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May 26, 2017 6:38 AM

Dec 2014
logic340 said:
@CorruptedPurity With all the questions you had to ask the host to make sure your plan was working right did asking if Mafia know town is Zombie never cross your mind? It didn't cross mine because I was thinking of behavior of players not mechanics.
So a big part if why I felt your flavor hunting was wrong and bad is what has been revealed here now (which I am being blamed for rolefishing) the fact that PR's might have different zombie names than the vanilla town. I also though if town is all zombies and scum aren't then they might know that town are the zombies. So when I saw Zombiefied from Rinto all it said to me was he thinks I might be town. You then proceed to say you caught me as scum with your flavor hunt because I didn't pick up on something I was sleeping for? So I would like you to look at this from my PoV.

You have a plan to catch scum but you caught town (me) with it?
I have to wonder if the other people you caught with this plan are actually town?
You clear people that picked up on what you were doing as town but from my PoV is you caught town then scum could be hiding in your town block?
I ask for the flavor gaming to stop because you are trying to exploit an unexploitable mechanic yet it continued on.
Rinto and i are at the bottom of everyone scum pile because mechanics that are flawed (proven now by everyone PM PentaFlare).
I got a huge scum read and 5 votes based off a flawed flavor exploitation? Wouldn't you be upset as well?

This was the post I was looking for. This was what I wanted when I gave you the clean slate. Now instead of wondering why you're so keen on lynching flavorhunters or why you "didn't catch Rinto's slip", I can finally see your POV and understand your frustration. Yes my plan was not well coordinated cause I assumed that mafia wouldn't be informed that zombies are town, yes it was my fault for overlooking that key possibility which may lead to the plan failure which it did and I'm sorry that you and rinto took a hit cause of it. I was just doing what I thought was right, hopefully you understand that. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, it makes this game much easier. I believe I explained my thoughts which would answer your questions about me. This whole thing is due to our lack of communication and I'm equally to blame for starting a plan that I didn't make sure was foolproof. I'm sorry, can we let bygones be bygones? For one, this post helped me townclear you as I can understand that your actions were not of malicious intents.
May 26, 2017 6:40 AM

Dec 2014
DenjaX said:
CorruptedPurity said:

I'm glad that you can see where I am coming from and are more calm about the whole situation. I am completely fine with agreeing to disagreeing, what I didn't like was your hyper-aggressive stance in wanting to lynch anyone who participated in the flavorhunt. From my POV the flavorhunt was a very pro-town event as it could really net us some scum so for someone to be so against it seemed scummy to me, furthermore, you were one of the suspects of the flavorhunt, solidifying my read on you even more. I know the flavorhunt is flawed cos of what penta said, trust me I didn't know before I started it, I don't read the sign up threads for questions if I'm not pinged. But the results and reaction still points fingers at you. At the heat of the moment, your rash and snappy posts against me really frightened me, saying how you're about to blow up on me and such, thus I decided to try to pacify you but you seemed to take it personally so my only way of talking is waiting for you to relax and letting me write down my thoughts so we are on the same wavelength. Since you have taken time to listen to me, I shall give you the same treatment. Write about your defense, who you want to lynch and why. I'll promise to review it unbiasly, if I'm satisfied, I'll take my vote off of you and maybe even vote with you, but it must really make sense, not just a hunch here or there, cause I have strong evidence against you and Rinto. The topics I would like you to elaborate on during your defense is why were you so adamant on lynching those who flavourhunted (me, grape, aa) and why you didn't attack Rinto when he said zombified, but instead went along with it.
Alot of these points are so wrong. Since when is flavour hunting a town tell? It is obviously IIoA which is an active scum tell at best. You are tunnelling on Rinto to be scum slipping when it is obviously a bait similar to what Lamby did. Take a look again at his post about the zombified. He specifically mentioned grrr which I believe he wants to figure out his alignment and I am going to follow-up on that. Grrr did not bother with the bait so far. Rinto and I have info on why should we be suspicious about grrr and I want to get it done this phase.

I learned that I can be quite stubborn and tunnel hard sometimes, prove me wrong, show me how grrr is scum, im happy to listen. I don't believe that rinto was baiting, but I honestly dont trust my own reads at this point, so show to me why this is the case.
May 26, 2017 6:43 AM

Jan 2010
Grapefruit21 said:
logic340 said:
I am kind of at the point where I don't care if I hurt feeling some of you need to hear the truth and the truth hurts.

Then do that and stop making self righteous apologies. Move the game on and save it for post game.

For the record I can't believe you are still talking about how useless the hunt on 4-7 was from your posting at Fo and others about your claim.

I'd like to hear how you instantly knew the slip/bait was a town move and not worth pursuing. What made Rinto at that stage so obviously town?
I'd like you to just stop really. You assume to much. I never said he was obvious town there so if that is what you think you put that own though into your own head and it is false.

You yourself said pretend like pages 4-7 didn't happen so again i will ask you to stop don't even bring up page 4-7 to me again. Fo completely ignored my claim and you are ignoring that fact. Why did you believe it while he ignored it? At the time it made sense obviously now it doesn't since mafia knew the whole while. Which means you town block could be littered with mafia right now.

What is spit/bait I don't even know what that terms is so I cannot answer your questions regarding it.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 26, 2017 6:45 AM

Nov 2008
CorruptedPurity said:
I learned that I can be quite stubborn and tunnel hard sometimes, prove me wrong, show me how grrr is scum, im happy to listen. I don't believe that rinto was baiting, but I honestly dont trust my own reads at this point, so show to me why this is the case.
I am not saying that grrr is scum yet. He probably don't bother with anyone unless they are girls. xDD I am just waiting for his reply and depending on how he responds, he might become my ally or an enemy.

Also, I actually suspect you more. I believe logic is on to something here and I am putting this at the back my mind and see how wen plays for aa-dono slot.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
May 26, 2017 6:45 AM

Dec 2016
logic340 said:
Grapefruit21 said:

I'll take full blame for that. I thought logic claiming with that wording made him town firmed. I no longer believe that. I hopped on Lamby because it was the only possible alternative to lynching logic, even though I thought they were likely town. All in all I played a crap end of phase.
I am going to say this in the nicest way I can. You should have left you vote on me. That jump to lamb another town after I told you all not to save me looks scummy as hell. The fact that you waited until the third time a claimed to jump makes me feel like you had a plan the entire time? Why save me when I explicitly said to use my death for information and I was your strongest scum read all day. I gave my claim with plenty of time before phase change so why wait until last minute to change your vote?

Because I got out of bed 30 minutes before phase change and was rushing. I realized what you were saying with about 10 minutes to go but there wasn't an alternative wagon and [redacted] so I didn't move till Lamby's wagon happened organically and without any help from me. At that moment in time I thought you were 100% town and Lamby was 85-90% so I took the small chance of scum.

logic340 said:
Maybe so, but I think a swift kick in the ass in the short run is what people need right now.
Me, you, and Grapefruit made this about us and there were 12 other people in the game. I was more than willing to die to prove you all wrong this time because it would have provided my town with so much information. Grapefruit saves me then says he wishes he didn't and I am still likely scum? I don't even understand why am I alive right now then?

I think my progression is pretty evident.

And to your response to Gruffin I don't have to read Gruffin's links to know that you were incredibly feisty in Alcatraz. You even made a quip about it in your scum chat iirc. Something jokey about setting up for a huge showdown or something like that before you won our death spiral.

logic340 said:
DenjaX said:
I agree on logic about you being contradictory. You voted one someone who claimed PR because of a faulty flavouring. And most of all, you just sheeped in it. He got pissed because I think he believes a claim until proven otherwise. This game is basic and if Rinto was scum claiming doc, it is highly risky to be counterclaimed especially since this is a closed set-up game.
Basically i want to compare this to claire's unprovoked claim in Kitty Mafia. Grapefruit adamantly defended Claire on the basis of "You do not lynch uncounterclaimed PR's" so his vote on Rinto goes counter to this stance and which is his default stance. As scum he jumped on grrr's nurse claim and tried hard to get him lynched D1. So as town Grapefruit knows and cherishes the importance of PR to the point he will make himself look scummy to protect them. As mafia he wants to kill off town PR's as soon as possible and without having to use a NK to do it. This is my assessment of Grapefruit and PR claims.

That is a huge misrepresentation of what I did in Stray Dogs and to a much lesser extent Kitty. In Stray Dogs I pushed Grrr for fishing for Claims. For trying to sort the game by traditional roles vs non traditional. Once the nurse claim came out I actually immediately strongly town read him. (Until there was proven to be an inheritor when I temporarily tried to jump back on thinking that proved his claim was a lie). So yeah, you like to immediately scum read people for lying about other games. I don't do that, because I know it's usually not a lie. It's everything runs together and gets messy. My push was entirely on his trying to fish for traditional roles which was role fishing. Just role fishing that was deemed okay by that town.

And for like the 15th time apart from the three hours right after Rinto slipped/baited I have not advocated for lynching Denja/Rinto despite finding the overall picture more scummy than not. You can say "But your sheep vote on Rinto!!!" and I'll point you to very quickly hopping off onto Wyndz.

In short please don't misrepresent my actions to paint me as scum. As PentaFlare showed in Stray Dogs you can paint me as scum while being 100% accurate in conveying my actions.

And to everyone else reading this I know I keep escalating when I repeatedly say I'm not going to and I'm sorry for that. But inside all my angst in this post there is a fair bit of content related to this game.
May 26, 2017 6:45 AM

Feb 2014
So logic was saved by "miracle" huh interesting.
May 26, 2017 6:48 AM

Dec 2016
DenjaX said:
CorruptedPurity said:

I'm glad that you can see where I am coming from and are more calm about the whole situation. I am completely fine with agreeing to disagreeing, what I didn't like was your hyper-aggressive stance in wanting to lynch anyone who participated in the flavorhunt. From my POV the flavorhunt was a very pro-town event as it could really net us some scum so for someone to be so against it seemed scummy to me, furthermore, you were one of the suspects of the flavorhunt, solidifying my read on you even more. I know the flavorhunt is flawed cos of what penta said, trust me I didn't know before I started it, I don't read the sign up threads for questions if I'm not pinged. But the results and reaction still points fingers at you. At the heat of the moment, your rash and snappy posts against me really frightened me, saying how you're about to blow up on me and such, thus I decided to try to pacify you but you seemed to take it personally so my only way of talking is waiting for you to relax and letting me write down my thoughts so we are on the same wavelength. Since you have taken time to listen to me, I shall give you the same treatment. Write about your defense, who you want to lynch and why. I'll promise to review it unbiasly, if I'm satisfied, I'll take my vote off of you and maybe even vote with you, but it must really make sense, not just a hunch here or there, cause I have strong evidence against you and Rinto. The topics I would like you to elaborate on during your defense is why were you so adamant on lynching those who flavourhunted (me, grape, aa) and why you didn't attack Rinto when he said zombified, but instead went along with it.
Alot of these points are so wrong. Since when is flavour hunting a town tell? It is obviously IIoA which is an active scum tell at best. You are tunnelling on Rinto to be scum slipping when it is obviously a bait similar to what Lamby did. Take a look again at his post about the zombified. He specifically mentioned grrr which I believe he wants to figure out his alignment and I am going to follow-up on that. Grrr did not bother with the bait so far. Rinto and I have info on why should we be suspicious about grrr and I want to get it done this phase.

Explain to my why it was so clearly a bait. Because rereading it now I cannot see how it was obvious. And if jumping on it is a scum tell what does that make using it?
May 26, 2017 6:51 AM

Dec 2014
Also, I know you wont listen to self meta but I'm slightly prone IIoA actions. Like how I tried to scare people with modkill potential during twins mafia, me making alot of set up talk during sailor moon mafia and to a much lesser extent, me abusing the plurality lynch system to get a win in prison mafia. I don't have many town games I can reference to as I usually die very early in town games, but for good examples, really read sailor moon mafia. I gues there's quite a lot of IIoA from me during castle panic (when I was still town) but the nature of the game was very IIoA dependent. I like mechanical and flavorful plays as they are usually more accurate than regular scumhunting when done right. Obviously I fucked up here but the thing is if I have the opportunity to try it again in future games, I still will (obviously I wont make the same mistake as now).
May 26, 2017 6:54 AM

Dec 2014

grrr said:
So logic was saved by "miracle" huh interesting.

Yo grrr, who's scum?
May 26, 2017 6:54 AM

Dec 2016
logic340 said:
@CorruptedPurity With all the questions you had to ask the host to make sure your plan was working right did asking if Mafia know town is Zombie never cross your mind? It didn't cross mine because I was thinking of behavior of players not mechanics.
So a big part if why I felt your flavor hunting was wrong and bad is what has been revealed here now (which I am being blamed for rolefishing) the fact that PR's might have different zombie names than the vanilla town. I also though if town is all zombies and scum aren't then they might know that town are the zombies. So when I saw Zombiefied from Rinto all it said to me was he thinks I might be town. You then proceed to say you caught me as scum with your flavor hunt because I didn't pick up on something I was sleeping for? So I would like you to look at this from my PoV.

You have a plan to catch scum but you caught town (me) with it?
I have to wonder if the other people you caught with this plan are actually town?
You clear people that picked up on what you were doing as town but from my PoV is you caught town then scum could be hiding in your town block?
I ask for the flavor gaming to stop because you are trying to exploit an unexploitable mechanic yet it continued on.
Rinto and i are at the bottom of everyone scum pile because mechanics that are flawed (proven now by everyone PM PentaFlare).
I got a huge scum read and 5 votes based off a flawed flavor exploitation? Wouldn't you be upset as well?

If you believe the bolded what were you trying to do by pushing Fo at the end of phase? I can get everything else from your POV (still fuzzy on how Rinto's bait/slip was so obviously town that when you quoted that post you wouldn't even react to that part, but putting that aside for now), but this makes no sense to me. It's a stark contradiction that is completely unreconciled at this stage.
May 26, 2017 6:56 AM

Jan 2010
grrr said:
So logic was saved by "miracle" huh interesting.
Right? Wish I was dead so the information would be helping town right now.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 26, 2017 6:56 AM

Jan 2010
Never wanted to be lynched before but I feel my death would have really helped town out.
Mafia or SK please kill me tonight
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 26, 2017 6:56 AM

Nov 2008
CorruptedPurity said:
Also, I know you wont listen to self meta but I'm slightly prone IIoA actions. Like how I tried to scare people with modkill potential during twins mafia, me making alot of set up talk during sailor moon mafia and to a much lesser extent, me abusing the plurality lynch system to get a win in prison mafia. I don't have many town games I can reference to as I usually die very early in town games, but for good examples, really read sailor moon mafia. I gues there's quite a lot of IIoA from me during castle panic (when I was still town) but the nature of the game was very IIoA dependent. I like mechanical and flavorful plays as they are usually more accurate than regular scumhunting when done right. Obviously I fucked up here but the thing is if I have the opportunity to try it again in future games, I still will (obviously I wont make the same mistake as now).
If you aren't aware, mechanical stuff is also my trade as well so I know what you are doing but I somehow see the difference of your approach here that is why I am trying to segregate you by analyzing people you interact with particularly aa-dono slot or wen. But it will be tough because it wasn't wen at that time... but ill still try anyways.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
May 26, 2017 6:58 AM

Nov 2008
logic340 said:
Never wanted to be lynched before but I feel my death would have really helped town out.
Mafia or SK please kill me tonight
you can afk so youd get modkilled. The host ran out of replacements.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
May 26, 2017 7:01 AM

Jan 2010
DenjaX said:
logic340 said:
Never wanted to be lynched before but I feel my death would have really helped town out.
Mafia or SK please kill me tonight
you can afk so youd get modkilled. The host ran out of replacements.
That might be the way I go. Like I just can't people can't get out of their tunnels and it's just going to keep costing town.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 26, 2017 7:02 AM

Dec 2016
@logic340 I took this quote from
logic said:
(psst...there was no zombie slip as I tried to tell you all for multiple pages)
to mean you didn't think there was a slip. Which [would imply you thought it was obvious there was a bait. There was a flavor play by Rinto that you quoted without reacting to before I spilled the beans. I want to know how you knew it was not worth responding to. That's what I was trying to get at.

You're right that the obviously town was me projecting. My bad.

Edit: This was in response to 961

Edit 2: Didn't respond to the Fo part because I dig into it more elsewhere.
Grapefruit21May 26, 2017 7:06 AM
May 26, 2017 7:04 AM

Nov 2008
logic340 said:
That might be the way I go. Like I just can't people can't get out of their tunnels and it's just going to keep costing town.
Don't do that. I believe you are good people so we can work on the segregation duties. I will protect you tonight.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
May 26, 2017 7:08 AM

Nov 2008
Grapefruit21 said:
Explain to my why it was so clearly a bait. Because rereading it now I cannot see how it was obvious. And if jumping on it is a scum tell what does that make using it?
It is a matter of perspective. Look at how Rinto never reacted to Lamby's claim because both of them are doing the same thing.

I don't understand your question. Can you rephrase it?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
May 26, 2017 7:11 AM

Nov 2008
Suzune-chan said:
Honestly, I feel off this game. Now I can tell myself all kinds of lies: it's because my role doesn't have any flavor so I can't slip in to the character, I'm focusing too much on it and let enjoying it lasts, I just feel not fired up about it I need to get my head in the game, just need to sit and think about it. However, I'm not sure any of that really fits it. The somewhat convenient lies I tell myself to excuse the fact that I just can't find anything. There's nothing interesting going on. And it doesn't even bother me that people are scum reading me for being off my game because I feel off my game. I really need to find a spark.

In my town pile i am currently looking at togs, logic, and corrupted purity as pretty strong reads.

Rinto is complicated because they have the bizarre claim that I almost want to call out because of the one shot self but seems foolheartedly to call out in host claim unless she made it up.

Lamby I called out early and the first one I held quite a bit of fire towards this game. I will probably hold into for a while because I was unable to sway people with the result not my investigations but I just get the feeling something is there.

As I was driving I began to ponder ruu and I will tell you what I get out of that.

Ask me questions.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
May 26, 2017 7:16 AM

Nov 2008
Grapefruit21 said:
logic340 said:
Here are my thoughts on Rinto's claim:
-In Fairy he made a really complex role claim. So while I know Rinto will do so when I look at the circumstances they are severly different. In FT he and Jack were facing lynch pressure so he made the claim to save Jack since he had the stronger ability.
-What advantage would Rinto gain as scum claiming Doctor there? Who was he protecting? It just makes no sense for him to do this as scum because it's just asking for the Rope.

Two responses to this since it isn't really a take but just questions. First Doctors get a ton of leeway because the role is so important for town. It can earn a ton of town cred. So that could be the scum motivation. But more importantly a town doctor should never ever ever out themselves if there is a possibility of a RB still. And even after it's super sketchy as scum can just kill you. So much more likely is it's a fake claim imo. And I can see both alignments making that sort of fake claim.

-There has been no sign or hint of a counter claim (imo).[/b]

And nor should there be. Outing the doc is not worth a lynch on D1 ever.
How about this? You lynch me if I lived too long. So other than that, let me do my job. It is true that a claimed doc gets a lot of leeway but you have to know that that leeway does not last forever because living too long is damn suspicious. But if mafia are going to let me live that long, then they are risking by playing chess with me. It is actually better than having a doc claim in late game because we no longer have many days to give a leeway. I personally don't agree with Rinto's claim game but I decided to roll with it.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
May 26, 2017 7:27 AM

Dec 2016
DenjaX said:
Grapefruit21 said:
Explain to my why it was so clearly a bait. Because rereading it now I cannot see how it was obvious. And if jumping on it is a scum tell what does that make using it?
It is a matter of perspective. Look at how Rinto never reacted to Lamby's claim because both of them are doing the same thing.

I don't understand your question. Can you rephrase it?

You said it was a scum tell for Purity to try and jump on Rinto's play my question is if it's scummy to react to it with a push given we were all forewarned that it was flavor breaking proofed why is it not scummy to bait the thread with flavor?

Trying to follow your logic chain here.

CP's push is scummy because it's opportunistically using flavor that can't be trusted
But Rinto attempting to catch scum using flavor that can't be trusted is not scummy

I'm really struggling to put ideas to text and need to sleep but do you see the issue I'm having Denja?

As for the former part of reacting to Lam-b I see that as proof that Rinto knew the flavor not as proof of motivation one way or another.
May 26, 2017 7:32 AM

Dec 2016
DenjaX said:
Grapefruit21 said:

Two responses to this since it isn't really a take but just questions. First Doctors get a ton of leeway because the role is so important for town. It can earn a ton of town cred. So that could be the scum motivation. But more importantly a town doctor should never ever ever out themselves if there is a possibility of a RB still. And even after it's super sketchy as scum can just kill you. So much more likely is it's a fake claim imo. And I can see both alignments making that sort of fake claim.

And nor should there be. Outing the doc is not worth a lynch on D1 ever.
How about this? You lynch me if I lived too long. So other than that, let me do my job. It is true that a claimed doc gets a lot of leeway but you have to know that that leeway does not last forever because living too long is damn suspicious. But if mafia are going to let me live that long, then they are risking by playing chess with me. It is actually better than having a doc claim in late game because we no longer have many days to give a leeway. I personally don't agree with Rinto's claim game but I decided to roll with it.

Isn't that pretty much what I was saying? Well except that I was announcing I think it's a fake claim but still want to treat it that way.
May 26, 2017 7:32 AM

Jan 2010
wen294 said:
@logic340 i know this sounds harsh but putting in more effort doesn't townclear you. As you said before you put in a lot of effort as scum as well. Some people simply don't want to invest so much time in the game either because that ruins the enjoyment for them (that's the case for me. Once i invest too much time in it, it starts feeling like an obligation to do instead of a game. Then i lose motivation) or because they simply don't have the time. You can't expect others to invest as much time into the game as you do. That said i do respect you for putting in so much time and effort.
Like I see where you are coming from but then it's like why sign up for the game if you aren't willing to invest in it? I am not expecting people to put in the effort as I do but at times it seems that people sign up for these games and give little to no effort which really hurts the high effort players.

wen294 said:

Also if you come to somebody with something. They explain it the best as they can it doesn't mean you believe it. This may feel like tunelling or just plain ignoring what the other person is saying, but in the end you simply can't believe any/everything and it's up to the person themselves to decide what they do and don't believe. Sometimes resulting in a player feeling like whatever they say getting ignored.
I am sure I have been guilty of this myself.

wen294 said:

2nd also, i don't come with you with things because other people scumread you. My own eyebrow raises at things and then i poke it. I don't bother commenting on this saying "oh this looks kinda town-y". That'd mostly be just filler and the thread would boom if everybody did that.
I know i'm kinda prone to tunelling but if i really didn't consider your posts after i formed an opinion you'd still be a scumread, and you're not. I might not spend as much time on reading and analyzing posts as you do but that doesn't mean i ignore them. I'm sure this goes for others as well.

Anyways i don't usually make these kind of posts but i do hope you get the message.
I do get what you are saying we are all different and approach this game in different ways. It's up to me, you, and everyone else to try and understand the various approaches and work with/around them. I'm going to try and take a step back and not respond to every post the moment i see them.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 26, 2017 7:35 AM

Dec 2014
logic340 said:
Like I see where you are coming from but then it's like why sign up for the game if you aren't willing to invest in it? I am not expecting people to put in the effort as I do but at times it seems that people sign up for these games and give little to no effort which really hurts the high effort players.

I guess you never played soloQ in any moba games.
May 26, 2017 7:42 AM

Dec 2013
logic340 said:
wen294 said:
@logic340 i know this sounds harsh but putting in more effort doesn't townclear you. As you said before you put in a lot of effort as scum as well. Some people simply don't want to invest so much time in the game either because that ruins the enjoyment for them (that's the case for me. Once i invest too much time in it, it starts feeling like an obligation to do instead of a game. Then i lose motivation) or because they simply don't have the time. You can't expect others to invest as much time into the game as you do. That said i do respect you for putting in so much time and effort.
Like I see where you are coming from but then it's like why sign up for the game if you aren't willing to invest in it? I am not expecting people to put in the effort as I do but at times it seems that people sign up for these games and give little to no effort which really hurts the high effort players.
Well there's a difference between putting in little to no effort and putting in ... ehm... 'medium' effort. I for one close to never do backreads, ISOs or the likes. Usually i still am reasonably active and i do try to contribute. Then you have some people *cough* AbuHeman *Cough* that only barely make the posting requirement and the posts they do make are short and don't really add much of anything. Now i do admit i get annoyed with those. One of the reasons why me voting Togs when he lurks has become a thing.

Anyways, point being: If you don't want to invest all that much time in the game and aim to be in the medium catagory then i'd say it's still worth to sign up.
When you're so inactive the host comes at your door, or you just kinda check in every now and then to see where the thread is going, now that's a different story.
May 26, 2017 7:44 AM

Nov 2008
Grapefruit21 said:
DenjaX said:
It is a matter of perspective. Look at how Rinto never reacted to Lamby's claim because both of them are doing the same thing.

I don't understand your question. Can you rephrase it?

You said it was a scum tell for Purity to try and jump on Rinto's play my question is if it's scummy to react to it with a push given we were all forewarned that it was flavor breaking proofed why is it not scummy to bait the thread with flavor?

Trying to follow your logic chain here.

CP's push is scummy because it's opportunistically using flavor that can't be trusted
But Rinto attempting to catch scum using flavor that can't be trusted is not scummy

I'm really struggling to put ideas to text and need to sleep but do you see the issue I'm having Denja?

As for the former part of reacting to Lam-b I see that as proof that Rinto knew the flavor not as proof of motivation one way or another.
Ok, I understand your point. There is a difference between CP and Rinto here and I am looking at their approaches. And like you already pointed out, CP sounded opportunistic which is scummy. I am not going to further defend Rinto here because he is no longer in the game to get our answers and I am more biased because I replaced his slot. Just take it however you want and I will respect that.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
May 26, 2017 7:51 AM

Aug 2014
DenjaX said:
logic340 said:
Never wanted to be lynched before but I feel my death would have really helped town out.
Mafia or SK please kill me tonight
you can afk so youd get modkilled. The host ran out of replacements.

This would make me both really dissapointed in a player if they did that, but I also have more replacements! I worked really hard to find them!
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
May 26, 2017 7:58 AM

Jan 2010
PentaFlare said:
DenjaX said:
you can afk so youd get modkilled. The host ran out of replacements.

This would make me both really dissapointed in a player if they did that, but I also have more replacements! I worked really hard to find them!
I made a commitment i will ride it out. I was emotional and just saying whatever. I in a better place today and pledge to make up for my early play as well as make things better moving forward.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 26, 2017 8:01 AM

Nov 2008
Grapefruit21 said:

Isn't that pretty much what I was saying? Well except that I was announcing I think it's a fake claim but still want to treat it that way.
Sure. But lynching Rinto Day 1 to resolve the issue? Can you imagine the repercussion if Rinto was telling the truth and got lynched for it? I can imagine responses when Rinto really got lynched by blaming him for his unprompted claim and whatsoever.

Logical play here is to buy the claim until the leeway expired or someone challenged or until he got killed early.

Regardless on your opinion about it, it is still pure bad play coming from you.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
May 26, 2017 8:01 AM

Jan 2010
CorruptedPurity said:
logic340 said:
Like I see where you are coming from but then it's like why sign up for the game if you aren't willing to invest in it? I am not expecting people to put in the effort as I do but at times it seems that people sign up for these games and give little to no effort which really hurts the high effort players.

I guess you never played soloQ in any moba games.
I have and it's something that hurt us really badly in Kitty mafia so I have made more of an effort to get in line the last few games. Castle Panic I jumped on grrr for his Priest claim but backed off and let him do his thing instead of lynching him over Ruu D1. In Strat Dog I found scum Lam but moved ended up lynching Lucian in an effort to work with town since they weren't feeling me on the Lam lynch. So yes I have played very solo but people like Shinichi have made me realize that I cannot go it alone it's a group effort.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 26, 2017 8:13 AM

Nov 2008
logic340 said:
Ruu said:

yeah is just that I saw the sanities and I always assumed that the doctor is a town role that gets bastardise (? making it an anti-town role within the town faction. Like I used anti-town doctors on my bastard game but they were town, that's why I didn't get why the doctor role could be part of the mafia.


I know is not very "townie" to bring up tpr but this time we got a sk so I think we should care about finding him. SK will most likely go after town read people because it's the easier way to achieve his wincon (if he hits mafia we will win before he can).
Any candidates? I got none unfortunately D:
The SK is a big part of the reason I feel that Rinto's claim makes sense given we know there can be two kills per night.
15 players to start means the setup is 11-3-1. This will be worst case scenario
Start of D2 - 8-3-1 if we mislynch D1, sk kills, mafia kills N1
Start of D3 - 5-3-1 if we mislynch D2, sk kills, mafia kills N2
There is no D4 - 2-3-1 if we mislynch D3, sk kills, mafia kills N3

So voting Rinto is not an option imo at this point. Thinking about it shows a scum+ mindset to me since we are facing 2 kills a night who wants to risk lynching the DR?
Is SK confirmed in the set-up?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
May 26, 2017 8:19 AM

Nov 2008
wen294 said:
Aand then one more from the same page in a seperate post because it caught my eye so much i want it to catch others' eyes as well. Somehow everybody completly ignored this:

Astros said:
Logic's aggression doesn't seem like a tell and if it is then a weak town one at that. The passive aggression of Grape at the start was more striking, but your misunderstanding of my not voting doesn't seem like an attempt to bus. Maybe a weak attempt to look for clues, but again nothing really damning.

Waaaait.... what?
You can only bus when you're both scum right? So isn't this basically you saying that you and him are scumbuddies? Is this really one of the worst slips i have ever seen in my life or am i misinterpreting something here?

Vote: Astros
Freakin' unproductive vote. Welcome to my tape.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
May 26, 2017 8:19 AM

Dec 2016
DenjaX said:
Grapefruit21 said:

Isn't that pretty much what I was saying? Well except that I was announcing I think it's a fake claim but still want to treat it that way.
Sure. But lynching Rinto Day 1 to resolve the issue? Can you imagine the repercussion if Rinto was telling the truth and got lynched for it? I can imagine responses when Rinto really got lynched by blaming him for his unprompted claim and whatsoever.

Logical play here is to buy the claim until the leeway expired or someone challenged or until he got killed early.

Regardless on your opinion about it, it is still pure bad play coming from you.

We're arguing, but we're saying the same thing...

I'm not going to dig it up tonight but I never advocated lynching Rinto (apart from the knee jerk reaction to the zombie post). I actually argued against it. On multiple occasions. Like I took exactly the approach you are describing.

As for your previous post to be clear I'm not trying to get you to say Rinto is scum I'm trying to say CorruptedPurity is town. I see both actions as having the same motivation. They are to me one and the same any alignment you can apply to one also applies to the other.
May 26, 2017 8:22 AM

Jan 2010
DenjaX said:
logic340 said:
The SK is a big part of the reason I feel that Rinto's claim makes sense given we know there can be two kills per night.
15 players to start means the setup is 11-3-1. This will be worst case scenario
Start of D2 - 8-3-1 if we mislynch D1, sk kills, mafia kills N1
Start of D3 - 5-3-1 if we mislynch D2, sk kills, mafia kills N2
There is no D4 - 2-3-1 if we mislynch D3, sk kills, mafia kills N3

So voting Rinto is not an option imo at this point. Thinking about it shows a scum+ mindset to me since we are facing 2 kills a night who wants to risk lynching the DR?
Is SK confirmed in the set-up?
Yes it is confirmed in the OP.
PentaFlare said:

Host: PentaFlare Co-Host: Shinichi-Kun Mod: Crossbell

Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 26, 2017 8:33 AM

Dec 2013
DenjaX said:
wen294 said:
Aand then one more from the same page in a seperate post because it caught my eye so much i want it to catch others' eyes as well. Somehow everybody completly ignored this:

Waaaait.... what?
You can only bus when you're both scum right? So isn't this basically you saying that you and him are scumbuddies? Is this really one of the worst slips i have ever seen in my life or am i misinterpreting something here?

Vote: Astros
Freakin' unproductive vote. Welcome to my tape.

I don't wanna be on your sextape tyvm.
May 26, 2017 8:40 AM

Nov 2008
Grapefruit21 said:
DenjaX said:
Sure. But lynching Rinto Day 1 to resolve the issue? Can you imagine the repercussion if Rinto was telling the truth and got lynched for it? I can imagine responses when Rinto really got lynched by blaming him for his unprompted claim and whatsoever.

Logical play here is to buy the claim until the leeway expired or someone challenged or until he got killed early.

Regardless on your opinion about it, it is still pure bad play coming from you.

We're arguing, but we're saying the same thing...

I'm not going to dig it up tonight but I never advocated lynching Rinto (apart from the knee jerk reaction to the zombie post). I actually argued against it. On multiple occasions. Like I took exactly the approach you are describing.

As for your previous post to be clear I'm not trying to get you to say Rinto is scum I'm trying to say CorruptedPurity is town. I see both actions as having the same motivation. They are to me one and the same any alignment you can apply to one also applies to the other.
Oh really? I am still on page 14 so I am gonna read more about the change of your insights. Atm, I can see you wanting to get rid of Rinto.

logic340 said:
Yes it is confirmed in the OP.
Wow thanks for bringing up. I did not even notice xDD Also, by the way it worded for SK win condition, I suppose it is safe to assume that SK is bulletproof.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
May 26, 2017 9:15 AM

Nov 2008
logic340 said:
I'm jusy a zombie villager
I am highlighting this because this is the first time in this game that I saw a particular flavour for vanilla townies so every VT should know when this claim is BS. Might be useful later.

I am PR so I wont know~ muehehe

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
May 26, 2017 9:24 AM

Nov 2008
Also the lack of vote counts is killing me

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
May 26, 2017 9:26 AM

Nov 2008
logic340 said:
We have a very big scum team.
4 mafia is plausible due to SK on the midst. Also there are 4 main characters in the theme.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
May 26, 2017 9:36 AM

Dec 2014
logic340 said:
CorruptedPurity said:

I guess you never played soloQ in any moba games.
I have and it's something that hurt us really badly in Kitty mafia so I have made more of an effort to get in line the last few games. Castle Panic I jumped on grrr for his Priest claim but backed off and let him do his thing instead of lynching him over Ruu D1. In Strat Dog I found scum Lam but moved ended up lynching Lucian in an effort to work with town since they weren't feeling me on the Lam lynch. So yes I have played very solo but people like Shinichi have made me realize that I cannot go it alone it's a group effort.

Dude... Your misinterpreting me by alot. I quoted the post where you're frustrated that some inactive players are ruining the game for high effort players like yourself. I just jestily compared it to playing soloq in a moba game (Think League of Legends or Dota2) whereby no matter how hard you try and how serious you get, your team is always full of feeders and useless shit that you have to carry. Your mindset is exactly like that and I thought it was funny. If you don't understand, u can ask someone who plays league, like Doki or something.
May 26, 2017 9:44 AM

Nov 2008
OK I am lynching grrr first thing in the morning. He is being dodgy and only talks to girls.

I need a tribute representative to communicate to him for me. Requirement: you better be not a trap.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
May 26, 2017 10:01 AM

Aug 2014
DenjaX said:
and only talks to girls.

This is my new favourite reason for a vote ever.
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
May 26, 2017 10:10 AM
Jul 2018
I completely lost hope and interest to catch up with all these posts, @PentaFlare can you replace me please?
May 26, 2017 10:14 AM

Jan 2010
CorruptedPurity said:
logic340 said:
I have and it's something that hurt us really badly in Kitty mafia so I have made more of an effort to get in line the last few games. Castle Panic I jumped on grrr for his Priest claim but backed off and let him do his thing instead of lynching him over Ruu D1. In Strat Dog I found scum Lam but moved ended up lynching Lucian in an effort to work with town since they weren't feeling me on the Lam lynch. So yes I have played very solo but people like Shinichi have made me realize that I cannot go it alone it's a group effort.

Dude... Your misinterpreting me by alot. I quoted the post where you're frustrated that some inactive players are ruining the game for high effort players like yourself. I just jestily compared it to playing soloq in a moba game (Think League of Legends or Dota2) whereby no matter how hard you try and how serious you get, your team is always full of feeders and useless shit that you have to carry. Your mindset is exactly like that and I thought it was funny. If you don't understand, u can ask someone who plays league, like Doki or something.
Oh ok....i don't play LoL or DOTA or anything like that so i didn't get the analogy sorry about that.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 26, 2017 10:14 AM

Nov 2008
I finally caught up. Rankings (scummiest to towniest):

DenjaX (best town)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
May 26, 2017 10:27 AM

Jan 2010
At this point I am assuming @Fo showed up before phase change to ensure that a mislynch would go through? I am making this assumption because he left before the phase ended without pushing a case on me other than to say "logic is scum" which just isn't the case. Also I would like for you to explain how I went from being townie to someone you would vote for? The interactions you quoted with dono isn't enough to let me see why that took all the pro-town early game stuff you saw and made it null? I would also like reads on Abu and Wyndz as you keep saying you are scum reading them but it's for activity which is one of the weakest reads.

@Grapefruit21 I seem to remember you said my interactions with aa-dono is a gold mine of scumminess could you please reference where I was being scum during that interactions?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 26, 2017 10:34 AM

Aug 2014
@Laby-Gaga has replaced @Grapefruit21, just when you thought you had gotten rid of him for good!
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
May 26, 2017 10:39 AM

Aug 2014
AbuHumaid said:
I completely lost hope and interest to catch up with all these posts, @PentaFlare can you replace me please?

Okie dokie
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
May 26, 2017 10:43 AM

Aug 2014
@yurkin has replaced @AbuHumaid. And they just keep coming and they don't stop coming...
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
May 26, 2017 10:45 AM

Jan 2010
Fo said:
logic340 said:
How did we move from this to logic is scum?
A lot can happen in 400 posts mate
Obviously but I specifically asked you what changed you didn't give an answer? Like what part of that is townie or should I feel is townie in the way you handled E0D1?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

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