fell involve with a demon. which is why they refer to us as demon children. My guess is that they are the main opposers. I honestly don't know to much since I was in the institute and my mom does a poor job at keeping me up to date so I don't worry." He hugged Morgan and leaned his head on him. "I really am sorry for dragging you into this'
Jun 21, 2021 8:13 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki
Air Elimination - 1/1, 3/8
Air Cuts- 1/1, 0/5
Air Reflection - 1/1, 3/3

Morgan shake his head and said "I didn't mean that, you are hurt, what can we do to help you?" He held Mikaila tightly.
Jun 21, 2021 8:17 PM

Dec 2016
Mikaila Blossoms

"I will be fine, don't worry to much" Despite being in alot of pain due to all of his wounds and exhausted from the battle. He didn't want to make Kaitlyn nor Morgan worry. "My mom could heal me once she is done. Lets go help her since she is in a 2-1 match" Mikaila decided to be strong and get up. He would laugh a bit of blood but hide it from Morgan and his sister
Jun 21, 2021 8:31 PM

May 2009
Morgan O'Kuki
Air Elimination - 1/1, 4/8
Air Cuts- 1/1, 1/5
Air Reflection - 1/1, 0/3

Morgan stop him, decided to make him sit down as he said "Right, you two stay here, I'll bring your mother" He ran toward the queen and used his Air Reflection to break the seal of the barrier, then got in and charged toward the bad queen.
Jun 21, 2021 8:42 PM

Dec 2016
Queen Kayla

Fight Recap

After being trapped in a barrier with queen faith, she would be in a rush to kill her opponent. Kayla was easily beating Faith until Marium joined her. Once it was a two V.S one fight, the two of them would start winning. However Kayla is very strong and was not going to go down with down a fight. Once Morgan came in, Kaylas lifespan was 35/50. Marium was 20/35 and Faith was 10/45.

With Morgan here to help her, She used made a water tsunami and tornado and it attacked both of her opponents.
Sakura_megamiJun 21, 2021 8:56 PM
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